Burials in Grave 4245 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 4245 in Lister Lane Cemetery
- Charlotte Carr who died 11th February 1851 (aged 19 years), daughter of Thomas Carr [gentleman]
- Sarah Ashworth who died 11th March 1851 (aged 55 years)
- Sarah Hartley who died 17th May 1851 (aged 18 years), daughter of Alice & James Hartley [twister]
- Joseph Midgley [weaver] who died 24th May 1851 (aged 52 years)
- Harriot Haley [h] who died 27th May 1851 (aged 51 years)
- Elizabeth Ann Taylor who died 5th January 1852 (aged 1 year), daughter of Martha & Thomas Taylor [plumber]
- Mary C Quigley who died 28th February 1857 (aged 9 months), daughter of Isabella & Alexander Quigley [engraver]
- John William Platts who died 5th April 1857 (aged 0 months 18 days), son of Jane Platts
- Mary Ann Lancaster who died 6th April 1857 (aged 11 weeks), daughter of Sarah & William Lancaster [grocer]
- Charles Henry Brown who died 18th July 1857 (aged 6 weeks), son of Eliza Brown
- George Haison Quigley who died 20th September 1857 (aged 3 years), son of Isabella & Alexr Quigley [engraver]
- Re interment who died 29th June 1863 (aged )
- Ada Balme [mason] who died 23rd September 1868 (aged 2 months), daughter of Han & John Balme
- Charles H Bake who died 25th September 1868 (aged 16 months), son of Sarah & Henry Bake [plaster]
- Ann Hanson who died 3rd October 1868 (aged 8 months), daughter of Ellen & William Hanson [presser]
- A stillborn child who was buried 13th October 1868
- Nicholas Connilly who died 31st October 1868 (aged 7 weeks), child of B. & Patrick Connally
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 12:26 / 26th September 2023 / 4306
Page Ref: LL4245