Events in the 1600s
This Foldout presents
some events which took occurred in the 1600s
One-third of the population of York died of the plague.
In London, 1000 people per day were dying in June, and 3000 people
per day were dying in September
An outbreak of the plague in Twickenham, Middlesex
The first railway in Britain was a pit-head track built by Sir
Francis Willoughby at Wollaton, Nottinghamshire
Heywood recorded a great snow in which Anthony Maude and Michael
Leroyd perished
Local floods
There were outbreaks of the plague in the year of the coronation
of Charles I
June 1626
The plague killed 41,000 people in London
Friday, 5th June 1628
The south-east pinnacle and the tower of Halifax Parish Church were
struck by lightning.
Several stones were dislodged and damaged the battlements and the
south porch as they fell
May 1631
There was an outbreak of the plague.
It may have arrived in wool brought from an infected district.
The disease first struck in Erringden and spread to Heptonstall
[where nearly 40 houses were affected and 107 people died between May
and September], Mixenden and Ovenden [where 55 people died].
The Heptonstall church records show a record number of
deaths – including that of Rev William Smith and Rev
Leonard Burton – but no marriages.
The village was so deserted that the streets grassed over.
George Halstead and
Abraham Widdop
Thursday, 4th January 1643
2 Parliamentary soldiers were hanged on a gallows made near Halifax
Gibbet, for deserting to the Royalist forces at Heptonstall.
They were taken by Sir Francis Mackworth's company, and executed
the same night
Saturday, 30th June 1643
10,000 Royalists defeated 3,500 Parliamentarians at the Battle
of Adwalton Moor
October 1645
Probably a consequence of the dirty, overcrowded and badly-drained
conditions in Halifax, there were many deaths from the plague in
the parish of Halifax.
The situation was aggravated by the presence of large numbers of
Scottish soldiers in the district.
Between August 1645 and 30th January 1646, the total deaths in
Halifax amounted to 561.
A chain was stretched across the road at Sowerby Bridge and 2 sentry
houses were built to guard against the spread of infection.
This kept Sowerby free of the disease.
Trooper Lane and
John Waite
September 1649
The Sowerby constable records that precautions were taken to prevent
the spread of the plague in the town
A wet summer.
The harvest was gathered in the middle of September
Saturday, 3rd September 1658
On the night of the death of Oliver Cromwell, an awful storm
wrecked property and uprooted trees across the country
The Great Plague.
Probably because of its scattered rural communities – Halifax
district did not suffer quite so badly during the Great Plague
of the 17th century as did the rest of Britain
Parliament passed a Turnpike Act, allowing entrepreneurs to build
roads, and charge travellers for passage, in order to defray costs.
This was initially only used in three counties to see if it worked.
January 1673
Sowerby Bridge was described as being
shattred and decayed
by local floods
Friday, 11th September 1673
Hartshead Parish Register records
the eleaventh day of this month was that great flod which brake downe
soe many briggs
December 1675
There was an influenza epidemic – the Jolly Rant – in Halifax
There was an epidemic of distemper in Halifax, Leeds, York, Hull
and other places.
The violent coughing – a symptom of the disease – interrupted church
services and
it was almost impossible to hear distinctly an entire sentence of a
There was an influenza epidemic throughout Britain
Tuesday, 4th August 1679
Heywood records that
Upon Monday August 4th 1679, was an anniversary feast at Ealand to be
called Ealand-tide ... it fell abundance of rain and was such a
flood that no people would come
Thursday, 4th February 1680
Heywood writes that
at Henry Ramsden's coal pit near Elland, a boy of about 12 or
12 years of age, [son] of a Scotchwoman near Halifax, fell 40 yards
into the coal pit, both his legs broken, arms, collar etc, yet still
alive March 1; he fell 40 yards but coal pit was 80, it was a wonder
Wednesday, 12th October 1680
Heywood writes that
[this day], a woman in Halifax called [?] had her leg cut off by a
Dr, it began with cutting a corn betwixt her toes
Saturday, 19th November 1680
Heywood writes that
Jeremiah ? of Sowerby, a mason working in a stone delph near
Ewood was crusht to death by a fall of stone, his wife fell into
travel at hearing of it, he was killed Friday Nov 19, 1680, buryed at
Sowerby on Sabbath following
Halifax suffered in a national smallpox epidemic
April 1681
Heywood writes that
An old woman in Southowram dying, a young maid to whom she was aunt
living with her, a good while after could not find in her heart to go
into the room where her aunt dyed, a neighbour after some weeks
coming in, sent her into that parlour, shut her there, the wench gave
a shriek and shortly after dyed, April 1681
This was one of the coldest winters.
The diarist John Evelyn took a coach to Lambeth along the
frozen River Thames
Saturday, 8th September 1693
A severe shock of an earthquake was felt in England
Malcolm Bull
Revised 18:24 / 16th November 2024 / 11821
Page Ref: C813-1600