Lister Lane Burials
Plots greater than 4000


4000Ref 22-4000
Robert Brier

Owner: John Swaine

4001Ref 22-4001

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

  • Joseph Ogden who died 22nd August 1862 (aged 40 years), presser
  • Sarah Jane Ogden who died 21st September 1862 (aged 1 year & 8 months) 
  • Nancy Ogden who died 31st March 1868 (aged 82 years)

4002Ref 22-4002
William Riley / Joshua Turner Riley

4003Ref 22-4003
William Town

4004Ref 22-4004

4005Ref 22-4005
John Hauxworth

4006Ref 22-4006

4007Ref 22-4007
John Pickles

4008Ref 22-4008
Thomas Elliott

4009Ref 22-4009

4010Ref 22-4010

4011Ref 22-4011

4012Ref 22-4012
Joseph Downsborough

4013Ref 22-4013
Owner: Martin Delaney

4014Ref 22-4014
This is an unmarked grave, but the Lister Lane Archives record the burial of Mary Ann Kitchen who died 3rd July 1863 (aged 65 years), the wife of William Kitchen

4015Ref 22-4015
This is an unmarked grave, but the Lister Lane Archives record the burial of Charlotte Harrison who died 18th October 1862 (aged 50 years), wife of William Harrison

4016Ref 22-4016
Members of the Ashmore / Baldwin / Fitzpatrick / Hays / Leeming / Patterton / Rapparty / Sharp / Swain / Sweeney families are recorded here.

Sarah Hannah Walton [1872-12th December 1948]

4017Ref 22-4017
Members of the Appleyeard / Aspinall / Birtwhistle / Blackburn / Bouchier / Broadbent / Capstack / Dean / Johnston families are recorded here.

4018Ref 22-4018
Members of the Barron / Clayton / Cooper / Forest / Illingworth / Law / McIver / Roach / Smith / Sutcliffe / Walker families are recorded here.

Owner: Annie Lee

4019Ref 22-4019
Members of the Airey / Charnock / Clegg / Duggin / Field / Greenwood / Langton / Meverley / Mitchell / Naughten / Swain / Watson / Wilson families are recorded here.

4020Ref 22-4020
Members of the Binns / Cassady / Fisher / Fleming / Grives / Heaton / Smith / Sugden / Winter families are recorded here.

4021Ref 22-4021
Members of the Cavenagh / Crossley / Delaney / Gordon / Greenwood / Hey / Mann / Widdop families are recorded here.

4022Ref 22-4022
Members of the Baxendale / Blakey / Coopley / Crowther / Drake / Farrar / Flitton / Gaunt / Hirst / McNay / Ravill / Smith / Sykes / Whitehead families are recorded here.

4023Ref 22-4023
Members of the Boachier / Burke / Butler / Clayton / Golden / Keating / McLaughlin / McNay / Sutcliffe / Walker families are recorded here.

4024Ref 22-4024
Members of the Crowther / Grant / Hallett / Hartley / McCormick / Pollard / Radcliffe / Rhodes / Russell / Schofield / Singleton families are recorded here.

4025Ref 22-4025
Members of the Burdin / Cavannah / Conwey / Crossley / Dyson / Farrar / Gledhill / Griffin / Murphy / Nicholl / Shaw families are recorded here.

4026Ref 22-4026
Members of the Archer / Barrett / Butterworth / Carter / Dawson / Foster / Gaukroger / Houseman / Riley / Swift / Swindel families are recorded here.

4027Ref 22-4027

4028-4029Ref 22-4028
William Fenton Smales / John Walker

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

There may have been a Dead Man's Penny fixed to the headstone at some time, but this is no longer there; it is not yet known whether any members of the family were World War I casualties

4030Ref 22-4030
Thomas Jackson, of Halifax, who died 5th April 1854, aged 58 years

4031Ref 22-4031

4032Ref 22-4032

4033Ref 22-4033
This is an unmarked grave, but the Lister Lane Archives record the burial of John Moore who died 6th June 1862 (aged 67 years) 

4034Ref 22-4034

4035Ref 22-4035
Samuel Maude / James William Thripland

4036Ref 22-4036
John Shoesmith / Nancy Howbrook [1760-1850] / Betty Booth [1772-1869] / Charles Paine [1851-1890]

4037Ref 22-4037
Daughters of William Birtwhistle: Ellen Birtwhistle / Jane Priestley / Mary Ann Birtwhistle

4038Ref 22-4038
William Henry Town, who died 1st October 1880, aged 26 years

4039Ref 22-4039
Henry, son of Sarah Jackson

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burial here, but her name does not appear on the headstone

Owner: Sarah Jackson

4040Ref 22-4040

4041Ref 22-4041
Members of the Best / Pool / Poole families are recorded here.

4042Ref 22-4042
Benjamin Fowler

4043Ref 22-4043
Eli Dewhirst / Joseph Dewhirst

4044Ref 22-4044
John Maude / Joseph Maude

4045Ref 22-4045
Burials of members of the Dyson family:

  • Edward Dyson [1831-1847] who died 8th June 1847 (aged 16 years), son of Mary & Thomas Dyson [butcher]
  • Francis Edward Dyson [1840-1849] who died 26th February 1849 (aged 9 years), son of Ann & Luke Dyson [overlooker]
  • Thomas Linley Dyson who died 1st October 1849 (aged 4 months), son of Hannah & Luke Dyson [overlooker]
  • Mary Dyson [1789-1854] who died 22nd December 1854 (aged 65 years) 

are not marked.

At that time, the plot was owned by Mary Dyson and Luke Dyson.

Burials of George Wade and family do appear on the headstone

4046Ref 22-4046

4047Ref 22-4047

4048Ref 22-4048

4049Ref 22-4049

4050Ref 22-4050

4052Ref 22-4052
Family of John Hudson / George Newbold

4053Ref 22-4053

4054Ref 22-4054

4055Ref 22-4055
Thomas Maude

4056Ref 22-4056
William Gibson / Mary Ann Gibson [1788-1864] / Benjamin Baxendale /

4057Ref 22-4057

4058Ref 22-4058
John Frederick McDonald

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burial here, but his name does not appear on the headstone

4059Ref 22-4059

4060Ref 22-4060

4061Ref 22-4061

4063Ref 22-4063

4064Ref 22-4064

4065Ref 22-4065
James Sunderland / George Sunderland / Family of Charles Fleming

4066Ref 22-4066
Jonas Drake

4067Ref 22-4067

4068Ref 22-4068
Owner: Hannah Illingworth

4069Ref 22-4069
Owner: William Birch

4070Ref 22-4070
Henry Wadsworth

4071Ref 22-4071
John Taylor

4072Ref 22-4072

4073Ref 22-4073

4074Ref 22-4074
James Kirkbride / William Thompson

4075Ref 22-4075

4076Ref 22-4076

4077Ref 22-4077
Anne Bancroft [b 1865; d 11th January 1867; bur 15th January 1867] / Annie Bancroft [b 1876; d 13th December 1876; bur 16th December 1876]

4078Ref 22-4078

4079Ref 22-4079
William Bentley / Alfred Gill

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

4080Ref 22-4080
Luke Fletcher / Children of Bould Luke Fletcher

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

4081Ref 22-4081

Emily Horsfall [1869-1870] / Fredrick Horsfall [1865-1883]

4082Ref 22-4082
Patrick John Rabbitt / Thomas Simpson

4083Ref 22-4083
Thomas Hanson

4084Ref 22-4084

4085Ref 22-4085
Jane Jackman

4086Ref 22-4086

4087Ref 22-4087

4088Ref 22-4088
Edward Hemingway

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

4089Ref 22-4089
William Doughty

4090Ref 22-4090

4091Ref 22-4091
Owner: Susannah Holdsworth

4092Ref 22-4092
Edward Molineaux

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

4093Ref 22-4093
Members of the Ashworth / Carey / Carpenter / Cheetham / Crossland / Greenwood / Helliwell / Heywood / Parkinson / Smith / Turner families are recorded here.

4094Ref 22-4094
Members of the Balme / Burdett / Greenroyd / Hanson / Wood families are recorded here.

4095Ref 22-4095
Members of the Barlow / Culpan / Goodman / Greenwood / Hunter / Latherland / Townend / Wood families are recorded here.

4096Ref 22-4096
Members of the Baldwin / Bottomley / Crowther / Fox / Highley / Marshall / Wheelhouse families are recorded here.

4097Ref 22-4097
Members of the Fawcett / Lamb / Lightowler / Walsh / Widdop / Young families are recorded here.

4098Ref 22-4098
Members of the Cragg / Garlick / Holt / Leatherland / Parker / Radcliffe / Taylor / Tomlinson / Wolfenden / Wood families are recorded here.

4099Ref 22-4099
Members of the Atkinson / Gledhill / Longbottom / Mallinson / Smith / Whitehead families are recorded here.

4100Ref 22-4100
Members of the Beaver / Bottomley / Burrows / Duffield / Henderson / Jordan / Senior / Shaw / Whitaker families are recorded here.

4101Ref 22-4101
Members of the Ainsworth / Beetham / Broadbent / Cooper / Duckworth / Duffy / Halstead / Locke / Magin / McGinn / Milton / Partington / Sykes / Wardle families are recorded here.

4102Ref 22-4102
Members of the Duckworth / Gledhill / Harris / Illingworth / Parker / Riene / Webster families are recorded here.

4103Ref 22-4103
Members of the Bohen / Delaney / Dixon / Duckworth / Mahon / Mooney families are recorded here.

4104Ref 22-4104
Members of the Carter / Davies / Dodgson / Dollan / Duffy / Hall / Jones / Kelley / Long / Lumley / Scholfield / Sweeney / Wilson families are recorded here.

4105Ref 22-4105

4106Ref 22-4106
Members of the Hepton / Lodge / Millhouse / Ramsden / Wilson families are recorded here.

4107Ref 22-4107
Members of the Atkinson / Briggs / Conroy / Cummins? / Gannon / Gardener / Gaynor / Henry / Kennedy / Martin / Millagan / Pickles / Soothill / Still / Toole / Wadsworth / Wagstaff / Walmsley / Wild families are recorded here.

4108Ref 22-4108
Members of the Appleyard / Bates / Beetham / Chapman / Clarey / Crossland / Flinn / Gaukroger / Greenwood / Hiley / Hindley / Shackleton / Shaw / Simins / Smith / Taylor families are recorded here.

4109Ref 22-4109
Members of the Connor / Cooke / Firth / Parkin / Ramsden / Smith families are recorded here.

4110Ref 22-4110
Members of the Baker / Brook / Dearden / Goodwin / McGinn / McJuer / Pollard / Taylor families are recorded here.

4111Ref 22-4111
Members of the Brown / Cadman / Fitsimmons / Fleming / Frankleton / Murgatroyd / Naylor / Parker / Platts / Servant / Stewart / Triston families are recorded here.

4112Ref 22-4112
Members of the Baxendale / Bowker / Bromley / Brown / Buckley / Corney / Firth / Gorman / Green / Haley / Haste / Hudson / King / Mannion / Margin / McCormack / Mitchell / Mohar / Quinn / Smarthwaite / Smith / Wolfenden families are recorded here.

4113Ref 22-4113

4114Ref 22-4114
Richard Greenwood / Joseph Fearnley

4115Ref 22-4115
Members of the Cannon / Crossley / Gaughan / Graham / Holmes / Huly / Illingworth / Kitson / McGowen / McHay / Mitchell / Mooney / Moore / Moran / Simpson families are recorded here.

4116Ref 22-4116
Members of the Buckley / Burk / Crassedy / Crowther / Empsall / Farrar / Gorkan / Harrington / Kershaw / Martin / Massey / Murra families are recorded here.

4117Ref 22-4117
Members of the Ann / Carrol / Cavannah / Crosbie / Dickinson / Dixon / Graham / Helliwell / Long / Parke / Widdop families are recorded here.

4118Ref 22-4118
Members of the Burke / Cracknell / Greenwood / Marra / Regan / Robinson / Sutcliffe / Thorp families are recorded here.

4119Ref 22-4119

4120Ref 22-4120
Members of the Bancroft / Bramley / Buckley / Haigh / Hemingway / Keegan / McDonald / Nowell / Pollard / Rigley / Whiteley families are recorded here.

4121Ref 22-4121
Members of the Bowker / Cain / Dyson / Fielding / Gibson / Green / Greenwood / Harrowby / Hartley / Hirst / Keaiu / Key / Lincoln / Mahon / Moore / Robinson / Sinclair / Wolfenden families are recorded here.

4122Ref 22-4122
Members of the Bancroft / Burke / Dyson / Fitzmaurice / Kaye / Key / Mari / Mulligan / Nicholson / Regan / Smith / Wild families are recorded here.

4123Ref 22-4123
Henry Booth / Thomas Booth

4124Ref 22-4124
Members of the Ackroyd / Avison / Crabtree / Denton / Gaukroger / Johnson / MacFarland / Robinson / Shaw / Townsend / Turner / White families are recorded here.

4125Ref 22-4125
Members of the Bourke / Clayton / Cockroft / Greenwood / Halmshaw / Joiner / Kennedy / Kershaw / Leeming / Riley / Varley / Walsh / Wilkinson families are recorded here.

4126Ref 22-4126
Members of the Duffy / Fleming / Hill / Mason / Morris / Parker / Senior / Sutcliffe / Whitsford families are recorded here.

4127Ref 22-4127
Members of the Barnes / Bottomley / Brooksbank / Dennis / Hill / Holt / Ryan / Ryne / Wood families are recorded here.

4128Ref 22-4128
Members of the Cox / Duffy / Farnell / Firth / Long / McEvan / McGormick / McGorvan / Pickles / Richardson / Wheelhouse / Whitaker families are recorded here.

4129Ref 22-4129
Richard Burrows / Norcross Burrows / John Priestley

4130Ref 22-4130
Joseph Rushworth / William Blackburn & his children

The Lister Lane Archives also record the following burial for this public grave:

4131Ref 22-4131
Members of the Booth / Bottomley / Broadbent / Crowther / Dossett / Fearnley / Goodman / Kenney / Liley / Mitchell / O'Connor / Smith / Sutcliffe / Walsh / Washington / White / Wilson families are recorded here.

4132Ref 22-4132
Vincent Crossley / John Enoch Hanson

4133Ref 22-4133

4134Ref 22-4134

4135Ref 22-4135
William Priestley / Eliza Priestley

4136Ref 22-4136

4137Ref 22-4137

4138Ref 22-4138
James Garforth / Samuel Garforth

4139Ref 22-4139
James Priestley

4140Ref 22-4140
John Nicholson

4141Ref 22-4141
Joseph Nicholson

4142Ref 22-4142
Benjamin Broadley

4143Ref 22-4143
Thomas Priestley

4144Ref 22-4144
John Hawkridge

4145Ref 22-4145
Ephraim Riley

4146Ref 22-4146

4147Ref 22-4147
Family of David Mallinson / John Hatton

4148Ref 22-4148

4149Ref 22-4149

4150Ref 22-4150
Edward Bennett

4151Ref 22-4151
Samuel Rawnsley

4152Ref 22-4152
David Wilson

4153Ref 22-4153

4154Ref 22-4154
Richard Granger

4155Ref 22-4155
Ann, daughter of James Holt

4156Ref 22-4156
Members of the Bentley / Wilson families are recorded here.

4158Ref 22-4158
Daniel McIver

4159Ref 22-4159

4160Ref 22-4160
George Beetham

4161Ref 22-4161
Robert Chapman / William Hargreaves

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

children of Mary & Robert Chapman

4162Ref 22-4162
John Garforth

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

4163Ref 22-4163

4164Ref 22-4164
Thomas Lobley

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

the children of Susannah & Robert Bryar

4165Ref 22-4165
George Rawlings

4166Ref 22-4166
James Woodhead / David Woodhead

4167Ref 22-4167
George Mitchell

4168Ref 22-4168
Nathaniel Rhodes Burgin

4169Ref 22-4169

4170Ref 22-4170
William Nicholl

4171Ref 22-4171
Charles Hutton

4172Ref 22-4172

4173Ref 22-4173

4174Ref 22-4174
George Ingham

4175Ref 22-4175
John Robinson

4176Ref 22-4176

4177Ref 22-4177
Members of the Chambers / Coppin / Dyson / Spence / Spencer / Sutcliffe / Thompson / Wharton / Wrigglesworth families are recorded here.

4178Ref 22-4178
Members of the Bentley / Downend / Firth / Mason / Rhodes families are recorded here.

4179Ref 22-4179
Samuel Redshaw / Joseph Turner / Children of William Rhodes

4180Ref 22-4180

4181Ref 22-4181
Abraham Taylor / Richard Seed / John Richard Seed

4182Ref 22-4182
Jeremiah Robinson

4183Ref 22-4183
John Rushworth / David Wilson

4184Ref 22-4184

4185Ref 22-4185
William Turner / John Longbottom

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

4186Ref 22-4186

4187Ref 22-4187

4188Ref 22-4188

4189Ref 22-4189

4190Ref 22-4190
Timothy Collins / his sister Catherine Short [1799-1872]

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

4191Ref 22-4191
John Graham, son of John Malcolm McLaren

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burial here, but it does not appear on the headstone

4192Ref 22-4192

4193Ref 22-4193

4194Ref 22-4194
Henry Naylor Bates / Joseph Bates [1801-1863]

4195Ref 22-4195

4196Ref 22-4196
Joseph Widdop

4197Ref 22-4197

4198Ref 22-4198

4199Ref 22-4199
Members of the Ackroyd / Bowker / Brook / Buckley / Clarke / Conybear / Green / Horsfall / Shaw / Smith / Turner families are recorded here.

4200Ref 22-4200
Members of the Ashworth / Brooksbank / Coates / Dyson / Fewster / Franklin / Gledhill / Grant / Halliday / Hanson / Holdsworth / Jackson / Milton / Naylor / Needham / Newbould / Slater / Smith / Taylor / Thompson / White / Wilson / Wood families are recorded here.

4201Ref 22-4201
Members of the Bentham / Bentley / Crapper / Dawes / Howe / Metcalfe / Mitchell / Nicholl / Sutcliffe / Symons / Webster / Whitaker / Wilkinson families are recorded here.

4202Ref 22-4202
Members of the Ackroyd / Davidson / Dickenson / Drake / Firth / Ingham / Kelley / Robinson / Stephens / Sutcliffe / Wilkinson / Windle / Wood families are recorded here.

4203Ref 22-4203
Members of the Bailey / Baker / Barrow / Burrow / Clegg / Cliff / Cliffe / Drake / McAndrew / Mitchell / Newbold / Radcliffe / Riley / Toole / Whiteley families are recorded here.

4204Ref 22-4204
Members of the Akroyd / Atkinson / Bancroft / Bentley / Bottomley / Cooper / Dyson / Geo & Mary / Hebblethwaite / Kitson / McHugh / Morton / Neal / Nuttall / Ripping / Roberts / Rothera / Rushworth / Ryder / Shaw / Swallow / Thompson / Washington / Webster / Wright families are recorded here.

4205Ref 22-4205
Members of the Craven / Gaukroger / Hitchen / Illingworth / Mason / Milnes / Ogden / Storey / Taylor / Whitaker families are recorded here.

4206Ref 22-4206
Members of the Burkett / Costello / Howarth / Jowett / Pinder / Roberts / Walker families are recorded here.

4207Ref 22-4207
Members of the Bancroft / Baume / Bentley / Boyle / Frankland / Greenwood / Haynes / Hiley / Howarth / Johnson / Oliver / Pickering / Ross / Sutcliffe / Wilcock families are recorded here.

4208Ref 22-4208
Members of the Barlow / Beetham / Binns / Birley / Downbrough / Field / Hammond / Hargreaves / Henderson / Jackson / Jowett / Locke / Ryan / Walker / Wild / Wilson families are recorded here.

4209Ref 22-4209
Members of the Barlow / Bentley / Brook / Dawson / Dearden / Field / Flinn / Foster / Fox / Green / Greenwood / Helliwell / Holroyde / Mc Ewin / Ore / Pollard / Rushworth / Smith / Symonds / Symons / Taylor / Townsend / Wadsworth / Wood families are recorded here.

4210Ref 22-4210
Members of the Beetham / Clayton / Dyson / Foulds / Gamsiyski / Henshaw / Jagger / Ramsden / Taylor / Whiteley families are recorded here.

4211Ref 22-4211
Members of the Barnett / Beilby / Bielby / Brier / Burkett / Clayton / Dawson / Eastwood / Field / Firth / Glenn / Gray / Greenwood / Hardy / Jackson / Kershaw / Leaver / Lister / Pickard / Poppleston / Procter / Proctor / Smith / Wheelhouse / White families are recorded here.

4212Ref 22-4212
Members of the Akroyd / Bolton / Bottomley / Bourke / Carey / Crossley / Dawson / Fewster / Gallway / Greenwood / Hebden / Holden / Hutchinson / James / King / Lancaster / Ogden / Parker / Schofield / Smith / Stephenson / Sykes / Topham / Ward / Wolfenden / Wood families are recorded here.

4213Ref 22-4213
Members of the Andy / Bolton / Briggs / Carter / Castello / Chambers / Chapman / Costella / Dawson / Downie / Duckworth / Fawthrop / Forbes / Halliday / Hearn / Hebblethwaite / Horsley / Hughes / Knowles / Lemming / Morterman / No parents living / Rawson / Smith / Walker families are recorded here.

4214Ref 22-4214
Members of the Beanland / Brown / Cooper / Costello / Dawson / France / Killeen / Ludlow / Marsden / Riley / Soothill / Thomas / Town / Whitehead / Wood families are recorded here.

4215Ref 22-4215
Members of the Barry / Bentham / Brier / Burrows / Buttler / Downey / Exley / Greenwood / Harrowbin / Midgley / Pickles / Spencer / Sutcliffe / Whitaker / Widdup / Wilkinson families are recorded here.

4216Ref 22-4216
Members of the Atkinson / Balme / Collingwood / Corkin / Farnell / Goodman / Hollas / Holt / Kellett or Read / Mitchell / Oates / Simpson / Whitaker / Wrigley families are recorded here.

4217Ref 22-4217
Members of the Crabtree / Hartley / Holdsworth / Mathewson / Naylor / Rawcliffe / Richardson / Saunders / Whiteley families are recorded here.

4218Ref 22-4218
Members of the Bentley / Cooper / Craven / Fielding / McGowan / Mitchell / No parents / Shaw / Sunderland / Taylor / Watson families are recorded here.

4219Ref 22-4219

4220Ref 22-4220
Members of the Ackroyd / Ambler / Blackow / Bryer / Buckley / Dennis / Flynn / Haigh / Howarth / John & Mary McDowell / Ogden / Robinson / Seaton / Smith / Spender / Woodhead families are recorded here.

4221Ref 22-4221
Members of the Appleyard / Blackow / Cheetham / Cooper / Geo & Hannah / Gledhill / Gray / Greenwood / Heron / Holt / Lane / Scampton / Weeder families are recorded here.

4222Ref 22-4222
Members of the Barlow / Blackow / Bland / Bolton / Cheetham / Corney / Goggins / Hartley / Leppingwell / Pickles / Riley / Wadsworth / Wilkinson families are recorded here.

4223Ref 22-4223
Members of the Burrows / Fawcett / Lent / Mensforth / Myers / Ogden / Scott / Terry / Turner / Young families are recorded here.

4224Ref 22-4224
Members of the Barstow / Blackburn / Bottomley / Charnock / Coleman / Cooke / Delves / Fawcett / Hartley / Hutchinson / Matthias / Moore / Rawson / Sharp / Shillam / Smodey / Stewart / Twedle / Utley / Vickers families are recorded here.

4225Ref 22-4225
Members of the Ambler / Bentley / Brown / Carlton / Coe / Fletcher / Gillett / Greenwood / Hiley / Hirst / Isles / Latham / Lodge / Longbottom / Mitchell / Naylor / Phelon / Rowley / Smith / Swingler / Tidswell / Turner / Webster / Whitaker / Whittaker families are recorded here.

4226Ref 22-4226
Members of the Austey / Chapman / Conn / Cooper / Dawson / Dyson / Green / Highley / Mackey / Normington / Wilcock / Wrigley families are recorded here.

4227Ref 22-4227
Members of the Aked / Clay / Crapper / Davies / Delaney / Donnely / Farnell / Fearnley / Foster / Godfrey / Gorman / Greenwood / Haigh / Hartley / Holmes / Jenkins / Longbottom / Lumb / Maxwell / Mitchell / Myers / Nelson / Parker / Pearson / Pickles / Ramsbottom / Ratcliffe / Stevens / Swift / Thorp / Turner / Webster / White / Widdop / Wood families are recorded here.

4228Ref 22-4228
Members of the Cain / Chapman / Clay / Elizth / Field / Gannin / Hale / Harrison / Howell / Lister / Mason / McHale / Ogden / Pickard / Roberts / Smith / Stead / Stocks / White families are recorded here.

4229Ref 22-4229
Owner: John Ratcliffe

4230Ref 22-4230
Grace Holt, of Halifax, who died 11th July 1901, aged 73 years

4231Ref 22-4231
Members of the Barker / Broadbent / Gaynor / Hawkes / Jagger / Kershaw / Proctor / Ratcliffe / Shaw families are recorded here.

4232Ref 22-4232
Members of the Armstrong / Askwith / Asquith / Barker / Baxter / Cain / Drake / Duffy / Evry / Greenwood / Hanson / Hargreaves / Hemmings / Highley / Kelley / Lee / Matthews / McFarlane / Miller / Naylor / Parker / Peake / Pidgeon / Rawnsley / Rushworth / Spence / Stancliffe / Sugden families are recorded here.

4233Ref 22-4233
Members of the Ambler / Ashworth / Barnes / Connew / Dunbar / Ganon / Hanson / Midgley / Nicholson / Pool / Russell / Shaw / Sykes / Turner / Wadsworth / Walsh / Wimpenny families are recorded here.

4234Ref 22-4234
Members of the (Mc)Intyre / Carter / Clay / Dodgson / Dooley / Gardiner / Halstead / Hancock / Hargreaves / Highley / Hiley / Hirst / Mason / McIntyre / Naylor / Pearson / Pickles / Quarmby / Ratcliffe / Rocliffe / Schofield / Shearing / Stott families are recorded here.

4235Ref 22-4235
Members of the Barber / Brooksbank / Charnack / Crossley / Crowther / Dawson / Dempsey / Dunhill / Dyson / Farrar / Fry / Halmshaw / Hirst / Howard / Lord / MacFarlane / Maguire / Shannon / Shaw / Smith / Stott / Sykes families are recorded here.

4236Ref 22-4236
Members of the Barker / Barrans / Bird / Burns / Carnella / Cawthra / Coppon / Croker / Crowther / Dodgson / Dowdney / Downey / Fleming / Halliwell / Hunt / Jackson / Kershaw / Lightowler / Long / MacClea / Middleton / Paine / Richmond / Robins / Schofield / Sheldrick / Simpson / Stocks / Turner / Walsh / Ward / Wilson families are recorded here.

4237Ref 22-4237
Members of the Aaron / Allison / Appleyard / Bank / Bell / Buckley / Clifton / Copley / Cox / Crowther / Dyson / Egan / Farnand / Fuller / Gaukrodger / Helliwell / Hillam / Hirst / McDonald / Moore / Noble / Paul / Pickles / Plasting / Ramsden / Shannon / Sutcliffe / Wadsworth / Whiteley / Whitley families are recorded here.

4238Ref 22-4238
Members of the Brier / Brown / Carter / Fearnley / Goorhead / Logan / McGinn / Millington / Moran / Naylor / Paul / Pickering / Pool / Smith / Speak / Spencer / Walsh / Wilkinson families are recorded here.

4239Ref 22-4239
Members of the Bentley / Buckland / Buvkland / Carter / Chapman / Crapper / Dalton / Denholm / Donghue / Dyson / Fearnley / Garnett / Haigh / Harrison / Hemingway / Hutchinson / Mason / Maudling / Milner / Murphy / Ogden / Parsons / Robinson / Shildrick / Shildwick / Smith / Thomas / Walsh families are recorded here.

4240Ref 22-4240
Members of the Bramfitt / Burrows / Cockran / Cooke / Culpan / Grace / Naylor / Netterton / Netteton / Powell / Ratcliffe / Turner / Wilkinson families are recorded here.

4241Ref 22-4241
Members of the Binns / Crossley / Dawson / Godfrey / Horsfall / Horsfield / Hunter / McAndrew / McDonald / Mellor / Quarmby / Smith / Turner / Watt / Wood / Wyman families are recorded here.

4242Ref 22-4242
Members of the Arther / Bell / Broadbent / Buckley / Burrows / Cain / Edwards / Firth / Gaukroger / Gledhill / Green / Hiley / Kale / Keighley / Lister / Murgatroyd / Ormeroyd / Parker / Ratcliffe / Spencer / Whitaker / Wilkinson families are recorded here.

4243Ref 22-4243
Members of the Balme / Bell / Boothroyd / Burrows / Culpan / Garforth / Griffin / Hannigan / Hanson / Highley / Hiley / Houching / Knowles / Moren / Naylor / Stott / Whyment families are recorded here.

4244Ref 22-4244
Members of the Andrew / Balme / Bramley / Briggs / Broadbent / Bullock / Burrows / Collins / Crossland / Holmes / Jagger / Margaret Collins / Mc Kerrow / Moor / Payne / Preston / Rodgers / Shepard / Shepherd / Smith / Stott / Wood families are recorded here.

4245Ref 22-4245
Members of the Ashworth / Bake / Balme / Brown / Carr / Connally / Connilly / Haley / Hanson / Hartley / Lancaster / Midgley / Platts / Quigley / Taylor families are recorded here.

4246Ref 22-4246
James Taylor Crossley / Samuel Crossley / James Crossley

4247Ref 22-4247

4248Ref 22-4248
Owner: William Wadsworth

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

  • Martha Hudson who died 12th April 1864 (aged 58 years) 
  • Mary Wood who died 8th September 1865 (aged 18 years) 
  • Jane Mitchell who died 9th September 1869 (aged 43 years) 
  • Ann Stead who died 28th April 1874 (aged 62 years) 
  • William Mitchell who died 4th July 1899 (aged 77 years) 
  • Martha Ellen Priestley who died 14th January 1929 (aged 74 years)

4249Ref 22-4249
Robert Howe

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

4250Ref 22-4250

4251Ref 22-4251

4252Ref 22-4252

4253Ref 22-4253
John Williamson / nephew Henry Williamson [1820-26th June 1864] / Five children of James Gaukroger

4254Ref 22-4254
Samuel John Birks / his sister Elizabeth Birks [1819-1877]

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

4255Ref 22-4255
Luke Teal / Henry Hammond Burgin

4256Ref 22-4256
Joseph Broadbent

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

4257Ref 22-4257

4258Ref 22-4258
Jonas Mitchell

4259Ref 22-4259

4260Ref 22-4260
John Firth

4261Ref 22-4261
William Brook / Thomas Riley / George Richardson

4262Ref 22-4262
Members of the Armitage / Coffey / Cropper / Davis / Hirst / Holdsworth / Lloyd / Regan / Smith / Tinkler / Wilson families are recorded here.

4264Ref 22-4264
Frederick Washington

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burial here, but his name does not appear on the headstone

4265Ref 22-4265
Members of the Ackroyd / Barstow / Bentley / Dunn / Garrett / Hanson / Hodgson / Holdsworth / Hutchinson / Jordon / Lister / Mix / Sutcliffe / Uttley / Whiteley / Williams families are recorded here.

4266Ref 22-4266
John Cockroft

4267Ref 22-4267
Daniel Gray

4268Ref 22-4268
Family of James Sykes / Children of Thomas Sykes

4269Ref 22-4269
Richard Smith / Richard Smith / Infant daughter of Edwin Wilson

4270Ref 22-4270
Henry Hooson

4271Ref 22-4271

4272Ref 22-4272

4273Ref 22-4273

4274Ref 22-4274

4275Ref 22-4275
Charles Lancaster

4276Ref 22-4276
George Gill

4277Ref 22-4277
Fred Boyes / Frederick Boyes / Richard Boyes [1819-1851] /

4278Ref 22-4278
Jacob Hanson / Thomas Priestley / James Greenwood / Florence Mark

4279Ref 22-4279
Members of the Baxendale family

4280Ref 22-4280
William Lister

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following people in the grave, but they do not appear on the headstone

4281Ref 22-4281
Sarah Ann, daughter of Henry Buckley

4282Ref 22-4282
Members of the Swain / Swaine families are recorded here.

4283Ref 22-4283
Edwin Ramsden / William Crabtree Ramsden.

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

4284Ref 22-4284
Members of the Smith / Talbot families are recorded here.

4285Ref 22-4285
William Smith / Children of William Smith Clough / James Greenwood

4286Ref 22-4286

4287Ref 22-4287
Members of the Ackroyd / Gaukrodger / Stephenson families are recorded here.

4288Ref 22-4288

4289Ref 22-4289
Joseph Nicholl / John Bolton

4290Ref 22-4290

4291Ref 22-4291

4292Ref 22-4292

4293Ref 22-4293

4294Ref 22-4294

4295Ref 22-4295
Jonathan Jowett

4296Ref 22-4296

4297Ref 22-4297
Joseph Pickles

4298Ref 22-4298
Edward Farrar / Benjamin Sykes / Rebecca, wife of Edward Haley

4299Ref 22-4299
Benjamin Benn

4300Ref 22-4300
George Saville / Fred, son of Jonas Saville

4301Ref 22-4301

4302Ref 22-4302

4303Ref 22-4303

4304Ref 22-4304
Benjamin Crapper / Sugden Appleyard Crapper

4305Ref 22-4305

4306Ref 22-4306
Members of the Bentley / Brunt / Crowther / Dewhirst / Field / Garlick / Green / Greenwood / Priestley / Riley / Sinclair / Wadsworth / Waterhouse / Wood families are recorded here.

4307Ref 22-4307
Members of the Binns / Brook / Carver / Crossland / Dyson / Green / Highley / Swift / Wood families are recorded here.

4308Ref 22-4308
Members of the Balme / Blackburn / Brooksbank / Byrne / Cox / Eastwood / Fourd / Grimshaw / Hanson / Kelly / Mooney / Rigg / Tettlow / Thompson / Wadsworth families are recorded here.

4309Ref 22-4309

4310Ref 22-4310
Members of the Binns / Coopan / Dickenson / Dunn / Fisher / Gray / Greenwood / Lucas / Rhodes / Sutcliffe / Sykes / Throp / Townsend / Tunecliffe families are recorded here.

4311Ref 22-4311

4312Ref 22-4312
Members of the Barker / Bedford / Booth / Bottomley / Brook / Crowther / Wood families are recorded here.

4313Ref 22-4313
Members of the Berger / Brook / Davidson / Haley / Langton / Paine / Spencer / Sykes / Worrall families are recorded here.

4314Ref 22-4314

4315Ref 22-4315
Walter Townsend Fry

4316Ref 22-4316
Timothy Burgin / Catherine Burgin

4317Ref 22-4317

4318Ref 22-4318
William Ainsworth & family [1855-1899]

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burial here, but his name does not appear on the headstone

a public burial

4319Ref 22-4319
Members of the Aitken / Baldwin / Denton / Mann / McGuire / Midgley / Outhwaite / Park / Pearson / Raffaety families are recorded here.

4320Ref 22-4320
Members of the Aaron / Corney / Crabtree / Farrar / Field / Horsfall / Kelley / McGreasy / Mitchell / Nettleship / Newbould / Riley / Roberts / Shuttleworth / Sturck / Whelan families are recorded here.

4321Ref 22-4321

4322Ref 22-4322
Members of the Smith / Wilson families are recorded here.

4323Ref 22-4323

4324Ref 22-4324

4325Ref 22-4325
Members of the Balin / Barrett / Brier / Broadlent / Bryan / Carrol / Greenwood / Hardcastle / Keegan / Lee / Smith / Standeven / Swales families are recorded here.

4326Ref 22-4326
Members of the Fleming / Greenwood / Hobson / Marsden / Mears / Mitchell / Pickles / Wamsley families are recorded here.

4327Ref 22-4327
Thomas Oakes

4328Ref 22-4328

4329Ref 22-4329
Thomas Scholefield

4330Ref 22-4330
Henry Speight / Nancy Speight [1793-1879]

4331Ref 22-4331
Family of George Mitchell

4332Ref 22-4332
Martha Riley

4333Ref 22-4333

4334Ref 22-4334
James Whiteley

4336Ref 22-4336
Thomas Cundall

4337Ref 22-4337

4338Ref 22-4338

4339Ref 22-4339
Owner: Mary Ann Ingham

4340Ref 22-4340
John Peace / Thomas Lees

4341Ref 22-4341
John Hargreaves

4342Ref 22-4342
William Lister / Family of James Lister

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burial here, but his name does not appear on the headstone

4343Ref 22-4343
This is an unmarked grave, but the Lister Lane Archives record the burial of Hannah Shaw who died 3rd October 1850 (aged 39 years), wife of Thomas Shaw

4344Ref 22-4344
Sarah Bottomley

4345Ref 22-4345

4346Ref 22-4346

4347Ref 22-4347

4348Ref 22-4348
William Wilson

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

4349Ref 22-4349
Family of John Holmes:

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

were the children of Isaac Bottomley

4350Ref 22-4350
John Bancroft / George Bancroft

4351Ref 22-4351
John Hebblethwaite

4352Ref 22-4352
Joseph Taylor

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

4353Ref 22-4353

4354Ref 22-4354
James Richardson

4355Ref 22-4355
James Richardson

4356Ref 22-4356
William Richardson

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

4357Ref 22-4357
James Naylor / Family of Henry King

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

4359Ref 22-4359
William Denton

4360Ref 22-4360
George Sutcliffe / Family of Thomas Sutcliffe

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

both children of Grace & Thomas Sutcliffe

4361Ref 22-4361
Joe Holmes / George Appleyard [1841-1866]

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burial here, but his name does not appear on the headstone

4362Ref 22-4362
Joseph Kendall

4364Ref 22-4364
Joseph Pickles

4365Ref 22-4365

4366Ref 22-4366
Luke Marsden

4367Ref 22-4367
Nathaniel Ackroyd / James William Robertshaw

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burial here, but his name does not appear on the headstone

4368Ref 22-4368
George Aked / Sarah Aked [1804-1865] / John Aked Metcalfe [1805-1868] / Fred Shepherd [1865-1868] / Annie Shepherd [1867-1868] / Herbert L Shepherd [1872-1874]

4395Ref 22-4395
Family of Henry Barber / James Henry Barber / Children of John Drake / Edith Barber

4396Ref 22-4396
John McWhire / William Briggs / Children of Matthew Lumb

4397Ref 22-4397
Heaton Feather / Emily Widdop

4398Ref 22-4398
Joseph Hanson / Leah Hanson

4399Ref 22-4399
Family of Harry Holroyd

4400Ref 22-4400
George Turner / Frank Turner

4401Ref 22-4401

4402Ref 22-4402

4403Ref 22-4403

4404Ref 22-4404
Wright Hirst

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burial here, but his name does not appear on the headstone

4405Ref 22-4405
This is an unmarked grave, but the Lister Lane Archives record the burial of John Shields who died 26th February 1858 (aged 10 months), son of George Shields

4406Ref 22-4406
Dennis Newcombe / Thomas English [1803-1864]

4407Ref 22-4407
Joseph Hartley Lewthwaite / Thomas Lister Lewthwaite

4408Ref 22-4408
Benjamin Mallalieu

The lower part of the headstone is badly eroded

4409Ref 22-4409
This is an unmarked grave, but the Lister Lane Archives record the burial of Emma Jane Stott who died 13th July 1843 (aged 27 years), daughter of William Birch

4410Ref 22-4410
William Buckley [1805-1864] / Frank Ambler [1868] / Elizabeth Scott [1845-1868] / Mary Ellen Scott [1866-1870] / Mary Ambler [1838-1870] / Margaret Fletcher [1873-1940] Members of the families

4411Ref 22-4411
Members of the Archer / Kitcheman / Kitchenman families are recorded here.

4412Ref 22-4412
Dr Alfred Wainhouse / Ellen Wainhouse [1932] / Amelia Wainhouse [1852]

4413Ref 22-4413
Jonathan Turner Hanson

4414Ref 22-4414

4415Ref 22-4415

4416Ref 22-4416
William Holder

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

4417Ref 22-4417
This is an unmarked grave, but the Lister Lane Archives record the burial of Agnes Holgate who died 25th November 1853 (aged 39 years) 

4418Ref 22-4418
John Cliff

4419Ref 22-4419

4420Ref 22-4420
Catherine Washington

4421Ref 22-4421
William Thomas / John William Thomas

4422Ref 22-4422

4423Ref 22-4423
Joseph Smith

4424Ref 22-4424

4425Ref 22-4425
This is an unmarked grave, but the Lister Lane Archives record the burial of Rose Weavell Baldwin who died 3rd May 1855 (aged 18 months), daughter of Samuel Baldwin

4426Ref 22-4426

4427Ref 22-4427
Charles Brierley /

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burial here, but her name does not appear on the headstone

4428Ref 22-4428
Isaac Sykes

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burial here, but her name does not appear on the headstone

Owner: Ruth Sykes

4429Ref 22-4429

4430Ref 22-4430
John Garside

4431Ref 22-4431
Simeon Woodhead

4432Ref 22-4432

4433Ref 22-4433
Henry William Webster

4434Ref 22-4434
Family of John Wilson / Family of William Nicholson / Daniel Wilson

4435Ref 22-4435
Joseph Fell

4436Ref 22-4436
William Tatham

4437Ref 22-4437
Benjamin Hirst

4438Ref 22-4438

4439Ref 22-4439
John Gibson

4440Ref 22-4440
Family of James Best / John Carter

4441Ref 22-4441

4442Ref 22-4442
Children of Charles Westwood

4443Ref 22-4443

4444Ref 22-4444

4445Ref 22-4445

  • Sarah Ann Cockroft who died 18th January 1849 (aged 2 years) [corn dealer]

4446Ref 22-4446
William Stocks / Mr Holroyd / John Holroyd

4447Ref 22-4447

4448Ref 22-4448

4449Ref 22-4449
David Brook / Abraham Ashworth

4450Ref 22-4450
David Brook / Abraham Ashworth

4451Ref 22-4451
Samuel Standeven / James Standeven

with the following (as yet unidentified) people:

4452Ref 22-4452
Samuel Holdsworth / Frederick William Holdsworth / Maud Elsie, daughter of Benjamin Mellor

4453Ref 22-4453
Joseph Town / family of William H. Robertshaw

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

4454Ref 22-4454
Benjamin Keighley

4455Ref 22-4455
Ruth & Mary, the wives of James Whitehead. / James Percy Whitehead [1874-1879], son of Mary Ann & William Whitehead (engineer).

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burial here, but her name does not appear on the headstone

4456Ref 22-4456

4457Ref 22-4457

  • Charles Naylor who died 15th February 1849 (aged 5 years), son of Mary & William Naylor [cordwainer]

4458Ref 22-4458
William Brassey Smith

See Plot 4664

4459Ref 22-4459
Members of the Helliwell / Stewart / Thornton families are recorded here.

4460Ref 22-4460
William Greenwood / Harold Greenwood [1894-1901] son of Elizabeth & James Greenwood

4461Ref 22-4461
William Lord

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

4462Ref 22-4462
Family of Joseph Ibberson; Joseph appears on the headstone here, but is buried at Plot 1083

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

4463Ref 22-4463

4464Ref 22-4464

4465Ref 22-4465

4466Ref 22-4466

4467Ref 22-4467

4468Ref 22-4468
Members of the Helliwell family

4469Ref 22-4469
Kezia Helliwell / Sarah Helliwell [1823-1903]

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

4470Ref 22-4470

4471Ref 22-4471
Members of the Garnett / Halliday / Mobrough / Walker families are recorded here.

4472Ref 22-4472
Sidney Pratt [1813-1865] / John Pratt [1835-1904]

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burial here, but her name does not appear on the headstone

4473Ref 22-4473

4474Ref 22-4474
Members of the Ackroyd / Balme / Balmer / Brier / Cropper / Dell / Holroyd / Longbottom / Pearson / Smith / Taylor / Turner / Whiteley / Woner families are recorded here.

4475Ref 22-4475

  • Samuel T. Watson who died 27th July 1866 (aged 12 days), son of Jane & John Watson [boiler maker]

4514Ref 22-4514
Sutcliffe Greenwood / Family of Isaac Smith / Children of Thomas Thwaites / Stillborn Child [1872] / Hannah Elizabeth Smith [1879-1882]

4515Ref 22-4515
Joshua Hanson / Wright Greenwood [1847] / Isaac Smith

4516Ref 22-4516

4517Ref 22-4517

4518Ref 22-4518
Thomas Wainhouse / Alexander Blackwood Boal

4519Ref 22-4519

4520Ref 22-4520

4521Ref 22-4521

4522Ref 22-4522
This is an unmarked grave, but the Lister Lane Archives record the burial of Margaret Jepson who died 26th February 1864 (aged 42 years), widow of John Jepson

4523Ref 22-4523

4524Ref 22-4524

4525Ref 22-4525

4526Ref 22-4526
Robert Dawtrey

4527Ref 22-4527

4528Ref 22-4528
James McDonald

4529Ref 22-4529

4530Ref 22-4530

4531Ref 22-4531

4532Ref 22-4532

4533Ref 22-4533

4534Ref 22-4534
George Farnell

4535Ref 22-4535

4536Ref 22-4536
Joseph Woodhead

4537Ref 22-4537
James Woodhead

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burial here, but her name does not appear on the headstone

4538Ref 22-4538
Jonas Saville

4539Ref 22-4539
Benjamin Holcroft

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

4540Ref 22-4540
Thomas Wilson / Henry Wilson

4541Ref 22-4541
John Clegg Jowett

with (as yet unidentified):

4542Ref 22-4542

4543Ref 22-4543
Members of the Atkinson / Gledhill / Hutchinson families are recorded here.

4544Ref 22-4544
James Gledhill

4545Ref 22-4545
John Aked

4546Ref 22-4546
Children of John Smith

4547Ref 22-4547
John Simpson

4548Ref 22-4548
William McVine

4549Ref 22-4549

4550Ref 22-4550

4551Ref 22-4551
Members of the Mitchell / Sheard families are recorded here.

Owner: Samuel Mitchell

4552Ref 22-4552
Children of Robert Simpson

4553Ref 22-4553
Ann Brown

4554Ref 22-4554

4555Ref 22-4555

4556Ref 22-4556
Frederick Walker Stott and family

4557Ref 22-4557
Alfred Newton / Reuben Leggett

4558Ref 22-4558

4559Ref 22-4559

4560Ref 22-4560

4561Ref 22-4561
John Robinson / Children of Benjamin Robinson

4562Ref 22-4562
Joseph Cooper

4563Ref 22-4563
Joseph Cooper

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burials here, but the names do not appear on the headstone

4564Ref 22-4564
Family of Samuel Firth

4565Ref 22-4565
James Hartley / Mabel Mary daughter of William Hartley

4566Ref 22-4566

4567Ref 22-4567
James Lord

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burial here, but his name does not appear on the headstone

4568Ref 22-4568
Joshua Alderson

4569Ref 22-4569
Walter Heath

The Lister Lane Cemetery archives also record the following burial here, but her name does not appear on the headstone

4570Ref 22-4570
Dan Taylor

4571Ref 22-4571
Jonas Mitchell

4572Ref 22-4572

4573Ref 22-4573
Henry Skelton

4574Ref 22-4574
James Horsfield

4575Ref 22-4575

4576Ref 22-4576

4577Ref 22-4577
Charles William Burnett

4578Ref 22-4578
William Murray Lochhead

4579Ref 22-4579
William Weatherell / James Weatherell

4580Ref 22-4580

4581Ref 22-4581
James Bates

4640Ref 22-4640
Members of the Aked / Brown / Cassidy / Coock / Dempsey / Dixon / Gillmartain / Gillmartin / Greenwood / Hesselenden / Hudson / Kennedy / Newton / O Connor / Richards / Tillotson / Whiteley / Woods families are recorded here.

4641Ref 22-4641
Members of the Atkinson / Briggs / Charles / Close / Delaney / Edwards / Field / Fuller / Grippin / Keighley / Ryan / Smith / Stewart / Sykes / Thompson / Wade / Ward / White / Whiteley / Wild / Wilde families are recorded here.

4642Ref 22-4642
Members of the Alderson / Crapper / Delaney / Fleming / Miller / Moore / Whiteley families are recorded here.

4643Ref 22-4643
William Henry Tinkler

4644Ref 22-4644

4645Ref 22-4645

4646Ref 22-4646

4647Ref 22-4647
Thomas Waites

4648Ref 22-4648
This is an unmarked grave, but the Lister Lane Archives record the burial of Dorothy Laycock who died 1st May 1852 (aged 42 years), wife of William Laycock

4649Ref 22-4649

4650Ref 22-4650
Thomas Priestley

4651Ref 22-4651
Esau Hanson / William Hirst

4652Ref 22-4652
Members of the Crossley / Robertshaw / Shackleton families are recorded here.

4653Ref 22-4653
Thomas Firth

4654Ref 22-4654

4655Ref 22-4655

4656Ref 22-4656
Family of Thomas Crossley

4657Ref 22-4657

4658Ref 22-4658
William Keith

4659Ref 22-4659
This is an unmarked grave, but the Lister Lane Archives record the burial of Sarah Halstead who died 11th March 1845 (aged 25 years), daughter of John Halstead

4660Ref 22-4660
William Baxendale

4661Ref 22-4661

4662Ref 22-4662

  • Arthur Stirk who died 9th July 1866 (aged 6 months), son of Eliza & George Stirk [dyer]

After the public burials, the plot was bought by William Webster

This & associated entries use material contributed by Stuart Wilkinson

4663Ref 22-4663

4664Ref 22-4664
William Brassey Smith (remembered) / Henry William Smith

See Plot 4458

4665Ref 22-4665
William Drake

4666Ref 22-4666
Jonas Rushworth

4667Ref 22-4667
William Noble

4668Ref 22-4668

4669Ref 22-4669
Joseph Hanson

4670Ref 22-4670
William Tidswell / Walter Wilson / Basil Clifford Robinson

4678Ref 22-4678

4718Ref 22-4718
Members of the Haigh / Holt / Shaw families are recorded here.

4719Ref 22-4719
Members of the Aked / Crabtree / Crapper / Delaney / Dewhirst / Dyson / Firth / Foulds / Kershaw / O'Brian / Prince / Rushworth / Saltonstall / Terry / Thomas / Uttley / Watson families are recorded here.

4720Ref 22-4720
Members of the Hargreaves / Pickard / Priestley / Priestly families are recorded here.

4721Ref 22-4721
Members of the Barker / Barron / Brewer / Broughton / Cooke / Dean / Dyson / Exley / Gilmartin / Greenwood / Hartley / Hirst / Jones / Scott / Wilson families are recorded here.

4722Ref 22-4722
Members of the Booth / Burnes / Burns / Butterworth / Collins / Conway / Delaney / Gaukroger / Gill / Greenwood / Johnson / Redman / Riley / Sugden / Wright families are recorded here.

4723Ref 22-4723
Members of the Butterworth / Carroll families are recorded here.

4724Ref 22-4724
Members of the Beetham / Capstack / Farnell / Fletcher / Greenwood / Hewitt / Hudson / Hutton / Maxwell / McHewitt / Ramsbottom / Ramsden / Simpson / Stubbs families are recorded here.

4725Ref 22-4725
This is an unmarked grave, but the Lister Lane Archives record the burial of Louisa Sutcliffe who died 17th May 1865 (aged 15 months), daughter of Jonas Sutcliffe

4726Ref 22-4726
Members of the Bowling / Coffey / Garside / Grace / Holroyd / Hudson / Hutchinson / Roper / Sale / Whitehead families are recorded here.

4727Ref 22-4727
Members of the Atkinson / Braithwaite / Cardwell / Cockroft / Crowther / Harding / O'Leary / Siddle / Tomlinson / Widdop / Woods families are recorded here.

4728Ref 22-4728
Members of the Barrett / Bates / Bell / Brier / Broadbent / Gardan / Gardiner / Gills / Gordon / Green / Greenwood / Haworth / Howarth / Martin / Mc Cue / McGowan / Moore / Parkinson / Pollard / Pool / Poole / Rigby / Smith / White / Whitley families are recorded here.

4729Ref 22-4729
Members of the Barton / Briggs / Brown / Chapman / Collins / Crapper / Greenwood / Maude / McCormick / McHugh / Nucles / Priestley / Richardson / Roach / Sheppard / Shepperd / Siddle / Stocks / Sutcliffe families are recorded here.

4730Ref 22-4730
Members of the Bates / Beswick / Birtwhistle / Cain / Connolley / Davies / Fox / Horsfall / Kellett / Langton / Moran / O Hara / Walker / Wilson families are recorded here.

4731Ref 22-4731
Members of the Bairstow / Bohan / Jenkins / Morris / Ormerod / Viney / Whitehead families are recorded here.

4732Ref 22-4732
Members of the Barber / Brandle? / Brannan / Dixon / Greenwood / Riley / Royals / Wadsworth / Womersley families are recorded here.

4733Ref 22-4733
Members of the Bell / Godfrey / Habis / Harren / Karana / King / Mitchell / Sladdin / Wainhouse families are recorded here.

4734Ref 22-4734
Members of the Beecroft / Briggs / Considine / Dunn / Field / Garforth / Haley / Hargreaves / Hellewell / Helliwell / Hirst / Holgate / Hutchinson / Kitson / O Connor / Prudames / Pybus / Robinett / Schofield / Shanley / Siddell / Snowball / Stocks / Townend / Whiteley families are recorded here.

4735Ref 22-4735
Members of the Batho / Birchenough / Bramley / Crapper / Field / Gill / Greenhalgh / Harrison / Helliwell / Hutchinson / Kenyon / Nevison / Newell / Siddle / Terry / Thompson / Tucker families are recorded here.

4746Ref 22-4746
An unidentified stillborn child [buried 15th November 1866]

© Malcolm Bull 2024
Revised 12:32 / 1st October 2024 / 238580

Page Ref: LLP5

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