Burials in Grave 1922 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 1922 in Lister Lane Cemetery
- John William Town who died 11th January 1882 (aged 10 months), son of Rachel R. & James Town [labourer]
- John Willey Holway who died 18th January 1882 (aged 9 months), son of Winifred & Or Holway [labourer]
- Robert Sarvent who died 20th January 1882 (aged 3 years & 10 months), son of Mary Jane & William Sravent [joiner]
- Joseph Lever Holdsworth who died 5th February 1882 (aged 10 weeks), son of Louisa Holdsworth
- Ethel Barlow who died 14th February 1882 (aged 4 hours), daughter of S. A. & Arthur Barlow [boot maker]
- William Stokes who died 17th February 1882 (aged 6 years), son of Eliza Jane & William Stokes [saddler]
- Patrick William Lister who died 24th February 1882 (aged 4 years)
- Bertie Lee who died 26th February 1882 (aged 14 days), son of Elizabeth A. & Fred Lee [painter]
- Walter Baxendale who died 27th February 1882 (aged 2 years), son of Mary Jane & Herbert Baxendale [carpet weaver]
- North Holroyd who died 9th March 1882 (aged 12 days), child of Jane & Abraham Holroyd [plasterer]
- Herbert Boothman who died 28th March 1882 (aged 2 years), son of Rebecca & Richard Boothman [policeman]
- Nellie Wood [painter] who died 8th April 1882 (aged 1 year), daughter of Jane & Thomas Wood
- Jessie Elizabeth Mortimer who died 12th April 1882 (aged 8 months), daughter of Ann & Thomas Mortimer
- Arthur Highley who died 24th April 1882 (aged 5 days), son of Mary A. & John Highley [painter]
- Harry Wadsworth who died 2nd May 1882 (aged 6 hours), son of Sarah A. & Alfred Wadsworth [boiler maker]
- Ruth A Swift who died 3rd May 1882 (aged 9 months), daughter of Lucy & Noah Swift [labourer]
- John Henry Lowe who died 8th May 1882 (aged 5 months), son of Martha Lowe
- Eleanor Bradley who died 22nd May 1882 (aged 30 hours)
- A stillborn child who was buried 8th June 1882
- Eliza Crowther who died 7th June 1882 (aged 6 weeks), daughter of Mary & Edwd Crowther [painter]
- John William Harrison who died 11th June 1882 (aged 2 years), son of Mary Ann & Thomas Harrison [shoemaker]
- Ruth Smith who died 23rd June 1882 (aged 12 hours), daughter of Ruth & J. B. Smith [designer]
- Percy Harrison who died 1st July 1882 (aged 4 days), son of Mary Ann & Jessie Harrison [over looker]
- Gerttrude Elizabeth Radcliffe who died 21st August 1882 (aged 4 months), daughter of Ann & Chas Radcliffe [draper]
- Ethel Stott who died 24th August 1882 (aged 6 months), daughter of Saml Stott [butcher]
- Margaret France who died 25th August 1882 (aged 9 months), daughter of Elizabeth & Battison France [butcher]
- Lily Shaw who died 14th September 1882 (aged 12 months), daughter of Susannah & James Shaw [mechanic]
- Henry Coates who died 15th September 1882 (aged 10 months), son of Elizabeth & Fredk Coates [carpet weaver]
- Francis Louisa Smith who died 24th September 1882 (aged 3 months), daughter of Faith V. C. & Thomas B. Smith [policeman]
- Alfred Gledhill who died 12th October 1882 (aged 24 hours)
- Charlotte Drake Grace who died 6th November 1882 (aged 2 years & 9 months), daughter of Josh & Mary Ann Grace
- Ann Shaw who died 19th November 1882 (aged 14 months), daughter of James & Susan Ann Shaw [mechanic]
- William Highgate Walters who died 25th November 1882 (aged 12 months), son of Lucy & Henry Walters [stoker]
- Harry Whitehead who died 27th November 1882 (aged 8 weeks), son of N. A. & Joe S. Whitehead [card repairer]
- Elizabeth Jackson who died 9th December 1882 (aged 7 months), son of Margaret & George Spencer Jackson
- John William Macdonald who died 10th December 1882 (aged 1 year & 8 months), son of Ellen & John Macdonald [delver]
- Ann Gill who died 12th December 1882 (aged 23 hours), daughter of Jane & Joseph Gill [roller coverer]
- Lilly Ellis who died 15th December 1882 (aged 3 weeks), daughter of Mary & Edward Ellis [dyer]
- Emily Jones who died 15th December 1882 (aged 56 years & 6 hours), daughter of Emily & Richard Jones [coml traveller]
- John Willey Haslam who died 17th December 1882 (aged ), son of Sarah A. & Robt A. Haslem
- Ruth Ann Ambler who died 17th December 1882 (aged 6 weeks), daughter of Mary Jane & John Ambler [telegraph tacker]
- John Thomas Swift who died 26th December 1882 (aged 1 year & 7 months), son of Alice & John Swift [cart driver]
- A stillborn child who was buried 30th December 1882
- Frederick Samuel Blachford who died 7th January 1883 (aged 7 months), son of Susan E. & Montague J. Blatchford [artist]
- Henry Chadwick Waterhouse who died 8th January 1883 (aged 7 months), son of Ann & Joshua Waterhouse [plasterer]
- Elizabeth Horsfall who died 17th January 1883 (aged 2 days), daughter of Elizabeth Horsfall
- Sarah Ann Naylor who died 23rd January 1883 (aged 7 months), daughter of Martha J. & Chas Naylor [labourer]
- Josh Alfred Holroyd who died 24th January 1883 (aged 1 year & 8 months), son of Eliza & Alfred Holroyd [over looker]
- Arthur Barrow who died 29th January 1883 (aged 11 days), son of Amelia & Josh Barrow [dyer]
- Edgar Eastburn who died 2nd February 1883 (aged 13 hours), son of Emma & Henry Eastburn [dyer]
- Clara Crossley who died 5th February 1883 (aged 9 months), daughter of Eliza & Saml Crossley [cone maker]
- A stillborn child who was buried 10th February 1883
- Joseph Tomlinson Summerscales who died 13th February 1883 (aged 2 weeks), child of Emily & George Summerscales [butcher]
- Mary Squires who died 16th February 1883 (aged 9 hours), daughter of Mary Ann & Simpson Squire [tinner]
- Joseph Smith who died 27th February 1883 (aged 17 months), son of Emma Smith
- James Charlotte [hawker] who died 28th February 1883 (aged 9 months), son of Lavinia & Aaron Charlotte
- James Lewis Sunderland who died 9th March 1883 (aged 17 months), son of S. E. & Thomas H. Sunderland [wood turner]
- A stillborn child who was buried 21st March 1883
- Percy Teal who died 7th April 1883 (aged 6 months), son of Mary Jane & James Teal [joiner]
- Philip Buckley who died 9th April 1883 (aged 10 months), son of Rose & Herbert Buckley [barman]
- Ethel Allison who died 10th April 1883 (aged 2 years & 11 months), daughter of Fanny & George Allison [lathe maker]
- A stillborn child who was buried 14th April 1883
- Willy Sullivan who died 13th April 1883 (aged 18 weeks), son of Mary Ann Sullivan
- Sarah Jane Bulmer who died 15th April 1883 (aged 9 weeks), daughter of Hannah & James William Bulmer [yeast dealer]
- Emma Greenwood who died 23rd April 1883 (aged 14 weeks), daughter of Nancy F. & Arthur Greenwood [mechanic]
- Sarah Jane Cardwell who died 27th April 1883 (aged 5 months), daughter of Ellen & John Cardwell [labourer]
- Ernest Wilson who died 15th May 1883 (aged 7 months), son of Mary Jane & Jno Wilson [whitesmith]
- Elizabeth Ann Whitaker who died 29th May 1883 (aged 3 months), daughter of Mary Ann & Soloman Whitaker [labourer]
- Elizabeth Rhodes who died 5th June 1883 (aged 14 days), daughter of Elizabeth & John Rhodes [carter]
- George William Riley who died 7th June 1883 (aged 15 months), son of Lucy & Albert Riley
- A stillborn child who was buried 13th June 1883
- Annie Catherall who died 13th June 1883 (aged 1 year & 10 months), daughter of Frances & James D. Catherall [carpet weaver]
- Charles Bates who died 22nd June 1883 (aged 4 years & 6 months), son of Kate & Josh Bates [manager]
- Arthur Scott who died 27th June 1883 (aged 1 day), son of Clara & William Scott [joiner]
- Florry Allison [lathe maker] who died 28th June 1883 (aged 10 months), daughter of Fanny & George Allison
- John Highley who died 13th July 1883 (aged 8 weeks), son of Annie Louisa Highley
- Frank Crabtree who died 23rd July 1883 (aged 20 minutes days), son of Sarah Ann & Frank Oates Crabtree [brass founder]
- Joe Firth who died 25th August 1883 (aged 4 months), son of Mary & Abraham Firth [cardmaker]
- Lily Smith who died 5th September 1883 (aged 5 months), daughter of Sarah & William Smith [mason]
- Lizzie Jane Smith who died 7th September 1883 (aged 3 months), daughter of Maria & William Smith
- A stillborn child who was buried 11th September 1883
- Anne Jowett who died 13th September 1883 (aged 7 months), daughter of M. & John E. Jowett [mechanic]
- Arthur Blagbrough [comb maker] who died 6th October 1883 (aged 2 hours), son of Sarah & John Blagbrough
- Ernest Squires who died 19th October 1883 (aged 7 weeks), son of Mary & Jesse Squires [wire drawer]
- Henry Jones who died 6th November 1883 (aged 11 months), son of Mary Jones
- James William W Burdett who died 9th November 1883 (aged 9 hours), son of Sarah E. & [b1960 TITLE="William Burdett [1847-1???]">William Burdett]
- Ely Birtwhistle who died 11th November 1883 (aged 22 hours), son of Edna F. & John Birtwhistle [over looker]
- Millicent Taylor who died 13th November 1883 (aged 3 weeks), daughter of Elizabeth & Walter Taylor [brass finisher]
- Hannah Evans who died 14th November 1883 (aged 11 months), daughter of Jane & Henry W. Evans [boiler maker]
- John Edwin Smithson who died 25th November 1883 (aged 3 months), son of Ann & Herbert Smithson [brass finisher]
- Mary Jane Hilton who died 4th December 1883 (aged 5 months), daughter of Ruth A. & Saml Hilton [wire drawer]
- Emma Haslem who died 5th December 1883 (aged 6 weeks), daughter of Sarah A. & Robt Haslem [wirecleaner]
- Charles Thomas Barrett who died 14th December 1883 (aged 11 months), son of Marian & Chas Barrett [waiter]
- Louise Robinson who died 17th December 1883 (aged 6 weeks), daughter of Anne & Saml Robinson [labourer]
- Douglas Lethbridge McWhinnie who died 18th December 1883 (aged 5 weeks), son of Jane & James McWhinnie [blacksmith]
- John Helliwell who died 20th December 1883 (aged 28 hours), son of Mary & Henry Helliwell [clerk]
- Ellen Hutchins who died 26th December 1883 (aged 9 months), daughter of Elizabeth J. & Thomas Hutchins [shoemaker]
- John Hargreaves who died 26th December 1883 (aged 1 year), son of Sarah & George Hargreaves
- Percy Sykes who died 29th December 1883 (aged 11 days), son of Elizabeth A. & Josh Sykes [grocer]
- Annie Furness who died 3rd January 1884 (aged 3 days), daughter of Mary E. & George Turner [carter]
- A stillborn child who was buried 17th January 1884
- Ethel J McKay who died 20th February 1884 (aged 3 years & 10 months), daughter of Ada Ann & George McKay [baker]
- Arthur Kitchen who died 20th February 1884 (aged 6 weeks), son of Sarah & Thomas Kitchen [woolsorter]
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 12:26 / 26th September 2023 / 18103
Page Ref: LL1922