Burials in Grave 4411 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 4411 in Lister Lane Cemetery
- Rachel Kitcheman who died 22nd June 1854 (aged 63 years)
- Major Kitchenman who died 31st August 1858 (aged 3 years & 6 months), son of Hannah & Thomas Kitchenman [stuff presser]
- Ann Archer who died 27th June 1860 (aged 3 years), daughter of Martha & William Archer [labourer]
- A stillborn child who was buried 29th August 1860
- Sarah Kitchenman who died 16th June 1866 (aged 48 years)
- Thomas Kitchenman [wool comber] who died 4th November 1874 (aged 83 years)
- Thomas William Archer who died 11th November 1876 (aged 15 months), son of Christina & Thomas Archer [plasterer]
- Joseph Archer who died 23rd December 1877 (aged 5 months), son of E. A. & Saml Archer [porter]
- Violet Archer who died 26th November 1879 (aged 11 months), daughter of Christn & Thomas Archer [plasterer]
- William Archer [labourer] who died 25th October 1880 (aged 63 years)
- Liley Archer who died 5th April 1881 (aged 6 months), daughter of Christiana & Thomas Archer [plasterer]
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 12:26 / 26th September 2023 / 3418
Page Ref: LL4411