Burials in Grave 4238 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 4238 in Lister Lane Cemetery
- Hannah Wilkinson who died 11th April 1843 (aged 40 years), daughter of Jane & Richard Wilkinson [a labourer]
- Samuel Walsh [cloth dresser] who died 9th July 1843 (aged 61 years)
- Frances Brown who died 31st July 1843 (aged 77 years), daughter of Thomas Pool [a farmer]
- Susanna Millington [public grave] who died 25th October 1843 (aged 37 years)
- James Wilkinson [horse breaker] who died 3rd January 1844 (aged 40 years)
- Elizabeth Naylor who died 15th December 1845 (aged 1 year), daughter of Sarah & William Naylor [carpet weaver]
- Jabez Brown who died 3rd May 1846 (aged 1 year), son of Margaret & Jabez Brown [printer]
- David Smith who died 3rd June 1846 (aged 3 years)
- Walter Logan who died 24th December 1846 (aged 9 months), son of Elizabeth & James Logan [a cropper]
- Sarah Ann Fearnley who died 18th September 1848 (aged 10 months), daughter of (Mother) Ann Fearnley
- Mary Ann Paul who died 4th August 1850 (aged 8 months), daughter of Agness & George Paul [cordwainer]
- Sarah Jane Goorhead who died 31st August 1850 (aged 2 years), daughter of Cathe & Saml Goorhead [picker maker]
- Mary Ann Carter who died 15th November 1850 (aged 4 years), daughter of Jane Carter [wood turner]
- Hannah Maria Spencer who died 11th December 1857 (aged 6 years), daughter of Martha & Thomas Spencer [labourer]
- Elizabeth Speak who died 13th December 1857 (aged 5 months), daughter of Rachel & Saml Speak [labourer]
- Ann McGinn who died 15th July 1858 (aged 2 years), daughter of Catherine & Hugh McGinn [labourer]
- Mary Moran who died 25th July 1858 (aged 15 months), daughter of Mary & Andrew Moran [labourer]
- Arthur Speak who died 6th August 1862 (aged 15 months), son of Rachel & Saml Speak [labourer]
- William Pickering who died 11th August 1862 (aged 7 weeks), son of Margaret & Jno Pickering [cordwainer]
- Clara Swallow Brier who died 11th December 1862 (aged 7 months), daughter of Nancy & Thomas Brier [setter]
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 12:26 / 26th September 2023 / 5032
Page Ref: LL4238