Brighouse: Overseers of the Poor
This Foldout lists some of the people who have served as
Overseer of the Poor and Assistant Overseer for
- Hen. Hemmingway, Robert Gibson served ye poore, Robert Gibson
paid all [1661]
- Thomas Hanson [1665]
- Samuel Bentley, John Coats [1667]
- Henry Smith, Jonathan Priestley [1668]
- Charles Farrer, John Thorpe [1669]
- Mr Hodgson, Samuell Waddington [1671]
- Robert Gibson, Richard Morley [1672]
- Thomas Taylor [1673]
- John Stocks, Jonathan Shaw [1674]
- Mr Richard Langley, Joseph Whitley [1675]
- Will Walker, Jere Ffield [1676]
- Henry Brigghouse, Joseph Brooke [1677]
- John Kershaw, Joseph Wright [1678]
- Mr Wilton, Mr Lister [1769]
- Francis Priestley, Jos. Smith [1680]
- John Hanson, Jer. Empson [1681]
- Mr John Brooke, Hen. Birkheade [1682]
- Nathan Whitley, Ab. Mallinson [1683]
- Mich. Ingham, Jer. Hudson [1684]
- Richard Riddlesden, Will. Thorpe [1685]
- Thomas Kitson, Thomas Ray [1686]
- James Tetlaw, Ed. Taylor [1687]
- Paul Greenwood, George Stocks [1688]
- Ed. Langley, Jonathan Priestley [1689]
- James Brooksbanke, John Sharpe [1690]
- Jonas Coats, Gilberd Sturdey [1691]
- Abraham Holmes, Timo Iredall [1692]
- Richard Flather, Thomas Whitley [1693]
- Joshua Wright, Thomas Walker [1694]
- Francis Brook, James Leak [1695]
- Will. Walker of Slead Sike, Stephen Hird [1696]
- James Greame alone [1697]
- Michael Gibson, Jonas Best [1698]
- James Tetlaw, Michael Ramsden [1699]
- William Walker of Crow Nest, Jno. Frost [1700]
- Hene. Gill, Jno. Nicholls [1701]
- Edward Gibson, Jere. Batley [1702]
- Joseph Crowther, Hugh Mallinson [1703]
- Mr Abraham Langley, Thomas Kitson of Cliff Hill [1704]
- Eliez. Tettlaw, James Rhoades [1705]
- Jno. Pickells, Jno. Medley, Abhm. Hemingway deputy for J.
Pickells [1706]
- William Mann for Lower Cliffe Hill, Nathaniell Sowood [1707]
- John Hanson of Hove Edge, James Oats of Northwood Green
- Samuel Walker for Smithhouse, Jno. Greenwood for Northwood Green
- Jno. Thorpe, Francis Brooke [1710]
- Timo. Iredall, Jos. Brooke [1711]
- Robert Mercer, Josiah Houldsworth [1712]
- Samuel Riddlesden, Jno. Heaton for Gill Farme [1713]
- Jos. Haigh, Jos. Brigg [1714]
- Jno. Yates (Joseph Brigg deputy), Jno. Wilkinson [1715]
- Joseph Eccles, Samuel Liverseidge [1716]
- John Simpson, Robert Nelson for Turner Farme [1717]
- Christopher Dade, Richard Speight junr [1718]
- John Wilton, Robert Booth [1719]
- William Holroyde, Ab. Roberts [1720]
- William brook for Newhouse, Jno. Williamson [1721]
- Thomas Pinder, Edward Mallinson [1722]
- William Naylor, Arthur Proctor [1723]
- John Booth, Joseph Haigh of Brigg [1724]
- Thomas Pinder, Ab. Whitfield [1725]
- Jo. Law of Pond, Jno. Roberts of Hird Farm Hipperholme [1726]
- William Rathmell of Granny Hall, Jo. Oats of Lower Ox Heys [1727]
- Samuel Smith of Brighouse, Samuel Sucksmith of Norwood Green
- Mahalon Cooper of Brighouse, Joshua Smith of Hipperholme [1729]
- Timo. Pullman of Lidgitt, Hen. Flather of Lower Green [1730]
- Samuel Liversige, John Nelson of Lidgate [1731]
- Robert Gregory, Jon. Speight [1732]
- John Marsden, Daniel Gill [1733]
- Jno. Washington of Priestley Green, Jer. Scholefield [1734]
- Jno. Flather, Jno. Wadington [1735]
- John Waddington for Winteredge, John Bolland [1736]
- Francis Pawly, Edward Mallinson [1737]
- Geo. Gibson of Slead Hall, William Swain [1741]
- John Booth, Peter Day [1738]
- Joshua Crowther, Jo. Stake [1739]
- Obadiah Scholefield, Joshua Garside [1740]
- Joshua Mann, Joseph Booth [1742]
- William Walker, Samuel Fenton for Bellybridge [1743]
- Joseph Brooke, James Waterhouse [1744]
- Timothy Pullman of Botham Hall, Thomas Mann [1745]
- Samuel Browne, James Gleadhill [1746]
- Mr Simpson, Joshua Mann [1747]
- Mr Thomas Beatson of Slead Sike (Wm. Rathmell deputy), Jonas
Crowther [1748]
- Jno. Holdsworth both half years hired by the town [1749]
- Jno. Holdsworth both half years hired by the town [1750]
- Mr Luke Howard, William Brooke [1751]
- Jos. Hall, William Swaine [1752]
- James Stancliffe (Wm. Swaine deputy), Jno. Simpson jnr [1753]
- Thomas Wilson, Jno. Flather [1754]
- William Tetley of Brigghouse Mills, Josa. Hall [1755]
- Eli Clegg, James Miller [1756]
- Jno. Stocks, Thomas Thorpe [1757]
- Joseph Hopkin, Benjamin Haworth [1758]
- Edward Mallinson, Jno. Thornton of Priestley Green [1759]
- Thomas Woodhead, Jno. Shaw [1760]
- Joseph Booth, William Holland [1761]
- Jos. Askwith, Jno. Brooke [1762]
- Jon. Rushworth, Joshua Hemingway [1763]
- William Radcliffe, Crispin Wilkinson [1764]
- Thomas Rushforth, Jos. Hepworth [1765]
- Samuel Hardcastle, William Pearson [1766]
- Richard Hartley, Samuel Mewburn (Jos. Jenkinson deputy) [1767]
- Jno. Shaw, Jno. Oates [1768]
- Jeremy Carter, James Chadwick [1769]
- Richard Pollard, Thomas Asquith [1770]
- John Gill, Thomas Cooper [1771]
- William Sutcliffe, Edward Ledgard [1772]
- Joseph Holroyd [1773]
- William Ramsden, Elkanah Hoyle [1774]
- Mr James Stocks, Thomas Day [1775]
- G. Wilkinson for Elkanah Hoyle of Brighouse, John Greave [1776]
- Jonas Wright, Joseph Walker [1777]
- Geo. Wilkinson, Peter Ambler [1778]
- William Holland, Jonas Wright [1779]
- William Townend, John Sutcliffe [1780]
- John Pearson, John Fielding [1781]
- James Mann, John Smith [1782]
- George Carver, Joseph Sunderland [1783]
- Joseph Booth, William Hutchinson [1784]
- William Nicholson, John Sharp [1785]
- William Rushworth, Joseph Hirst [1786]
- Jonas Gledhill, William Stocks [1787]
- John Chew, Charles Radcliffe [1788]
- Jeremy Avison, Robert Binnes [1789]
- Daniel Sharp, William Sutcliffe [1790]
- John Hinscliffe, Thomas Flather [1791]
- Henry Firth, William Walker [1792]
- John Lancaster, Benjamin Morton [1793]
- John Goldthorp, Thomas Hamilton [1794]
- John Hinscliff, standing overseer [1795]
- John Hinscliff, standing overseer [1796]
- John Moore, Thomas Pearson [1797]
- George Tetlow, Benjamin Pollard [1798]
- James Blackburn, George Armytage [1799]
- Samuel Bates, John Robinson [1800]
- William Avison [1801]
- William Houlms, John Green [1802]
- John Flather, Rufus Sunderland [1803]
- John Thornton, John Walker [1804]
- James Hoyle, James Hinsliffe [1821]
- William Schorfield of Brighouse Lane Head, John Womersley of
Norwood Green [1822]
- James Horner, Hugh Mallinson of Brighouse [1823]
- Josh. Armitage of Lightcliffe, Thomas Norton of Brighouse [1824]
- John King, John Pearson [1825]
- John King, John Walker [1826]
- John Brook of Brighouse, John Holmes of Norwood Green [1827]
This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom
Malcolm Bull
Revised 12:24 / 9th November 2024 / 8535
Page Ref: KK_216