Providence Congregational Church, Stainland: Memorials

The following is taken from transcripts of the inscriptions, memorials and tablets which were to be seen inside Providence Congregational Church, Stainland

Some of the monumental inscriptions in the graveyard are shown in the CD entitled Halifax Monumental Inscriptions #1

Memorials & Tablets within the Church

In memory of JOHN HOLROYD of Stainland, who died on the 2nd day of June 1819, aged 61 years.

And of MARY, his wife, who died on the 11th day of the following month aged 55 years.

Also of BENJAMIN HOLROYD, brother to the above, who died on the 29th day of May 1828, aged 64 years.

Sacred To the memory of JOHN EDWARDS, late of this village, and for many years a leading member of this congregation, who after a life of strict piety and sincere devotion, died in the full assurance of reward, thro' the merits of our Redeemer, the 10th August 1837, aged 76 years. Also of MARY, his wife, who died the 18th October 1841, aged 85

This tablet is placed by the matrons and friends in loving remembrance of BETSY, the beloved wife of REV JOHN WILDE, Born June 28th 1835, Died December 22nd 1899

Her end was peace

Also the REV JOHN WILDE, late resident minister for 34 years, died January 4th 1917, aged 78

Faithful unto death


Sacred to the memory of SARAH MELLOR, daughter of the late ELY WALKER Esq of Stannary House. Relict of the late SAMUEL SHAW Esq of Brookroyd, and wife of BENJAMIN MELLOR Esq of Holywell Green, all of Stainland, who was many years a member of the Church assembling in this place, and died on the 12th day of May 1833, aged 47 years.

Also of the above named BENJAMIN MELLOR Esq who suddenly departed this life much lamented, on the 9th day of August 1845, aged 64.

Their remains are interred at Blackley Cemetery, Elland.

This tablet is erected in dutiful and affectionate remembrance of parental worth by their surviving children AD 1855

To the glory of God and in loving memory of the young men of this church and school who gave their lives in the World War 1939-1945.

Also as a tribute to 68 young men and 15 young women who served their country in time of need

See Benjamin Taylor / Rowland Norcliffe / Providence Congregational Church, Stainland: War Memorial / Providence Congregational Church, Stainland: Graveyard / Southgate Methodist Chapel, Elland: War Memorials

This & associated entries use material contributed by Carole Edwards Caruso, Alan Stansfield & Peter Stubbs

© Malcolm Bull 2025
Revised 16:05 / 15th March 2025 / 7083

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