Burials in Grave 1914 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 1914 in Lister Lane Cemetery
- Amelia Davies who died 2nd September 1876 (aged 2 years & 7 months), daughter of Elizabeth & David Davies [labourer]
- Charles Lupton [grocer] who died 6th September 1876 (aged 6 months), son of Emma & John Lupton
- John Hesselden who died 13th September 1876 (aged 2 years), son of S. A. & James Hesselden [weaver]
- A stillborn child who was buried 23rd September 1876
- Harriet E Lenton who died 1st October 1876 (aged 22 days), daughter of Hannah & Philip Lenton [dray driver]
- Herbert Burrows who died 8th October 1876 (aged 1 year), son of Emma & James Burrows [plasterer]
- Florence Amer who died 12th October 1876 (aged 2 months), daughter of Maria & Josh Amer [butcher]
- Emily Flather who died 13th October 1876 (aged 23 months), daughter of Emma & Robt Flather [labourer]
- Mary Ann Harling who died 15th October 1876 (aged 3 months), daughter of Louisa & Joseph Harling [over looker]
- Richard Horsfall who died 29th October 1876 (aged 11 months), son of Jane Horsfall
- Joshua Nicholl who died 30th October 1876 (aged 3 days), son of Emma & Rusby Nicholl [miner]
- James William Flather who died 31st October 1876 (aged 3 years & 8 months), son of Emma & Robert Flather [labourer]
- Letitia B Boyle [militia sargent] who died 1st November 1876 (aged 5 months), daughter of Catherine & Michl Boyle
- Clara Johnson who died 9th November 1876 (aged 3 months), daughter of Alice & David Johnson [writing master]
- Emma Helliwell who died 10th November 1876 (aged 2 years), daughter of Elizabeth & Robt Helliwell [carpet weaver]
- Edwin Smith who died 21st November 1876 (aged 1 year & 11 months), son of Ann & Alfred Smith [iron moulder]
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 12:26 / 26th September 2023 / 4529
Page Ref: LL1914