Mills & Mines



Ragby Mill, WalsdenRef 15-296
Aka Strines Mill

Raglan Street Dye Works, HalifaxRef 15-595

Owners and tenants of the works have included


Raglan Street Works, HalifaxRef 15-R370
8 Raglan Street. Designed by Richard Horsfall for Milner & Sowerby [1863]

Railway Brewery, RastrickRef 15-R796
Brewery attached to the Railway Hotel.

An auction notice in 1856 says that the brewery used

water from a natural spring on the site

In 1877, with partners J. Hollinrake and E. Hollinrake, the business went into liquidation.

In 1902, Richard Roberts was here

It later became the Red Cross Brewery, Rastrick,

Railway Iron Works, MytholmroydRef 15-728
Hippens End.

Owners and tenants of the works have included


Railway Saw Mills, BrighouseRef 15-R24
Gooder Lane. Aka Bottomley's Saw Mills, Railway Sawing & Planing Mills.

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


Rake Bank Quarry, MixendenRef 15-1357
Owners and tenants have included

Ramsbottom's Mill, Hebden BridgeRef 15-541
Aka Foster Mill, Hebden Bridge

Ramsden's Stone Trough BreweryRef 15-R73
The Stone Trough Brewery at Ward's End was established by Peter Beck and became Thomas Ramsden & Son Limited in 1881.

There was a trough in the yard with water piped from the spring at Well Head, and beers were brewed from this supply.

A new building was constructed at Ward's End by Horsfall's in 1887.

In 1964, the brewery was taken over by Joshua Tetley & Sons of Leeds. With various takeovers and mergers, the business has been controlled by a range of companies, including Allied Breweries Limited, Carlsberg-Tetley, White Rose Inns of Leeds, Pubmaster of Hartlepool, and Punch Taverns.

Production at the brewery ended in 1967. The premises were finally demolished in 1968.

The brewery and stables were situated on the present site of the head office of the Halifax PLC.

See Gilbert Brook

Ramsden Wood Mill, WalsdenRef 15-163
A water-powered cotton spinning and carding mill built on Ramsden Clough in 1820 by the Law brothers – Thomas, Robert and Samuel Law – after they moved from Smithy Holme Mill.

It was lower down Ramsden Clough and known as the bottom shop to distinguish it from the Spring Millthe top shop.

A group of 11 cottages were built for the workers.

Subsequent owners and tenants of the mill have included


Closed in 2001

This & associated entries use material contributed by Linda Briggs

Ramsden Wood Print WorksRef 15-1451
Textile Printers,

Recorded in 1921, when they were at Ramsden Wood Road, Walsden

Ramsden Wood Road Shed, WalsdenRef 15-1042

Range Bank Mills, HalifaxRef 15-557

Owners and tenants of the mills have included


See Ellen Royd Mills, Halifax

Range Royd Mills, HalifaxRef 15-429
Recorded in 1888

Rastrick Gas WorksRef 15-818
See James Dyson

Rastrick MillRef 15-R13
Sometimes called Brighouse Mill. Norman corn mill on the Calder at Rastrick. Mentioned in 1307.

In 1562, local tenants were granted permission to take their corn to local mills – at Coley Mill, Ox Heys Mill and Shibden Mill – instead of the Rastrick Mill as the Lord of the Manor of Brighouse required.

Owners and tenants have included Thomas Richard Sutcliffe [1861].

See Daisy Croft / Simon of the Dene / Robert Eland / Miln Cliff, Brighouse / Alice de Radcliffe

Rastrick stone mines and QuarriesRef 15-537
Foldout looks at some of the quarries and stone mines at Rastrick.

See Quarries / Bramston Street Mine, Rastrick / Law Hill Quarry, Southowram / Ogden Lane Mine, Rastrick

Ratcha Mill, TodmordenRef 15-290
Another name for Houghstones Mill, Stansfield

Rattan Clough Pit, CornholmeRef 15-1300
Open cast coal mine at Rattan Clough.

On 16th October 1947, there was an avalanche of peat from the moors here

Rattenclough Quarry, HolmfieldRef 15-915
Shay Lane.

Recorded in 1905 at Keighley Road when it was owned by Halifax Corporation

Rawfolds MillRef 15-1299

Rawroyds Mill, Holywell GreenRef 15-770
/ Elland.

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


There was a toll booth near the mill for the Stainland to Sowerby Bridge Turnpike

Rawroyds Mill, Sowerby BridgeRef 15-345

Rawson's MillRef 15-R339
Aka Old Lane Mill

Rayner Road Quarry, BrighouseRef 15-1454
Established by John Aspinall Robinson at Rayner Road, Brighouse.

On 11th January 1899, there was a roof collapse in which three workmen were injured

Red Cross Brewery, RastrickRef 15-R57
Foundry Street.

Formerly the Railway Brewery

Owners and tenants of the brewery have included


The brewery was bought by Webster's [1890].

It closed in 1902.

The Brewery is discussed in the book Halifax Pubs

Red Gin Mine, BoothtownRef 15-1273
19th century coal mine beneath Swales Moor

Redacre Delph, MytholmroydRef 15-603
Quarry shown as disused on maps of 1907

Redacre Mill, MytholmroydRef 15-R349
Small 18th century mill alongside the Rochdale Canal.

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


It is now a private house

Regent Works, HalifaxRef 15-687
Hanson Lane.

Owners and tenants of the works have included


Regent Works, Hebden BridgeRef 15-817
Regent Street.

Owners and tenants of the works have included


Regent Works, HeptonstallRef 15-R373

Regulator Mill, Sowerby BridgeRef 15-567
Originally a corn mill. 4-storey buulding. It became a steam-powered worsted spinning mill.

Samuel Wilkinson was involved in the construction of new offices at the Mill [1902].

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


The mill was damaged by fire on 7th November 1872.

The mill was demolished in 19??.

See Joseph Kirby / Wharf Mill, Sowerby Bridge

This & associated entries use material contributed by Derrick Habergham

Resting Hill Quarry, Highroad WellRef 15-587
Recorded in 1907

Rhubarb Hole Quarry, RastrickRef 15-536
Near Chapel Croft. Stone mine

Ridge Mill, TodmordenRef 15-760
Aka Ridgefoot Mill

Ridgefoot Mill, TodmordenRef 15-92
Aka Ridge Mill / Ridgefoot Shuttle Works.

Ridge Place, Burnley Road.

Water-powered cotton mill built in the early 1790s by Anthony Crossley of Todmorden Hall.

He rented the mill to John Buckley [1794].

The mill was fed by a reservoir – known as Buckley's Dam – built at Hall Ings between Todmorden Hall and Dawson Weir.

Subsequent owners and tenants of the mill have included


In 1811, the mill operated 2880 spindles.

The mill was demolished in the 1930s for road-widening, and the Abraham Ormerod Clinic was built on the site.

The mill chimney was taken down in 1932.

Riding HallRef 15-R1300

Ringby QuarriesRef 15-R74
There are/were several stone quarries on Swales Moor.

In the 1860s, 24,000 tons of stone from the quarries was used to build Halifax Town Hall.

Owners and tenants of the quarries have included


Ripponden Free Brewery Company LimitedRef 15-1052
Brewers at Hanging Lee Mill, Ripponden [1924]. Formerly the Sowerby Bridge United Clubs Brewery Company Limited.

The Brewery is discussed in the book Halifax Pubs

Ripponden MillRef 15-R368
Stands on the banks of the Ryburn by the modern road bridge.

This may be a mill mentioned in 1429, and is probably the oldest mill in the Ryburn Valley.

It was mentioned explicitly in 1624.

In 1782, it was a fulling mill.

Around 1800, it was a 4-storey mill measuring 83 ft by 44 ft, and had two 16 ft waterwheels.

In 18??, a building – now houses – was erected. This caused much local concern as it blocked access to th Ryburn.

The mill burned down in 1858, 1876, and in 1980.

The dam was drained. The land is now a recreation ground.

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


Ripponden Wood MillRef 15-254
Aka Ryburn House Mill

Rishworth MillsRef 15-391
There was a corn mill and malt kiln here.

In 1836, the Wheelwrights built a textile mill.

Owners and tenants of the mills have included


The mills have been converted into apartments and are known as Rishworth Palace!

See Rishworth New Mill

Rishworth New MillRef 15-R333
Oldham Road. Built by the Wheelwrights to give employment to the local workers during the Cotton Famine of 1862.

Stands next to Rishworth Mills.

It had a waterwheel 57½ ft in diameter

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


It has been converted into apartments

River Mill, RastrickRef 15-973

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


Riverside Mill, EllandRef 15-176
Worsted spinning mill owned by Albert Bailey & Sons [1910].

Riverside House was the mill-house and was demolished in the 1910s in order to expand the mill.

The mill was vacated in September 1975 and demolished for the construction of the Elland Bypass

Riverside Works, MytholmroydRef 15-1100

Robin Hood Mill, BrighouseRef 15-277
The mill was attacked during the Plug Riots of August 1842.

See Little John Mill

Robin Hood Wire Works, BrighouseRef 15-R360
Wakefield Road.

Part of the works burned down in the late 1950s.

See Ramsden Camm

Robinson's Brick Works, EllandRef 15-1420
Recorded on 9th February 1868, when the 71-feet-high chimney was blown down, and the roof of a grocer's shop was carried away

Robinwood Brewery, TodmordenRef 15-1097

See Robinwood Brewers & Vintners

Robinwood Mill, TodmordenRef 15-R121

Steam-powered cotton-spinning mill built in 1832 by William Fairburn for Thomas Ramsbottom It was bought by John Fielden who added a carding shed and ran the mill in conjunction with Waterside Mill.

The site of the old pond and the aqueduct which fed the overshot waterwheel can be seen at the back of the mill.

Workers' housing was built in nearby Robinwood Terrace. A school for the workers' children was held at nearby Arch View.

In 1887, work stopped at the mill for several months whilst a broken engine was repaired. Work resumed in January 1888.

Owners and tenants of the mill have included

  • Thomas & James Ramsbotham [-1839]
  • James Ramsbotham [1839-1846]
  • Thomas Edward Hammerton [1839-1846]
  • Fielden Brothers [1846-1960]
  • Thornber Brothers [1960]
  • Fielden Factors [1975]
  • Woodmac Limited [1979]
  • Silverwood Textiles [1980-1981]
  • Technical Systems [1982]

In May 1894, George Percy Marshall was killed at the Mill.

Part of the mill was destroyed by fire on 6th February 1992. Stephen Walker, a director of furniture-maker Index Isle Limited – one of the tenants of the mill – and another man were convicted of plotting to claim £5,000,000 insurance. Walker fled the country before he was sentenced.

The mill is now [2004] occupied by a furniture manufacturing business.

See Thomas Wrigley

Rock Edge Quarry, Old TownRef 15-748

Owners and tenants of the quarry have included


Rock Spring Brewery, TodmordenRef 15-R27
Gauxholme. Built around 1890 by John Bulcock of the Bay Horse Inn, Dulesgate. Rock Springs House was built next door.

Subsequent owners and tenants have included

  • J. Grimshaw Limited of Burnley

Roddins Mill, CharlestownRef 15-398
A popular name for the Rawdon's Callis Mill, Charlestown. The name is simply the local pronunciation of Rawdon's.

See Mr Sam at Roddins

Rodmer Clough Mill, ColdenRef 15-280
Built about 1790. It was the highest mill in the Colden valley. There was a 30 ft fall of the stream which drove the wheel. It produced cotton goods.

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


It was demolished about 1890.

See Rodmer Clough, Colden

Rookes Colliery, HipperholmeRef 15-1355
Recorded in March 1837, when it was for sale at auction

comprising coals, mines, veins, beds, and seams of coal and minerals

Owners and tenants have included

This & associated entries use material contributed by Ivan Birch

Rookes Mill, BrighouseRef 15-R374

Roomfield Mill, TodmordenRef 15-677

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


Rose Hill Mills, Sowerby BridgeRef 15-1048
Off Beach Road, Sowerby Bridge.

Owners and tenants of the mills have included

  • H. J. Homfray & Company Limited [1924]

    The mill had a series of Wilson & Longbottom

    4 meter wide (carpet width) face to face carpet looms

    which were capable of producing high quality Wilton woven carpet, very quickly.

    There was no carpet finishing capability at Rose Mill, and the carpet was taken in a unfinished state to Clark Bridge Mills where it was passed through a cropping machine and then given a coating on the back of natural rubber latex to lock the carpet pile in place, and the edges trimmed. The finishing work occurred in the building directly behind the security office which was located at the entrance to Clarke Bridge Mills.

    The weaving machines were taken back by Wilson & Longbottom when Homfray closed [1981]



This & associated entries use material contributed by Jasmine Louise Crossley

Rose Hill Works, Sowerby BridgeRef 15-822
Beech Road.

Owners and tenants of the works have included


Rose Street Mill, TodmordenRef 15-676

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


Rosemary Dye Works, RastrickRef 15-28
Aka Rosemount Dye Works, Rastrick, Walshaw & Drake's Mill.

The mill was built on land taken from Rosemary Park.

Owners and tenants have included

There was a serious fire at the works on 31st January 1923.

During 1987/1988, the machinery was transferred to the Bulmer & Lumb premises at Buttershaw.

Demolished in 1988.

Houses were built on the site.

See The beck that runs through Rastrick / Samuel Fryer / Rosemary Mills Fire Brigade / Walshaw & Drake Memorial

This & associated entries use material contributed by Chris Helme & David Lister

Rosemount Dye Works, RastrickRef 15-1156

Rosemount Iron Works, EllandRef 15-509

Owners and tenants of the works have included


The site is now an industrial estate.

See Rosemount Iron Works Memorial

Rough Hey Quarry, LightcliffeRef 15-528
St Giles Road.

Owners and tenants of the quarry have included


Round Hill Mill, RippondenRef 15-412
Aka Bogden Mill, Rishworth

Rowroyd Mill, EllandRef 15-948

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


Royal Mills, HalifaxRef 15-R371
New Bond Street.

Owners and tenants have included

In 1940, Jesse Robinson & Son Limited offered use of the basement at the mills as an air-raid shelter outside working hours [5:30 pm to 7:30 am].

On 10th March 1956, fire severely damaged the mill.

In 1997, fire destroyed the mill

Royd Iron Works, Hebden BridgeRef 15-990

Royd Mills, HalifaxRef 15-209

Royd Shed, Hebden BridgeRef 15-809
Bond Street / Hangingroyd Lane.

Rudclough Mill, Cragg ValeRef 15-R369
Cotton mill at Cragg Vale. Recorded in June 1801.

Owners and tenants of the mill have included


The mill burned down in 1897

Rushton Hill Quarries, PellonRef 15-923
Moor End Road.

One of the Mount Tabor Quarries.

Owners and tenants of the quarries have included


Rushworth MillsRef 15-184

Ruston Works, Highroad WellRef 15-585
Recorded in 1907

Ryburn Brewery, Sowerby BridgeRef 15-R262
Independent brewery at Owenshaw Mill, Sowerby Bridge and the Ram's Head, Sowerby Bridge

Ryburn House Mill, SoylandRef 15-255
This was a small cotton-spinning factory which later became Ryburn House.

It was built around 1790 by John Learoyd. There was a house which was a part of the mill. Many of the mill-owners lived at the house.

In August 1843, Small Lees Mill, Cliffe Cottage, and Ryburn House – occupied by the late John Holroyd – were amongst property advertised for sale

pursuant to an order made in a cause Binns vs Holroyd

A new larger mill was built nearby in 1916. This was demolished in 1988.

Owners and tenants of the mills have included


The mill later became a private residence, Ryburn House.

Owners and tenants of the house have included


The property was demolished in 19?? and houses built on the land. The road to the houses was named Meadowcroft Lane after the family

Ryburn Leather Works, Sowerby BridgeRef 15-835
Victoria Road.

Ryburn Mill, RippondenRef 15-249
Built by John Whiteley in 1858.

In 1894, the Whiteleys sold the Mill to the Ryburn Mill Company Limited

Ryburndale Paper Mill, SoylandRef 15-55

Ryburne Mills, HalifaxRef 15-R372
Hanson Lane.

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