Burials in Grave 4724 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 4724 in Lister Lane Cemetery
- Mary Hannah Ramsbottom who died 20th June 1864 (aged 17 months), daughter of Caroline & Jno Ramsbottom [excavator]
- Miranda Maxwell who died 20th June 1864 (aged 2 years & 9 months), daughter of Charlotte Maxwell
- Jno William Farnell who died 30th June 1864 (aged 5 weeks), son of Elizabeth & James Farnell [mechanic]
- Harry Capstack who died 30th June 1864 (aged 6 months), son of Thomasin & Henry Capstack [mason]
- Hannah Ramsden who died 30th June 1864 (aged 1 year & 5 months), daughter of Sarah Ramsden
- A stillborn child who was buried 12th July 1864
- Ada Simpson who died 23rd July 1864 (aged 5 days), daughter of Harrt & Thomas Simpson [tin plate worker]
- Jno William Hutton who died 25th July 1864 (aged 1 month), son of Elizabeth & Jno Hutton [cabinet maker]
- Riley Stubbs who died 25th July 1864 (aged 14 months), son of Mary & Saml Stubbs [cloth presser]
- Martha Jane Hewitt who died 28th July 1864 (aged 1 year & 8 months), daughter of Ann McHewitt
- Mary Hudson who died 4th August 1864 (aged 1 Hour days), daughter of Elizabeth & Edwd Hudson [bookbinder]
- Ellen Fletcher who died 17th August 1864 (aged 6 weeks), daughter of Ellenor & Chas Fletcher [currier]
- Bradley Beetham who died 17th August 1864 (aged 3 weeks), son of Rebecah & Richard Beetham [cabinet maker]
- Sarah H S Greenwood who died 22nd August 1864 (aged 4 months), daughter of Harrt & Jno Greenwood [woolsorter]
- A stillborn child who was buried 26th August 1864
- A stillborn child who was buried 24th October 1864
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 12:26 / 26th September 2023 / 4271
Page Ref: LL4724