Local Architects

This Foldout collects the entries for some architects, designers, masons and builders with links to the district

Abraham Akroyd
John Akroyd
William Akroyd
A. Ayliffe

Mr Bagnall
William Swinden Barber
Walter Clement Barker
Sir Charles Barry
Jeremiah Bedford
John Bedford
John Bentley
John L. Berbiers
Fort Vincent Blacka
John Richard Blacka
Isaac Booth
Thomas Bradley
William Bradley
Edward C. Brooke
George Buckley
George Buckley & Son
Edward Bull
William Bull
Thomas Butterworth

John Carr
Carr of York
Robert Carr
David Dyson Casson
John Casson
William Casson
Robert Dennis Chantrell
Charles Child
W. A. Clarke
Richard Coad
John Thomas Cockcroft
William Henry Cockcroft
George Alan Coutts
James Craven
William Henry Crossland
Mr Culpan

Arthur George Dalzell
William Roberts Dawson
John Dearden
Thomas Dearden
Richard Swarbrick Dugdale

Owen Edwards
George Henry Elliott

James Farrar
Richard Fielding Farrar
Tom Harrison Farrar
Charles Hodgson Fowler
Charles Edward Fox
Charles James Fox
John Fraser

John Gibson
Glendinning & Hanson
James John Glendinning
William Gravatt
William Gray
James Green

Halifax Building Trades Exchange Company Limited
F. Lees Hammerton
John Hardman
John Harper
Francis Healey
Thomas Healey
Thomas Henry Healey
Edwin Heaton
Thomas William Helliwell
John T. Henson
Hepworth & Son, Brighouse
George Hepworth
William Hill
George Eastwood Hinchliffe
Hogg & Willey
John Hogg
Richard Hollas
John Hope
Horsfall & Wardle
Horsfall & Williams
Charles Edward Horsfall
Charles Frederick Luke Horsfall
Jesse Horsfall
John Horsfall
Richard Horsfall
Richard Edgar Horsfall
Horsfall, Wardle & Patchett
Horsfall's architecture practice
Richard Horsfall & Son
W. H. D. Horsfall
William Henry Howorth

Roger Ives
William Ives

Jackson & Casson
Jackson & Fox
Benjamin Whitehead Jackson
Joseph Jagger
Joseph James
Thomas Johnson

Thomas Kershaw

Leeming & Leeming
John Leeming
Joseph Leeming
Clement Cooper Lloyd
Thomas Lloyd
Lockwood & Mawson
Henry Francis Lockwood
Longbottom & Culpan
William Wormald Longbottom
John Lord

George Maddock
Mallinson & Barber
James Mallinson
William Mallinson
John Maude
W. & R. Mawson
William Mawson
Maycock & Bell
John Metcalfe
Edward Milner
Thomas Heyworth Mitchell

Matthew Naylor
Graham S. Nicholas
Charles Archibald Nicholson
John Nicholson
Ralph Nicholson

James Daniel Oates
John Oates
John Edwin Oates
Joseph Oates
Matthew Oates
Oates, Pickersgill & Oates
Matthew Oates & Son

Thomas Lister Patchett
Paull & Ayliffe
Henry John Paull
Sir Joseph Paxton
F. Bartram Payton
William Belton Perkin
Perkington & Craven
Petty & Ives
Charles Henry Petty
Francis William Petty
Thomas Pickersgill
Arthur Pickles
Richard Pickles
Arthur & Richard Pickles
James Pigott Pritchett
George Halford Fellowes Prynne

Thomas Risley
Robert Flather Rogerson
Ernest Augustus Runtz
Thomas Henry Rushforth

Scott & Bagnall
Mr Scott
Sir George Gilbert Scott
Sharp & Waller
Miles Sharp
George Shaw
Edward Simpson
Arnold Gladstone Sladdin
Alfred Smith
D. Smith
Tom Smith
George Henry Stokes
James Edward Stott
Sutcliffe & Sutcliffe
George Lister Sutcliffe
James Henry Sutcliffe
John Sutcliffe

Sir Henry Tanner
Edwin Taylor
Thomas Taylor
Edwin Taylor & Son
Henry Thompson
George Alfred Thrustle
Henry Thwaite
Samuel Watkinson Tordoff
Arthur Turley
Thomas Henry Tyson

Utley & Gray
Utley, Hebblethwaite & Utley
Samuel Utley
William Henry Utley

Lewis Vulliamy

Daniel Waller
Walsh & Wrigley
Edward Walsh
Joseph Frederick Walsh
Matthias Harris Wardle
Samuel Wilkinson
William Henry Wilkinson
Percy Williams
William Clement Williams
Clement Williams & Sons
John Ogden Wood
U. Wrigley
Willie Wrigley

© Malcolm Bull 2025
Revised 15:30 / 8th March 2025 / 18169

Page Ref: MMA60

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