Ibbotroyd Mill, Wadsworth | Ref 15-343 |
The Leeds Intelligencer [Monday 24th December 1798] announced
Mill In Wadsworth. To Be Let By Ticketfor a term not exceeding Twenty-one years.
A newly erected Mill, at Ibbotsroyd in Wadsworth, Three Stories high capable of having a great deal of work done in it, having a Fall of Fifteen Yards and a never failing Supply of Water with power to turn Six Cotton Engines.
These are two Water Wheels already fixed to the Mill and which are quite new.
Details from Mr Patchett in Halifax and at the house of Mr Patchett, Old White Bear Inn, Hebden Bridge
This & associated entries use material contributed by Jeffrey Knowles
Illingworth Edge Quarries | Ref 15-1072 |
Illingworth Mill, Elland | Ref 15-513 |
Illingworth Mills, Ovenden | Ref 15-21 |
Run by the Isles family and then by William Calvert.
Owners and tenants of the mills have included
- John and William Isles
- Thomas Isles & Company [1861]
- William Calvert & Sons [1871]
- Tindall, Tomlinson & Company [1890]
- Leonard Calvert [1905]
- Calvert's (Illingworth) Limited [1937]
Inchfield coal mines | Ref 15-I19 |
Inchfield Corn Mill, Walsden | Ref 15-306 |
See J. & J. Bairstow
Inchfield Mill, Walsden | Ref 15-393 |
Inchfield Pasture Cotton Mill | Ref 15-337 |
Inchfield Picker Works, Walsden | Ref 15-111 |
See Picker
Ing Head Mill, Sowerby | Ref 15-451 |
Ingwood Mill, West Vale | Ref 15-I80 |
The former office building still stands to the east of the Greetland Viaduct.
Owners and tenants of the mills have included
- Speak & Son [1895]
- William Henry Stott [1901]
- J. Speak & Company occupied the basement [1895, 1905]
- Speak & Son Limited [1936]
- Joseph Horsfall & Sons Limited
Intake Quarry, Norland | Ref 15-732 |
Isaac Collinge Mill | Ref 15-173 |
Italy Mill, Todmorden | Ref 15-112 |
The mill was demolished in 1???. The remains can be seen near the Bacup Road above Cloughfoot
Page Ref: M408_I
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