Aka Elixir salutis.
A specific, invented by Rev Thomas Daffy [16??-1680], Vicar of
Redmile in Leicestershire, which was popular in the 18th century as a
remedy for coughs and colds in children.
It consisted of senna and was commonly mixed with gin.
The word daffy became a slang term for gin
A fine, lustrous cloth made of linen, cotton or wool, and with a
woven pattern which is designed with flat patterns and a satin weave
to catch and reflect the light.
Originally made of silk, it came from China via Damascus, and
is one of the oldest and most popular fabrics to be found today.
From around 1840, the design was produced on Jacquard looms.
All-wool damask was made in Halifax and Ovenden.
Akroyd's records show that they produced the fabric in 1824.
H. C. McCrea made his fortune from manufacturing the cloth.
Damask of mohair and alpaca was made in Bradford.
Damask of coloured cotton and wool was made in Barnsley.
Figured cloth
All-wool damask was made in Halifax and Ovenden.
In the early 19th century, several mills moved from wool and cotton
production to damask.
In 1827, Akroyd's bought a Jacquard loom for the production
of damask, but this did not work successfully.
Henry Charles McCrea,
Silk industry and
John Wilson
A conditioning process used in cloth-making in which woollen
cloth is wetted between two layers of fabric which have been soaked
in water
A 10th century tax imposed to defend Britain against the Danes, or to
buy them off.
The area of northern and eastern England which was under the
administrative control of the Danes from the late 9th century.
It was roughly the area to the north and east of a line drawn between
London and Chester
Domesday Book,
Finkel Street,
Patronymic surnames and
Dardanelles / Gallipoli Campaign | Ref 1-1198 |
A campaign in the Gallipoli peninsula of Turkey [between 25th April
1915 & 9th January 1916].
The Allied powers – Russia, Britain & France – launches a naval
attack and amphibious landing with the intention of capturing the
Ottoman capital, Constantinople [Istanbul].
After 8 months of fighting, the land campaign was abandoned and the
Allies withdrew to Egypt.
Suvla Bay
A group of people – such as those at Heptonstall and Crimsworth Dean – who followed William Darney.
Around 1740, Darney returned to Scotland, leaving the Societies in
William Grimshaw's care
A large hollow drum – divided into 4 compartments – which rotated
backwards and forwards and was used for washing cloth
Many 16th and 17th century houses have a stone or plaque with the
year and the initials of the owner – and his wife – set into the
stone work.
This may be over a door, or over a chimney breast.
This does not always indicate when the house was built, but it may
record when the owner carried out work on the building, or it may
commemorate the owner's marriage, or some other significant event.
Dates of some local buildings
The word was often used to mean daughter-in-law
Aka Day 'oyle.
A local name for a drift mine
Day labour with wages paid on a day-by-day basis
A mortuary, room or building where bodies were kept prior to burial,
as at a workhouse
Dead Man's Penny | Ref 1-1205 |
Aka Death Penny.
A Memorial plaque – about 5 inches in diameter – which was given to
the family of those who had been killed in World War I.
These were frequently fixed to gravestones, and examples can still
found, such as those of
Capital punishment had long been handed out for many crimes – see
Gibbet Law.
In 1823, the death penalty in Britain was dropped for over 100 crimes
and offences.
The situation in the armed services is different.
Death penalty in World War I.
On 6th December 1969, the House of Commons abolished the death
penalty for murder.
In 1971, the death penalty was abolished for anyone committing arson
at a Royal Navy shipyard or harbour.
In 1999, the death penalty was abolished for all crimes.
Debtors' prison | Ref 1-1841 |
A prison for the detention of people who owe money.
There were often privately-run, profit-making concerns.
The inmates were allowed visitors and had to pay for their keep.
These were abolished in 1869.
Hanson Lane gaol,
Illingworth Gaol and
Decay of Towns & Houses, Act against the [1597] | Ref 1-2398 |
Passed to tackle the growing poverty and social distress after many
people were dying in the street from want and neglect
In 1971, the old pounds, shilling and pence currency in Britain was
replaced by the decimal pounds and pence system.
Many old coins were discontinued at the same time
A 10% tax on income from land imposed by Parliament on Royalists
and Royalist supporters in 1655.
This tax was often imposed posthumously.
Several local men had to pay the tax, including
William Blythman,
Richard Brighouse,
Matthew Brodley,
Bryan Cooke,
John Crossley,
Captain Nathan Drake,
Rev Samuel Drake,
Edward Fox,
Anthony Foxcroft,
Colonel Sir Richard Hutton,
Bishop John Lake,
Tobias Law,
Dr Richard Marsh,
James Murgatroyd,
Rev Jonathan Schofield,
Abraham Sunderland,
Captain Langdale Sunderland,
George Wentworth,
Sir George Wentworth and
Joshua Whitley
Declaration of Indulgence | Ref 1-2420 |
Permitted freedom of worship and allowed for the cancellation of all
penal legislation against and Catholics.
Act of Toleration
A document which transfers ownership and title of property.
The West Riding register of deeds opened in Wakefield in 1704.
Title deed
Deer park and
Parks for breeding and hunting deer were known at the time of the
Norman Conquest.
Most were created in the 12th/13th century, but they declined until
revived in the 17th century.
Such parks were enclosed by pales and palisades, banks and ditches.
Red deer, roe deer, and fallow deer were kept in
the parks.
Emparking and
Erringden Park
Defence of the Realm Act [1914] | Ref 1-D2 |
This was introduced in August 1914 and granted emergency powers which
gave the Government greater control over civilian life
during World War I.
It allowed the government to requisition raw materials, to control
labour, and to censor foreign correspondence.
It was superseded by the Emergency Powers Act [1920]
A term used in mediæval documents meaning
- the seller
- someone who withholds or restrains possession from the rightful
owner of an estate or property
- someone who is wrongly fined
This & associated entries use material contributed by Joanne Backhouse
Aka delf or delvers.
Element used in place names, the word means a quarry
and – like the verb delve – comes from the Old English
word delfan, to dig.
The word is also used to refer to a drain behind a dyke or embankment
on the landward side of a canal
To dig or burrow.
A delver is anyone whose work involves digging, and may
include coal-miners and quarry-workers.
Many local pubs have names such as Delvers' Arms
because the catered for these workers.
The word is frequently encountered in local place names, and – like
the noun delph – the word comes from the Anglo-Saxon
word delfan [to dig]
A manorial home farm.
That portion of a village's fields which were used solely by – or
for – the lord of the manor and not occupied permanently by tenants.
The land was worked by peasants as a part of their obligations to the
Ancient demesne,
High farming and
To convey by will or lease an estate either in fee or for a
specified period
Demonstration Parade | Ref 1-893 |
A demonstration is a procession, typically as a fund-raising
Brighouse Friendly Societies & Trade Parade,
Brighouse Hospital Demonstration Parade,
Infirmary Demonstration and
Mytholmroyd Demonstration
Also dene.
Old English element used in place names – such as
- and in the
surname Sugden
- and means a valley.
The Old English element denn was a woodland pasture – often
for pigs
A Roman silver coin.
The name means ten asses, a smaller value coin.
Denier and
Also Den.
This Old English element used in place names and means
a valley
A small silver coin used in France and western Europe from the 8th to
the 19th centuries.
Denier and
A unit of measurement for measuring the weight per unit length of a
fine silk, rayon, or nylon yarn or filament.
It is the weight in grammes of 9000 metres of the yarn.
The name was the name of a Roman coin and comes from the Old French /
Middle English form of the Latin denarius
A foreign person who received British citizenship by royal letters
They were not allowed to inherit or hold public office
A reed wire and the space between adjacent wires
Any instrument – animate or inanimate – which brings about the death
of a person.
Until 1862, this could be forfeited to the Crown for charitable
Someone who makes a written or oral statement on oath in connection
with a legal case
Deputy Lieutenant | Ref 1-1075 |
Abbr: DL.
The Deputy to the Lord Lieutenant of a county.
At least 20 Deputy Lieutenants are appointed for each county
by the Lord Lieutenant for the county, and the appointments are
subject to the sovereign's approval.
In order to be eligible for selection, the Deputy Lieutenant must be
a peer of the realm and must have a place of residence within the
county, or he must hold an estate in the United Kingdom, or he must
have a specified annual income, or he must be the heir-apparent of
such a person.
Except when he is standing in for the absent Lord Lieutenant, the
duties of the office are nominal, and may include the swearing-in of
military recruits in the county.
Deputy Lieutenant for the West Riding
A system introduced in autumn 1915, by
Lord Kitchener
and Edward Stanley, 17th Earl of Derby, to meet British
military needs by requiring all men aged 18 to 41 years-old (who were
not in a reserved occupation) to make a public declaration and join
the armed services.
Many such men volunteered, others waited to be called by the local
Parliamentary Recruiting Committee
Anyone – such as your children, grandchildren, and
great-grandchildren – to whom you are an ancestor
Alternative form of Demesne
A machine used for tearing rags and processing cotton waste.
A deviller was someone who operated the machine
A stylised arrow / heart-shaped symbol used on several local
buildings from the 17th century.
These were ritual symbols to frighten evil spirits and ward off bad
The practice of ringing the church bell at midnight on
Christmas Eve
A gift of real property by the will of the donor.
A devisee is the person receiving a devise, and
the devisor is the person giving the devise in his/her will
A conditioning process used in cloth-making in which fabric is
sprayed with a very fine mist of water
An heraldic term meaning the right side of a coat of arms,
from the bearer's point of view (that is, on the left as it is
Diachylon plaster | Ref 1-D1 |
A medical dressing made from lead oxide, olive oil and water
A fustian cloth
Aka Profluvium.
A viral infection or irritation of the intestines, resulting in
frequent or excessive action of the bowels so that the faeces are
liquid or semi-liquid.
During the 19th century it was the third biggest killer, and today it
is the biggest killer of children in the world with an estimated
4·5 million children dying each year in Third World countries.
The name cholera was also used to describe incidences of the disease
There was a duty on dice from 1711 to 1862
Dig for Victory | Ref 1-1927 |
A government slogan to encourage people to grow what food they
could – in their own gardens and allotments – to cope with the
shortages during World War II.
The campaign was launched in October 1939 when Rob Hudson, Minister
for Agriculture, said on the radio:
We want not only the big man with the plough but the little man with
the spade to get busy this autumn.
Let Dig for Victory be the motto of everyone with a garden
It began at a time when farmers could only produce 30% of the
country's food, and by 1945, around 75% of food was produced in
Adverts featuring cartoon characters Potato Pete and Dr
Carrot encouraged people to eat home-grown vegetables.
People were also encouraged to keep chickens for a supply of eggs.
By 1945, there were around 1,250,000 people tending 12,000,000 hens.
Pig Club and
Savile Park
A unit of length equal to the width of a man's finger.
A 28th part of a cubit
Diminishing the coin | Ref 1-2722 |
A term used to describe the clipping of coins
A light cotton fabric used for children's clothes, dresses, blouses,
bedspreads, curtains, and underwear
Coin issued by Offa in 774.
A cheap candle made by dipping a wick into tallow
Aka Bladder in the throat.
An acute and highly contagious disease of children in which a thick
grey membrane forms across the air passage, making it difficult for
the child to breathe.
This caused fever and severely weakened the heart, often resulting
in death.
It was common until the 20th century.
Occurs in winter.
Arthur Nussey
Foldout collects the entries for some of the
diseases and industrial diseases which are mentioned on
the Calderdale Companion
Many charitable groups set up a dispensary to provide free medical
treatment to the poor in he 18th/19th century.
The Halifax dispensary was built in 1807 and originally situated near
Halifax Parish Church.
Every physician had to be a graduate of Oxford, Cambridge, Dublin,
Edinburgh, or Glasgow.
Surgical wards opened in 1823 and were extended in 1827.
When it outgrew that building, the new Halifax Infirmary & Dispensary was opened in 1838
The dispossession of land, or wrongfully depriving someone of the
lawful seisin of lands.
Dissolution of the Monasteries | Ref 1-405 |
Between 1536 and 1541, Henry VIII closed the monasteries in
Britain and confiscated their property.
Priory of Lewes,
Pilgrimage of Grace and
Three Nuns, Mirfield
Aka Rock.
The cleft stick about 3 feet in length which holds the wool which is
drawn off by the spindle during spinning.
The distaff was used before the spinning wheel was introduced in
the Tudor period.
The task was often performed by women, hence the term distaff
side meaning the female line of a family
The word was used as a general term for any illness or disorder.
There was an epidemic in Halifax, Leeds, York, Hull and other places
December 1675.
It is now used for a number of infectious animal
diseases – especially in dogs – which have symptoms such as catarrh,
cough, and general weakness.
Jolly Rant
To seize someone's goods and possessions until they answer a charge.
Action often taken against debtors.
Distraint of Knighthood | Ref 1-1200 |
Henry III required freeholders with land / estates worth
£20 or more per annum to take up knighthoods.
Further legislation was introduced by Charles I in 1630, in an
attempt to raise revenue outside Parliament, and forced the English
nobility to contribute large sums of money to the Crown.
This was imposed on anyone not turning up to Charles I's
Aka Dobby loom, Witch loom.
A loom which allowed the weaver to incorporate designs – such as
motifs and flowers – into the cloth.
A dobby is a pattern.
These were used to produce birds-eye cloth.
The loom was introduced in the early 19th century, and was superseded
by the Jacquard loom
A device attached to a loom to select and raise individual warp
threads in order to make the pattern for weaving.
Some could weave patterns of up to 160 threads.
It was known as a witch or witch engine in other parts
of the country.
Dobbie loom and
Drum witch
A stupid boggart
Doctors & Physicians | Ref 1-D35 |
The Foldout
collects the entries for some
apothecaries and
with links to the district
To remove a filled bobbin or cheese from a machine, and replacing
it with an empty one.
This work is done by a doffer
The hottest time of the year – 3rd July to 11th
August – when Sirius, the dog star, rose at the same time as
the sun
Food, money, or clothing – given by local benefactors – which were
distributed to the needy by the church after the Dissolution of the Monasteries.
The word was also used in the names of charitable causes.
In some cases, the gifts were made over the grave of the founder of
the charity, and were associated with chantries.
Armytage dole and
Dole cupboard
A share of the common land, or a strip of meadow land, as distinct
from the ploughed selion
A cupboard or a shelf where bread and other food was placed as
dole for the poor of the parish.
This was done at special festivals and after the Sunday service
Coin worth 60d = 5/-d introduced in 1804 by George III.
He had issued the half dollar coin worth 4s/9d in 1797.
The name comes from the German Taler, which is short
for Joachimstaler, a coin from the silver mine of Joachimstal,
which is now Jáchymov in the Czech Republic
When the Normans ruled Britain after the Battle of
Hastings, William the Conqueror ordered that
an Inquest be carried out to assess the loyalty of the Saxons
in any future wars with the Danes and to enable the king to estimate
the power of his vassal barons.
The results were compiled into the Domesday Book [1086].
Population statistics
The production of cloth by small manufacturers working from their own
homes and farms.
This was recorded in the 14th century but predominantly in the period
Home production required minimal capital outlay, and there were
plentiful resources – raw materials, water, and manpower.
The whole family were involved in the process.
This was the forerunner of the woollen industry in the area.
The Piece Hall was established to provide a market place for such
In a great many cases, there was a dual economy, with the
whole family working full time on the cloth production, except at
sowing, harvest and other times when farming was busiest.
Although the Industrial Revolution and the introduction of water
power changed the general pattern of working, by 1856, only half of
those working in the woollen industry were employed in factories.
Pack house,
Taking-in and
Yeoman clothier
A type of wool from Russia.
Sir Titus Salt pioneered a method of processing the material
A judgement, decision, law or ordinance in Old English England
With the Calendar Reform of 1752, England changed from the old
style which used the Julian calendar to the new
style which used Gregorian calendar, and also moved the
beginning of the year from 25th March to 1st January.
For this reason, dates often quote the year in both forms for
dates between 1st January and 24th March for years
before 1752 – for example February 12th 1719/20 – this
is known as double-dating
Double-decker house | Ref 1-14 |
Another name for top-and-bottom houses
A combing process used in cloth-making which twists together two
single yarns to produce a thicker double yarn.
The work was done by a doubler
A former gold coin of Spain and Spanish America.
Foreign coins
Aka Columbarium.
A place for keeping pigeons.
This may take the form of a free-standing structure, or it may be
built into the wall of a house with a set of external holes to allow
the birds to enter.
The birds could be reached from inside the house.
Many local houses – such as
- had these in the roof or attic space to provide food for the
family, and were valued for their meat, eggs, feathers, down and dung.
In April 2004, the Mayoress opened a dovecote in Halifax Bus Station.
The dovecote, on 15 ft high pole, will allow the birds' eggs to be
removed, thus reducing the pigeon population in the town
The rights of a widow – during her lifetime – to a portion (typically
one-third) of her late husband's estate for her sustenance and the
education of her children.
Also the daughter's share of an inheritance.
Dower House and
A house built for the widow of the lord of the manor after the heir
had inherited the title and the manor.
Wood Cottage, Todmorden
The land, money, goods, and/or personal property which is brought by
a bride to her husband on their marriage.
Also dram.
A unit of weight equal to 1/8th or 1/16th of an ounce =
1·772 grams.
Ounce apothecaries
An artificial channel – or leat – to drain the water off moorland
and direct it to a stream or reservoir.
The element is used in several local names – such as
Broadhead Drain
Warland Drain.
A loom with an automatic bobbin changer which discards an empty
bobbin and replaces it with a full bobbin
A weaver's assistant who stood at the side of the loom
and, by means of gearing and harness, raised the correct
healds at the right moment.
The cloth produced in this manner was known as drawboy.
This was a forerunner of the technique which was mechanised in the
Jacquard loom
Draw, hang & quarter | Ref 1-D8 |
A punishment in which the victim was dragged on a hurdle to the
gallows, hanged, cut down and then cut into pieces which were exposed
at different locations
A rebate which cloth manufacturers could claim from a tax on soap in
the 19th century
Aka Drafting.
A process used in cloth-making in which slivers are blended,
levelled and then drawn, reducing the fibres to a single fine
sliver – known as roving – which is suitable for making into yarn
Also dring.
A free, prosperous farmer before the Norman Conquest.
The name usually implies that land is held in return for military
The word comes from the Norse and is found in place names in some
parts of Yorkshire and Lancashire
The process of starching or sizing the warp to strengthen it for
The name is also used for the process of mozing or brushing the
finished cloth to raise the nap.
This stage was mechanised by the gig mill.
An open coal mine which is cut into the side of a hill.
Local names for these include Breast 'ees, Light hole pits Day hole pits
A durable fustian cloth made of cotton.
The cloth is used for uniforms, work clothes, slip covers,
sportswear, and industrial uses
The fat which drips from meat during roasting, was collected and used
in further cooking – notably in the making of fish and chips – and
also as a savoury alternative to butter on toast or bread.
John Marshall Sykes
Ancient Order of Druids,
Druids' Arms, Greetland,
Druids' Arms, Halifax,
Society of Druids and
United Order of Druids
A mechanised witch which could weave patterns of about 40
A wall constructed from selected stones and assembled without
They were first used in the 16th and 17th century with the
introduction of enclosures as assarting depleted the supply of
hedges and timber for fences.
The stones used in constructing the walls were originally collected
as the land was cleared for the fields.
Large stones are used to create the foundation for the wall, then 2
vertical faces are raised – leaning inwards – and the 2 faces are
joined at intervals by a through-stone to strengthen and
stabilise the structure.
Small stones – pinners – are used to steady large stones and
stop them rocking.
The cavity between the 2 side faces are filled with small stones and
The whole is then finished with a row of single top-stones.
Most of the enclosed land was walled by around 1850.
Cripple Hole
During the cloth-making process, the wool was dried in the
open-air, and cloth was dried in the open-air on tenter hooks or by
Later, air-drying was carried out in ventilated buildings, and from
the early 19th century by heat in a heated dryhouse, or in a heated
For economic reasons, natural drying on tenters continued to be used
into the industrial era
Purpose-built houses for drying cloth.
Some examples were at Old Lane, Boothtown
Many farmers supplemented their income from pastoral and
arable farming by the domestic system of manufacturing
cloth in their own homes and farms.
This meant that, in winter – when the weather and other factors made
farming less productive, then the worker could turn his hand to cloth
production – or – in summer – when dried up streams brought machinery
to a stand-still, then the worker could turn his hand to the land.
In the stone quarrying and coal mining areas of the district,
particularly in the hillier areas where farming was less common, a
form of dual economy was practised as small-scale stone
delving and cloth making, or small-scale coal mining and cloth making.
In some cases, the non-farming activities included brewing.
Cornelius Ashworth was one of the last people able to make a living
from the dual economy.
Fulling mills and
Yorkshire Trade
A gold coin used in many European countries, so called because of the
portrait of the doge depicted on one side.
Foreign coins
Aka erroneously as the cucking stool.
A chair fixed to the end of a pole which was raised and lowered into
water as a form of punishment.
It was used to punish people such as
scolds [nagging women],
persistent drunks,
brewers of bad ale.
A twin-seater version was used to punish quarrelling married couples.
Locally, they are recorded at
Sowerby Bridge,
A stage in the cloth-making process – aka willeying – when the
dried wool – or other raw material – was beaten to remove dust, to
disentangle the material, to open matted locks, and to blend the
staples into a consistent material.
A worker who did this was known as
a duler,
a devil minder,
a devil worker,
a tuler,
a tueler,
and used a dule machine.
In the mid-19th century, a number of mill fires were recorded as
having started in the dule room.
This & associated entries use material contributed by Stan Mapstone
A wooden vessel used on the canals.
These were steered with a tiller and hauled by a horse on
the towpath.
Horse marine
A coarse woollen cloth.
Records for Akroyd's mill show that they produced the fabric
in 1811
In the 17th and 18th centuries, there was a series of wars between
the English and the Dutch over shipping and trade routes
Aka Lithairse.
A factory – or a part of a factory – where cloth was dyed
Dye works and
In the early domestic system, much of the cloth was plain and
Later, the wool was dyed between washing and weaving to produce
coloured and patterned cloth.
From around 1850, dyeing became a significant industry in and around
Hebden Bridge.
There was also dyeing at Brookfoot.
The water in the area was said to be good and in sufficient
quantities which made it suitable for use in the dyeing process.
Lister surname,
Autumn crocus,
Blackburn & Sutcliffe,
John Bottomley,
Bradford Dyers' Association,
Calderside Mill, Hebden Bridge,
Dan Crabtree & Sons,
James Davis & Sons Limited,
Dye works,
English Velvet & Cord Dyers' Association Limited,
Halifax Dyeing Company,
Halifax Legs,
Hebden Dyeing Company,
Helliwell & Ingham,
Isaac Holmes,
Robert Nellson,
Norland Moor Farm,
Purple dye,
Joseph Richardson,
Thomas Riley,
Slubbing dyeing,
Turkey red,
Wainhouse Tower, Halifax,
Geppe Walker,
Nelle Walker,
Walshaw, Drake & Company Limited,
Nathaniel Waterhouse and
Masher /
Dynastic marriages | Ref 1-560 |
Aka Flux, Lask.
An inflammation of the large intestine causing pain and loss of blood.
The disease is transmitted by unclean drinking water.
It was common until the 20th century