Mills & Mines



Jack Bridge Mill, HeptonstallRef 15-J82
5-storey steam-powered mill built in 1861 by the Colden Cotton & Commercial Company Limited. This was the last mill to be built along Colden Water.

The Todmorden Advertiser & Hebden Bridge Newsletter [Friday 13th June 1879] reported

The Strike at Jack Bridge

The strike of the hands at the Co-operative Mill, Jack Bridge, against a two and a half per cent reduction in wages has now continued a fortnight.

The mill is closed


It was destroyed by fire on 14th June 1884.

There are datestones 1861 and 1919.

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


The remaining buildings are now a private house, and new houses have been built on the rest of the site

See Clement Speak

This & associated entries use material contributed by Jeffrey Knowles

Jackson's Mill, Hebden BridgeRef 15-796
Croft Mill Yard. Occupied by a company which manufactured kits for making rugs and tapestries. Closed in ????. The mill is being converted

Jagger's Quarry, NorthowramRef 15-1436

See Jagger's Buildings, Claremount / Joseph Jagger

Jail Hole Quarry, LangfieldRef 15-1148
Sandstone quarry.

Owners and tenants have included

Recorded in 1910. Now disused

James Street Mill, EllandRef 15-J81
James Street.

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


On 24th July 1894 there was a fire at the mill.

Jasmine Toffee Mills, BrighouseRef 15-1391
Recorded in 1901, when Pearson's Confectioners were here

Jasper Street Works, HalifaxRef 15-998
Queens Road.

Owners and tenants of the works have included


Jay House Pit, CliftonRef 15-1141
Coal mine. Originally called Ox Pits

Joint Stock Weaving Shed, TodmordenRef 15-316
Aka Crow Carr Ings Mill, Todmorden

Jowler Mill, LuddendenRef 15-J62

Jubilee Mill, WalsdenRef 15-332
Aka Pioneer Mill, Walsden

Built in 1901 by the Pioneer Mill Company, a co-operative venture.

During World War II, the mill was used by Rowntree's as a cocoa factory when the firm moved out of York during the hostilities.

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


Jubilee Works, HalifaxRef 15-448
North Parade. G. H. Gledhill's made and finished wooden cabinets for their time recorders here

Jubilee Works, OvendenRef 15-994

Owners and tenants of the works have included


Jumb Mill, LangfieldRef 15-180
On Lumbutts Clough. The first mill here was a fulling mill. About 1803, it was rebuilt.

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


A second mill was built in 1801.

Owners and tenants of the 1801 mill have included


The two mills were incorporated into one.

In 1847, John Fielden bought the mill and its water courses. An overhead ropeway was built to connect this mill to nearby Lumbutts Mill to transfer materials from one to the other.

See Sutcliffe Sutcliffe

Jumble Hole Mill, TodmordenRef 15-85
Aka Low Underbank Mill, Lower Underbank Mill, Underbank Dye Works. Recorded in 1788.

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


On 11th August 1899, the mill was destroyed by fire.

The remains of the building can still be seen in the trees at Jumble Hole Clough. Traces can also be seen of the pits which were used to store dye

Jumble Pit, Norwood GreenRef 15-1190
Coal mine recorded in the Norwood Green / Judy Woods / Wyke area

Jumples Fulling MillRef 15-614
In the 16th century, the Lister family of Shibden had a fulling mill by Jumples Bridge, Mixenden

Jumples Mills, WheatleyRef 15-22
Originally a corn mill.

In 1710, Jumples House and the mill were purchased by George Ramsden and the Ramsden family.

Owners and tenants of the mills have included


In 1780, an entry in the Diaries of Cornelius Ashworth tells of the building of Jumples Mill

It was rear'd on Jan. 14 and the rearing feast was at Savile Green that night

On 13th May 1869, there was an arson attack on the mill

Jumps Mill, TodmordenRef 15-213
Jumps Lane. An early 19th century mill to the rear of Jumps, Todmorden. The remaining structure still houses a cast-iron overshot waterwheel.

See Jumps Mill House, Todmorden

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