Burials in Grave 4200 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 4200 in Lister Lane Cemetery
- Hannah Hanson who died 30th September 1854 (aged 51 years)
- William Brooksbank [weaver] who died 13th October 1854 (aged 38 years)
- Oliver Naylor who died 23rd November 1854 (aged 14 months), son of Elizabeth & John Naylor [mechanic]
- Emma Halliday who died 11th December 1854 (aged 14 months), daughter of Ellen & Thomas Halliday [cab driver]
- Maria Grant who died 13th December 1854 (aged 1 year & 9 months), daughter of Mary Ann & Robt Grant [mechanic]
- Mary Coates who died 27th December 1854 (aged 4 months), daughter of Elizabeth & William Coates [coachman]
- Edward Wood [serjant of the 6th west york militia] who died 28th December 1854 (aged 33 years), son of Edward Wood
- Ann Holdsworth who died 30th December 1854 (aged 1 month), daughter of Elizabeth Holdsworth
- Mary Hanson [h comber] who died 31st December 1854 (aged 47 years)
- A stillborn child who was buried 9th January 1855
- Clara Slater who died 8th January 1855 (aged 4 months), daughter of Hart & James Slater [stuff presser]
- Lydia Ann Thompson who died 10th January 1855 (aged 15 months), daughter of Ann Thompson
- Fanny Smith who died 29th January 1855 (aged 8 months), daughter of Sarah & John Smith [weaver]
- John Dyson who died 5th February 1855 (aged 12 days), son of Ruth & Thomas Dyson [overlooker]
- Grace Dyson who died 21st March 1855 (aged 8 weeks), daughter of Ruth & Thomas Dyson [overlooker]
- Joseph Gledhill [stay maker] who died 20th March 1856 (aged 94 years)
- Fanny Taylor who died 21st March 1856 (aged 56 years)
- Margaret Ashworth who died 23rd March 1856 (aged 18 years), daughter of Jane Ashworth
- Ellen Smith who died 25th March 1856 (aged 15 months), daughter of Hannah & Abraham Smith [overlooker]
- Daniel Milton [labourer] who died 9th April 1856 (aged 80 years)
- Ann Fewster who died 15th April 1856 (aged 36 years), daughter of Ann & Joseph Wilson
- A stillborn child who was buried 2nd October 1856
- Betsy J S Jackson who died 25th July 1864 (aged 8 months), daughter of Ann & Jno Jackson [presser]
- Anne Jane Franklin who died 5th August 1864 (aged 10 months), daughter of Alice & Jno Franklin [militia staff]
- A stillborn child who was buried 10th August 1864
- Clara Emma Needham who died 9th November 1864 (aged 3 weeks), daughter of Mary & Chas Needham [warehouseman]
- Walter White who died 11th November 1864 (aged 6 months), son of Mary Ann & Josh White [mechanic]
- Nathan Newbould who died 17th November 1864 (aged 10 months), son of Jane & William Newbould [mill wright]
- A stillborn child who was buried 21st November 1864
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 12:26 / 26th September 2023 / 5887
Page Ref: LL4200