Clifton: Coal Mining

There was considerable coal mining in Clifton in the mid-1850s.

Many were small bell pits worked by an individual family. The coal would then be sold to support the family.

Later, others were larger, commercial concerns.

Some of these were:

Children were brought from Liverpool and further afield to work in the mines. They lived with local families and were often fostered or adopted by the family.

Most of the larger mines and pits were acquired by the Low Moor Company.

A network of tramways was constructed to carry coal from the mines to Low Moor.

Mining in the village had come to an end by 1928.

The explosion at Flatt's Pit on 14th January 1873 was one of the many accidents down the mines.

Traces of the spoil heaps and the embankments for the tramways can still be seen in and around Clifton

This & associated entries use material contributed by John Brooke

© Malcolm Bull 2024
Revised 17:43 / 3rd May 2024 / 3399

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