Churches & Chapels



Haley Hill Methodist New Connexion ChurchRef 5-417
A chapel and Sunday school were built by Jonathan Akroyd. It was a daughter chapel of Salem Methodist New Connexion Chapel, North Parade.

After the Factory Act [1833], it was used as a day school for children working in the mills.

In 1839, it was superseded by the Shed School.

The Haley Hill School had been an integral part of Salem but the ownership must have been inadequately secured, because Edward Akroyd claimed it for All Souls' in 1858. It is said that the ejected scholars formed a sorry procession into Halifax, more surprising because their teachers included two of Edward's sisters

This & associated entries use material contributed by John Hoyle

Haley Hill, Parish ofRef 5-766
See Parish of All Souls', Halifax

Haley Hill Particular BaptistsRef 5-357
In 1755, Rev William Crabtree established a Society of a small group of Particular Baptists who met at a cottage in Haley Hill, Halifax.

Rev Charles Bamford was the first Minister [1755-1760].

Rev Joshua Wood obtained land in Pellon Lane for a new chapel – see Pellon Lane Particular Baptist Church

Halifax Corporation CemeteryRef 5-H541

Halifax Methodist CircuitRef 5-390

Halifax MinsterRef 5-491
In August 2009, it was announced that the parish church was to be made a minster. It would be known as
The Halifax Minster Church of St John the Baptist

The title of Minster was originally given only to churches associated with a monastery, such as York Minster and Beverley Minster, but it is now an honorific title given to selected churches, such as Dewsbury Minster

Halifax Parish ChurchRef 5-H45

Halifax Parish Church: Arms on the CeilingRef 5-H1378
The carved and panelled Ceiling of Halifax Parish Church bears the arms and emblems of the vicars (in the nave) and the principal laity (in the chancel) of Halifax.

John Briercliffe added a number of panels showing the arms of the incumbents at the church, and he did much work in the church library.

Many of these arms are not legitimate with the College of Arms.

The panels were repainted around 1816. Some were obliterated

This & associated entries use material contributed by Joanne Backhouse

Halifax Parish Church: BellsRef 5-847
The bells of Halifax Parish Church are mentioned in 1459 when money was bequeathed for the construction of a bell tower and the purchase of bells, the first bell was made in 1472.

Around 1481, Robert Waterhouse bequeathed 12d for the fabric of the belfry.

The tower has ten musical bells, eight of which were purchased by subscription in 1787 – when they were rung for 10½ hours.

Subscribers included John Carter, Samuel Gath, William Holland, Thomas Vaslet, and Rev Robert Wilkinson.

Chimes were installed in 1804.

A further two bells were added in 1814.

The church is considered to have one of the finest peals of bells in the country.

There are 14 bells in the peal, which was recast in 1951, and re-hung in 1993.

Some of the bells are inscribed

  1. All ye who hear my mournful sound, repent before ye lie in ground
  2. Gift of A. E. Royston, of West Parade, Halifax, 1857 – Royston's noble gift to future ages I'll proclaim
  3. Let Parker's liberal deeds be known to future ages yet unborn
  4. Ye ringers who would happy be, in concord live Divinity
  5. When Britons are with laurels crowned we'll make the hills and vales resound
  6. With sweetest voices we will sing & loudly cry God save our King
  7. Mortal with us your voices raise, and shout abroad Jehova's praise

This & associated entries use material contributed by Lesley Abernethy

Halifax Parish Church: Chapel of the ResurrectionRef 5-886
See Duke of Wellington's War Memorial Chapel

Halifax Parish Church: ClockRef 5-753
In the early 1700s, John Aked was responsible for the upkeep of the Clock.

In 1760, the clock was adjusted to chime each quarter of the hour. At the same time, an outside face was fixed to the west side of the Tower.

A clock from the church was later installed at The Castle.

In 1774, Thomas Lister replaced the clock

Halifax Parish Church: Commonwealth WindowsRef 5-H1338
The unique plain windows in Halifax Parish Church – known as the Commonwealth Windows – were installed in the north and south sides of the choir during the austerity of the Commonwealth Period in 1652 by Dorothy Waterhouse in memory of her husband Nathaniel.

There were originally 3 on each side of the chancel; now there are 3 in the Duke of Wellington's Chapel 2 more on the south wall and 1 above the west door

They replaced earlier windows which bore the Royal arms.

See Halifax Parish Church East Window

Halifax Parish Church: East WindowRef 5-H1359
The original east window at Halifax Parish Church was erected in 1480 by Thomas Wilkinson.

The later east window was produced by George Hedgeland from a design which won a prize. It was bought at the Great Exhibition in 1851.

It was completed in 1854 and was given to the town by Edward Akroyd and installed in 1856.

It depicts the Crucifixion and the Resurrection of Christ.

The stonework was repaired in 1951.

See Halifax Parish Church Commonwealth Windows

Halifax Parish Church: FabricRef 5-848
The fabric of Halifax Parish Church was the subject of in 2 disputes in 1685 and in 1728

This & associated entries use material contributed by Lesley Abernethy

Halifax Parish Church: Font CoverRef 5-H1354
The font cover in Halifax Parish Church has the shape of a church spire. It is dated to the 15th century.

Because it was considered to be a relic of superstition, the font was removed by Scottish soldiers in 1645, and returned in 1661. At that time, the font cover hung alone in the church for 5 years, until it was taken to the home of a Mr Hartley.

It is said that, during the 1600s, the font cover was hidden in the Ring O' Bells in order to escape the depredations of Oliver Cromwell's men who strongly opposed any sign of decoration or ornamentation or statues and had removed the font itself. It was returned in 1660

Halifax Parish Church: Grave CoverRef 5-H3468
The grave cover in the porch of Halifax Parish Church has been dated to about 1150 and shows a pair of shears, indicating the early presence of a woollen industry in the district

Halifax Parish Church GraveyardRef 5-701

Halifax Parish Church: MemorialsRef 5-714
There are a great many memorials, inscriptions and epitaphs in Halifax Parish Church.

See The Monumental & Other Inscriptions in Halifax Parish Church

Halifax Parish Church: OrganRef 5-H3539
An organ at Halifax Parish Church was mentioned in the will of John Dayne dated 7th June 1502.

During the Civil War, when soldiers and their horses were billeted in the Church, the Parliamentarians broke up the organ.

When the organ-builder, John Snetzler visited Halifax in the 1760, Henry Bates negotiated with him for the installation of the organ.

The present Snetzler organ was installed in the West Gallery by subscription. The subscription started in 1764.

Snetzler was paid £525 for the organ.

Joah Bates opened the organ when it was first used on 11th July 1766. It was inaugurated by William Herschel, the first organist.

Snetzler was present when the auditions for an organist took place.

The organ had a total of 1,642 pipes. The whole cost was £1,200, and, because of much opposition, the parts were taken into the church under the cover of darkness.

The organ was extended 4 times in the 19th century.

In 1810, repairs were necessary.

In 1825, a pedal board was added.

In 1868, it was renovated, and an engine and feeder for water power were installed by Messrs Hill of London.

In 1878, the organ was moved from the West Gallery to the Chancel by Isaac Abbot of Leeds and rebuilt.

In 1879, a new case was designed by John Medlar.

In 1900, Clement Holdsworth erected the western screen for the Organ.

In 1928, it was rebuilt by Messrs Harrison & Harrison of Durham. John W. Standeven gave £3,500 towards the cost of around £7,000 on conditions that the public raised a like amount. The reconstructed organ was consecrated on 3rd October 1929. John W. Standeven unveiled the keyboard.

In 1976, it was overhauled by Messrs J. W. Walker and John Clough.

See A Brief History of the Organ of Halifax Parish Church and Organists at Halifax Parish Church

Halifax Parish Church: RailingsRef 5-843
The railings which enclose the churchyard of Halifax Parish Church were installed in 1814 to keep out animals, vagrants, children and those who took short-cuts through the churchyard, particularly that which led from the steps by T' Cat i' th' Window pub across to the West Gate.

The churchwardens of Halifax, Sowerby, Northowram, Upper Warley, Lower Warley, Ovenden, Southowram, Midgley, Skircoat, and Shelf had them placed at the north and east side of the Church.

In 1781, Charles Hoyland is recorded as painting the King's Arms and gates at the Church.

They were refurbished in 1878/1879.

They were refurbished in 2012.

This & associated entries use material contributed by David Glover

Halifax Parish Church: Royal ArmsRef 5-849
In 1705, John Aked produced the Queen's Arms for Halifax Parish Church.

In 1781, Charles Hoyland is recorded as painting the King's Arms and gates at the Church

Halifax Parish Church: SundialRef 5-H880
The sundial on Halifax Parish Church was installed at the south porch in 1808.

It is inscribed

Lat. 53. 10' 16" True as the Dial to thy Sun... it is not shone upon Wm Lawrence |... Illingworth Robt Abbott | John Sutcliffe Church wardens |... 1808

The gravestone of John Logan – who died in 1830 at the age of 105 – lies below the sundial

Halifax Parish Church: The South GateRef 5-844
The Main Gate of Halifax Parish Church.

There was a gate further to east which allowed the Vicar to enter from the Vicarage which stood on the opposite side of Church Street.

See Halifax Parish Church Railings

Halifax Parish Church: The Tonsured MonkRef 5-856
A stone head of a tonsured monk which was discovered in 1934.

It is made of millstone grit.

The traces of colour on the stone suggest it dates from the period 1327-1377, and it may come from the earlier church on the site

Halifax Parish Church: The West GateRef 5-751
The West Gate of Halifax Parish Church was originally near the Tower and led into Kirkgate.

In the 1960s, it was moved further west, to a position next to the Parish Church School. At the same time, the stocks were moved from the south side of the Gate to the north side

See Halifax Parish Church Railings

Halifax Parish Church: TowerRef 5-H1375
The tower of Halifax Parish Church is 118 ft high and dates to around 1450-1480. It replaced an earlier uncompleted tower.

It is said to have been built by the Lacy and Savile families.

On 5th June 1628, the south-east pinnacle and corner of the tower were struck by lightning and the stones which fell down damaged much of the woodwork, slate and battlement.

In 1760, an outside face of the clock was fixed to the west side of the Tower

Halifax Parish Church VicarageRef 5-811
This stood on Church Street, opposite the south entrance to Halifax Parish Church.

In 1852, the vicar – Charles Musgrave – moved out of the Vicarage to live at Savile Green.

In 1870, Musgrave sold the house and its extensive grounds to the Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway and Leeds, Bradford & Halifax Railway company, and the vicarage moved to Savile Green.

The goods and coal sidings later stood on the site. There is now a car-park on the land.

This is discussed in the book Sketches of Old Halifax.

See Halifax Railway Station, Halifax Vicarages and Vicars of Halifax

Halifax VicarageRef 5-812
The residence of the Vicar of Halifax has been located at several places in the parish, including

Hanover Methodist Chapel, HalifaxRef 5-H111
King Cross Street.

This was the second New Connexion Chapel in Halifax / a daughter Chapel of Salem Methodist New Connexion Chapel, North Parade / the head of the Methodist New Connexion Halifax South Division  [1856].

The foundation stone was laid on 1st October 1834. The Chapel was constructed at a cost of £3,200 which included £2,900 for the land. £1,070 was raised by subscription.

The Chapel opened on 1st January 1836. £603 8/- was raised in the first collections at the Chapel.

The building was 60 ft by 48 ft with a gallery.

An organ was installed by 1837 at a cost of £270.

There was a burial ground at the front and on the east side.

There was a Sunday School beneath the main building.

A Temperance Society

associated with Hanover-street Chapel Sunday School

is recorded in 1840.

The separate Hanover Methodist Sunday School was built in 1869.

Ministers at the Chapel have included


The Chapel closed in March 1943.

In 1945, the building was bought by the Thespians for £2,500, and converted into the Halifax Playhouse. Productions began in September 1949.

The original covenant prevented the sale of alcohol on the premises, but this was overturned in 1977 by mutual consent between the trustees of the Chapel and the Thespians.

See Hanover Methodist Memorial, Halifax, Wilkinson Pickles, Alfred Ramsden and Samuel Whiteley

This & associated entries use material contributed by John Hoyle & Alan Longbottom

Hanover Methodist Graveyard, HalifaxRef 5-646
The burial ground was at the front and on the east side of Hanover Methodist Chapel

Hanson Lane Methodist New Connexion ChurchRef 5-670
By 1870, Salem Methodist New Connexion Sunday School was so full that a branch church and school was established in Hanson Lane.

By 1874, this too needed a bigger home. John Mackintosh urged that a site be acquired on Queens Road and St Andrew's Methodist Chapel, Queens Road, opened in 1877

This & associated entries use material contributed by John Hoyle

Harley Wood ChurchRef 5-256

Harley Wood, Parish ofRef 5-H2822
In 1910, this was included in the Diocese of Wakefield.

See All Saint's Church, Harley Wood and Todmorden & Lancashire

Harley Wood Vicarage, TodmordenRef 5-934
The Vicarage for All Saints' Church, Harley Wood

Harrison Road Chapel, HalifaxRef 5-H1
Carlton Street. Aka United Congregational Church, Halifax, and Harrison Road Congregational Church, Halifax.

In 1834, a number of people left Square Chapel, being unhappy with Rev Alexander Ewing there, and held meetings in Halifax Sessions Court House on Union Street.

Their new Chapel opened on 19th July 1837 at a cost of £4,000. Member of the congregation – many of whom contributed towards the cost – included

This was the 3rd Independent chapel in Halifax.

There was a Sunday School in the basement.

Ministers at the Chapel have included


The organ was built by William Holt [1838]. On 28th November 1838, Mrs Sunderland sang at a performance of the Messiah to celebrate the inauguration of the organ. Details can be found in the National Pipe Organ Register.

In 1972, the name was changed to United Reformed Church, Halifax.

The Chapel, gates and railings are listed.

The former Harrison Road School stands next door.

See Samuel Henry Hamer, Park Congregational Church, Halifax, Sion Branch Congregational Sunday School, Bank Top War Memorial and United Reformed Church, Carlton Street Memorial

Hartshead churchRef 5-H292

Hartshead Wesleyan ChapelRef 5-H483
Designed by William Henry Howorth in 1890s.

Recorded in 1964

Harvester Reformational Church, HalifaxRef 5-671
Modern reformational church at Tenterfields Business Park, Luddendenfoot

Heath ChurchRef 5-660
Another name for Heath Congregational Church, Halifax / Heath United Reformed Church, Halifax

Heath Congregational Church, HalifaxRef 5-353
Free School Lane. Edward Crossley contributed to the building and laid the foundation stone on 1890. Opened around 1890.

Incumbents and Curates at the Church have included


It is now known as Heath United Reformed Church.

See William Birtwhistle and Heath Congregational Church Memorial

Heath United Reformed Church, HalifaxRef 5-H51
Free School Lane. Formerly Heath Congregational Church

Hebden Bridge Baptist ChurchRef 5-762
Recorded in 1896, when Rev W. Jones was Pastor

Hebden Bridge Catholic MissionRef 5-513
Established in the 1870s by Father Joseph Geary.

Father Tillman was appointed as the first parish priest for Hebden Bridge and Luddendenfoot

Hebden Bridge Methodist ChurchRef 5-H327
Market Street. Begun in 1964, when Cross Lane Methodists, Foster Lane Methodists, and Salem Wesleyan Methodists amalgamated.

It was built on the site of Salem Wesleyan Chapel, Hebden Bridge in 1975.

See Hebden Bridge Methodist Church Memorial

Hebden Bridge Parish ChurchRef 5-827

Heptonstall graveyardRef 5-650
Both churches – St Thomas the Apostle Church and St Thomas à Becket – share the same graveyard.

There are an estimated 100,000 burials in the old graveyard which lies between the 2 Churches. Others were buried inside the old Church.

This is discussed in the book Our Home & Country.

In 1911, Gamaliel Sutcliffe gave land for a new graveyard and the old graveyard was closed to new burials in 1915.

See Chantry House, Heptonstall

Heptonstall Octagonal ChapelRef 5-733

Heptonstall Parish ChurchRef 5-298
Saint Thomas à Becket, Heptonstall was Heptonstall Parish Church until it was abandoned after storm damage in 1847.

The new St Thomas the Apostle, Heptonstall was built in 1850-1854

Heptonstall Slack Baptist CemeteryRef 5-H763
The burial ground for Mount Zion Baptist Church, Heptonstall Slack.

On 14th August 1927, a new cemetery was dedicated

Heptonstall VicarageRef 5-810
Church Street. Built about 1826 as the Vicarage for the Parish Church of St Thomas the Apostle. The vicarage and most of the houses in Church Street are listed.

See Vicars of Heptonstall

Hepzibah Baptist Church, SowerbyRef 5-271
A name for the Steep Lane Baptist Church, Sowerby of 1820

Heywood's Chapel, NorthowramRef 5-85
Heywood Close.

Heywood built a new Chapel which opened on 8th July 1688.

See Ebenezer Methodist Church, Northowram, Heywood's Chapel War Memorial, Heywood's Chapel Graveyard, Ministers at Heywood's Chapel and Northowram United Reformed Church

Heywood's Graveyard, NorthowramRef 5-553
The burial ground of Heywood's Chapel.

On 8th November 1879, a second burial ground was presented by Mrs Fred Crowther who had received it as a gift from Major Michael Stocks

Some of the monumental inscriptions in the graveyard are shown in the CD entitled Halifax Monumental Inscriptions #4

Highgate Methodist Church, OvendenRef 5-898
Stretchgate Lane

Highgate Wesleyan Church, PellonRef 5-3
Cross Street West / Stretchgate Lane.

This came into being in 1977 as a result of the amalgamation of Fairfield Church, Queens Road and Pellon Methodist Church.

Construction of the present church began in 1978. It was designed and built by Lanner Limited of Wakefield.

It was extended in 2007

This & associated entries use material contributed by David Nortcliffe

Highgate Wesleyan Methodist Church, HeptonstallRef 5-344
Recorded in 1858 & 1905

Ministers at the Church have included


See James Gaukroger, Octagonal Methodist Chapel, Heptonstall and Wesleyan Methodist

Highmoor Lane Methodist Chapel, CliftonRef 5-115
Aka T' Colliers' Chapel.

It was built by Benjamin Walker as a school for the young workers in his coal mines at Clifton.

It opened as a Methodist chapel in 1855. This was the first Methodist chapel in Clifton.

In 1875, it was superseded by the United Methodist Free Church, Clifton

Highroad Well Congregational ChurchRef 5-H312
An early Church was built as a school in 1829. This was superseded by a new building in 1861.

A new Church began in 1908 as an off-shoot of Square Congregational Church.

On 27th June 1914, the sod cutting ceremony took place for the new Church at a site in a corner of a field near West View Park.

On 5th September 1914, the stone laying ceremony took place.

The Church opened on 1st September 1915.

Subsequent Ministers at the Chapel have included


See Herbert Horace Clee and Warley War Memorial

Highroad Well, Warley & Luddendenfoot United Reformed ChurchRef 5-100
Warley Road. Recorded in 1854

Hill End Presbyterian Church, MixendenRef 5-325
Recorded in 1758

Hipperholme Wesleyan Methodist ChapelRef 5-H307
Dominates the crossroads at Hipperholme.

Designed in Geometric Early English style by William Ives to replace the earlier Mount Pleasant Chapel. Sir H. W. Ripley laid the foundation stone on 18th March 1870. The cost was about £2,000.

The construction was of Northowram wallstones with freestone dressings. It was 80 ft long, 37 ft wide, and externally 50 ft in height, with minister's and other vestries at the back. The interior was divided into 6 bays; the roof was an open one, with circular bindings, supported on stone corbels. A gallery at the west end, over the entrance and vestibule accommodated 180 persons. The interior of stained and varnished yellow pine accommodated a further 298 sittings on the ground floor.

The contractors included Messrs Fletcher & Sharp of Hipperholme (masons), G. Townend of Halifax (joiner), Joseph Bancroft & Sons (plasterers), and Messrs Firth & Son (plumbers).

The total amount of the contract was £1953. One-third of the cost was given by the trustees of the late William Heap, and the balance raised by subscription.

In 1888, the chapel was renovated, and the school – and a chapel-keeper's house – were added.

In 1912, the Sunday School was built next door.

There is no burial ground associated with the Church.

In 2003, the Church amalgamated with Lightcliffe United Reformed Church and is known as Christ Church.

In 2006, a £500,000 project redesigned the interior and exterior of the building.

Subsequent Ministers at the Chapel have included


See Hipperholme Wesleyan Methodist Graveyard, Sir Henry William Ripley and Wesleyan Methodist

This & associated entries use material contributed by John Williams

Hipperholme Wesleyan Methodist GraveyardRef 5-903

Question: Does anyone know if there is/was a burial ground for Hipperholme Wesleyan Methodist Chapel?


Holdsworth ChapelRef 5-H192
A chantry chapel built in 1544 next to the south porch of Halifax Parish Church by Robert Holdesworth in memory of his father.

There is a 17th century credence table which was presented by the Waterhouse family. Two houseling benches are used as altar rails.

Those buried in the chapel include Eli Bentley, Rev Oliver Heywood, Robert Holdsworth, Margaret Prescott, William Prescott and Robert Stockdale.

Of Holdsworth and his chapel, it has been written

The clumsy buttresses and gargoyles of [the chapel] are degenerate copies of the graceful features of the York Minster roof, and ought never to have been so near the ground [Canon Savage 1906]


If Dr Holdsworth had lived nearer to the heavens, posterity would have paid him honour [T. W. Hanson]

See Halifax Parish Church 21st Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment

Holdsworth family tomb at All Saints' Church, DudwellRef 5-896
A magnificent chest tomb – the mausoleum for the Holdsworth family of Halifax – stands in the churchyard at All Saints' Church, Dudwell.

Those interred here include:

The tomb was repaired in 1981, by which time all the name plates had been removed

This & associated entries use material contributed by Anita Watson

Holmfield Mission ChurchRef 5-385
Built in 1897 by the Ramsden family of Jumples House.

See St Andrew's Church, Holmfield

Holmfield Primitive Methodist ChapelRef 5-752

Question: Does anyone know anything about the Chapel? its dates? its location?


See Holmfield Primitive Methodist Sunday School

Holy Trinity Church, Goodramgate, YorkRef 5-927

Holy Trinity Church, HalifaxRef 5-109
Blackwall / Harrison Road. The church was built in 1795-1798 for Dr Coulthurst.

See Benjamin Booth, Christ Church, Todmorden Graveyard, Holy Trinity War Memorial, Halifax, Parish of Holy Trinity, Holy Trinity Vicarage, Halifax and James Argyll Spalding Inglis

This & associated entries use material contributed by Anthony Buckless

Holy Trinity Graveyard, HalifaxRef 5-574
The graveyard of Holy Trinity Church, Halifax stands on Harrison Road.

The church closed in 1956, and in 1978, it was declared redundant.

The graveyard is closed but still there

Holy Trinity Church, LittleboroughRef 5-866
The Church and the Graveyard lie outside Calderdale, but, being only 6 miles from Todmorden, they are/were used by many local people

Holy Trinity Graveyard, LittleboroughRef 5-867
Holy Trinity Church and the Graveyard lie outside Calderdale, but, being only 6 miles from Todmorden, they are/were used by many local people

The following people, and/or members of their family, are recorded here:

  • To be completed

Holy Trinity Church, Savile Park RoadRef 5-19
The congregation worships in the premises of Holy Trinity School at Savile Hall

Holy Trinity Graveyard, QueensburyRef 5-877
The burial ground for the Church of the Holy Trinity, Queensbury

Some of the monumental inscriptions in the graveyard are shown in the CD entitled Halifax Monumental Inscriptions #4

See Queensbury Cemetery

Holy Trinity, Parish ofRef 5-H9002
The parish for Holy Trinity Church, Halifax was formed in 1862

Holy Trinity Vicarage, HalifaxRef 5-813
The vicarage for Holy Trinity Church, Halifax was originally at Blackwall Lodge. In 18??, it moved across Blackwall.

It was listed as 21 Balmoral Place [1911, 1936].

See Vicars of Holy Trinity

Holywell Green Baptist ChurchRef 5-364
Opened on 5th September 1864.

The first services were conducted by Rev Thomas Michael of Halifax, Rev D. Crumpton of Salendine Nook Baptist Church, Rev Joseph Hirst of Blackley, and Rev W. Watts of Golcar

Holywell Green Congregational ChurchRef 5-81

Holywell Green United Reformed GraveyardRef 5-567
The graveyard of Holywell Green Congregational Church / Holywell Green United Reformed Church lies to the north-west of the Church

This is now a part of the Stainland Graveyard.

Some of the monumental inscriptions in the graveyard are shown in the CD entitled Halifax Monumental Inscriptions #1

This & associated entries use material contributed by Carole Edwards Caruso

Hope Baptist Church, Hebden BridgeRef 5-H90
New Road.

The Particular Baptist Church was opened on 17th June 1858 by John Crook in Hebden Bridge when the congregation moved from the Ebenezer Baptist Church. The building cost £3750.

In 1880, the interior was refitted and beautified.

The organ was installed in 1865. In November 1888, it was reopened after having been considerably enlarged at a cost of nearly £300. On 12th August 1900, it was used for the last time before being dismantled – by Peter Conachar & Company of Huddersfield – and moved to Roomfield Baptist Chapel. On 29th September 1900, a new 3-manual organ – by Foster & Andrews of Hull – was opened at the Church and

contained 40 stops, 6 couplers, 3 composition pedals, and cost £1,097

In 1899, further structural alterations were made at a cost of £13,000.

In 1911, a school extension was completed at a cost of £4,000 which included a gift of £1,500 from Alderman Wade.

Pastors at the Church have included


In 2009, there were proposals to refurbish the Church as the John Fawcett Centre, but this was not implemented.

In 2011, a victim of the recession, a £1m project to renovate the church was abandoned. At the same time, the Church was unable to support a Pastor, and Rev Marcus Bull gave his last service on Easter Sunday 2011.

In 2017 – the 200th anniversary of the death of Dr John Fawcett – the Church was extensively refurbished.

See Daniel J. Crossley, Hope Baptist Church Memorial and Sowerby Bridge Baptist Church

This & associated entries use material contributed by David Cant, Rodney Collinge & David Smith

Huddersfield Parish ChurchRef 5-789

Hurstwood Baptist Church, TodmordenRef 5-505
Opened in 1852. Recorded in 1891

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