Brighouse Post Office

A postal service began in 1849, with John Noble as the first postmaster, and was based in a shop in Bethel Street.

Postmasters included

When David Heaton was Postmaster, the Post Office occupied a room at Mary Bedford's School.

In 1866, when Emmanuel Dale was Postmaster, the Post Office was situated in his saddler's shop on Commercial Street.

At the start of Dale's appointment, there were sub-offices at Rastrick and at Clifton. There were wall post-boxes at Oaks Green and at Rig-ma-Down. The Rig-ma-Down box later moved to Lane Head.

In 1861, the Post Office Savings Bank opened.

In January 1870, it was announced that

the wires for the transmission of telegrams have been connected with the Post Office Buildings, and everything is in readiness for the commencement of operations

When Dale left in 1899, there were 18 wall-boxes and 103 collections each day, and additional post offices had opened at Bailiff Bridge and Hove Edge.

The Post Office in Park Street was designed by Edward C. Brooke and opened on 3rd December 1900.

In January 1924, the Brighouse office came under the control of the Huddersfield post office.

A Post Office at the junction of Waterloo Road and Halifax Road was built in 1854. It closed in 2004.

There is a Post Office in the former Joiners' Arms at Hove Edge.

Brighouse Post Office in Park Street closed suddenly and inexplicably in 2007, and moved to a shop in Wellington Arcade.

In April 2016, the Post Office, suddenly and belatedly -

understanding how important having a Post Office is to residents in Brighouse

- announced proposals to move the Office back to the original building in Park Street

See Charley Binns, Edith Holland and Benjamin Noble

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