Mills & Mines



D mill, Dean CloughRef 15-1229

Dam Head Colliery, NorthowramRef 15-617
Several accidents were recorded here in the 19th century.

Dam Head Mill, ShibdenRef 15-526

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


The mill was burned down on 22nd August 1870.

A new 3-storey mill was built. This burned down on 22nd August 1870. It was not rebuilt

Damside Mill, RippondenRef 15-257

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


The mill was rebuilt by George Hinchliffe in 1846

Dancroft Mill, GauxholmeRef 15-105

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


Danny Lane Mill, LuddendenfootRef 15-206
Part of the Luddendenfoot Mill

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


The mill was damaged in a fire on 5th March 1900

Dapper Mill, WheatleyRef 15-17
Originally a 17th century fulling mill.

In December 1838, it was advertised to let, and was said

to hold 36 to 40 frames and will be worked by a new steam engine

The Halifax Courier [Saturday 4th February 1854] advertised

TO LET part of the well built and substantial mill called Dapper Mill, situated in Wheatley, containing two large rooms 102 feet 8 ins by 41 feet 8 ins and 35 feet 8 ins by 41 feet 8 ins, with a large Attic running along the whole building 137 feet by 42 feet, and a 25 horse power steam engine (by Low Moor Company).

The mill is within 1½ miles of Halifax and situate in a populous locality where abundance of hands can be obtained.

Also included in the sale is the machinery which was made by Messrs J. B. & J. Farrar of Halifax.

Further details from; George Crossley, Dapper Mill, Wheatley, Halifax


It was developed by the Pollard family as Wheatley Dye Works.

Subsequent owners and tenants of the mill have included


See Dapper House, Wheatley / The Dapper

This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom

Davey Hall Mill, BlackshawheadRef 15-218
Built in 1???. Demolished in 1???.

Davey Hall and 4 cottages were probably built for the workers

Dawson's Quarry, TrimminghamRef 15-1397
Recorded in 1915

Deaf Mill, HipperholmeRef 15-D110
17th century name for Dumb Mill.

See Deaf Mill alehouse, Hipperholme

Dean Clough: A MillRef 15-1215
A mill was built in 1840 and is inscribed A 1841: 6 storeys, 164 ft long, 42 ft wide, 66 ft high, with an area of 4,100 square yards. A mill and B mill were used for woollens, worsted washing and the setting of patterns

Dean Clough: B MillRef 15-1216
B mill was built in 1841 and is inscribed B 1844: 209 ft long, 42 ft wide, 66 ft high, with an area of 5,910 square yards.

A mill and B mill were used for woollens, worsted washing and the setting of patterns.

The sick room was here

Dean Clough: C MillRef 15-1217
C mill was built in 1850: 229 ft long, 46 ft wide, 73 ft high, with an area of 9,300 square yards. C was used for setting patterns and winding yarns

Dean Clough: Crossley MillRef 15-800
Now a part of the Dean Clough Complex

Dean Clough: D MillRef 15-1218
D mill was built in 1854: 174 ft long, 63 ft wide, 96 ft high, with an area of 6,687 square yards, and an additional office area of 2,680 square yards.

D mill was used for finishing of the Brussels range of carpets, and passing.

The administrative offices – except the counting house – were here

Dean Clough: E MillRef 15-1219
E mill was built – possibly by Roger Ives – in 1857 on the site of Waterhouse's Mill, and was 197 ft long, 56 ft wide, 120 ft high, with an area of 8,840 square yards.

2 floors of E mill were used for worsted spinning.

Carpet design was carried out here.

The top floor was used for producing the cards for the Jacquard looms.

There were also a setting shop, a joiners' shop, and a training room here.

Martha Crossley's House stands in front of E mill

Dean Clough: Elizabeth ShedRef 15-1225
Shroggs Road, Halifax. Factory opened by Crossley's Carpets on 15th March 1961 for the production of plain Wilton carpet, and extending the production of the Dean Clough site. The factory was built on the site of the former ash-tip – hence its low-rise structure. As the company closed down, this was the last part of the complex to be used.

It closed in September 1984.

In 2002, it was announced that DIY chain B & Q planned to build a new store on the site

Dean Clough: F MillRef 15-1220
F mill was built – possibly by Roger Ives – in 1858: 344 ft long, 76 ft wide, 65 ft high, with an area of 11,920 square yards. F mill was also known as the Flax Mill because it was used for flax and cotton spinning and for preparing and washing the wool

Dean Clough: G MillRef 15-1221
G mill was built in 1867: 160 ft long, 78 ft wide, 105 ft high, with 10 storeys and an area of 12,000 square yards.

G was used for cotton spinning

Dean Clough: H MillRef 15-1222
H mill was built in 1869: 296 ft long, 158 ft wide, 50 ft high, with an area of 9,000 square yards. H mill was used for carpet weaving

Dean Clough: K MillRef 15-1383

Dean Clough MillsRef 15-171

Dean Clough: Old ShedRef 15-1223
The Old Shed is 4 storeys, 454 ft long, 164 ft wide, with an area of 10,850 square yards.

The setting room is here.

There is also a room with very large looms for making large carpets.

There was a dam beneath Old Shed

Dean Clough: Victoria ShedRef 15-1224
The Victoria Shed is 170 ft long, 160 ft wide, 25 ft high, with an area of 3,020 square yards. This was used for the production of Victoria Jacquard Squares

Dean Mills, MidgleyRef 15-5
/ Booth.

The mills stood on the Luddenden Brook.

The original fulling mills were built in 1440. One was converted to a paper mill and the other to a cotton mill.

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


The Plug Rioters disabled the mill in August 1842

Dean Mills, TriangleRef 15-1366
Owners and tenants have included

Dean Top Delph, GreetlandRef 15-609
Quarry on the plateau overlooking North Dean. Recorded in 1907

Dean Valley Mills, StainlandRef 15-1209

Owners and tenants have included

Deanroyd Gate End Mill, WalsdenRef 15-1034
Deanroyd Lane, Smales

Deanroyd Mill, WalsdenRef 15-318
Deanroyd Lane

Dearden Coal Mine, TodmordenRef 15-D74

Delph End Quarry, Pecket WellRef 15-749

Owners and tenants of the quarry have included


Delph Mills, LuddendenfootRef 15-686
Built in 1886 by James Clay.

Owners and tenants of the mills have included


There was a fire at the mill on 10th April 1906.

H. J. Homfray & Company Limited closed the mill in November 1970.

The mill was demolished.

See Luddendenfoot Mill

This & associated entries use material contributed by David Greaves & Derek Horsfall

Delph Street Metal Works, HalifaxRef 15-1389
Delph Street, King Cross.

Owners and tenants have included

  • Hellowell's [1930s]

Demain Coal Mine, TodmordenRef 15-D68

Dene Mill, RippondenRef 15-256
At Denton Bridge, Kebroyd.

One of 2 mills known as Kebroyd Mills.

The mill was owned by George Hadwen and occupied by Mr Lee (a cotton manufacturer of Oldham) when it was destroyed by fire on 26th March 1868. It was rebuilt.

In 1903, there was a serious fire. It was again rebuilt

Denholme Mills, LuddendenfootRef 15-1047
Burnley Road.

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


In the 1980s, it was bought by William Rawnsley Limited.

In 1992, it became a camping shop

This & associated entries use material contributed by David Greaves

Dennison's Mill, Lee BridgeRef 15-1365
In 18th May 1867, an article in the Halifax Guardian reported

The first mill chimney in Halifax [was that] belonging to Messrs Dennison's woollen mill, Lee Bridge, formerly used in the manufacture of wire and run by Messrs Rowbotham.

During the erection of the chimney, the lime used was wet in an adjoining shed, and one of the labourers threw upon it, in addition to some water, the contents of 2 or 3 carboys of oil of vitriol. In a short time, the calcinating properties of the oil began to manifest themselves, by causing a loud explosion, which blew the slates of the shed into the air


Question: Does anyone know the date on which the mill / the chimney were constructed?


This & associated entries use material contributed by John Needham

Der Street Mill, TodmordenRef 15-394

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


In 1905, Jeremiah Jackson gave his address as Derdale Iron Works

Derby Delph, RishworthRef 15-1208
Quarry near the Derby Bar, Rishworth.

On 7th April 1906, there was a fatal accident in which a trap, the horse and passengers were thrown down into the quarry

Derdale Mill, TodmordenRef 15-294
Built in 1861 by the Todmorden (Derdale) Cotton & Commercial Company.

In 1870, Maden & Hoyle bought the mill.

On 18th July 1879, a flywheel from a weaving shed engine exploded causing much damage, killing one worker, Sarah Pilling and injuring two others, Mary Escritt and Mary Mills.

After Henry Maden's death, Caleb Hoyle took over and Caleb Hoyle Limited were here around 1895. Hoyle's sons later took over the business, and Philip Hoyle ran the mill until 1935.

The mill closed about 1996

Dobroyd Mill, TodmordenRef 15-178
Jackson Bridge.

Owned by the Fielden family

Dog Lane Mill, StainlandRef 15-63
Cotton and woollen mill.

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


The mill was destroyed by a fire on 21st November 1864. It was then described as being 5 storeys high.

Considerable damage was done by a fire on 2nd September 1891

Doles Lane Pit, CliftonRef 15-1142
Coal mine which stood east of Highmoor Lane, Clifton. Recorded in 1851

Dominion Works, HipperholmeRef 15-1184
Denholme Gate Road. The works canteen is in the former Ryders Court

Dredger Soap Works, HalifaxRef 15-232
Upper George Yard.

The building was owned by W. L. Carter & Company when it was gutted by fire on 28th December 1906

Drury's Soap WorksRef 15-532
River Street, Brighouse. The business of John Drury Soap Works was established by John Drury in 1882.

Manufacturers of soap and beauty products with brand names such as Bedforth Soap, Avoca.

In the 1920s, they were supplying soap & soap powders to the textile and laundry industry.

By the 1930s, they were producing toilet soap.

There was a fire here on 30th June 2008.

The business is still [2016] in existence

Dulesgate Brick Works, TodmordenRef 15-707

Owners and tenants of the works have included


Dulesgate Mill, TodmordenRef 15-1450
Recorded in 1921, when Luke Barker & Sons were here

Dumb Mill, HipperholmeRef 15-D105
Mill which gave its name to Dumb Mill Bridge. In the 17th century, it was called Deaf Mill.

An alehouse – the Deaf Mill, Hipperholme – is also recorded [1670s]

Dunkirk Mills, HalifaxRef 15-D205
Parkinson Lane, West End.

Around 1893, George Aked built the 3-storey mills to accommodate their expanding belt and brace business.

Subsequent owners and tenants of the mills have included


Dunningly Tannery, TodmordenRef 15-D54
18th century tannery on the edge of Todmorden moor

Dyson's Brewery, BrighouseRef 15-1007
Stood behind the George Hotel.

Owners and tenants of the brewery have included


licensees at the Hotel

Dyson Lane Mill, RishworthRef 15-240
Oldham Road. Aka Binns's Mill. Built around 1803 by John Haugh for Henry Binns.

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


The mill was owned by the trustees of Wheelwright's Charities.

The chimney was demolished on 8th March 1909. The mill was demolished in 1905

In 1909, houses were built on the site.

In 1920, the Dyson Lane Co-Op was established in one of the houses.

The Mill is discussed in the book Halifax Pubs Volume Two

See Lower Dyson Lane Mill

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