Aka Jubilee Street Wesleyan Methodist Chapel.
Opened in 18??.
It was an imposing building towering over Swan Bank.
Caddy Field Wesleyan Methodist Chapel Ref 5-182
Ministers at the Chapel have included
Closed in 19??.
In 1967, it was converted to a warehouse.
The graveyard was used until 1969.
In 1993, about 1,200 graves were exhumed and moved to another site.
Question: Does anyone know any details of the graves, or to which site the graves were moved?
Apartments – known as Caddy Field Flats – were built on the site
See Caddy Field Wesleyan Methodist Chapel Memorial / Wesleyan Methodist
This & associated entries use material contributed by Bill Harley
They later met at St Mary's Community Centre.
In October 1995, they bought the Park Road Baths building and
refurbished it for their church.
The first phase was completed in December 1997.
In 2001, the second phase was completed, and the baths were converted
into the Calderdale Community Church.
It is now known as King's Church
Blackley Baptist Graveyard
Opened in 1859.
A new church was built in 1906 because the old chapel was demolished
when the railway line was widened.
A new organ was inaugurated on 25th August 1909.
Jeremiah Crossley /
Edgar Halstead
The Chapel opened in 1832.
They held their first anniversary at the Rose & Crown, Todmorden.
The corner stone for a new chapel was laid by Abraham Binns in 1887
Closed 19??
In February 2010, proposals were announced to expand the facilities
at the mosque.
Century Works, Halifax /
Islamic Education Centre, Halifax
Around 1850, the site was acquired for a New Connexion chapel.
A subscription was begun in 1902 to raise the money.
The new Church was built in 1905 in the Arts & Crafts
Perpendicular style by John Wills & Son of Derby.
It was a successor to Bethel Chapel, Brighouse.
The School opened in March 1906 and the
Church was opened on 2nd March 1907 by the Lord Mayor of Leeds.
The Church cost £10,000.
It was the home of the New Connexion methodists when they
moved from 22 Bethel Street.
The Church contains work by Harry Percy Jackson.
On 4th October 1913, a new organ and memorial stained glass windows
were unveiled.
In 19??, the School and the Church were combined into one building
In 1982, the congregations from several local chapels including
Lane Head Methodists,
Thornhill Briggs Methodist,
Park Chapel,
joined that of the Central Methodist Church.
December 1985,
fire destroyed part of the roof, the organ and furnishings.
Services were held in the Sunday School whilst the Church was restored
Central Methodist Church, Brighouse War Memorials /
Clifford Riley
Bridge chantry /
Chantry /
Holdsworth Chapel, Halifax Parish Church /
St Nicholas's Chapel, Elland parish Church /
Petty School /
Rokeby Chapel, Halifax Parish Church /
St John the Baptist's Chapel, Elland parish Church /
Willeby Chapel, Halifax Parish Church
In later medieval times, unlike a church, a chapel did not have
burial rights, a priest, a parish boundary or the right to collect
The word is also used for a Nonconformist place of worship.
Chantry chapel and
Lady Chapel
Trustees of the meeting house were
Services were held here until Square Chapel was built.
The Chapel closed, between 1547 and 1549, when all free
chapels were confiscated by the Crown.
Lacey's Chapel, Southowram appears on a list of
The church reopened, but closed once more for lack of
maintenance in 1602.
It was renovated in 1630.
In the 17th century, Rev Christopher Taylor was minister here
before leaving his living to become a Quaker.
In 1816, the Chapel was superseded by the new St Anne's in the Grove Church which was nearer to the village.
The font from the old chapel was taken to the new church
In mediæval times, these were for worship only, and burials could
only take place at the parish church.
Even when burials could be made at the chapels, the people must go to
the parish church to take communion and to get married.
In 1695, Camden tells of 11 such chapels in Halifax.
Surviving examples include those at:
Elland Church and Heptonstall Church
had parochial rights.
The priests at the chapels were paid by the Vicar of Halifax.
Parochial rights
Some local examples include
Beechroyd Chapel of Rest, Sowerby Bridge,
Clare Road Chapel of Rest, Halifax,
The Funeral Home, Halifax,
Gibbet Street Chapel of Rest, Halifax,
Lightcliffe Road Chapel of Rest, Brighouse,
Providence Congregational Church, Elland,
Saint George's Chapel of Rest,
Saint John's Chapel of Rest, Rastrick and
Turner Chapel of Rest, Bell Hall
Some differences between such Chapels and Anglican or Roman Catholic
Churches are:
On 5th June 1866, a new chapel was opened to supersede the earlier
Elland Unitarian Chapel.
The Chapel closed in 1911
This & associated entries use material contributed by Ann Murray
Barkisland Vicarage /
Christ Church, Barkisland War Memorial /
Christ Church, Barkisland Graveyard /
Henry Gaukroger
This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom
This & associated entries use material contributed by Glynn Helliwell
Some of the monumental inscriptions in the graveyard are shown in the
CD entitled
Halifax Monumental Inscriptions #1
This & associated entries use material contributed by Glynn Helliwell
Some of the monumental inscriptions in the graveyard are shown in the
CD entitled
Halifax Monumental Inscriptions #2
The graveyard of Christ Church, Todmorden lies to the north end of
the Church, off Burnley Road.
It opened in 1832 to replace the graveyard at St Mary's Church, Todmorden.
Some of the monumental inscriptions in the graveyard are shown in the
CD entitled
Halifax Monumental Inscriptions #2
This & associated entries use material contributed by David Cant Details of the organ in the Church can be found in the National Pipe Organ Register
Built by Rev Jonathan Akroyd for his own use in 1826.
It opened for divine worship on 1st January 1827.
This was the first church in the Skircoat township.
Akroyd tried to make the church popular, but this failed.
It was never consecrated.
In 1840, it was bought by the Methodists from Gainest Cottage Sunday School.
It was opened as a Wesleyan Methodist Chapel by Rev Robert Newton on 28th December 1840.
It later became King Cross Methodist New Connexion Chapel
This & associated entries use material contributed by Glynn Helliwell
Rev William Gillmor was a major supporter in the construction of
the Church.
For 5 years prior to the construction of the church, services had
been held in a rented room at Mount Pellon.
In 1853, the sisters, Mrs Lancashire and Mrs Brooke, gave £400 and the land for building
Pellon Church and Parsonage.
Samuel Webster was one of the subscribers to the construction.
The Gothic Anglican Church designed by Mallinson & Healey,
was built in 1854.
It accommodated 300 worshippers.
The 3 bells in the tower were the gift of John Gott, and the clock
was the gift of his wife.
Details can be found in the National Pipe Organ Register.
The widow of Rev George Kinnear gave a window in his memory.
The Church was enlarged in 1902 and reopened on 25th April 1903.
A panel in the memorial to World War II was carved by Harry Percy Jackson
The records for the Church are held at the West Yorkshire Archive Service office in Wakefield (Collection WDP57): Baptisms [1854-1978], Banns [1962-1987], Marriages [1855-1998] and Burials [1854-1947].
Christ Church, Pellon Graveyard /
Christ Church, Pellon Incumbents /
Christ Church, Pellon Memorials /
Parish of Mount Pellon /
Pellon Church Lads' Brigade /
Horace Smith
This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom & Wendy Parker
The Bache, Warley /
Christ Church Friday Evening Bible Class /
Christ Church, Sowerby Bridge Graveyard /
Christ Church, Sowerby Bridge War Memorial /
Christ Church Sunday School, Sowerby Bridge /
Henry Gaukroger /
Sowerby Bridge Vicarage /
James Whitaker
This & associated entries use material contributed by Peter Henry, Alan Longbottom & Andy Wright
The church was built by Lewis Vulliamy under the Million Pound Act
Christ Church, Todmorden Graveyard /
Christ Church, Todmorden War Memorial /
Todmorden Burial Ground /
Todmorden Vicarage /
The Vicarage murder /
William A. Wrigley
This & associated entries use material contributed by Linda Briggs & Diana Monahan
Opened on 27th March 1965 in the renovated former Salterhebble Methodist Church
In 1905, it is recorded at Southgate, Elland
This was at
Bedford Square [1874],
10 Harrison Road and Central Hall, Halifax [1905]
Opened in 18??.
Recorded in 1905.
It is now [2015] a restaurant
George Oakes
Christadelphian Meeting Room
Halifax Church Lads' Brigade /
Illingworth Church Lads' Brigade /
Mytholmroyd Church Lads' Brigade /
Pellon Church Lads' Brigade /
Todmorden Church Lads' Brigade
In 18??, Friths Old Mill, Walsden became the Church Mission,
Later, it was known as St Aidan's Church Mission
This & associated entries use material contributed by Paul Blackburn
The established Christian church in England from the time of Henry
Baptism /
Marriage /
In 2007, a campaign of vandalism was reported against the church.
The records for the Church are held at the West Yorkshire Archive Service office in Wakefield (Collection WDP205): Baptisms [1958-1973] and Marriages [1958-1977].
In 1885, it was restored by Francis and Thomas Henry Healey.
The Chancel was added at this time.
The tower was rebuilt in 1906.
The east window commemorates John Foster and his
wife Ruth.
The graveyard and
Queensbury Cemetery lie east of the Church.
The records for the Church are held at the West Yorkshire Archive Service office in Bradford (Collection BDP80): Baptisms [1845-2000], Banns [1876-1993], Marriages [1845-1987] and Burials [1845-1907].
It is now a children's nursery
A new burial ground was established next to the vicarage.
The first burial here – that of Herbert Hirst – took place on 2nd
February 1929
Some of the monumental inscriptions in the graveyard are shown in the
CD entitled
Halifax Monumental Inscriptions #5
In 1890, a piece of land next to the Church was given by Sir George Armytage for the vicarage.
The foundation stone was laid on 8th August 1890 by Rev
Whitley, deputising for Sir George who was indisposed.
This was built by public subscription.
Designed by Jackson & Fox.
Rev J. Adey was the last vicar to live at the Vicarage.
In 1979, it was sold and is now a private house.
Clifton Burial Ground /
Vicars of Clifton
The Independents were established here around 1840.
The Chapel opened in 1854.
The Chapel closed in 1990.
It is now private housing.
The graveyard is still there.
The Chapel is discussed in the book
Valley of a Hundred Chapels
This & associated entries use material contributed by Peter Gulaiczuk
The Chapel closed in 1990.
It is now private housing.
The graveyard is still there.
Recorded on 20th June 1891, when
the corner-stones were laid for a new Chapel and
The chapel was dissolved by the Chantries Act [1548].
From the middle of the 16th century, a school was held in the chapel.
The curate, Thomas Standeven, was school-master.
It was considerably enlarged between 1631 and 1638, possibly at the
expense of the curate, Richard Denton.
Rev Oliver Heywood was the most famous incumbent at the church.
In 1711, it was again enlarged and the west end was rebuilt.
In 1816-1818, it was rebuilt by William Bradley as Coley Church.
In 1842, Valentine Ackroyd Henry Jagger & Thomas Bertram were charged with stealing a quantity of cloth from
the pews at Coley Chapel.
They were all found guilty and sentence to 1 months' imprisonment.
A list of some of the Vicars of Saint John the Baptist, Coley is given in a separate
Appleyard sisters,
John Cowper,
Mrs Susanna Danson,
Jeremy Gibson,
Sisters' Cottage and
William Thorpe
This & associated entries use material contributed by Jeffrey Knowles
The 2 smaller windows were added either side of the East
Window in 1948
An organ by Conacher was installed in 1939.
This was electrified in 1941.
A new organ was installed in 1948.
Details can be found in the National Pipe Organ Register
The old box pews were removed and replaced [1901/1902]
The Organ was in the West Gallery until 1901/1902 when it
was moved to the Chancel.
The oak and glass front on the West Gallery was installed in
Vicars of Coley
Vicars of Copley
Mrs Masters-Whittaker gave the site and bore the whole cost of the
In 1910, this was included in the Diocese of Wakefield.
Calderdale Community Church Ref 5-47 Cartledge Yard, Blackley Ref 5-769 Castle Grove United Free Methodist Church, Todmorden Ref 5-183 Castle Street Primitive Methodist Chapel, Todmorden Ref 5-184
Ministers at the Chapel have included
Catholic Apostolic Church, Brighouse Ref 5-139 Catholic Apostolic Church, Halifax Ref 5-428 Catholic Apostolic Church Mission Room, Halifax Ref 5-429 Central Madni Mosque Ref 5-131 Central Methodist Church, Brighouse Ref 5-C53
Ministers at the Chapel have included
Chantry chapel Ref 5-303 Chapel Ref 5-305 Chapel Fold Meeting House, Halifax Ref 5-360 Chapel le Briers, Southowram Ref 5-134
Decayed Chapels for want of maintenance in the reign of Queen
Elizabeth [the First]
Chapel of Ease Ref 5-297 Chapel of Rest Ref 5-412 Chapels (Nonconformist) Ref 5-890
Charlestown, Parish of Ref 5-C8003 Christ's Chapel, Elland Ref 5-352 Christ Church, Barkisland Ref 5-72 Christ Church Graveyard, Barkisland Ref 5-533 Christ Church Graveyard, Pellon Ref 5-565 Christ Church Graveyard, Sowerby Bridge Ref 5-568 Christ Church Graveyard, Todmorden Ref 5-572 Christ Church, Hipperholme Ref 5-140 Christ Church, King Cross Ref 5-310 Christ Church, Pellon Ref 5-C263 Christ Church, Sowerby Bridge Ref 5-C130 Christ Church, Todmorden Ref 5-C304 Christadelphian Hall, Dudwell Ref 5-C295 Christadelphian Hall, Elland Ref 5-43 Christadelphian Hall, Halifax Ref 5-C2951 Christadelphian Hall, Sowerby Bridge Ref 5-C2950 Christadelphian Hall, Todmorden Ref 5-255 Christadelphian Hall, West Vale Ref 5-14 Christadelphian Hall, Wyke Ref 5-C2952
Christadelphian Meeting Room, Elland Ref 5-447 Christadelphian Meeting Room, Todmorden Ref 5-446 Christadelphian Mission Room, Halifax Ref 5-487 Christian Brethren Meeting Room, Brighouse Ref 5-451 Christian Brethren Meeting Room, Elland Ref 5-450 Christian Brethren Meeting Room, Halifax Ref 5-405 Christian Brotherhood Meeting Room, Halifax Ref 5-431 Christian Science Meeting Room, Halifax Ref 5-475 Christian Science Society, Halifax Ref 5-473 Church Lads' Brigades Ref 5-882 Church Lane Chapel, Halifax Ref 5-C1 Church Mission Rooms, Rastrick Ref 5-370 Church Mission, Todmorden Ref 5-925 Church of Christ Scientist Ref 5-512 Church of Christ Scientist, Brighouse Ref 5-524 Church of England Ref 5-321 Church of England Mission Room, Brighouse Ref 5-144 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Halifax Ref 5-C303 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Lindley Ref 5-458 Church of the Holy Nativity, Mixenden Ref 5-H323
Incumbents and Curates at the Church have included
Church Of The Holy Trinity, Queensbury Ref 5-324 Churches to houses Ref 5-195 Churchfields Hall, Brighouse Ref 5-449 Clare Road Chapel of Rest, Halifax Ref 5-410 Claremount Primitive Methodist Church Ref 5-185 Clay Fields Meeting House, Barkisland Ref 5-326 Clifton Burial Ground Ref 5-223 Clifton Vicarage Ref 5-805 Cloughfoot Independent Congregational Chapel, Todmorden Ref 5-186
Ministers at the Chapel have included
Cloughfoot Independent Congregational Graveyard, Todmorden Ref 5-664 Colden Wesleyan Chapel Ref 5-502 Coley Chapel Ref 5-C190 Coley Church: East Window Ref 5-720 Coley Church: Font Ref 5-723 Coley Church: Organ Ref 5-724 Coley Church: Pews Ref 5-725 Coley Church: Pulpit Ref 5-722 Coley Church: West Gallery Ref 5-721 Coley, Parish of Ref 5-C1706 Coley Vicarage Ref 5-804 Colliers' Chapel, Clifton Ref 5-231 Commercial Street Methodist Church, Hebden Bridge Ref 5-470 Commissioner's Church Ref 5-745 Consecrated church Ref 5-776 Convent of the Sisters of the Most Holy Cross & Passion, Halifax Ref 5-432 Copley Parish Church Ref 5-C724 Copley Vicarage Ref 5-807 Cornholme Church, Todmorden Ref 5-40 Cornholme Mission Church, Todmorden Ref 5-506 Cornholme Parish Church Ref 5-924 Cornholme, Parish of Ref 5-C1777