They opened their church in Martin Street / Eastwood Street in 19??
Spiritualism /
Spiritualists' Lyceum, Brighouse
Established in 1874.
The Mount Olivet Chapel of 1846 was superseded by this new
Chapel, designed by Sutcliffe & Sutcliffe.
The Chapel was built at a cost of £2,200.
The Chapel was opened on 13th March 1909 by Mrs E. J. Crossley
of Royd House, Hebden Bridge.
There was no water supply to the chapel, and baptisms were
performed at Jumble Hole Dam.
The marriage of Mr & Mrs Joseph Ackroyd was the first
wedding to be performed at the Chapel.
The chapel closed on 5th July 1987.
It is now a private house.
The graveyard remains.
Naze Bottom Baptist Church Memorial
This & associated entries use material contributed by David Smith
Built on land belonging to John Crossley & Sons.
The foundation stone was laid by Eagland Bray on 25th March 1864.
There was a time capsule – a sealed bottle – containing:
Mr Bray was presented with a copy of Petty's History of the
Primitive Methodist Connexion.
The cost of the construction was a little over £600.
On 10th April 1864, a bazaar held in the telegraph room of the
Mechanics' Hall raised £101 9/- in aid of funds for the
The Church opened on 11th September 1864.
It was the only Nonconformist place of worship in Halifax North
Ward – although Congregationalist services had been held in the
Range Bank Schoolroom.
The chapel had accommodation for about 200.
There was a school-room beneath for 200 scholars
This & associated entries use material contributed by Terry Byrne
In newspaper reports of 1861, Square Congregational Church, Halifax is referred to as the New Church, Square Road, Halifax
Mount Zion Primitive Methodist, Norland Graveyard
Some of the monumental inscriptions in the graveyard are shown in the
CD entitled
Halifax Monumental Inscriptions #2
In the Calderdale Companion, I shall show all burials in
the entry for Mount Zion Graveyard
St Paul's Mission Church, Pye Nest
Land was bought in 1863.
The Quaker meeting house – with classrooms – was built in 1868, to
replace the Snake Hill Meeting House.
It opened on 11th November 1869.
It was described as
The meeting house was sold in 1958.
St Christopher's School was held here.
Quaker meetings were held in a rented room.
Mrs Hilda Bentley was caretaker
It closed in 1972.
It is now apartments.
Newlands, Brighouse /
Rastrick Burial Ground
This & associated entries use material contributed by Rose Howell
In 1???, Mount Pleasant Wesleyan Chapel became Norland
United Methodist Church.
The Church closed in the early 1960s.
Since 1967, the building has been a private house.
Norland United Methodist Church Graveyard
This & associated entries use material contributed by Dick Spendlove
The Chapel is now a private house.
The Graveyard is still open for burials
This & associated entries use material contributed by Dick Spendlove
and North Parade Baptist Church was opened on 21st December
In 1855,
promised to pay the Chapel's debts for the next 5 years on the
condition that they removed the Principal of the Chapel.
In 1858, the failing church at Lee Mount came under
the care of North Parade.
In 1863, Jonathan Horsfall and a group of Birchcliffe Baptists joined the Church at North Parade on condition that
a cause be established at West Vale.
The manse was at Lewis Street, Halifax.
John William Dyson /
North Parade Baptist Church Memorial
This & associated entries use material contributed by David Smith
Abel Wadsworth Dean /
Elocution Society, Halifax /
Fearnley Charity /
Rev William Graham /
Northgate End Chapel Bicentenary Memorial [1896] /
Northgate End Chapel Memorial /
The organ at Northgate End Chapel /
John Shillito /
Rev Matthew Smith /
Alexander Stradling /
Thomas Wadsworth
This & associated entries use material contributed by Ainley Wade
Some early burials – the first was Edward Ferguson [1736] – were
under the floor of the Northgate End Chapel.
The first record of a burial, after the Register Act came into
force, was on 26th October 1783.
The graveyard lay immediately to the south of the Unitarian Chapel, Northgate.
It was built in 1784 on land given to the Chapel by John
Priestley of Cross Hills, a descendant of Rev Nathanael Priestley.
In 1842, a School was built in the garden of
the Parsonage
The Chapel was demolished and a new Chapel built in 1882.
It became Northowram United Methodist Chapel
Northowram was split off from Coley to form a separate
parish on 20th December 1909.
This & associated entries use material contributed by David Nortcliffe
This stands on the site of Oliver Heywood's Chapel which was
demolished in 1836.
The building has been converted into 2 houses: Towngate House
and Towngate Lodge.
The Sunday School has also been converted into
a house.
This & associated entries use material contributed by Samantha Manogue
The building has been converted to the Cobbett Centre.
Norwood Green Congregational Institute
From 1921, it was used as a chapel of ease by the Catholic
Community in Ovenden.
In June 1962, it became Our Lady of Lourdes & St Malachy
Catholic Church.
It was demolished in 19??
Can anyone tell me anything about the Anglican Church and/or its name?
It accommodated 600 worshippers [1845].
They held services at Sundial House, Friendly between 1855 and
1860, and then at Bethel Chapel, Ovenden.
Nursery Lane Wesleyan Methodist Church Memorial /
Nursery Lane Wesleyan Methodist Church, Ovenden Graveyard /
Wesleyan Methodist
Some of the monumental inscriptions in the graveyard are shown in the
CD entitled
Halifax Monumental Inscriptions #1
National Spiritualist Church, Brighouse Ref 5-216 National Spiritualist Church, Sowerby Bridge Ref 5-287 Naze Bottom Baptist Chapel, Hebden Bridge Ref 5-N71
Pastors at the Church have included
New Bank Primitive Methodist Church Ref 5-346
New Beginnings Christian Centre, Halifax Ref 5-474 New Church, Halifax Ref 5-228 New Church, Skircoat Ref 5-70 New Longley Primitive Methodist Chapel, Norland Ref 5-816 New Longley Primitive Methodist, Norland: Graveyard Ref 5-817
The pubished records show some overlap between burials at
Mount Zion Primitive Methodist Graveyard, Norland
& those at
New Longley Primitive Methodist Graveyard, Norland.
New Mission Church, Pye Nest Ref 5-354 New Mission Hall, Brighouse Ref 5-372 New Providence URC, Ovenden Ref 5-678 New Road Chapel, Rastrick Ref 5-459 New Road Independent Family Church, Rastrick Ref 5-773 New Testament Church of God, Halifax Ref 5-288 Newlands Meeting House, Rastrick Ref 5-164
the Cathedral of Quakerism in the West Riding
Norland United Methodist Church Ref 5-443 Norland United Methodist Graveyard Ref 5-676 North End Chapel, Brighouse Ref 5-82 North Parade Baptist Church, Halifax Ref 5-N67
a more favourable part of town
a generous firm in this town
Pastors at the Church have included
North Parade Baptist Manse, Halifax Ref 5-819 Northgate End Chapel, Halifax Ref 5-U13 Northgate End Graveyard Ref 5-74 Northgate End Parsonage Ref 5-763 Northgate Presbyterian Church, Halifax Ref 5-496 Northgate Unitarian Chapel, Halifax Ref 5-494 Northowram Independent Chapel Ref 5-67 Northowram Methodist New Connexion Chapel Ref 5-374 Northowram New Chapel Ref 5-645 Northowram, Parish of Ref 5-N539 Northowram United Methodist Chapel Ref 5-915 Northowram United Reformed Church Ref 5-122 Northowram Wesleyan Methodist Chapel Ref 5-44 Norwood Green Congregational Church Ref 5-444
Ministers at the Church have included
Norwood Green Mission Church Ref 5-313 Norwood Green United Reformed Church Ref 5-199 Nursery Lane Anglican Church, Ovenden Ref 5-523
Nursery Lane Wesleyan Methodist Church, Ovenden Ref 5-92
Ministers at the Church have included
Nursery Lane Wesleyan Methodist Graveyard, Ovenden Ref 5-625
Page Ref: C109_N
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