Charnock ...

The entries for people & families with the surname Charnock are gathered together in this SideTrack.

This Page does not include people with other forms of the surname.

There are many people with this surname, and it is possible that there are duplicate entries for an individual. If you discover any such duplicates, please email me and I shall correct them.

Charnock, AbrahamRef 378-3
Son of Henry Charnock, coal pit banksman.

Born in Northowram.

He was a warp dresser of The Mountain, Clayton [1875] / a cotton warp dresser [1881] / a worsted warp dresser [1891] / a cotton, woollen & silk dresser [1901] / landlord of the Malt Shovel, Ambler Thorn [1902-1910].

On 13th November 1875, he married Dinah Mann [1856-1929] at St Peter's Church, Bradford (Bradford Cathedral).

Dinah, worsted weaver of The Mountain, Clayton, was born in Thornton, the daughter of Enoch Mann, wool sorter


  1. Ellen [1879-1885]
  2. Ruth [1881] who died in infancy
  3. Lily [b 1883] who was a woollen twister [1901] & married  George Cooper
  4. Edgar
  5. Arthur [1891-1893]

They lived at

  • Harmony Place, Thornton, Bradford [1881]
  • 1 Holmfield Terrace, Northowram [1891]
  • 3 Holmfield Terrace, Northowram [1901]
  • 7 Northern Street, Queensbury [1911]

Living with them [in 1901] was nephew Enoch Moore [b Bradford 1881] (engineer fitter).

Abraham died at the Malt Shovel [15th April 1910] (aged 54).

Living with the widowed Dinah [in 1911] were son Edgar and grandson Harold Cooper [b 1907].

Dinah died in Halifax in 1929

This & associated entries use material contributed by Roger Beasley & Glynn Helliwell

Charnock, AlfredRef 378-522
One of a partnership who bought
J. & J. Mallinson in 1912

Charnock, EdgarRef 378-1229
Son of
Jonathan Charnock.

Born in Wilsden.

He was a stone merchant and quarry owner / a partner in J. Charnock & Son.

The partnership was dissolved about 1882.

In 1890, brother George was sole proprietor of the business.

He married Ellen [1856-1???].

Ellen was born in Mount Tabor, Halifax


  1. Jonathan Harry [b 1878]
  2. Milford
  3. Florence [b 1881]
  4. Raymond [b 1884] who was an apprentice engineer [1901]
  5. Wallace [b 1888]
  6. Lois [b 1890]

They lived at

Charnock, EdgarRef 378-1350
Son of
Abram Charnock.

Born in Shelf / Holmfield; baptised at St Mary the Virgin, Illingworth.

He was a woollen doffer [1901] / a farm labourer [1911].

He lived at Stone Chair, Shelf.

During World War I, he served as a Rifleman with the Rifle Brigade, posted to the 1st/5th Brigade London Regiment (London Rifle Brigade).

He was killed in action in France / Flanders [29th August 1918].

The Halifax Courier [16th November 1918] reported his death with a photograph.

He is remembered on the Vis-en-Artois Memorial, France [Grave Ref 10]

He is remembered on Coley War Memorial

This & associated entries use material contributed by Roger Beasley & Derrick Habergham

Charnock, EdmundRef 378-2
Son of Isaac Charnock, warp dresser.

Born in Ovenden.

He was a plasterer of Queensbury, Northowram [1883] / a lime plasterer [1891] / a plasterer [1901, 1911].

In 1883, he married Hannah Pickersgill [1862-1927] at Halifax Parish Church.

Hannah was born in Queensbury, the daughter of Sam Pickersgill, delver


  1. Hilda [b 1884] who was a wool spinner [1901], a worsted  burler & mender [1911]
  2. Percy
  3. Ida [b 1889] who was a wool spinner [1901], a worsted  burler & mender [1911]
  4. May [b 1892] who was a worsted spinner [1911]
  5. Cecil [b 1899] who was a worsted doffer [1911]
  6. Doris [b 1903]

They lived at

  • 17 Bower Street, Northowram [1891]
  • 7 Alma Street, Queensbury [1901, 1911, 1918]

Living with them [in 1901] was sister-in-law Martha Ann Pickersgill [b 1875] (wool twister).

Hannah died in Halifax [Q4 1927] (aged 65).

Edmund died in Halifax [Q2 1937] (aged 79) 

This & associated entries use material contributed by Roger Beasley

Charnock, EllenRef 378-1000
Born in Liverpool.

She was one of the children who came to the district and worked as a worsted spinner at Calvert's Mill at Wainstalls.

She lived with Richard Marsden [1891]

Charnock, GeorgeRef 378-1157
Son of
Jonathan Charnock.

Born in Queensbury.

He was a stone merchant / partner in J. Charnock & Son / a timber merchant [1881] / a contractor & timber merchant [1891, 1901] / a contractor & builder (employer) [1911]. The partnership was dissolved about 1882.

In 1890, he was sole proprietor of J. Charnock & Sons.

In 1888, he was (possibly) director of Luther Hanson & Company (Limited).

In [Q4] 1876, he married Martha Atkinson in Thanet, Kent.

Martha was the daughter of Samuel Atkinson


  1. Gertrude [b 1887] who married Charles Pullan [1887-19??] (electrical engineer) 

They lived at

  • 138 Gibbet Street, Halifax [1881]
  • Laurel Bank, Halifax [1891, 1901, 1911]

Charnock, J. H.Ref 378-1294
Jonathan Charnock & Sons.

Question: Is he the same person as James Hanson Charnock [18??-1???]?


He lived at Grange House, Southowram [1905]

Charnock, JamesRef 378-4
Folly Hall, Godley.

In 1848, he appeared on the list of electors in the West Riding election for the Knight of the Shire

Charnock, JamesRef 378-623
Baptised at Halifax Parish Church [31st August 1712].

He built the Gin Pit Inn, Swill Hill.

On 11th April 1732, he married Sarah Bairstow at Halifax Parish Church.


  1. John [bapt 1st July 1733; died before 1752]
  2. James [bapt 24th August 1735]
  3. Thomas
  4. Sarah [bapt 20th January 1739/40]
  5. Mary [bapt 20th October 1742]
  6. Betty [bapt 21st April 1745]
  7. Sally [bapt 18th October 1747]
  8. Jonathan [bapt 28th January 1749/50; died 1831]
  9. John [bapt 28th June 1752]
  10. Joshua [bapt 9th December 1753]

This & associated entries use material contributed by Paul Hitchings & Duncan Mitchell

Charnock, Rev JamesRef 378-989
Son of
Thomas Charnock.

He was Perpetual Curate of Haworth [1791-1819] at St Michael & All Angels, Haworth. He was succeeded by Rev Patrick Brontë

On 3rd July 1797, he married Mary Barraclough in Bradford.

Mary was the daughter of Thomas Barraclough of Fairweather Green


  1. Thomas Brooksbank
  2. daughter [b 26th June 1801]

James died 25th May 1819

This & associated entries use material contributed by Paul Hitchings

Charnock, JamesRef 378-994
He was landlord of the
Old Queens Head, Queenshead / landlord in Denholme Gate.

He lived in Manchester [1843].

James died 23rd July 1843 (aged 68).

An obituary in the Bradford Observer said that

He was a near relative of Rev James Charnock of Haworth

Charnock, Rev JamesRef 378-93
Son of
Rev Joseph Charnock.

He was a clergyman / a Fellow of University College, Oxford / chaplain to Elizabeth Sophia Lawrence of Fountains Abbey.

Elizabeth Sophia Lawrence of Fountains Abbey died [1845] and left £15,000 to James, £6,000 to his brother John and £7,000 to their sister Rebecca

He was buried at Heptonstall Church

This & associated entries use material contributed by Derrick Habergham & Paul Hitchings

Charnock, JamesRef 378-1136

Partner in Lupton, Charnock & Company

Charnock, JamesRef 378-2484
Son of Thomas Charnock, wheelwright.

Born in Queensbury.

He was a twister [1850] / a twister cotton warps (mill) [1851] / licensed victualler at the Bee-hive, Halifax [1861, 1864] / a brewer [1867] / a brewer (employing 12 men) [1871] / a retired brewer [1881].

In 1850, he married Mary Hoyle [1824-1???] at Halifax Parish Church.

Mary, from Ovenden, was the daughter of James Hoyle, carter


  1. Alice [b 1848] who married William Turner
  2. Martha Jane [1851-1921] who married Richard Smithies

They lived at

  • Queens Head, Northowram [1851]
  • 8 Trinity Road, Halifax [1871]
  • 4 St John's Lane, Halifax [1881]
  • Moorside Road, Ovenden [1891]
  • Grove House, Halifax [1895, 1901]

Living with the family [in 1881, 1891, 1901], were their Smithies grandchildren

This & associated entries use material contributed by Roger Beasley & Derrick Habergham

Charnock, James HansonRef 378-997

Recorded in May 1860, when he was a member of the Grand Jury at the West Riding Intermediate Sessions in Bradford

Question: Is he the same person as J. H. Charnock [18??-19??]?


Charnock, JohnRef 378-6

He married Betty [1809-18??].

Child: John

The family lived at 24 Hebble Mill, Halifax [1861]

Charnock, Rev JohnRef 378-6500

Son of Rev Joseph Charnock.

Born in Heptonstall; baptised in Heptonstall.

He was educated at Lincoln College Oxford / Stipendiary Curate at Heptonstall [1828].

In 1844, he married Harriet Dorothea Ricketts.

Harriet Dorothea was the daughter of Vice-Admiral Sir Robert Tristram Ricketts, Bt

John died in 1846 and was buried at Halifax Parish Church

On 20th February 1868, Harriet Dorothea married (2) Edmund Haworth of Churchdale, Derbyshire

This & associated entries use material contributed by Derrick Habergham

Charnock, JohnRef 378-5
Son of
John Charnock.

He was an overlooker [1858].

In [Q3] 1852, he married Mary Spencer [1827-1883] in Halifax.

Mary was born in Wadsworth, the daughter of John Spencer.

The Spencer family lived next door to Charnock family [1861].

She was a widowed worsted power loom weaver (living with her parents)  [1861] / a worsted weaver (living with her widowed mother) [1871]


They lived at Ovenden.

John died 1st May 1858 (aged 29).

Mary died 21st January 1883 (aged 56).

The couple were buried at Lister Lane Cemetery [Plot 3686] with Mary's brother Isaiah Spencer

Charnock, JonathanRef 378-1156
Born in Queen's Head.

He was a contractor and quarry owner / established Jonathan Charnock & Sons at Pellon Lane Saw Mills, Halifax [1849] / a stone mason & contractor employing 12 masons & labourers [1861] / a master builder employing 105 men & 26 boys [1871].

In August 1866, newspapers reported

On 20th August 1866, masons in the employment of Mr Mason, builder, of Halifax, ceased work at the instance of the Operative Masons' Committee, on account of the introduction of machines for the scouring of ashlar. Mr Mason has issued a circular convening a meeting of master builders

On 14th June 1848, he married Nancy Jowett [1830-1885] at St Peter's Church, Bradford (Bradford Cathedral).

Nancy was born in Cullingworth.

She was a bonnet maker [1861]



  1. Edgar
  2. George
  3. Sarah [1855-1932]

They lived at 10 North Parade, Halifax [1861, 1871].

Jonathan died at Bournemouth [17th December 1875].

Probate records show that he left effects valued at under £5,000 [Resworn under £20,000]. Probate was granted to his widow Nancy, son Edgar, and Richard Horsfall (architect).

See Thomas Gall

This & associated entries use material contributed by Derrick Habergham

Charnock, Rev JosephRef 378-108
Son of
Thomas Charnock.

A handloom weaver who lived at Windy Harbour Farm, Todmorden.

He studied for the church and was curate at Bishop Thornton, Yorkshire before becoming assistant Curate to Rev Tobit Sutcliffe (for 9 years & 8 months)  and Vicar at Heptonstall (for 44 years, 9 months & 10 days)   [1803-1847].

He was Master of Heptonstall Grammar School for 45 years.

He was instrumental in the building of St James the Great Church, Hebden Bridge.

On 29th December 1783, he married Hannah Bates.

Hannah was baptised at Mixenden [7th January 1766], the only surviving child of Thomas Bates.

While riding pillion behind her husband at Heptonstall Bank, Hannah slipped off and broke her thigh; she spent the rest of her life on crutches



  1. Martha [1787-1857] who married Thomas Sugden
  2. Elizabeth [b 1786]
  3. Mary [1787-1790]
  4. Hannah [b 1789]
  5. Sarah [1790-1855] who married [1810] Henry  Patchett from Heptonstall
  6. James
  7. Grace [1794-1877] who married (1) Henry Jackson,  (2) [21st November 1848] William Roper of Halifax
  8. Thomas
  9. Priscilla [1797-1800]
  10. Rebecca [b 1798]
  11. Priscilla [1800-1817]
  12. Joseph
  13. Joanna [1803-7th April 1838] who married John  Smith and had a son Thomas Charnock Smith [1830-1854]
  14. John

His 4 sons became clergymen.

They lived at Ovenden & Heptonstall.

Joseph died in 1847.

Probate records show that he left effects valued at £2,000.

His executor was his son Rev Joseph Charnock.

Some members of the family were buried at Illingworth Church: Mary [1790]; Priscilla [28th April 1800]; Priscilla [1817]; Thomas [1818]; Hannah [1827].

Some members of the family were buried at Heptonstall Church: Joseph (senior) [30th December 1847]; Joanna [1838]; James [1846]; John [1846]

This & associated entries use material contributed by Rachel Agourakis, Derrick Habergham, Paul Hitchings & Ollie Robertshaw

Charnock, Rev JosephRef 378-392

Son of Rev Joseph Charnock.

Born in Heptonstall; baptised in Heptonstall.

He was educated at Worcester College Oxford / a clergyman.

In 1837, he married Mary Horner Reynard [1770-1863] in Halifax

This & associated entries use material contributed by Derrick Habergham

Charnock, MilfordRef 378-7
Son of
Edgar Charnock.

Born in Halifax [7th February 1880].

He was inn keeper at the Shoulder of Mutton, Mount Tabor [1916, 1921]  / a metal and machinery broker (employer own account) [1921] / an iron, steel and metal merchant [1939].

In [Q2] 1914, he married Elizabeth Baker [1886-1???] in Halifax.

Elizabeth was born in hx [31st January 1885]


  1. Harold [b 1906] who was helping in father's business  [1921]
  2. Wallace [b 1911] who was a motor driver and metal worker  (in father's business) [1939]
  3. Aspinall [b 1914] who was a motor driver and metal worker  (in father's business) [1939]
  4. Nancy Ellen [b 1917]
  5. Elsie [b 1919]

The family lived at Mount Tabor [1921, 1939].

Milford died in Halifax [Q2 1949] (aged 69).

Elizabeth died in Halifax [Q2 1973]

Charnock, Percy IsaacRef 378-1265
Son of
Edmund Charnock.

Born in Queensbury [Q1 1887].

He was a wool spinner [1901] / a monumental mason [1911].

During World War I, he served as a Private with the 9th Battalion Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment).

He and a colleague were killed instantly when the enemy machine guns opened fire as the Regiment were crossing the main road [2nd September 1918] (aged 31).

The Halifax Courier [21st September 1918] reported his death with a photograph.

He was buried at A. I. F. Burial Ground, Flers, France [Grave Ref II L 22]

This & associated entries use material contributed by Roger Beasley

Charnock, RichardRef 378-1006
Born in Ovenden.

He was a mason [1881] / a foreman mason [1891] / appointed Clerk of Works for the Workhouse Hospital which is to  be built at Salterhebble [1896] / a builder's manager [1901].

In [Q3] 1876, he married Ellen Birch [1855-1891] in Halifax.

Ellen was born in Ovenden.

She was a worsted weaver [1881]



  1. Arthur [b 1877] who was a worsted mill hand [1915]
  2. Leonard [b 1889]

They lived at

  • Brickfield, Ovenden [1881, 1891]
  • 4 Huddersfield Road, Halifax [1901]

Ellen died in Halifax [Q3 1891] (aged 36) 

Charnock, RobinsonRef 378-218
He married Emma [1862-1936].


  1. Edna [1889-1960] who married John William Widdop

Emma died 14th December 1936 (aged 74).

Robinson died 12th March 1950 (aged 86).

Members of the family were buried at Mount Zion Methodist Chapel, Ogden (Grave Ref: S3

Charnock, SamuelRef 378-896
Born in Halifax.

He was a carpet weaver [1881].

In 1862, he married Elizabeth Greenwood [1836-1???] in Halifax.

Elizabeth was born in Halifax


  1. Samuel [b 1862] who was a shoe maker's apprentice [1881]
  2. Mary [b 1865] who was a card lacer [1881]
  3. Annie [b 1869]

The children were born in Halifax.

The family lived at 26 Grosvenor Terrace, Halifax [1881]

This & associated entries use material contributed by Derrick Habergham

Charnock, ThomasRef 378-469
Of the
Gin Pit Inn, Swill Hill.

Son of James Charnock

Baptised 6th March 1737/38.

In 1770, he & Thomas Bates bought Lanehead Colliery.

In November 1803, it was announced that

A beacon is to be erected at Charnocks, Swilling Hill

He married Unknown.


  1. Joseph
  2. James
  3. Thomas

This & associated entries use material contributed by Paul Hitchings

Charnock, ThomasRef 378-952
Son of
Thomas Charnock.

He was a farmer, manufacturer & cattle dealer of Swill Hill.

In 1818, during bankruptcy proceedings, a meeting of his creditors was held at the Old Cock Inn, Halifax, to consider a proposal that the executors of his father's will should buy out his interest under that will.

He moved to Wilcock, near Thornton.

He died 3rd October 1846 (aged 70) 

This & associated entries use material contributed by Paul Hitchings

Charnock, Rev ThomasRef 378-391
Son of
Rev Joseph Charnock.

Born in Ovenden.

He was educated at Merton College Oxford / a clergyman.

He was buried at Illingworth Church

This & associated entries use material contributed by Derrick Habergham

Charnock, ThomasRef 378-1920
Folly Hall, Godley. Recorded in 1841, when he was an elector in the elections for MPs for the West Riding

Charnock, Rev Thomas BrooksbankRef 378-991

Son of Rev James Charnock.

He assisted Rev Patrick Brontë at Haworth Church

Thomas hanged himself, and as a suicide, he could have been denied Christian burial, but, though he had by then handed over such duties to his son-in-law Rev Arthur Bell Nicholls, Rev Brontë insisted on personally officiating at his funeral

This & associated entries use material contributed by Paul Hitchings

Charnock, WilliamRef 378-2326
Of Ovenden:

He married Sarah [1741-1789].

He married Elizabeth [1776-1862].

They were buried at Mount Zion Methodist Chapel, Ogden (Grave Ref: Gs50


Charnock surnameRef 378-1
There are 32 entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Charnock, as discussed in this SideTrack. This count does not include other forms of the surname.

Unattached BMDs for Charnock

Marriage 1911


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