This Index lists 100 people with the surname Cockcroft who have entries in the Calderdale Companion.
Click on any name to take you to the appropriate entry in the Cockcroft Sidetrack
Mr Cockcroft [18??-1???] Abraham Cockcroft [18??-1892] Abraham Cockcroft [1840-1901] Ambrose Cockcroft [1820-1864] Ambrose Cockcroft [1874-1947] Ambrose Cockcroft [1878-1954] Ann Cockcroft [1740-1823] Archibald Sidney Cockcroft [1869-1905] Arthur Cockcroft [1???-19??] Arthur Cockcroft [1897-1917] Arthur James Cockcroft [1899-1918] Caleb Cockcroft [15??-16??] Caleb Cockcroft [17??-18??] Chatburn Cockcroft [18??-18??] Christiana Cockcroft [13??-1???] Clement Randolph Cockcroft [1884-1958] David Cockcroft [18??-19??] Dr David Midgley Cockcroft [1811-1884] Denys Cockcroft [1927-1945] E. W. Cockcroft [19??-19??] Ebenezer Cockcroft [1790-1867] Mrs Edith Cockcroft [18??-19??] Enoch Cockcroft [1842-1925] Eric William Cockcroft [1898-1979] Ernest Edward Cockcroft [1887-1965] Fergus Cockcroft [1844-1911] Frank Cockcroft [1874-1946] Harold Cockcroft [1???-19??] Harry Brearley Cockcroft [1864-1933] Henry Cockcroft [1???-16??] Henry Cockcroft [158?-1642] Henry Cockcroft [1803-1872] Henry Cockcroft [1808-1???] Henry Cockcroft [1824-1???] Henry Cockcroft [1849-1928] Henry Keith Cockcroft [1904-1955] Herbert Cockcroft [1887-19??] Herbert William Cockcroft [1884-1963] Isaac Cockcroft [17??-1???] James Cockcroft [1???-18??] James Cockcroft [17??-18??] James Cockcroft [18??-1???] James Cockcroft [18??-18??] James Cockcroft [1829-1???] James Malcolm Cockcroft [1937-19??]
James Malcolm Cockcroft [1937-19??] John Cockcroft [13??-1???] John Cockcroft [17??-18??] John Cockcroft [17??-18??] John Cockcroft [1748-1842] John Cockcroft [18??-1???] John Cockcroft [18??-1???] John Cockcroft [1800-18??] John Cockcroft [1816-1849] John Cockcroft [1839-1926] John Cockcroft [1848-1898] John Cockcroft [1848-19??] John Cockcroft [1851-19??] John Cockcroft [1865-19??] John Anthony Eric Cockcroft [19??-????] John Arthur Cockcroft [1866-1927] John Arthur Cockcroft [1892-1916] John D. Cockcroft [19??-19??] Sir John Douglas Cockcroft [1897-1967] John Hoyle Cockcroft [1934-19??] John Richard Cockcroft [1857-1907] John Thomas Cockcroft [1886-1976] John William Cockcroft [1873-1???] Joshua Cockcroft [1760-1???] Joshua Cockcroft [18??-1???] Lionel Fielden Cockcroft [1906-1988] Lionel Peter Cockcroft [19??-] Lister Cockcroft [1875-1939] Mary Cockcroft [16??-17??] Mary Cockcroft [1743-1779] Matthew Cockcroft [1762-18??] Percy Cockcroft [18??-19??] Peter Cockcroft [19??-1980] Richard Cockcroft [18??-1???] Richard Cockcroft [1829-1915] Thomas Cockcroft [1???-18??] Thomas Cockcroft [17??-17??] Thomas Cockcroft [1820-1865] Thomas Cockcroft [1845-1906] Walter Cockcroft [1855-1915] Walter Cockcroft [1891-1919] William Cockcroft [1???-18??] Sir William Cockcroft [14??-15??] William Cockcroft [15??-1643] William Cockcroft [16??-17??] William Cockcroft [17??-1786] William Cockcroft [1705-1773] William Cockcroft [1784-1855] William Cockcroft [18??-19??] William Cockcroft [1845-1???] William Cockcroft [19??-1???] William Cockcroft [19??-19??] William Henry Cockcroft [1841-1914] William Henry Cockcroft [1848-1921] William Innes Cockcroft [1875-1919] Willie Cockcroft [1878-1917]
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