Burials in Grave 4209 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 4209 in Lister Lane Cemetery
- Charles Wood [no trade] who died 22nd October 1852 (aged 56 years)
- Hannah Greenwood [h woolcomber] who died 22nd October 1852 (aged 31 years), daughter of Grace Holroyde
- James Taylor who died 23rd October 1852 (aged 7 months), son of Jane & William Taylor [green grocer]
- Abel Wadsworth [card maker] who died 4th January 1853 (aged 70 years)
- Mary Ann Field who died 31st January 1853 (aged 42 years), daughter of Samuel Pollard
- Benjamin Townsend [labourer] who died 10th March 1853 (aged 17 years), son of Mary Townsend
- William Henry Helliwell who died 22nd March 1853 (aged 5 months), son of Sarah & Thomas Helliwell
- Joseph A Barlow who died 1st April 1853 (aged 5 years), son of Sarah & Rich Barlow
- Mary Dawson who died 11th April 1853 (aged 14 months), daughter of Susannah & Josh Dawson [weaver]
- Esther Brook who died 12th April 1853 (aged 16 days), daughter of Hart & George Brook [gardiner]
- William Bentley who died 13th April 1853 (aged 18 months), son of Sarah & Benn Bentley [engine tenter]
- Bathia Mc Ewin who died 13th August 1855 (aged 5 years), daughter of Mary Ann & Peter Mc Ewin [mason]
- Martha Ann Fox who died 15th August 1855 (aged 2 years & 8 months), daughter of Mary & George Fox
- Walter Smith who died 17th October 1863 (aged 2 years & 6 months), son of Hannah & George Smith [stuff finisher]
- Alice Dearden who died 27th October 1863 (aged 4 years), daughter of Maria & James Dearden [cordwainer]
- Emma Eliza Rushworth who died 23rd November 1863 (aged 1 month), daughter of Jane & Carter Rushworth [card maker]
- Annie Symonds who died 28th November 1863 (aged 7 months), daughter of Jane & Jno Symons [painter]
- A stillborn child who was buried 18th December 1863
- Mary Ann Flinn [dyer] who died 31st October 1868 (aged 3 years), daughter of Hannah & John Flinn
- Margaret Green who died 15th February 1869 (aged 3 years), daughter of Martha & James Green [labourer]
- Emily Ore who died 4th March 1869 (aged 1 year), daughter of Emma Ore
- Ben Foster [pattern maker] who died 7th March 1869 (aged 1 day), son of Harriet & John Foster
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 12:26 / 26th September 2023 / 5280
Page Ref: LL4209