


John DacreRef 6-372
For information about several topics including John Arthur Cockcroft and John Cockcroft & Sons

Stuart DaleRef 6-SD
For photographs and information about several topics.

These are listed in the Foldout

DannyRef 6-718
For information about The Elms, Illingworth

Chris DavidsonRef 6-275
For information about members of his Gardiner family including Alexander Stoker Gardiner, Frederick Augustus Gardiner and Theodore Senior Gardiner

Margaret DavidsonRef 6-118
For information about several topics including Inchfield House, Walsden and Benjamin Travis

Ivor DaviesRef 6-310
For information about several topics. These are listed in the Foldout

John DaviesRef 6-1006
For information about topics including

Sandra DaviesRef 6-SDV
For photographs and information about several topics.

These are listed in the Foldout

Sheila DaviesRef 6-646
For information about topics including Arnold Sutcliffe, Willie Sutcliffe, Albert Edward Wood and Edward Wood

Wendy DaviesRef 6-1166
For information about Edwin Smith Bairstow / George Bairstow / Harry Bairstow / James Bairstow / James Bairstow / Thomas Bairstow / William Bairstow

Freda DavisRef 6-725
For information about several topics including Frederick Baines, John Baines, John Baines, John Baines, Simpson Baines, Simpson Baines, William Baines and Arthur Philip Pohlmann

Karen DavisRef 6-115
For information about Princess Mary High School

Nick DavisRef 6-642
For information about several topics including Edwin Dixon and Joseph Dixon

Andrew DawrantRef 6-557
For information about several topics including Herbert Dawrant and John Dawrant

Steven DeanRef 6-319
For information about Daisy Street, Brighouse

Mark DearnleyRef 6-659
For information about Thomas Dearnally

Sandra DelaneyRef 6-SDY
For photographs and information about several topics.

These are listed in the Foldout

Steve DelvesRef 6-32
For information about Reginald Christie

Joe DenbyRef 6-1175
For information about William Beaumont

Mark DenbyRef 6-72
For information about James Lightowler

Adrian DenhamRef 6-341
For information about several topics including Albert Marsden Denham, Algernon Denham, John Hartley Denham, Kingston, Lightcliffe, John Whittaker & Sons (Kingston) Limited, Arthur Llewellyn Whittaker, John Whittaker and Kathleen Mary Whittaker

Chris DenhamRef 6-CDM
For information about several topics including J. & B. Ainley, John Ainley & Sons Limited, Maps, Wapping Spring Brewery, Outlane, Wappy Ales & Stouts and Wappy Spring Inn, Outlane

Chris has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

Jill DenhamRef 6-JDM
For information about several topics including Charles James Pinchin, William Denham, Samuel Broadbent Pinchin, Denham's Patent Bottling Machine Company, Denham Engineering Company Limited, Churchill Machine Tools, and the Empire Works, Holmfield

Jill has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

William Gordon DenisonRef 6-742
For information about several topics including John Denison and William Ernest Denison

Paul R. DentonRef 6-663
For permission to use one of his photos of Halifax Railway Station

Edward DevallRef 6-445
For information about Adamroyd Mill, Todmorden

Linda DevereuxRef 6-914
For information about

Anita DewhirstRef 6-499
For information about several topics including Luddenden Valley Sports Club

Anita has also submitted a page of Memories:

Janet DiMariaRef 6-JD
For photographs and information about several topics.

These are listed in the Foldout

Mike DixonRef 6-722
For information about

David DobbyRef 6-692
For information about topics including

Jude DobsonRef 6-JDN
For information about topics including Charles Radcliffe and William Towne Radcliffe

Jude has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

Stephen DobsonRef 6-SDB
For photographs and information about several topics.

These are listed in the Foldout

William DoddRef 6-829
For information about James Normanton

Margaret DolanRef 6-550
For information about several topics including Beech Grove, Halifax, Harry Isaac Deitch and Samuel Fleming

Richard DolmanRef 6-RDM

Richard has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

Marsha DonaldsonRef 6-866
née Cain.

For information about

Marjorie Edwards DoncheyRef 6-547
For information about her grandfather Robert Edwards and her father Reuben Edwards

Chris DonoghueRef 6-518
For information about Portsmouth Rovers Football Club

Robert DoranRef 6-35
For information about T' Cat i' th' well, Luddenden Dean and Halifax Police Station

Victor DoreeRef 6-339
For information about Yvonne Sugden and her husband

Myra DorrellRef 6-174
For information about the Farrars of Ewood

Matt DoustRef 6-1028
For information about Joseph Mellor, Samuel Mellor and J. Mellor & Son

Len DownesRef 6-LEN
For information about David Hannam Thornton

Len has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

Jane DowneyRef 6-205
For her memories of St Mary's RC School, Halifax and also for a large amount of information about Rishworth Independent Church and its people gleaned from The Story of Parrack Nook

Allan DowsonRef 6-ADN
For information about topics including Rev Harcourt Norris Torriano Busfeild and Archibald Norman McLeod

Allan has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

James DoyleRef 6-1118
For information about Sheila Mary Doyle

Julie DrainRef 6-JDR
For information about Ellen and Ernest Garfitt (her gt grandparents) 

Julie has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

George DrakeRef 6-686
of the Calderdale Industrial Museum Association, for identifying one of my photos of exhibits in the Museum and information about James Lumb & Sons

James W DrakeRef 6-JWD
For photographs and information about several topics.

These are listed in the Foldout

Roslyn DringRef 6-981
For information about Alfred Oldfield and Richard Jessop Oldfield

Vivian DubeRef 6-1045
For information about topics including Jeremiah Law and Wilson Nicholson

Rachel DuguidRef 6-RDG
For information about Eli Broadbent

Rachel has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

Bill DunnRef 6-487
For information about Colonel Robert Howard Goldthorp

Cath DwyerRef 6-623
For information about several topics including Hey & Company, St Mary's Vicarage, Halifax, St Mary's School, Halifax, Richard Turner and for commenting on some mystery photos

Adele DycheRef 6-1078
For information about William Renford Walker

Angela DyerRef 6-863
For information about John Riley

Gordon DysonRef 6-50

For information about several topics. These are listed in the Foldout

Judy DysonRef 6-172
For information about topics including Abbotroyd, Barkisland, Arthur James Dyson, James Dyson, Lionel Thomas Dyson, other members of the Dyson family, and William Lee Dyson

Mark DysonRef 6-MDY
For information about

Mark has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

Mike DysonRef 6-1103
For information about John Exley Dyson / John Exley Dyson / Thomas Helm & Sons / Thomas Archibald Helm

© Malcolm Bull 2025
Revised 14:13 / 21st March 2025 / 26496

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