Levi Haigh

Poems Booklet #2 : Preface


In accordance with the notice in Booklet No. 1, it now affords me pleasure to bring before you Booklet No. 2.

Many of the pieces in this booklet have relation to Sowerby and its inhabitants, while others bear on events and observations made during my daily round as postman.

It may be stated that a number of the poems have already been before the public in the form of printed leaflets, as readings or recitals.

This booklet will serve as a reminder of individuals who, in their time, were prominent in the daily life of Sowerby and its neighbourhood, while other portions will bring to mind buildings and their old associations.

The pictures, I hope, will be found of especial interest most of them were taken by my friend Mr Thomas Heap, while I was on my usual walks and, for his interest I am greatly indebted.

My desire is, that the booklet may not only create an interest in those now living in Sowerby and the immediate locality; but, also, in those, who formerly knew it as their home, but, who now live in distant parts of the world, reminding them of the days they passed in their native village.

I ask for it your favourable consideration, your sympathetic criticism, and your kind helpfulness.

My hope is that it may be perused with interest, profit and edification, especially during hours of quiet leisure and peaceful meditation.

May it arouse in all readers the highest and the best, inspiring them to be of more service to their fellow-men; and as the hart panteth after the water brooks, so may everyone pant after God through our Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

That the benediction of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost may rest upon this booklet as it goes forth on its errand of peace and joy, and that it may magnify His Holy Name is the wish and prayer of

Yours, in the Master's Service,

Levi Haigh

6, Montague Street
Sowerby Bridge
August 1923

This and associated entries use material which was kindly contributed by Emily Kearns and transcribed by Sue Johnson

© Malcolm Bull 2021
Revised 15:13 / 15th May 2021 / 3887

Page Ref: LHPREF

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