Thompson : Index

This Index lists 169 people with the surname Thompson who have entries in the Calderdale Companion.

Click on any name to take you to the appropriate entry in the Thompson Sidetrack

Mr Thompson [18??-1???]
Alfred Thompson [1894-19??]
Arnold Thompson [1889-19??]
Arthur Thompson [1886-1955]
Arthur Thomas Thompson [1863-19??]
Benjamin Thomas Thompson [1802-1874]
Benjamin Townley Thompson [1871-1957]
Charles Thompson [1???-18??]
Charles Edward Thompson [1864-1914]
Charles Edwin Thompson [1857-1???]
Charles William Thompson [1880-1919]
Christian Thompson [19??-]
Cyril Thompson [18??-191?]
Sir Donald Thompson [1931-2005]
Donald Hoyle Thompson [1927-2009]
E. Thompson [1???-191?]
Eddie Thompson [1925-1986]
Edgar Thompson [1872-19??]
Edward Thompson [1816-18??]
Edward Palmer Thompson [1924-1993]
Edwin Thompson [1869-1920]
Eliza Thompson [1819-1897]
Ernest Thompson [1886-1916]
Ernest Thompson [1920-1944]
Ernest Samuel Wharton Thompson [1897-1918]
Ethel Thompson [18??-1916]
Fanny Thompson [1873-1967]
Frank Thompson [1921-1945]
Fred Thompson [18??-19??]
Fred Thompson [1873-19??]
Frederick Thompson [17??-18??]
Frederick David Thompson [1892-1915]
Frederick Ward Thompson [1897-1917]
G. Thompson [17??-18??]
Rev G. A. Thompson [18??-1???]
G. M. C. Thompson [18??-19??]
Geoffrey Thompson [1???-19??]
George Thompson [1???-18??]
George Thompson [1???-18??]
George Thompson [16??-1674]
George Thompson [17??-1???]
Rev George Thompson [18??-1???]
Rev George Thompson [18??-19??]
George Thompson [1811-1???]
George Thompson [1823-1899]
George Thompson [1833-1???]
George Thompson [1874-19??]
Rev George Thompson [19??-20??]
George Albert Thompson [1883-19??]
George Armstrong Thompson [1873-1917]
George Booth Thompson [1823-1899]
Rev H. S. Thompson [18??-18??]
Harriet Thompson [1880-19??]
Harry Thompson [18??-19??]
Harry Thompson [1873-19??]
Rev Henry Thompson [18??-19??]
Henry Thompson [1807-1879]
Henry Thompson [1881-1936]
Henry James Houldsworth Thompson [1896-1964]
Herbert Edward Thompson [1891-1916]
Herbert Hudson Thompson [1865-1898]
Hudson Thompson [1824-1883]
J. Thompson [18??-19??]
J. Thompson [18??-19??]
J. W. Thompson [18??-19??]
Jack Thompson [1921-1942]
James Thompson [1744-1796]
James Thompson [1769-1831]
James Thompson [18??-1915]
James Thompson [1816-1883]
James Thompson [1827-1857]
James Thompson [1845-1???]
James Thompson [1888-19??]
James Thompson [19??-19??]
James John Thompson [1842-1917]
James Walter Thompson [1886-1927]
James Walton Thompson [1850-1927]
James Wigglesworth Thompson [1818-1875]
Jimmy Thompson [1925-2005]

Jimmy Thompson [1925-2005]
Joe Thompson [1880-19??]
John Thompson [1???-16??]
John Thompson [1769-1822]
John Thompson [1772-1854]
Dr John Thompson [1781-1818]
John Thompson [1793-18??]
John Thompson [1796-18??]
John Thompson [18??-1???]
John Thompson [18??-19??]
John Thompson [18??-19??]
Rev John Thompson [18??-19??]
John Thompson [1803-1880]
John Thompson [1804-1885]
John Thompson [1809-1867]
John Thompson [1819-18??]
John Thompson [1822-1???]
John Thompson [1823-1???]
John Thompson [1826-1896]
John Thompson [1829-19??]
John Thompson [1837-1???]
John Thompson [1848-1914]
John Thompson [1892-1917]
John Thompson [1921-1942]
John Arthur Thompson [1878-1918]
John Helliwell Thompson [1820-1886]
Dr John Henry Thompson [1840-1909]
John Henry Thompson [1893-1915]
John Lockwood Thompson [1872-1950]
John Moorhouse Thompson [1905-1970]
John William Thompson [1891-1918]
Joseph Thompson [17??-1812]
Joseph Thompson [1739-1802]
Joseph Thompson [18??-19??]
Joseph Thompson [18??-19??]
Joseph Thompson [1836-1???]
Joseph Thompson [1840-1???]
Joseph Thompson [1841-1919]
Joseph Elmer Thompson [18??-1924]
Joseph Lockwood Thompson [1840-1889]
Kate Thompson [1956-]
L. Thompson [18??-191?]
L. A. Thompson [18??-19??]
Lister Thompson [1866-19??]
Lloyd Thompson [19??-19??]
Mary Thompson [1855-1856]
Mary L. Thompson [1878-19??]
Miles Thompson [1751-1807]
Moses Thompson [1826-1905]
Norman Melville Parker Thompson [1891-1930]
Robert Thompson [1???-18??]
Robert Thompson [1801-1???]
Robert Thompson [1876-1955]
Samuel Thompson [18??-18??]
Samuel Thompson [1811-1883]
Samuel Charles Thompson [1877-19??]
Samuel Shaw Thompson [1862-19??]
Selwyn Thompson [1923-1944]
T. H. Thompson [18??-19??]
Thomas Thompson [18??-19??]
Thomas Thompson [1822-1854]
Thomas Thompson [1832-1???]
Thomas Thompson [1896-1918]
Thomas William Thompson [18??-18??]
Rev W. Thompson [18??-19??]
W. B. Thompson [17??-18??]
Wallace Thompson [1847-1901]
Wallace Thompson [1887-1917]
Walter Thompson [1847-1???]
Walter Leonard Thompson [1872-1957]
William Thompson [1???-1857]
William Thompson [16??-17??]
William Thompson [17??-1???]
William Thompson [17??-17??]
William Thompson [17??-18??]
William Thompson [1729-1812]
William Thompson [1733-1799]
William Thompson [1783-1862]
William Thompson [1786-18??]
Dr William Thompson [18??-1???]
William Thompson [18??-18??]
William Thompson [1855-1???]
Dr William Thompson [1867-1923]
William Barnes Thompson [1799-1846]
William Frank Thompson [1921-1944]
William Henry Thompson [1817-18??]
William Henry Thompson [1851-1912]
William Henry Thompson [1854-1929]
William Holdsworth Thompson [1871-1949]
Dr William Rosetherns Thompson [1868-19??]
Zechariah Thompson [1827-1899]

© Malcolm Bull 2025
Revised 12:20 / 22nd February 2025 / 13263

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