This Index lists 25 people with the surname Gregson who have entries in the Calderdale Companion.
Click on any name to take you to the appropriate entry in the Gregson Sidetrack
Mr Gregson [18??-18??] Abraham Gregson [1853-1931] Albert Riley Gregson [1841-1???] Alfred Gregson [18??-1???] Charles Gregson [1863-1926] Donald Gregson [1923-1996] Edward Gregson [1855-1927] Ernest Gregson [1883-1915] Ernest Gregson [1888-1919] Fred Gregson [1858-19??] George Gregson [1874-1953] Harry Gregson [1883-1917] J. W. P. Gregson [18??-19??] James Richard Gregson [1889-19??] John Gregson [1856-1???] John William Gregson [1853-1903] John Woodhead Gregson [1820-1???] Oswald Gregson [1894-1955] Richard Gregson [1???-16??] Samuel Gregson [16??-1???] Thomas Gregson [1826-1864] Walter Gregson [1858-1924] William Gregson [1833-1???] William Henry Gregson [1???-1???] William Henry Gregson [1865-1???]
Page Ref: IX.448
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