Burials in Grave 4206 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 4206 in Lister Lane Cemetery
- Julia Burkett [h mason] who died 18th March 1854 (aged 29 years)
- Thomas Walker [groom or cab driver] who died 26th March 1854 (aged 50 years)
- Andrew Howarth [labourer] who died 4th April 1854 (aged 40 years)
- Isaac Jowett [comber] who died 12th April 1854 (aged 54 years)
- William Roberts who died 9th July 1860 (aged 9 months), son of Mary & George Roberts [cab driver]
- Elizabeth Ann Howarth who died 29th July 1860 (aged 14 months), daughter of Harriet & William Howarth [joiner]
- Benjamin Howarth who died 7th August 1860 (aged 3 years), son of Harriet & William Howarth [joiner]
- Sarah Costello who died 10th October 1868 (aged 6 weeks), daughter of Mary & A. Costello [labour]
- Sarah Ellen Pinder who died 14th October 1868 (aged 3 months), daughter of Sarah & Benj Pinder [labourer]
- Ann Roberts who died 28th June 1869 (aged 9 months), daughter of Mary & George Roberts [coach man]
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 12:26 / 26th September 2023 / 3350
Page Ref: LL4206