


Terrence LadlowRef 6-942
For information about Eric Portman

Chris LakeRef 6-CLK

Chris has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

Daryl LakeyRef 6-DL
For information about Hove Edge Post Office.

Daryl has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

George LambertRef 6-147
For information about Todmorden Rotary Club

Andrew LaminRef 6-193
For information about Calder keels

Lynne LancasterRef 6-544
For information about several topics including Elizabeth Ann and James Bibby, Harry Arthur Mellor, Wells Farm, Warley, and Windle Royd Laundry, Warley

Douglas LandinRef 6-DLN
For information about his great-grandfather Strickson Landin

Douglas has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

Julie LaneRef 6-1180
For information about several topics. These are listed in the Foldout

Sarah LaneRef 6-1024
For information about

Peter LangdaleRef 6-PLE
For information about topics including Thomas Langdale, Marmaduke Langdale, James Langdale and James Marmaduke Langdale

Peter has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

Philip LargeRef 6-PL
For information about several topics including his great-grandfather John Radcliffe Rawnsley, John Philip Large, and John Burdock

Philip has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

Will LarterRef 6-819
For information about several topics including Queens Road Hotel, Halifax and Queens Road Tavern, Halifax

Frank LawRef 6-FL
For information about topics including Mr Wormald and Wormald's of Sowerby Bridge

Frank has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

Ian LawRef 6-572
For information about several topics. These are listed in the Foldout

Michael LawrenceRef 6-1000
For information about Joseph Smith Fletcher

Charles LawsonRef 6-938
For information about the Explosion at Holme Mill, Stainland, Mary Ann Priestley, St Anne's Quarry, Southowram, the Shoulder of Mutton, Shelf, and the Sportsman, Soyland

Christopher LawsonRef 6-1160
For information about Lucy Ann Greenwood

John LeachRef 6-1008
For information about several topics including Alfred Butterworth, Edith Blanche Alberta Olton, William Tell and Charles Tell

Christine LeadbeaterRef 6-449
For information about topics including

John LeakeRef 6-834
For information about

Brian LeeRef 6-73
For information about Hipperholme Tannery and his gt-gt-grandfather James Lee

Frances LeeRef 6-324
For information about John Lee

Trevor LeeRef 6-710
For information about several topics including Thomas Lee

Jayne LeechRef 6-1097
For information about The Gallows Pole

Tony LeemingRef 6-988
For information about Sarah Ann Leeming

Jeremy C LefeverRef 6-JCL
For photographs and information about several topics.

These are listed in the Foldout

Anne LeitchRef 6-588
For information about topics including

Lesley LeslieRef 6-792
For information about several topics including James Davies, Dusty Miller, Walsden, Henry Smith and Thomas Smith

Juliet LevyRef 6-952
For information about Arthur William Longbottom

Martin LevyRef 6-672
For information about several topics including Halifax Arts Lab and Ralph Rumney

Peter LewinRef 6-484
For information about several topics including Barron & Lewin, A. E. Black, Hare & Hounds, Halifax, Arnold Lewin, Ernest Cleaver Lewin, Frank Lewin, George Ronald Lewin, Mabel Lewin, Mrs Monica Lewin, Septimus Lewin and William Saddington Lewin

Joy LewisRef 6-112
For information about Matthew Portman

Patricia LewisRef 6-532
For information about several topics including Reginald Fruhe-Sutcliffe

Robyn LewisRef 6-145
Great-great-great-granddaughter of Jeremiah Rawson, for large amounts of information about her ancestors, the Rawson family, the Priestley family, and the Waterhouse family

Peter LewthwaiteRef 6-55
For information about John Lewthwaite and family

Catherine LiddleRef 6-153
For references to St Patrick's Catholic Church, West Vale

Friends of Saint Matthew's Churchyard, LightcliffeRef 6-IP
For information about several topics including Friends of St Matthew's Churchyard and Lightcliffe Old Church

Friends has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

Philip LightowlersRef 6-1154
For information about the origin of the Lightowler surname

John LingardRef 6-JL
For photographs and information about several topics.

These are listed in the Foldout

Deirdre LintonRef 6-424
For information about several topics. These are listed in the Foldout

David ListerRef 6-DLR
For information about

David has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

Ian ListerRef 6-IL
For photographs and information about several topics.

These are listed in the Foldout

Susan ListerRef 6-1061
For information about Thomas Pitchforth

Thomas Richard ListerRef 6-271
For information about his family and his grandfather, Thomas Edward Lister

John LittlefieldRef 6-703
For information about David Littlefield

Marshall LloydRef 6-368
For information about his great-grandfather Cyrus Sing Lloyd and Solomon Watson

Nigel LloydRef 6-NL
For photographs and information about several topics.

These are listed in the Foldout

William LloydRef 6-1010
For information about topics including Walter Francis Lloyd and Walter Vyvian Nugent

Pat & Tony LockyerRef 6-PLY
For information about topics including Blankney Grange, Wyke and Arthur Davy

Pat has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

Joan LoganRef 6-JLN
For information about Arthur Keighley Lister and William Lister

Joan has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

Godfrey LomasRef 6-266
For information about William Crabtree, John Stirk and Ephraim Winn

Tim LomasRef 6-931
For information about topics including John Charlesworth and James Charlesworth

Derek LoneyRef 6-149
For information about The Dyson family

D.J. & V.M. LongRef 6-DJL
For information about Ashday Rutway, Charles Norman Greenwood and William P. Greenwood

D.J. has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

David LongRef 6-1174
For information about Collingwood Fenwick, Charles Norman Greenwood, William Patchett Greenwood, Gilbert Thompson Nicholl and St Michael & All Angels' Church, Southowram Bank

Alan LongbottomRef 6-AL
For information about a vast number of topics. These are listed in the Foldout

Paul LongbottomRef 6-66
For information about Upper Shibden Hall

Peter LongbottomRef 6-215
For information about his father, T. H. Longbottom

Dennis LordRef 6-DLD
For information about Kevin Gordon Lord and Norman Lord

Dennis has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

John LordRef 6-196
For information about several topics including the Abbey, Warley, the Cliffe Brewery, and the Albion Brewery

Peter LordRef 6-648
For information about topics including Coventry Machine Tool Works Limited, St Christopher's School, Brighouse and John Stirk & Sons Limited

Chris LovellRef 6-396
For information about several topics including Cavalry Field, Halifax, Shaw Lane, Ovenden and Shay Lane, Ovenden

Susan LoweRef 6-488
For information about several topics. These are listed in the Foldout

Harriet LoweryRef 6-HLY
For information about Firth Mills, Stainland

Harriet has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

Anne LucasRef 6-29
For information about Amy and Alice Ann Kirby who both died in mysterious fires

Winston LucasRef 6-WL
For information about Charles Henry Lucas

Winston has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

Calista LucyRef 6-740
For information about Rev John Henry Mallinson

Gail LumbRef 6-577
For information about several topics including Maurice Jeffreys and Ovenden Grange

Jonathan LumbRef 6-84
For information about the holes on Norland Moor

Pam LumbRef 6-495
For information about

Theresa LumbRef 6-989
For information about Samuel Peter Hopkinson Lumb

Caroline Lynch-BellRef 6-CLB

Caroline has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:

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