Berry : Index

This Index lists 111 people with the surname Berry who have entries in the Calderdale Companion.

Click on any name to take you to the appropriate entry in the Berry Sidetrack

Mr Berry [1???-1???]
Mrs Berry [17??-18??]
Rev Abraham Berry [1782-1860]
Abraham Berry [18??-18??]
Abraham Berry [1841-1909]
Abraham Berry [1848-1???]
Albert Berry [19??-]
Alfred Berry [1862-19??]
Arthur Berry [1898-1917]
Benjamin Berry [1???-19??]
Benjamin Berry [1842-1???]
Benjamin Berry [1847-1913]
Benjamin Berry [1850-1888]
Caroline Berry [1849-1943]
Charles Berry [1855-1907]
Clarence Leo Berry [1896-19??]
Clement Berry [1889-1916]
D. Berry [18??-1???]
Daniel Berry [1849-1896]
Rev Daniel Thomas Berry [1874-1936]
David Berry [1814-1877]
David Berry [1874-1942]
Dixon Berry [1875-1916]
Eleanor Berry [1830-1891]
Elizabeth Berry [1784-1858]
Emmaline Berry [1850-1943]
Eric William Berry [1890-1918]
Ernest Berry [1???-19??]
Ernest Berry [1898-1916]
Ernest Wilfred Berry [1868-1???]
Francis Berry [1791-1857]
Francis Berry [1823-1880]
Francis Berry [1842-1904]
Frank Arthur Berry [1889-1918]
Fred Berry [18??-19??]
Fred Berry [1843-1914]
Fred Berry [1879-1953]
Fred Berry [1897-1917]
George Berry [1835-1???]
George Arthur Berry [1865-1894]
George Arthur Berry [1884-1917]
Haman Berry [1860-1911]
Hanson Berry [18??-1902]
Harold Berry [1894-1917]
Harry Berry [18??-19??]
Henry Berry [1823-1???]
Henry Berry [1838-1882]
Henry Berry [1851-1???]
Henry Berry [1888-1917]
Herbert Edward Berry [1874-1906]
Horace Berry [1897-1918]
James Berry [1813-1887]

James Berry [1813-1887]
James Berry [1852-1890]
James Berry [1920-1943]
James Edwin Berry [1876-19??]
James Harold Berry [1894-1917]
James Robert Berry [1851-1920]
James Thomas Berry [1802-1886]
John Berry [1???-191?]
John Berry [1770-1854]
Rev John Berry [18??-19??]
John Berry [1804-18??]
John Berry [1806-18??]
John Berry [1807-1870]
John Berry [1815-1869]
John Berry [1833-1917]
John Berry [1848-1928]
John Berry [1852-1910]
John Berry [1883-19??]
John Arthur Berry [1878-1951]
John Frederick Berry [1874-1934]
John Henry Dixon Berry [1853-1898]
John Raymond Berry [1896-1918]
John William Berry [1853-1922]
Josiah Berry [1864-1920]
Kaye Holroyd Berry [1882-1959]
Kenneth Berry [1895-19??]
Lawrence Berry [19??-19??]
Leonard Berry [1863-19??]
Margaret Alice Berry [1939-2009]
Martha Ann Berry [1828-1909]
Mary Elizabeth Berry [18??-19??]
Nelson Berry [1883-1955]
Norman Berry [1898-1917]
Robert Berry [1763-1796]
Robert Berry [1812-1881]
Robert Berry [1845-19??]
Sam Berry [1872-1923]
Samuel Berry [1854-1903]
Sarah Elizabeth Berry [1873-1890]
Septimus Berry [1844-1924]
T. Berry [18??-19??]
Rev Thomas Berry [1807-1889]
Thomas Arthur Berry [1888-1917]
Thomas Henry Berry [1835-1885]
Thomas W. Berry [1871-1929]
Tom Berry [18??-19??]
Tom Berry [19??-19??]
Walter Berry [1858-1???]
William Berry [18??-1891]
William Berry [1812-1855]
William Berry [1817-1866]
William Berry [1817-1891]
William Berry [1873-1909]
William Broadbent Berry [1854-1930]
William Charles Berry [18??-18??]
William Edgar Berry [1895-1918]
William Edward Berry [1862-1932]
William Shepherd Berry [1858-1929]
Wilton Edward Berry [1916-1944]
Young John Berry [1833-1917]

© Malcolm Bull 2025
Revised 11:53 / 12th January 2025 / 9247

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