Booth Independent Church

Aka Booth Congregational Church, Booth United Reformed Church.

The first local religious meetings were held in a dwelling called Hutton, in the middle of a field.

Meetings were then held in a room in Upper Saltonstall by a group of 8 people including James Crossley.

When this proved too small, a site was acquired on the estate belonging to Jehu or John Midgley at Booth.

Many villagers of Booth walked to Haworth, and the Rev William Grimshaw, Vicar of Haworth, was instrumental in supporting a church at Booth.

The new one-roomed Chapel – built by the group's own hands – opened in 1761.

Coiner James Oldfield was a founder member and a precentor at the Chapel.

The congregation grew rapidly and shortly afterwards, a first, then a second and then a third gallery were added.

Ministers at the Chapel have included


It accommodated around 500 worshippers [1845]

After Crossley's disagreements with John Wesley and Methodism, the church was independent until it became a member of the Congregational Union of England Wales in 1872.

In 1823, a new minister's house was built.

In 1828, a new church, the Ebenezer Chapel, was built.

In 1851, a new school, a minister's vestry and a caretaker's house were built.

In 1859, new classrooms were built, and an organ chamber to accommodate the new organ.

On 17th September 1869, the new chapel was opened. It was a large impressive building with lancet windows, ashlar dressings, a rose window, and two towers with pyramid spires. It cost £4,000, and the last £100 was subscribed by Sir Titus Salt. The old chapel was then used as a school and for social purposes.

In 197?, it became a member of the United Reformed Church.

By the end of the 1970s, the church was too large, and the congregation moved out into an adjoining building which had once been used as a billiards room.

In 1975, there were plans to demolish the church and replace it with a new chapel, a new church hall and 10 terraced houses with garages.

The Department of the Environment would not list the building as being of architectural importance.

It closed in September 1979.

It was demolished in 1980.

The Manse and the Booth Independent Church graveyard are still there

See Booth Independent Church: Graveyard

© Malcolm Bull 2022
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