
This Foldout lists some local links with Canada.

Migration to Canada – of farmers and tradesmen – was encouraged from 1772.

In the 1830s, representatives from Toronto came to England to recruit stone masons and market gardeners which were in great demand in Canada. Many local workers emigrated about this time.

The Montréal Immigrant Committee report for 1847 recorded

... the year has been unparalleled for the amount of immigration in Canada: near 100,000 souls have left the British isles for these provinces during this period. Over 5000 of these died on their passage out, 3389 died at Grosse Isle, 3862 at Montréal, and other places in the same fearful proportions. Never has Canada presented such fearful scenes of destitution and suffering. The disease of which the emigrant passengers and in many circumstances the officers and crews of ships, perished at sea, and of which on their arrival in the United States and Canada a great number were ill, was typhus fever in its genuine form. In some ships dysentery, smallpox, and measles swelled the amount of mortality, and added to the number of sick that reached the ports of destination

See America, Australia, New Zealand, India, Africa, South America, China, Portugal and Burma

John David Aaron
Thomas Edward Akroyd
Rev Richard Alderson
Sir Douglas Alexander
Dr William Alexander
John Ashwood
William Asquith

Charles Ernest Bancroft
George William Bancroft
The Beaver Club
Jeremiah Bedford
George Bentley
Clement Berry
Frank Arthur Berry
Horace Booth
John Spencer Booth
William Bottomley
William Stanley Braithwaite
Edgar Brearley
Sam Brighouse
Fred Brown

Miles Calvert
George Arthur Clay
Vernon, son of James Clay
Henry, son of Stephen Cockburn
Francis Edward Collinson
Thomas Collinson
William Cecil Conway
Edith Crabtree
Rev Charles Russell Cranham
Rev Henry Only Crofts
Charles Albert Crossley
Henry Crossley
John Crossley
John Crossley

Luther Herbert Dobson
John Albert Drake
Durban (Stellawood) Cemetery

Alfred Rawnsley Edwards
Arnold Edwards
Bruce Elliott
Harry Ellison
Empress Of Ireland
James Evison

Rev A. C. Fenwick
Frederick Fickling
Joseph Fielding
Lewis Fielding
Mary Fielding
Mercy Rachel Fielding
Louis Frederick Fleming
Russell George Freeman
Frobisher brothers
The Frobisher family of Halifax
Benjamin Frobisher
Joseph Frobisher
Thomas Frobisher

Frederick Charles Gledhill
James William Gledhill
Janie Forsythe Grant
Fred Greenwood
George Greenwood
Lawrence Herbert Greenwood
Lewis Greenwood
Matthew Henry Greenwood
Rev Thomas Greenwood
Herbert Guest

William Hailstone
William Hainsworth
Edward Cecil Haley
Harry Hardacre
John Hebden
Thomas Helliwell
William Helliwell
Wilmott Hepworth
Russell Hincklieff
James Maden Hollas

Samuel Riley Holmes
Emma Jane Houseman
John Howarth

Harry Edward Illingworth
Frederick Ing
Samuel Ingham

Harry Percy Jackson
The James
Rev Francis James
Wilfred Judson

Klondike Gold Rush
Rev Charles Knapp

James Law
Robert Law
Rev Thomas Law
William Ledgard
Edmund Lodge
Leonora Lumb

John Mallinson
Annie McCandlish
Charles McKenna
John Whitworth McLintock
Jack Mellor
John C. Miles
Albert Victor Mitchell
A. Morris
John Morton
Arnold Murgatroyd

Lewis Naylor
The North West Company

Hedley Palmer
George Parker
George Albert Pickles
Rev Michael Pickles
Archibald Macallister Poyner
John Presswood
Edgar Watkin Priestley

Thomas Quinsey

Christopher Rawson
Frank Rawsthorn
Edward Ripley
Lucy Rodd
William Rushworth

Joshua Scarff
Thomas Henry Scarff
Richard Bates Simpson
Stafford Stocks Smith
Thomas Hartley Soothill
David Squire
Joshua Stansfeld
Robert Stansfeld
William Hosking Stevenson
John Edward Sunderland
Herbert Sutcliffe
Hanson Sykes
John Coggin Sykes

Robert Leslie Taylor
Rev Edwin Teale
Joseph Farrar Thornton
The Three Greenhorns
James Tucker

Henry Hodgson Wadsworth
Lawrence Rickard Wager
Harold Wright Harwood Walker
Tom Dinsdale Webster
Rev Bertie Loftus Whitaker
Robert Foster Wilkinson
Francis Walter de Winton
Percy Wressell

Elizabeth Ann Yates
John Young

This & associated entries use material contributed by Carole Edwards Caruso

© Malcolm Bull 2025
Revised 16:32 / 27th March 2025 / 16670

Page Ref: MMC1566

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