Burials in Grave 2720 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 2720 in Lister Lane Cemetery
- James Gaukrodger [manufacturer] who died 28th January 1845 (aged 33 years), son of Ann & James Gaukrodger
- Ann Gaukrodger who died 24th January 1846 (aged 60 years)
- Grace Keighley who died 5th March 1851 (aged 15 weeks), daughter of Maria & Josh Keighley [mechanic]
- William Keighley who died 1st January 1853 (aged 9 months), son of Maria & Josh Keighley
- Grace Keighley who died 1st April 1855 (aged 60 years)
- Joseph Keighley who died 29th August 1857 (aged 7 months), son of Maria & Josh Keighley [mechanic]
- Maria Keighley [h] who died 13th July 1861 (aged 36 years), daughter of Halifax Mary
- Mary Barrett [widow] who died 29th May 1866 (aged 81 years)
- Joseph Keighley [mechanic] who died 18th October 1871 (aged 48 years)
- Jane Cockroft who died 8th April 1876 (aged 7 months), daughter of Mary & Josh Cockroft [labourer]
- Mary Cockroft [widow] who died 26th September 1909 (aged 60 years)
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 12:26 / 26th September 2023 / 3390
Page Ref: LL2720