This Foldout lists some local links with Canada.
Migration to Canada – of farmers and tradesmen – was encouraged from 1772.
In the 1830s, representatives from Toronto came to England to recruit stone masons and market gardeners which were in great demand in Canada. Many local workers emigrated about this time.
The Montréal Immigrant Committee report for 1847 recorded
... the year has been unparalleled for the amount of immigration in Canada: near 100,000 souls have left the British isles for these provinces during this period. Over 5000 of these died on their passage out, 3389 died at Grosse Isle, 3862 at Montréal, and other places in the same fearful proportions. Never has Canada presented such fearful scenes of destitution and suffering. The disease of which the emigrant passengers and in many circumstances the officers and crews of ships, perished at sea, and of which on their arrival in the United States and Canada a great number were ill, was typhus fever in its genuine form. In some ships dysentery, smallpox, and measles swelled the amount of mortality, and added to the number of sick that reached the ports of destination
See America, Australia, New Zealand, India, Africa, South America, China, Portugal and Burma
This & associated entries use material contributed by Carole Edwards Caruso
Page Ref: MMC1566
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