Burials in Grave 3503 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 3503 in Lister Lane Cemetery
- Harry Appleyard who died 26th September 1858 (aged 6 weeks), son of Hannah & Chas Appleyard [warehouseman]
- Jemmima Hanson [widow] who died 29th January 1864 (aged 47 years)
- Charles Appleyard who died 10th September 1885 (aged 13 days), son of Alice & Edwd Appleyard [warehouseman]
- Dorothy Appleyard who died 5th February 1891 (aged 10 months), daughter of Alice & Edwd Appleyard [warehouseman]
- Elizabeth Appleyard who died 6th August 1891 (aged 2 weeks), daughter of Alice & Edwd Appleyard [cellarman]
- Robert Ling who died 5th April 1892 (aged 17 months), son of Nora & George Ling [insurance agent]
- Clara Appleyard who died 19th August 1896 (aged 4 months), daughter of Alice & Edwd Appleyard [cellarman]
- Edward Appleyard [moulder] who died 20th April 1897 (aged 36 years)
- Roland Ling who died 5th January 1899 (aged 10 months), son of Nora & George Ling [confectioner]
- Annie Ling who died 17th August 1902 (aged 3 months), child of Norah & George Ling
- Alice Appleyard [widow] who died 19th July 1926 (aged 65 years)
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 12:26 / 26th September 2023 / 3579
Page Ref: LL3503