
This SideTrack looks at some of the surnames which might be encountered by anyone researching the history of people in Calderdale.

Some of these surnames are more frequently encountered – and may even originate – in the Calderdale area. People with these local surnames are gathered together in separate SideTracks for each such surname.

The information is presented as

A discussion of the details and sources about many of the surnames discussed here can be found in



AaronRef 291-143
There are 24 entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Aaron, as discussed in the Aaron Sidetrack. This count does not include other forms of the surname.

AbbotRef 291-631
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Abbot.

AbbottRef 291-632
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Abbott.

Unattached BMDs for Abbott

Marriages 1887, 1914


AbelRef 291-633
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Abel.

AbercrombieRef 291-634
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Abercrombie.

AckerleyRef 291-635
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ackerley.

AckredRef 291-A211
A variant of the surname Akroyd

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ackred.

AckroydRef 291-A128

AckroydeRef 291-A349
A variant of the surname Akroyd

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ackroyde.

AclandRef 291-636
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Acland.

AcridRef 291-A666
A variant of the surname Akroyd

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Acrid.

AcroydRef 291-A199
A variant of the surname Akroyd

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Acroyd.

AdamRef 291-637
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Adam.

AdamsRef 291-495
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Adams.

Unattached BMDs for Adams

Marriages 1810, 1912


AddisonRef 291-414
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Addison.

AikerodRef 291-A501
A variant of the surname Akroyd

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Aikerod.

AikeroideRef 291-A493
A variant of the surname Akroyd

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Aikeroide.

AinleyRef 291-A220

AinsworthRef 291-638
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ainsworth.

Unattached BMDs for Ainsworth

Marriage 1889


AireyRef 291-639
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Airey.

Unattached BMDs for Airey

Marriage 1907


AkedRef 291-A578

AkerodRef 291-A489
A variant of the surname Akroyd

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Akerod.

AkeroydRef 291-A227
A variant of the surname Akroyd

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Akeroyd.

Unattached BMDs for Akeroyd

Marriage 1808


AkersRef 291-640
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Akers.

AkredRef 291-A271
A variant of the surname Akroyd

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Akred.

AkrodeRef 291-A475
A variant of the surname Akroyd

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Akrode.

AkroydRef 291-A126

AldamRef 291-641
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Aldam.

AldermanRef 291-642
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Alderman.

AldersonRef 291-53

AlexanderRef 291-4

AllattRef 291-643
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Allatt.

AllenRef 291-54

AllensonRef 291-644
A patronymic surname meaning son of Allen. There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Allenson.

AllinsonRef 291-A552
Another form of the surname is Allison

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Allinson.

Unattached BMDs for Allinson

Death 1899


AllisonRef 291-A549
A variant of the surname Allinson

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Allison.

AllisterRef 291-645
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Allister.

AllottRef 291-646
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Allott.

AlmondRef 291-647
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Almond.

Unattached BMDs for Almond

Marriage 1907


AmblerRef 291-A212

AndersonRef 291-493

AndertonRef 291-284
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Anderton.

Unattached BMDs for Anderton

Marriages 1892, 1938; Death 1901


AndrewRef 291-648
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Andrew.

AndrewsRef 291-504
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Andrews.

Unattached BMDs for Andrews

Marriage 1810; Deaths 1899, 1907


AnelayRef 291-A546
A variant of the surname Ainley

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Anelay.

AnkerRef 291-649
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Anker.

AnsellRef 291-650
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ansell.

AnthonyRef 291-651
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Anthony.

ApplebyRef 291-652
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Appleby.

Unattached BMDs for Appleby

Marriage 1933


AppletonRef 291-653
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Appleton.

Unattached BMDs for Appleton

Death 1865


AppleyardRef 291-A405

ArchbellRef 291-654
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Archbell.

ArcherRef 291-303
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Archer.

Unattached BMDs for Archer

Marriage 1888


ArmisteadRef 291-655
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Armistead.

Unattached BMDs for Armistead

Marriages 1912, 1916


ArmitageRef 291-A335

ArmstrongRef 291-456
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Armstrong.

Unattached BMDs for Armstrong

Marriages 1899, 1907


ArmytageRef 291-A542

ArnoldRef 291-656
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Arnold.

Unattached BMDs for Arnold

Marriage 1941


ArrandaleRef 291-657
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Arrandale.

ArrowsmithRef 291-658
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Arrowsmith.

ArthurRef 291-659
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Arthur.

AshburnRef 291-660
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ashburn.

AshetonRef 291-661
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Asheton.

AshleyRef 291-662
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ashley.

AshmanRef 291-A232
A variant of the surname Aspinall

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ashman.

AshmoreRef 291-663
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ashmore.

AshtonRef 291-A229
Other forms of the surname include Aspden, Astin and Austin

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ashton.

Unattached BMDs for Ashton

Marriages 1810, 1911


AshworthRef 291-A228

AskeRef 291-664
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Aske.

AskewRef 291-665
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Askew.

AskwithRef 291-2
A variant of the surname Asquith.

The surname originated in the area of Askwith, near Harrogate, North Yorkshire

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Askwith.

AslingRef 291-666
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Asling.

AspdenRef 291-A577
A variant of the surname Ashton

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Aspden.

AspinRef 291-667
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Aspin.

Unattached BMDs for Aspin

Death 1893


AspinallRef 291-A575

AsquithRef 291-1

AstinRef 291-A574

AstleyRef 291-668
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Astley.

AstwoodRef 291-669
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Astwood.

AtackRef 291-670
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Atack.

AthertonRef 291-671
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Atherton.

AtkinsonRef 291-A559

AustinRef 291-A553
A variant of the surname Ashton

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Austin.

Unattached BMDs for Austin

Marriage 1917


AutyRef 291-672
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Auty.

AveryRef 291-673
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Avery.

AvesRef 291-674
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Aves.

AvisonRef 291-224
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Avison.

AykroydRef 291-A177
A variant of the surname Akroyd

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Aykroyd.

AykroydeRef 291-A413
A variant of the surname Akroyd

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Aykroyde.

AynleyRef 291-A129
A variant of the surname Ainley

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Aynley.

AyrtonRef 291-328
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ayrton.

Unattached BMDs for Ayrton

Marriages 1898, 1935; Death 1907


AyscoughRef 291-675
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ayscough.


BackhouseRef 291-676
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Backhouse.

Unattached BMDs for Backhouse

Death 1900


BaconRef 291-677
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bacon.

BaddeleyRef 291-678
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Baddeley.

BagnallRef 291-679
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bagnall.

BagnoldRef 291-680
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bagnold.

BagottRef 291-681
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bagott.

BaildonRef 291-682
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Baildon.

Unattached BMDs for Baildon

Marriage 1809


BaileyRef 291-55

BainRef 291-683
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bain.

BainbridgeRef 291-684
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bainbridge.

Unattached BMDs for Bainbridge

Marriage 1921


BainesRef 291-165

BairstoRef 291-B1979
A variant of the surname Bairstow

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bairsto.

BairstowRef 291-B1862

BaisterRef 291-B1978
A variant of the surname Bairstow

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Baister.

BaistowRef 291-B1977
A variant of the surname Bairstow

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Baistow.

BakerRef 291-145

BalaamRef 291-685
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Balaam.

BaldamRef 291-686
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Baldam.

BaldwinRef 291-B1976

BallRef 291-258
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ball.

Unattached BMDs for Ball

Marriage 1920


BallsRef 291-687
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Balls.

Unattached BMDs for Balls

Death 1899


BalmRef 291-688
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Balm.

BalmeRef 291-225
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Balme.

Unattached BMDs for Balme

Marriages 1878, 1939


BalmforthRef 291-B1975

BamfordRef 291-B1974
A variant of the surname Balmforth

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bamford.

BamforthRef 291-B1973
A variant of the surname Balmforth

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bamforth.

BanasterRef 291-689
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Banaster.

BancroftRef 291-B1972

BanisterRef 291-B1971
Another form of the surname is Bannister

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Banister.

BanksRef 291-360
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Banks.

Unattached BMDs for Banks

Marriage 1943


BannisterRef 291-B1970
A variant of the surname Banister

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bannister.

Unattached BMDs for Bannister

Death 1897


BarberRef 291-10

BardsleyRef 291-690
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bardsley.

Unattached BMDs for Bardsley

Death 1899


BarghRef 291-691
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bargh.

BarkRef 291-692
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bark.

BarkerRef 291-B1870

BarkeslandRef 291-693
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Barkesland.

BarlowRef 291-297
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Barlow.

Unattached BMDs for Barlow

Marriages 1808, 1941


BarnardRef 291-694
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Barnard.

BarnesRef 291-194

BarnettRef 291-390
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Barnett.

BaronRef 291-298
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Baron.

Unattached BMDs for Baron

Marriage 1785


BarrRef 291-695
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Barr.

BarracloughRef 291-B1877

BarranRef 291-B1967
Other forms of the surname include Barrand and Barrans

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Barran.

BarrandRef 291-B1969
A variant of the surname Barran

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Barrand.

BarransRef 291-B1968
A variant of the surname Barran

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Barrans.

BarrattRef 291-696
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Barratt.

Unattached BMDs for Barratt

Marriage 1914


BarrettRef 291-B1966

BarrittRef 291-697
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Barritt.

BarronRef 291-467

BarrowRef 291-B1964
A variant of the surname Barraclough

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Barrow.

BarrowcliffRef 291-B1867
A variant of the surname Barraclough

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Barrowcliff.

BarrowcloughRef 291-B1868
A variant of the surname Barraclough

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Barrowclough.

Unattached BMDs for Barrowclough

Death 1900


BarryRef 291-698
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Barry.

BarsbyRef 291-699
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Barsby.

BarstowRef 291-B1963

BartleRef 291-700
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bartle.

Unattached BMDs for Bartle

Death 1893


BartlettRef 291-701
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bartlett.

Unattached BMDs for Bartlett

Marriage 1915


BartonRef 291-410
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Barton.

Unattached BMDs for Barton

Marriage 1863; Death 1900


BarwellRef 291-702
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Barwell.

BaslowRef 291-703
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Baslow.

BassinderRef 291-B1962
A variant of the surname Baxendale

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bassinder.

BassingdaleRef 291-B1965
A variant of the surname Baxendale

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bassingdale.

BasstoeRef 291-B1898
A variant of the surname Bairstow

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Basstoe.

BasterRef 291-B1961
A variant of the surname Bairstow

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Baster.

BasteyRef 291-B1960
A variant of the surname Bairstow

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bastey.

BastideRef 291-704
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bastide.

BastowRef 291-B1959
A variant of the surname Bairstow

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bastow.

BateRef 291-596
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bate.

BatemanRef 291-146

BatesRef 291-B1958

BatesonRef 291-705
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bateson.

BatieRef 291-706
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Batie.

BatleyRef 291-290
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Batley.

BattRef 291-B1957

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Batt.

BattinsonRef 291-391
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Battinson.

BattyRef 291-226
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Batty.

Unattached BMDs for Batty

Marriage 1907


BattyeRef 291-707
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Battye.

Unattached BMDs for Battye

Death 1907


BaumeRef 291-182
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Baume.

Unattached BMDs for Baume

Death 1900


BaumforthRef 291-B1956
A variant of the surname Balmforth

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Baumforth.

BawdenRef 291-B1955
A variant of the surname Baldwin

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bawden.

BaxandaleRef 291-B1954
A variant of the surname Baxendale

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Baxandale.

BaxendaleRef 291-B1899

BaxendallRef 291-B1953
A variant of the surname Baxendale

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Baxendall.

Unattached BMDs for Baxendall

Marriage 1907


BaxterRef 291-117

BayesRef 291-494
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bayes.

BaylisRef 291-309
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Baylis.

BaymynRef 291-B3516
The surname is (possibly) a form of Beaumont.

See The Crossley family of Halifax Arms

Entries for people with the surname Baymyn.

This & associated entries use material contributed by Jennifer Naylor

BeairstoRef 291-B1952
A variant of the surname Bairstow

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Beairsto.

BealeRef 291-708
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Beale.

BeamishRef 291-709
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Beamish.

BeanRef 291-566
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bean.

Unattached BMDs for Bean

Marriages 1861, 1899


BeanlandRef 291-710
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Beanland.

BeardRef 291-556
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Beard.

Unattached BMDs for Beard

Marriage 1907; Death 1907


BearderRef 291-397
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bearder.

BeastallRef 291-B1951
A variant of the surname Bairstow

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Beastall.

BeastowRef 291-B1950
A variant of the surname Bairstow

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Beastow.

BeaumontRef 291-B1949

BeavanRef 291-711
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Beavan.

BeckRef 291-592
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Beck.

Unattached BMDs for Beck

Marriage 1922


BeckwithRef 291-712
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Beckwith.

BedfordRef 291-11

BedforthRef 291-713
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bedforth.

BedworthRef 291-714
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bedworth.

BeechRef 291-715
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Beech.

Unattached BMDs for Beech

Marriage 1896


BeeverRef 291-557
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Beever.

BeeversRef 291-430
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Beevers.

Unattached BMDs for Beevers

Marriages 1883, 1940


BehanRef 291-716
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Behan.

BeirstoRef 291-B1948
A variant of the surname Bairstow

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Beirsto.

BelcombeRef 291-717
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Belcombe.

BellRef 291-57

BellamyRef 291-718
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bellamy.

BellewRef 291-719
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bellew.

BellwoodRef 291-720
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bellwood.

BennRef 291-398
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Benn.

Unattached BMDs for Benn

Marriage 1856


BennettRef 291-227
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bennett.

Unattached BMDs for Bennett

Marriage 1902


BensonRef 291-721
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Benson.

Unattached BMDs for Benson

Death 1811


BentRef 291-411
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bent.

Unattached BMDs for Bent

Death 1861


BenteleyRef 291-B1894
A variant of the surname Bentley

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Benteley.

BenthamRef 291-722
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bentham.

BentleyRef 291-B1869

BeresfordRef 291-723
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Beresford.

BerronRef 291-724
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Berron.

BerryRef 291-12

BerwickRef 291-725
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Berwick.

BestRef 291-B1947

BeswickRef 291-726
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Beswick.

BevanRef 291-727
A Welsh patronymic surname. There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bevan.

BeverleyRef 291-B1946

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Beverley.

Unattached BMDs for Beverley

Marriages 1867, 1874, 1920


BibbyRef 291-728
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bibby.

Unattached BMDs for Bibby

Marriage 1895


BilcliffeRef 291-B9730
A variant of the surname Bintcliffe

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bilcliffe.

BillingtonRef 291-729
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Billington.

BiltcliffeRef 291-B3620
A variant of the surname Bintcliffe

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Biltcliffe.

BingleyRef 291-730
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bingley.

BinksRef 291-731
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Binks.

BinnsRef 291-B1944

BintcliffeRef 291-B9900
Other forms of the surname include Bilcliffe, Biltcliffe, Bintliff and Bintliffe.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

The surname is believed to have originated around 1200 in Billa Cliff, or Belle Clive, a hamlet near Penistone.

Locally, the surname is found with many different local forms

  • Gershom Bintliff
  • James Bintliff of 49 Trafalgar Street, Halifax [1835]
  • Gresham Bincliffe of Salterhebble [1835]
  • Charles Bintcliff of Rastrick [1835]
  • Allen Biltcliffe of 46 Douglas Street, Halifax [1936]

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bintcliffe.

Unattached BMDs for Bintcliffe

Death 1907


BintliffRef 291-B2518
A variant of the surname Bintcliffe

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bintliff.

BintliffeRef 291-B6000
A variant of the surname Bintcliffe

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bintliffe.

BirchRef 291-B1943

BirdRef 291-330
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bird.

BirkbeckRef 291-732
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Birkbeck.

Unattached BMDs for Birkbeck

Marriage 1845


BirkbyRef 291-733
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Birkby.

BirkettRef 291-B1942
A variant of the surname Birkhead

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Birkett.

BirkheadRef 291-B1941
Other forms of the surname include Birkett, Birkitt and Burkitt.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

Roger Birkhed is recorded in Halifax in 1505.

The name probably originates in Westmorland.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Birkhead.

Unattached BMDs for Birkhead

Death 1907


BirkinRef 291-734
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Birkin.

Unattached BMDs for Birkin

Death 1902


BirkittRef 291-B1938
A variant of the surname Birkhead

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Birkitt.

BirksRef 291-735
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Birks.

BirtwhistleRef 291-228
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Birtwhistle.

Unattached BMDs for Birtwhistle:

Marriages 1852, 1859, 1919, 1923

BishopRef 291-736
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bishop.

BissellRef 291-737
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bissell.

BlackRef 291-445
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Black.

Unattached BMDs for Black

Death 1899


BlackaRef 291-738
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Blacka.

BlackburnRef 291-B1931

BlackwellRef 291-739
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Blackwell.

BlackwoodRef 291-B1928

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Blackwood.

BlagboroughRef 291-B3487
A variant of the surname Blakeborough.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Blagborough.

Unattached BMDs for Blagborough

Marriages 1832, 1914; Deaths 1812, 1835


BlagbroughRef 291-528

BlakeboroughRef 291-B3486
Another form of the surname is Blagborough.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Blakeborough. The surname may originate in Blackborough in Devon or Norfolk

BlakeyRef 291-402
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Blakey.

Unattached BMDs for Blakey

Marriage 1811; Death 1900


BlamiresRef 291-740
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Blamires.

BlanchardRef 291-741
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Blanchard.

BlandRef 291-229

BlomleyRef 291-742
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Blomley.

BloomerRef 291-743
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bloomer.

BluntRef 291-744
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Blunt.

BlythmanRef 291-745
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Blythman.

BoardallRef 291-B1927

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Boardall.

Unattached BMDs for Boardall

Marriages 1891, 1928


BocockRef 291-B1926
A variant of the surname Boocock

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bocock.

BoddyRef 291-746
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Boddy.

BodgerRef 291-747
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bodger.

BoggisRef 291-748
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Boggis.

BoisRef 291-749
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bois.

BolandRef 291-750
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Boland.

BoldRef 291-751
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bold.

BollandRef 291-752
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bolland.

Unattached BMDs for Bolland

Deaths 1808, 1810


BolmerRef 291-753
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bolmer.

BoltonRef 291-B1925

BondRef 291-754
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bond.

Unattached BMDs for Bond

Marriage 1907


BonserRef 291-755
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bonser.

BoocockRef 291-B1924

BoothRef 291-B1923

BoothmanRef 291-594
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Boothman.

Unattached BMDs for Boothman

Baptism 1835; Marriages 1867, 1887


BoothroydRef 291-B1876
The surname is recorded in 1316.

Derived from booth and royd, meaning a clearing with huts.

See Boothroyd, Rastrick

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Boothroyd.

Unattached BMDs for Boothroyd

Marriages 1905, 1907; Deaths 1899, 1907


BothamleyRef 291-B1922
A variant of the surname Bottomley

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bothamley.

BothomleyRef 291-B1921
A variant of the surname Bottomley

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bothomley.

BottRef 291-756
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bott.

BottamleyRef 291-B1920
A variant of the surname Bottomley

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bottamley.

BottomleyRef 291-B1875

BottomlyRef 291-B1919
A variant of the surname Bottomley

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bottomly.

BoultonRef 291-B1914
A variant of the surname Bolton

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Boulton.

Unattached BMDs for Boulton

Marriage 1875


BowcockRef 291-B1905
A variant of the surname Boocock

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bowcock.

BowerRef 291-392
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bower.

Unattached BMDs for Bower

Marriage 1893


BowersRef 291-757
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bowers.

BowesRef 291-758
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bowes.

BowkerRef 291-759
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bowker.

BowlesRef 291-760
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bowles.

BowmanRef 291-477
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bowman.

Unattached BMDs for Bowman

Marriage 1937


BoydRef 291-620
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Boyd.

Unattached BMDs for Boyd

Marriages 1863, 1906


BoyesRef 291-B1904

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Boyes.

Unattached BMDs for Boyes

Marriage 1835

Unattached burials at Lister Lane Cemetery: Plot 3763


BoyleRef 291-428
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Boyle.

Unattached BMDs for Boyle

Marriage 1893


BoysRef 291-761
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Boys.

BracewellRef 291-762
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bracewell.

Unattached BMDs for Bracewell

Marriage 1892


BrackenRef 291-574
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bracken.

BradburyRef 291-278
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bradbury.

Unattached BMDs for Bradbury

Marriages 1799, 1888, 1914


BradleyRef 291-B1865

BradshawRef 291-763
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bradshaw.

BradyRef 291-764
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brady.

BrailsfordRef 291-765
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brailsford.

BraithwaiteRef 291-230

BramhallRef 291-766
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bramhall.

Unattached BMDs for Bramhall

Marriage 1930


BramleyRef 291-276

BrandwoodRef 291-767
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brandwood.

Unattached BMDs for Brandwood

Marriage 1913


BratleyRef 291-B1864
A variant of the surname Broadley

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bratley.

BrayRef 291-166

BrayshawRef 291-768

BrazeyRef 291-769
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brazey.

BreaksRef 291-770
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Breaks.

BrearRef 291-B1902

BrearcliffeRef 291-771
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brearcliffe.

BreareRef 291-B1903
A variant of the surname Brear

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Breare.

BrearleyRef 291-B1874

BrenardRef 291-772
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brenard.

Unattached BMDs for Brenard

Death 1900


BrennanRef 291-384
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brennan.

BrennandRef 291-773
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brennand.

BrettRef 291-774
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brett.

Unattached BMDs for Brett

Marriage 1925


BrewerRef 291-775
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brewer.

Unattached BMDs for Brewer

Marriages 1907, 1939

Unattached burials at Lister Lane Cemetery: Plot 4721


BridgeRef 291-776
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bridge.

BridgesRef 291-777
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bridges.

BridgewoodRef 291-778
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bridgewood.

BrierRef 291-B1900

BriercliffeRef 291-779
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Briercliffe.

BrierleyRef 291-B1871
A variant of the surname Brearley

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brierley.

Unattached BMDs for Brierley

Death 1900


BrierlyRef 291-B1901
A variant of the surname Brearley

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brierly.

BrigdenRef 291-780
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brigden.

BriggRef 291-154

BriggsRef 291-B1863

BrighouseRef 291-B1945
The surname originates in the Brighouse district.

George Redmonds writes that Susanna del Brighouse is recorded in 1275 and Richard de Briggeshuses is recorded in 1275

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brighouse.

BrightRef 291-781
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bright.

BrignoliRef 291-782
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brignoli.

BrindleyRef 291-783
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brindley.

BriscoRef 291-784
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brisco.

BrittonRef 291-785
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Britton.

Unattached BMDs for Britton

Marriage 1907


BroadbentRef 291-B656

BroadheadRef 291-387
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Broadhead.

Unattached BMDs for Broadhead

Death 1907


BroadleyRef 291-B1873

BrockbankRef 291-B1897
A variant of the surname Brooksbank

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brockbank.

BrocklehurstRef 291-786
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brocklehurst.

Unattached BMDs for Brocklehurst

Marriage 1907; Death 1907


BrodbothmRef 291-787
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brodbothm.

BrodleghRef 291-61
Other forms of the surname include Bradley, Bratley, Brodlegh, Brodley, Broidle and Broodley.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

This is probably a written form of the surname Brodley

BrodleyRef 291-B1866

BroidleRef 291-58
Other forms of the surname include Bradley, Bratley, Brodlegh, Brodley, Broidle and Broodley.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

This is probably a written form of the surname Brodley

BromheadRef 291-788
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bromhead.

BromleyRef 291-604
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bromley.

BromwichRef 291-789
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bromwich.

BrontëRef 291-790
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brontë.

BroodleyRef 291-9
A variant of the surname Broadley

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Broodley.

This is probably just a written form of the surname Brodley

BrookRef 291-B1891

BrookbankRef 291-B1896
A variant of the surname Brooksbank

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brookbank.

Unattached BMDs for Brookbank

Death 1808


BrookeRef 291-B1895

BrookesRef 291-B1893
A variant of the surname Brook

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brookes.

Unattached BMDs for Brookes

Marriage 1835


BrooksRef 291-B1892
A variant of the surname Brook

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brooks.

Unattached BMDs for Brooks

Marriage 1868


BrooksbankRef 291-B1872

BroomheadRef 291-232
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Broomhead, as discussed in the Broomhead Sidetrack.

Unattached BMDs for Broomhead

Marriages 1907, 1914, 1936; Death 1907


BrothertonRef 291-399
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brotherton.

BroughRef 291-791
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brough.

BroughtonRef 291-618
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Broughton.

Unattached BMDs for Broughton

Marriages 1899, 1907, 1910


BrownRef 291-B1890

BrowneRef 291-374
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Browne.

BrownriggRef 291-792
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brownrigg.

BruceRef 291-793
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bruce.

Unattached BMDs for Bruce

Marriage 1915


BrumbyRef 291-794
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brumby.

Unattached BMDs for Brumby

Marriage 1906


BrunningRef 291-795
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Brunning.

BuchananRef 291-796
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Buchanan.

Unattached BMDs for Buchanan

Marriage 1936


BuckRef 291-797
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Buck.

Unattached BMDs for Buck

Marriage 1902


BucklandRef 291-798
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Buckland.

BuckleRef 291-799
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Buckle.

BuckleyRef 291-B1889

BucktonRef 291-800
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Buckton.

BuffettRef 291-801
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Buffett.

Unattached BMDs for Buffett

Marriage 1892


BulcockRef 291-597
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bulcock.

BullRef 291-233

BullickRef 291-802
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bullick.

BullockRef 291-803
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bullock.

BulmerRef 291-549
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bulmer.

BumsteadRef 291-804
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bumstead.

BunceRef 291-805
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bunce.

BunneyRef 291-806
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bunney.

BunnissRef 291-807
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bunniss.

BuntingRef 291-808
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bunting.

BurgessRef 291-809
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Burgess.

Unattached BMDs for Burgess

Marriage 1896


BurkeRef 291-468
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Burke.

BurkittRef 291-B1887
A variant of the surname Birkhead

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Burkitt.

BurleyRef 291-810
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Burley.

BurnRef 291-811
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Burn.

BurnettRef 291-812
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Burnett.

Unattached BMDs for Burnett

Marriages 1893, 1894


BurnhamRef 291-813
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Burnham.

BurnleyRef 291-B1886

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Burnley.

BurnsRef 291-532
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Burns.

Unattached BMDs for Burns

Marriages 1885, 1907; Death 1907


BurrellRef 291-814
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Burrell.

BurrowRef 291-420
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Burrow.

BurrowsRef 291-483

BurtRef 291-815
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Burt.

BurtonRef 291-B1885

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Burton.

Unattached BMDs for Burton

Marriages 1933, 1940

Unattached burials at Lister Lane Cemetery: Plot 2462


BusfeildRef 291-470
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Busfeild.

BushRef 291-816
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bush.

BushellRef 291-817
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bushell.

Unattached BMDs for Bushell

Marriage 1907


BusseyRef 291-818
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Bussey.

Unattached BMDs for Bussey

Marriage 1906; Death 1906


ButcherRef 291-819
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Butcher.

ButlerRef 291-234
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Butler.

Unattached BMDs for Butler

Marriage 1885


ButterfieldRef 291-B1884

ButtersRef 291-820
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Butters.

ButterworthRef 291-B1882

ButtonRef 291-821
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Button.

Unattached BMDs for Button

Marriages 1883, 1943


ByrdeRef 291-822
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Byrde.

ByrneRef 291-823
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Byrne.


CadenRef 291-824
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Caden.

CadneyRef 291-825
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cadney.

CainRef 291-826
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cain.

CairnsRef 291-827
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cairns.

Unattached BMDs for Cairns

Marriage 1896


CalcroftRef 291-828
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Calcroft.

CaldwellRef 291-829
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Caldwell.

Unattached BMDs for Caldwell

Marriage 1891


CaleyRef 291-830
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Caley.

CallaghanRef 291-831
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Callaghan.

Unattached BMDs for Callaghan

Marriage 1919


CallanRef 291-832
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Callan.

CallowRef 291-833
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Callow.

CalverleyRef 291-834
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Calverley.

Unattached BMDs for Calverley

Marriages 1853, 1895


CalvertRef 291-C2640

CammRef 291-568
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Camm.

CampbellRef 291-376
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Campbell.

Unattached BMDs for Campbell

Marriage 1927


CanningRef 291-835
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Canning.

CardwellRef 291-836
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cardwell.

CareyRef 291-837
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Carey.

CarleRef 291-838
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Carle.

CarlingRef 291-433
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Carling.

CarltonRef 291-313
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Carlton.

Unattached BMDs for Carlton

Marriages 1869, 1897


CarlyleRef 291-839
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Carlyle.

CarmichaelRef 291-840
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Carmichael.

CarnegieRef 291-841
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Carnegie.

CarnelleyRef 291-842
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Carnelley.

CarneyRef 291-843
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Carney.

Unattached BMDs for Carney

Marriage 1878


CarpenterRef 291-347
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Carpenter.

CarpmaelRef 291-844
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Carpmael.

CarrRef 291-155

CarrollRef 291-196
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Carroll.

Unattached BMDs for Carroll

Marriages 1882, 1933


CarruthersRef 291-845
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Carruthers.

CarterRef 291-C1149

CartledgeRef 291-6
Another form of the surname is Cartlidge.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

The Oxford Dictionary of English Surnames says the name originated in a place called

Cartledge in Holmesfield, Derbyshire

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cartledge.

CartlidgeRef 291-8
A variant of the surname Cartledge

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cartlidge.

CartwrightRef 291-7
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cartwright.

Unattached BMDs for Cartwright

Marriage 1800


CarverRef 291-846
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Carver.

CaseyRef 291-847
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Casey.

CashRef 291-848
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cash.

CassonRef 291-183
There are over 20 entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Casson. This count does not include other forms of the surname.

Unattached BMDs for Casson

Marriage 1853


CastleRef 291-849
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Castle.

Unattached BMDs for Castle

Death 1907


CatherallRef 291-337
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Catherall.

CavaghanRef 291-850
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cavaghan.

CavanaghRef 291-851
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cavanagh.

CaveRef 291-852
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cave.

CavendishRef 291-853
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cavendish.

CaveneyRef 291-854
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Caveney.

CawRef 291-855
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Caw.

CawdryRef 291-C2619
A variant of the surname Cawthra

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cawdry.

CawoodRef 291-856
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cawood.

CawtheraRef 291-C2620
A variant of the surname Cawthra

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cawthera.

CawthraRef 291-C2618
Other forms of the surname include Cawdry, Cawthera and Cawthrey

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cawthra.

Unattached BMDs for Cawthra

Death 1855


CawthreyRef 291-C2621
A variant of the surname Cawthra

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cawthrey.

CaygillRef 291-857
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Caygill.

ChadwickRef 291-C1146

ChafferRef 291-858
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Chaffer.

ChallonerRef 291-C1287

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Challoner.

ChamberlainRef 291-426
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Chamberlain.

ChambersRef 291-13

ChampneyRef 291-859
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Champney.

ChapmanRef 291-156

ChappellRef 291-508
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Chappell.

CharlesworthRef 291-281
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Charlesworth.

Unattached BMDs for Charlesworth

Death 1907


CharltonRef 291-860
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Charlton.

CharnleyRef 291-861
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Charnley.

CharnockRef 291-197

ChatburnRef 291-862
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Chatburn.

Unattached BMDs for Chatburn

Marriages 1870, 1891, 1906


CheethamRef 291-C1135

ChesterRef 291-863
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Chester.

Unattached BMDs for Chester

Marriage 1873


ChewRef 291-864
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Chew.

Unattached BMDs for Chew

Marriage 1868; Deaths 1809, 1835


ChildRef 291-259
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Child.

Unattached BMDs for Child

Marriage 1907


ChineryRef 291-865
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Chinery.

ChippendaleRef 291-C1028
The surname may be derived from Shibden dale. Dyke de Chipendale is recorded in 1246

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Chippendale.

ChristieRef 291-866
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Christie.

Unattached BMDs for Christie

Death 1835


ChurchillRef 291-867
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Churchill.

ChurchmanRef 291-868
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Churchman.

ChurchyardRef 291-869
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Churchyard.

ClaphamRef 291-437
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Clapham.

Unattached BMDs for Clapham

Marriage 1894


ClareRef 291-870
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Clare.

ClarkRef 291-C1133

ClarkeRef 291-C1134

ClarkinRef 291-871
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Clarkin.

ClarksonRef 291-567
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Clarkson.

Unattached BMDs for Clarkson

Marriages 1907, 1912; Deaths 1900, 1907


ClaxtonRef 291-872
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Claxton.

ClayRef 291-C1122

ClaytonRef 291-14

ClearyRef 291-873
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cleary.

CleaverRef 291-874
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cleaver.

CleeRef 291-875
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Clee.

CleggRef 291-C1121

ClewerRef 291-876
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Clewer.

CliffRef 291-C1119

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cliff.

CliffeRef 291-C1120

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cliffe.

Unattached BMDs for Cliffe

Marriages 1889, 1927; Death 1907


CliffordRef 291-458
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Clifford.

CliftonRef 291-877
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Clifton.

CloseRef 291-878
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Close.

CloughRef 291-C1118

CoatesRef 291-C1117

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Coates.

Unattached BMDs for Coates

Marriages 1868, 1907


CobbRef 291-879
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cobb.

CobdenRef 291-880
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cobden.

CobleRef 291-881
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Coble.

CockburnRef 291-882
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cockburn.

Unattached BMDs for Cockburn

Death 1900


CockcroftRef 291-C1060

CockerRef 291-502
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cocker.

Unattached BMDs for Cocker

Marriage 1962


CockinRef 291-883
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cockin.

CockmanRef 291-884
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cockman.

CockroftRef 291-C1116

CockshottRef 291-885
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cockshott.

CoghlanRef 291-886
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Coghlan.

ColbeckRef 291-887
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Colbeck.

ColeRef 291-888
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cole.

ColesRef 291-889
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Coles.

Unattached BMDs for Coles

Marriage 1873


ColeyRef 291-890
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Coley.

ColleyRef 291-891
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Colley.

Unattached BMDs for Colley

Death 1810


CollierRef 291-561
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Collier.

CollingeRef 291-546

CollingwoodRef 291-892
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Collingwood.

Unattached BMDs for Collingwood

Marriages 1894, 1906


CollinsRef 291-15

CollinsonRef 291-198

ComfortRef 291-893
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Comfort.

ConnellRef 291-894
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Connell.

ConnellyRef 291-895
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Connelly.

ConnollyRef 291-896
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Connolly.

ConroyRef 291-897
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Conroy.

Unattached BMDs for Conroy

Marriage 1933


ConstanceRef 291-898
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Constance.

ConstantineRef 291-899
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Constantine.

ConwayRef 291-260
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Conway.

Unattached BMDs for Conway

Marriage 1901


CookRef 291-236

CookeRef 291-169
There are over 20 entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cooke. This count does not include other forms of the surname.

Unattached BMDs for Cooke

Marriages 1885, 1900


CooksonRef 291-530
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cookson.

Unattached BMDs for Cookson

Marriages 1877, 1907


CoopRef 291-900
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Coop.

CooperRef 291-16

CooreRef 291-901
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Coore.

CopleyRef 291-C1115

CorboyRef 291-902
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Corboy.

CordingleyRef 291-170

CoreRef 291-903
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Core.

CorkeRef 291-904
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Corke.

CorkerRef 291-905
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Corker.

CornerRef 291-906
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Corner.

CorneyRef 291-515
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Corney.

Unattached BMDs for Corney

Marriages 1899, 1905


CornwellRef 291-907
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cornwell.

CorriganRef 291-908
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Corrigan.

Unattached BMDs for Corrigan

Marriage 1917


CosgroveRef 291-909
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cosgrove.

CostelloRef 291-910
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Costello.

Unattached BMDs for Costello

Marriage 1933; Death 1907


CotterillRef 291-911
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cotterill.

CottonRef 291-912
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cotton.

CoulstonRef 291-913
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Coulston.

CoultasRef 291-914
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Coultas.

CoulthardRef 291-915
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Coulthard.

CoupeRef 291-545
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Coupe.

Unattached BMDs for Coupe

Marriage 1911


CousinRef 291-C1114

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cousin.

CouttsRef 291-916
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Coutts.

CowanRef 291-917
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cowan.

CowellRef 291-918
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cowell.

CowgillRef 291-919
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cowgill.

Unattached BMDs for Cowgill

Death 1907


CowieRef 291-920
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cowie.

CowperRef 291-921
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cowper.

CowsillRef 291-922
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cowsill.

CoxRef 291-475
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cox.

Unattached BMDs for Cox

Marriages 1882, 1887, 1914; Death 1899


CoyleRef 291-923
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Coyle.

CrabtreeRef 291-C989

CraggRef 291-479
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cragg.

CramptonRef 291-924
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Crampton.

CrapperRef 291-436
A form of the surname Cropper.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Crapper.

Unattached BMDs for Crapper

Marriage 1885; Death 1866

Unattached burials at Lister Lane Cemetery: Plot 4719


CravenRef 291-C1111

CrawfordRef 291-925
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Crawford.

CrawshawRef 291-199

CreveyRef 291-926
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Crevey.

CroadRef 291-927
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Croad.

CroftRef 291-928
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Croft.

Unattached BMDs for Croft

Marriages 1807, 1907; Death 1800


CroixRef 291-929
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Croix.

CromackRef 291-930
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cromack.

CromptonRef 291-931
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Crompton.

Unattached BMDs for Crompton

Marriage 1899


CronhelmRef 291-362
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cronhelm.

CrookRef 291-553
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Crook.

CropperRef 291-932
An occupational surname for someone who worked in cropping.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cropper.

Unattached BMDs for Cropper

Marriage 1907; Death 1907


See Crapper

CrosbyRef 291-933
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Crosby.

Unattached BMDs for Crosby

Death 1907


CrosierRef 291-C1095

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Crosier.

CroslandRef 291-484
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Crosland.

CrosleRef 291-C1166
An old form of the surname Crossley

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Crosle.

CrosleghRef 291-C1164
An old form of the surname Crossley

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Croslegh.

CrosleyRef 291-C1069
An old form of the surname Crossley

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Crosley.

Unattached BMDs for Crosley

Marriage 1811


CrossRef 291-625
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cross.

Unattached BMDs for Cross

Marriage 1901


CrosseRef 291-934
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Crosse.

CrossfieldRef 291-935
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Crossfield.

Unattached BMDs for Crossfield

Marriage 1915


CrosslandRef 291-184

CrosslegheRef 291-C1162
An old form of the surname Crossley

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Crossleghe.

CrossleyRef 291-C1023

CrothersRef 291-487
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Crothers.

Unattached BMDs for Crothers

Marriage 1907


CrowRef 291-936
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Crow.

Unattached BMDs for Crow

Marriage 1922


CrowsonRef 291-937
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Crowson.

CrowtherRef 291-C1065

CrumpRef 291-938
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Crump.

CryerRef 291-482
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cryer.

CudworthRef 291-939
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cudworth.

CullenRef 291-940
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cullen.

Unattached BMDs for Cullen

Marriage 1874


CullingworthRef 291-941
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cullingworth.

CullyRef 291-942
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cully.

CulpanRef 291-C1006

CulpinRef 291-C1298
A variant of the surname Culpan

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Culpin.

CunliffeRef 291-C1289

CunninghamRef 291-424
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cunningham.

Unattached BMDs for Cunningham

Marriage 1911


CunningtonRef 291-943
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cunnington.

CurrerRef 291-944
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Currer.

CurrieRef 291-945
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Currie.

CurtiesRef 291-946
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Curties.

CurtisRef 291-947
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Curtis.

CusworthRef 291-948
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cusworth.

CuttsRef 291-949
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Cutts.

Unattached BMDs for Cutts

Marriage 1907



DakinRef 291-950
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dakin.

DaleRef 291-610
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dale.

Unattached BMDs for Dale

Death 1907


DaleyRef 291-951
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Daley.

DaltonRef 291-952
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dalton.

DalzellRef 291-953
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dalzell.

DanbyRef 291-954
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Danby.

DanetryRef 291-955
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Danetry.

DanielsRef 291-956
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Daniels.

Unattached BMDs for Daniels

Marriage 1835


DansonRef 291-957
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Danson.

DarbyRef 291-958
Entries for people with the surname Darby.

DargueRef 291-959
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dargue.

DarrellRef 291-960
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Darrell.

DarvillRef 291-961
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Darvill.

DavenportRef 291-962
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Davenport.

DavidsonRef 291-446
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Davidson.

Unattached BMDs for Davidson

Marriage 1882

Unattached burials at Lister Lane Cemetery: Plot 2893


DaviesRef 291-89

DavisRef 291-348
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Davis.

Unattached BMDs for Davis

Marriage 1886; Death 1907


DavisonRef 291-963
A patronymic surname meaning son of Davy, or David. There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Davison.

DavorenRef 291-964
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Davoren.

DavyRef 291-965
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Davy.

Unattached BMDs for Davy

Death 1899


DawesRef 291-966
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dawes.

DawrantRef 291-967
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dawrant.

DawsonRef 291-D616

DawtreyRef 291-968
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dawtrey.

DayRef 291-237
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Day.

Unattached BMDs for Day

Marriages 1864, 1907, 1933


DeaghanRef 291-969
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Deaghan.

DeanRef 291-D376

DeaneRef 291-372
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Deane.

DeardenRef 291-5

DearingRef 291-970
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dearing.

DearnallyRef 291-971
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dearnally.

DearnalyRef 291-972
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dearnaly.

DearnleyRef 291-973
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dearnley.

DehnerRef 291-974
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dehner.

DeightonRef 291-975
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Deighton.

DellRef 291-976
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dell.

DempsterRef 291-977
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dempster.

DenbyRef 291-978
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Denby.

DeneRef 291-979
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dene.

DenfordRef 291-980
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Denford.

DenhamRef 291-17

DenisonRef 291-981
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Denison.

DenleyRef 291-982
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Denley.

DennettRef 291-983
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dennett.

DenningRef 291-984
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Denning.

DennisRef 291-307
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dennis.

DennisonRef 291-985
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dennison.

Unattached BMDs for Dennison

Marriages 1836, 1900, 1907, 1922; Death 1907


DennistonRef 291-986
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Denniston.

DentRef 291-544
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dent.

Unattached BMDs for Dent

Marriage 1899


DentonRef 291-D615

DenvilleRef 291-987
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Denville.

DepledgeRef 291-988
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Depledge.

DewarRef 291-989
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dewar.

DewhirstRef 291-D372

DewhurstRef 291-D315
A variant of the surname Dewhirst

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dewhurst.

DewsRef 291-D302
A variant of the surname Dewhirst.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout In 1896, the pronunciation of Dewhirst is recorded as Duce

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dews.

DexterRef 291-D390
An occupational surname meaning a dyer.

Compare Textor.

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dexter.

DeyRef 291-480
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dey.

DickRef 291-990
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dick.

DickensonRef 291-521
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dickenson.

Unattached BMDs for Dickenson

Marriage 1808


DickinsonRef 291-D289
One variant of the surname may have originated locally.

George Redmonds writes that Alice Dycondoghtir is recorded at Rastrick John Diconson Harryson is recorded in Halifax James Dickinson is recorded at Northowram in 1672

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dickinson.

Unattached BMDs for Dickinson

Marriages 1915, 1916; Death 1907


See Patronymic Surnames

DicksonRef 291-D600
Another form of the surname is Dixon.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

John Dicson is recorded at Shelf in 1379.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dickson.

DiggleRef 291-991
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Diggle.

DignanRef 291-992
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dignan.

DilleyRef 291-993
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dilley.

Unattached BMDs for Dilley

Death 1907


DilworthRef 291-539
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dilworth.

Unattached BMDs for Dilworth

Marriage 1907; Death 1899


DinsdaleRef 291-526
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dinsdale.

Unattached BMDs for Dinsdale

Marriage 1882


DixonRef 291-D599

DobsonRef 291-D597

DoddRef 291-994
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dodd.

Unattached BMDs for Dodd

Marriage 1939


DoddsRef 291-995
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dodds.

DodgsonRef 291-573
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dodgson.

Unattached BMDs for Dodgson

Marriage 1890


DodsonRef 291-996
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dodson.

DodsworthRef 291-997
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dodsworth.

DohertyRef 291-998
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Doherty.

DolanRef 291-999
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dolan.

DolliffeRef 291-1000
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dolliffe.

DonaldsonRef 291-1001
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Donaldson.

DonohueRef 291-1002
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Donohue.

DorseyRef 291-1003
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dorsey.

DoughtyRef 291-D594

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Doughty.

DouglasRef 291-1004
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Douglas.

DoveRef 291-1005
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dove.

DownesRef 291-1006
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Downes.

DoyleRef 291-1007
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Doyle.

Unattached BMDs for Doyle

Marriages 1871, 1912, 1915


DracupRef 291-1008
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dracup.

DrakeRef 291-D590

DransfieldRef 291-1009
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dransfield.

Unattached BMDs for Dransfield

Marriage 1907; Death 1835


DraperRef 291-D587

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Draper.

DrewRef 291-1010
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Drew.

DrinkwaterRef 291-1011
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Drinkwater.

Unattached BMDs for Drinkwater

Marriage 1868


DriverRef 291-369
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Driver.

DruryRef 291-378
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Drury.

DuckerRef 291-D563
A variant of the surname Duckworth

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ducker.

DuckettRef 291-1012
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Duckett.

DuckittRef 291-1013
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Duckitt.

DuckworthRef 291-D560

DuffieldRef 291-1014
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Duffield.

DuffyRef 291-1015
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Duffy.

Unattached BMDs for Duffy

Marriage 1914


DugdaleRef 291-200
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dugdale.

Unattached BMDs for Dugdale

Marriages 1835, 1878; Death 1901


DugganRef 291-1016
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Duggan.

Unattached BMDs for Duggan

Marriage 1946


DuncanRef 291-491
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Duncan.

DunnRef 291-429
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dunn.

Unattached BMDs for Dunn

Marriages 1805, 1905


DunneRef 291-1017
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dunne.

DurhamRef 291-1018
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Durham.

Unattached BMDs for Durham

Death 1810


DurkinRef 291-1019
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Durkin.

DutsonRef 291-1020
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dutson.

DuttonRef 291-1021
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dutton.

Unattached BMDs for Dutton

Marriages 1915, 1933


DuxburyRef 291-D531

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Duxbury.

DwyerRef 291-1022
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dwyer.

DycheRef 291-1023
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dyche.

DyerRef 291-D528
An occupational surname for someone involved in the dyeing trade.

See Lister

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Dyer.

DysonRef 291-D385


EacrodRef 291-E428
A variant of the surname Akroyd

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Eacrod.

EaglandRef 291-E443
Other forms of the surname include Eaglen, Eagling, Eglen and Eglin

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Eagland.

EaglenRef 291-E442
A variant of the surname Eagland

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Eaglen.

EaglesRef 291-1024
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Eagles.

EaglingRef 291-E441
A variant of the surname Eagland

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Eagling.

EakrodRef 291-E427
A variant of the surname Akroyd

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Eakrod.

EalhamRef 291-1025
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ealham.

EamesRef 291-1026
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Eames.

EarnshawRef 291-E440

EastRef 291-1027
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname East.

EastburnRef 291-1028
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Eastburn.

EasterbyRef 291-1029
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Easterby.

EastonRef 291-1030
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Easton.

Unattached BMDs for Easton

Marriage 1920


EastwoodRef 291-E5400

EatonRef 291-434
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Eaton.

Unattached BMDs for Eaton

Death 1900


EbblewhiteRef 291-E777
A variant of the surname Hebblethwaite.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ebblewhite.

EbdenRef 291-E417
A variant of the surname Hebden

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ebden.

EbdonRef 291-E416
A variant of the surname Hebden

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ebdon.

EcclesRef 291-E439

EckersleyRef 291-E438

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Eckersley.

EckroydRef 291-E437
A variant of the surname Akroyd

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Eckroyd.

EcroydRef 291-E413
A variant of the surname Akroyd.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout This was used by a branch of the family who moved to Lancashire

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ecroyd.

EddisonRef 291-1031
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Eddison.

EdenRef 291-1032
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Eden.

EdgertonRef 291-1033
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Edgerton.

EdgeworthRef 291-1034
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Edgeworth.

EdlestonRef 291-455
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Edleston.

EdmondsonRef 291-186
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Edmondson.

Unattached BMDs for Edmondson

Baptism 1819


EdmundsRef 291-1035
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Edmunds.

EdmundsonRef 291-1036
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Edmundson.

EdwardsRef 291-E771

EgertonRef 291-1037
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Egerton.

EgglestonRef 291-1038
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Eggleston.

EglenRef 291-E436
A variant of the surname Eagland

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Eglen.

EglinRef 291-E702
A variant of the surname Eagland

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Eglin.

EkerodeRef 291-E426
A variant of the surname Akroyd

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ekerode.

ElandRef 291-E419

ElgarRef 291-1039
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Elgar.

EllandRef 291-E429
Another form of the surname is Eland.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

Originates in Elland.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Elland.

EllertonRef 291-1040
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ellerton.

EllingfordRef 291-E435
An old form of the surname Illingworth

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ellingford.

EllingworthRef 291-E434
An old form of the surname Illingworth

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ellingworth.

EllinsworthRef 291-E433
An old form of the surname Illingworth

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ellinsworth.

ElliotRef 291-1041
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Elliot.

Unattached BMDs for Elliot

Marriage 1799

Unattached burials at Lister Lane Cemetery: Plot 4008


ElliottRef 291-400
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Elliott.

EllisRef 291-18

EllisonRef 291-E432
A variant of the surname Ellistones.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

John Ellison is recorded at Bingley in 1672

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ellison.

See Patronymic Surnames

EllistonRef 291-E430
A variant of the surname Ellistones.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

Richard Elliston is recorded at Elland in 1524

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Elliston.

EllistoneRef 291-E414
The surname is recorded in 1275

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ellistone.

EllistonesRef 291-E431
Other forms of the surname include Ellison and Elliston.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

Michael de Helistones is recorded at Sowerby in 1274.

The name originated in Ellistones, Greetland.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ellistones.

EllwoodRef 291-1042
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ellwood.

ElsworthRef 291-605
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Elsworth.

EmersonRef 291-1043
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Emerson.

EmmetRef 291-262
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Emmet.

Unattached BMDs for Emmet

Marriage 1808


EmmettRef 291-157

EmmottRef 291-1044
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Emmott.

Unattached BMDs for Emmott

Marriage 1927


EmpsallRef 291-238

EmpsonRef 291-1045
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Empson.

EmsleyRef 291-333
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Emsley.

Unattached BMDs for Emsley

Marriages 1861, 1933


EnglandRef 291-1046
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname England.

Unattached BMDs for England

Marriage 1916


EnglishRef 291-1047
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname English.

EptonRef 291-E415
A variant of the surname Hebden

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Epton.

EscottRef 291-1048
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Escott.

EtheringtonRef 291-554
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Etherington.

EttallRef 291-1049
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ettall.

EvansRef 291-215
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Evans.

Unattached BMDs for Evans

Marriages 1893, 1923


EversRef 291-334
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Evers.

Unattached BMDs for Evers

Marriage 1901


ExleyRef 291-E7700

Around 1261, William de Ecclesley [b 1240] of Ecclesley, Southowram, son of William de Dewsbury, married Alice de Backhall. The spelling Eckylslay is recorded in 1293. John Eckylslay is recorded in 1420.

The name is derived from Exley.

See Back Hall, Exley

Entries for people with the surname Exley.

Unattached BMDs for Exley

Marriage 1897

Unattached burials at Lister Lane Cemetery: Plot 4721


This & associated entries use material contributed by Penny Exley

EyreRef 291-1050
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Eyre.


FairbankRef 291-F703
Other forms of the surname include Fairbanke and Fairbanks.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

William Fairebank is recorded at Sowerby in 1492.

It has been suggested that some members of the family translated the name from Beaumont, or possibly from Lightcliffe.

Entries for people with the surname Fairbank.

Unattached BMDs for Fairbank

Marriages 1915, 1926


See Fairbank family of Halifax and Fairbank family of Lightcliffe

This & associated entries use material contributed by Lenore Frodsham

FairbankeRef 291-F999
A variant of the surname Fairbank

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fairbanke.

FairbanksRef 291-F730
A variant of the surname Fairbank

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fairbanks.

FairbridgeRef 291-1051
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fairbridge.

FairburnRef 291-383
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fairburn.

FaircloughRef 291-1052
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fairclough.

FairfaxRef 291-1053
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fairfax.

FalconRef 291-1054
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Falcon.

FaldingworthRef 291-F701

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Faldingworth.

FallerRef 291-1055
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Faller.

FallonRef 291-1056
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fallon.

FarmeryRef 291-1057
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Farmery.

FarnellRef 291-F139

FarnishRef 291-F699
A variant of the surname Furness

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Farnish.

FarrarRef 291-F693

FarrenRef 291-1058
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Farren.

FarrerRef 291-F409

FarrorRef 291-F407
A variant of the surname Farrar

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Farror.

FarrourRef 291-F406
A variant of the surname Farrar

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Farrour.

FarrowRef 291-1059
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Farrow.

Unattached BMDs for Farrow

Marriage 1896


FarsleyRef 291-1060
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Farsley.

FaulkesRef 291-1061
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Faulkes.

FaulknerRef 291-1062
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Faulkner.

FavourRef 291-1063
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Favour.

FawcettRef 291-F436
The Dictionary of English Surnames says that the surname may originate in Fawcett in Westmorland, Facit in Lancashire, or Fawsyde in East Lothian, though the local form of the surname probably comes from Forcett in the North Riding

There are 48 entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fawcett, as discussed in the Fawcett Sidetrack. This count does not include other forms of the surname.

Unattached BMDs for Fawcett

Marriages 1805, 1807, 1866, 1896, 1914, 1957; Death 1907


FawleyRef 291-1064
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fawley.

FawthorpeRef 291-F691
A variant of the surname Fawthrop

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fawthorpe.

FawthropRef 291-F684

FearnleyRef 291-171

FearnsideRef 291-F189
The surname recorded in 1503. Meaning a fern covered slope

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fearnside.

Unattached BMDs for Fearnside

Death 1900


FeatherRef 291-59

FeberRef 291-301
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Feber.

FeildingRef 291-F296
A variant of the surname Fielden

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Feilding.

FelthamRef 291-1065
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Feltham.

Unattached BMDs for Feltham

Marriage 1914


FelvusRef 291-1066
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Felvus.

FentonRef 291-506
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fenton.

Unattached BMDs for Fenton

Death 1900


FenwickRef 291-1067
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fenwick.

FergusonRef 291-517
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ferguson.

FerrandRef 291-1068
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ferrand.

FerrarRef 291-F400
A variant of the surname Farrar

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ferrar.

FerrerRef 291-F381
A variant of the surname Farrar

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ferrer.

FerrettRef 291-1069
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ferrett.

FfeildenRef 291-76
A variant of the Fielden surname recorded in the 16th century and into the 17th century

FidlerRef 291-1070
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fidler.

Unattached BMDs for Fidler

Death 1900


FieldRef 291-F649

FieldenRef 291-F681

FielderRef 291-1071
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fielder.

FieldingRef 291-F669

FieldsendRef 291-F668
A variant of the surname Fielden

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fieldsend.

FillinghamRef 291-1072
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fillingham.

FinchRef 291-1073
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Finch.

Unattached BMDs for Finch

Marriage 1900


FinlaysonRef 291-1074
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Finlayson.

FinlinsonRef 291-1075
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Finlinson.

FinnRef 291-1076
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Finn.

FinneyRef 291-1077
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Finney.

FinniganRef 291-1078
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Finnigan.

FirthRef 291-F631

FisherRef 291-60

FishwickRef 291-1079
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fishwick.

FittonRef 291-1080
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fitton.

Unattached BMDs for Fitton

Marriage 1911


FitzpatrickRef 291-1081
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fitzpatrick.

FixbyRef 291-F629

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fixby.

FlahertyRef 291-1082
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Flaherty.

Unattached BMDs for Flaherty

Marriage 1895; Death 1907


FlanaganRef 291-1083
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Flanagan.

FlanniganRef 291-1084
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Flannigan.

FlatherRef 291-F626

FlemingRef 291-F95

FlemyngRef 291-1085
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Flemyng.

FletcherRef 291-F622

FlintRef 291-1086
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Flint.

Unattached BMDs for Flint

Marriage 1907


FloodRef 291-1087
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Flood.

FlynnRef 291-394
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Flynn.

Unattached BMDs for Flynn

Marriages 1906, 1923


FoggRef 291-1088
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fogg.

Unattached BMDs for Fogg

Marriage 1926


FoleyRef 291-1089
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Foley.

FookesRef 291-1090
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fookes.

ForbesRef 291-587
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Forbes.

Unattached BMDs for Forbes

Death 1907


FordRef 291-421
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ford.

Unattached BMDs for Ford

Marriage 1907


FordhamRef 291-1091
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fordham.

ForemanRef 291-1092
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Foreman.

FornessRef 291-F380
A variant of the surname Furness

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Forness.

ForrestRef 291-335
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Forrest.

ForshawRef 291-1093
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Forshaw.

FortRef 291-1094
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fort.

Unattached BMDs for Fort

Marriage 1890


FortuneRef 291-1095
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fortune.

Unattached BMDs for Fortune

Marriage 1885; Death 1805


FossardRef 291-1096
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fossard.

FosseyRef 291-346
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fossey.

FostardRef 291-1097
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fostard.

FosterRef 291-19

FothergillRef 291-1098
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fothergill.

FotheringhamRef 291-1099
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fotheringham.

FouldsRef 291-F621

FournesRef 291-F324
A variant of the surname Furness

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fournes.

FournessRef 291-F308
A variant of the surname Furness

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fourness.

FournisRef 291-F300
A variant of the surname Furness

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fournis.

FowlerRef 291-1100
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fowler.

Unattached BMDs for Fowler

Marriages 1865, 1897


FoxRef 291-F616

FoxcroftRef 291-F619

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Foxcroft.

FranceRef 291-325
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname France.

Unattached BMDs for France

Marriages 1835, 1877, 1907, 1923


FrankRef 291-1101
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Frank.

FranklandRef 291-603
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Frankland.

Unattached BMDs for Frankland

Marriages 1886, 1887; Death 1900


FranklinRef 291-1102
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Franklin.

FranksRef 291-1103
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Franks.

FraserRef 291-1104
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fraser.

FrazerRef 291-1105
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Frazer.

FreemanRef 291-20

FrenchRef 291-1106
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname French.

FrobisherRef 291-217
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Frobisher.

FrostRef 291-1107
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Frost.

FryRef 291-615
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fry.

Unattached BMDs for Fry

Marriages 1915, 1938

Unattached burials at Lister Lane Cemetery: Plot 2498


FryerRef 291-21

FulcherRef 291-1108
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fulcher.

FullerRef 291-F609
An occupational surname for someone who fulled cloth.

The surname Fulur is mentioned in 1219, and Roger the Fuller is recorded at Rastrick in 1274.

Other surnames derived from this same occupation are found in other parts of the country: Walker is common in the north and west of England, Fuller in the south-east of England, and Tucker in the south-west of England

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Fuller.

FurnessRef 291-F613

FurnishRef 291-F611
A variant of the surname Furness

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Furnish.

FurnissRef 291-F297
A variant of the surname Furness

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Furniss.

Unattached BMDs for Furniss

Marriages 1880, 1907; Death 1811



GainesRef 291-1109
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gaines.

GallagherRef 291-1110
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gallagher.

GallowayRef 291-1111
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Galloway.

GambleRef 291-1112
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gamble.

Unattached BMDs for Gamble

Marriage 1914


GansonRef 291-1113
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ganson.

GardinerRef 291-1114
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gardiner.

GardnerRef 291-1115
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gardner.

Unattached BMDs for Gardner

Marriages 1908, 1915, 1943


GardomRef 291-1116
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gardom.

GarfittRef 291-1117
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Garfitt.

Unattached BMDs for Garfitt

Death 1907


GarforthRef 291-202

GarlickRef 291-239
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Garlick.

Unattached BMDs for Garlick

Marriage 1915


GarnerRef 291-1118
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Garner.

GarnetRef 291-1119
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Garnet.

GarnettRef 291-G785

GarrattRef 291-1120
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Garratt.

GarrettRef 291-1121
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Garrett.

GarsedRef 291-G784
A variant of the surname Garside.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

Jane Garsed is recorded in Halifax in 1576

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Garsed.

Unattached BMDs for Garsed

Baptism 1842; Death 1805


GarsideRef 291-G783

GartsideRef 291-G782
A variant of the surname Garside.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

John de Gartside is recorded at Billington in 1379

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gartside.

GascoigneRef 291-G781

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gascoigne.

GathRef 291-572
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gath.

GaukrodgerRef 291-G780
A variant of the surname Gaukroger

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gaukrodger.

Unattached BMDs for Gaukrodger

Marriages 1868, 1914


GaukrogerRef 291-G420

GauntRef 291-1122
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gaunt.

GawkrodgerRef 291-G779

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gawkrodger.

GawkrogerRef 291-G501
A variant of the surname Gaukroger

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gawkroger.

GawthorpeRef 291-G778
Another form of the surname is Gawthrop

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gawthorpe.

GawthropRef 291-G777
A variant of the surname Gawthorpe

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gawthrop.

GayRef 291-1123
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gay.

Unattached BMDs for Gay

Marriage 1907


GeeRef 291-534
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gee.

Unattached BMDs for Gee

Marriages 1845, 1868, 1907, 1920, 1944


GelderRef 291-492
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gelder.

GeorgeRef 291-292
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname George.

GernetRef 291-595
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gernet.

GibbRef 291-1124
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gibb.

GibsonRef 291-G776

GidleyRef 291-1125
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gidley.

GillRef 291-G775

GillamRef 291-1126
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gillam.

GillibrandRef 291-1127
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gillibrand.

GillmorRef 291-1128
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gillmor.

GirdlerRef 291-1129
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Girdler.

GladdingRef 291-G774
A variant of the surname Gledhill

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gladding.

GladwinRef 291-1130
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gladwin.

GlasseRef 291-1131
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Glasse.

GleadallRef 291-G772
A variant of the surname Gledhill

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gleadall.

GleadellRef 291-G749
A variant of the surname Gledhill

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gleadell.

GleadenRef 291-G740
A variant of the surname Gledhill

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gleaden.

GleadhallRef 291-G735
A variant of the surname Gledhill

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gleadhall.

GleadhillRef 291-G734
A variant of the surname Gledhill

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gleadhill.

GleadleRef 291-G730
A variant of the surname Gledhill

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gleadle.

GleadonRef 291-G726
A variant of the surname Gledhill

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gleadon.

GledallRef 291-G723
A variant of the surname Gledhill

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gledall.

GleddenRef 291-G720
A variant of the surname Gledhill

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gledden.

GledhallRef 291-G718
A variant of the surname Gledhill

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gledhall.

GledhillRef 291-G412

GleidhillRef 291-G475
An old form of the surname Gledhill

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gleidhill.

GlendenningRef 291-1132
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Glendenning.

Unattached BMDs for Glendenning

Marriages 1884, 1921


GlendinningRef 291-1133
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Glendinning.

Unattached BMDs for Glendinning

Marriage 1806


GloverRef 291-1134
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Glover.

GoddardRef 291-1135
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Goddard.

Unattached BMDs for Goddard

Baptism 1826


GodfreyRef 291-331
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Godfrey.

Unattached BMDs for Godfrey

Marriages 1914, 1924


GodleyRef 291-G1588
Other forms of the surname include Godly and Goodley

Henry Godley is recorded at Sowerby in 1275, Eva of Godley is recorded at Godley in 1307 and John de Godlay is recorded at Rishworth in 1379.

The name may have originated in Godley, Rishworth

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Godley.

GodlyRef 291-G476
A variant of the surname Godley

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Godly.

GoldRef 291-1136
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gold.

GoldthorpRef 291-578
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Goldthorp.

GoldthorpeRef 291-375
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Goldthorpe.

GomersallRef 291-1137
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gomersall.

GoochRef 291-299
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gooch.

GoodaireRef 291-G711
Other forms of the surname include Gooder, Goodier and Goodyear

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Goodaire.

Unattached BMDs for Goodaire

Marriage 1907


GoodallRef 291-G709
Another form of the surname is Goodhall

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Goodall.

Unattached BMDs for Goodall

Marriage 1917; Death 1907


GooderRef 291-G708
A variant of the surname Goodaire

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gooder.

Unattached BMDs for Gooder

Death 1907


GoodfellowRef 291-1138
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Goodfellow.

Unattached BMDs for Goodfellow

Marriage 1882; Death 1861


GoodgerRef 291-1139
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Goodger.

GoodhallRef 291-G681
A variant of the surname Goodall

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Goodhall.

GoodierRef 291-G666
A variant of the surname Goodaire

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Goodier.

GoodleyRef 291-G660
A variant of the surname Godley

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Goodley.

GoodmanRef 291-536
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Goodman.

GoodwinRef 291-1140
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Goodwin.

Unattached BMDs for Goodwin

Death 1907


GoodyearRef 291-G659
A variant of the surname Goodaire

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Goodyear.

Unattached BMDs for Goodyear

Birth 1887; Death 1907


GordonRef 291-461
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gordon.

GoreRef 291-1141
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gore.

Unattached BMDs for Gore

Marriage 1912


GormanRef 291-1142
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gorman.

GoslingRef 291-1143
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gosling.

GothardRef 291-1144
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gothard.

GottRef 291-537
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gott.

GouckeRef 291-1145
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Goucke.

GoughRef 291-1146
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gough.

Unattached BMDs for Gough

Marriage 1907


GrahamRef 291-263
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Graham.

Unattached BMDs for Graham

Marriages 1802, 1912


GrandageRef 291-590
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Grandage.

Unattached BMDs for Grandage

Marriage 1907


GrangeRef 291-1147
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Grange.

GrangerRef 291-56
An occupational surname given to someone who was in charge of a grange There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Granger.

GrantRef 291-1148
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Grant.

GrattanRef 291-1149
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Grattan.

GraveRef 291-1150
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Grave.

GravenorRef 291-1151
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gravenor.

GravesRef 291-1152
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Graves.

GrayRef 291-147

GraydonRef 291-589

GreameRef 291-364
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Greame.

GreatorexRef 291-1153
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Greatorex.

GreavesRef 291-126

GreenRef 291-22

GreenfieldRef 291-G652

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Greenfield.

GreenhalghRef 291-G650
Another form of the surname is Greenhough.

George Redmonds writes that the name originated in Lancashire and arrived in the Halifax area in the 1400s.

Henry Greneall is recorded at Hipperholme in 1461 and William Grenhalgh at Heptonstall in 1538

The name is pronounced Green-halsh

See Ridehalgh

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Greenhalgh.

Unattached BMDs for Greenhalgh

Marriages 1912, 1915


GreenhoughRef 291-G641
A variant of the surname Greenhalgh

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Greenhough.

GreeningRef 291-1154
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Greening.

GreenroydRef 291-G638

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Greenroyd.

Unattached BMDs for Greenroyd

Marriage 1805


GreenwoodRef 291-G800

GreganRef 291-1155
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gregan.

GregoryRef 291-205
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gregory.

Unattached BMDs for Gregory

Marriages 1808, 1907


GregsonRef 291-240
There are over 20 entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gregson. This count does not include other forms of the surname.

Unattached BMDs for Gregson

Marriages 1869, 1893, 1896; Death 1907


GriceRef 291-1156
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Grice.

GriffinRef 291-1157
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Griffin.

GriffithsRef 291-1158
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Griffiths.

GrimeRef 291-1159
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Grime.

GrimmettRef 291-1160
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Grimmett.

GrimshawRef 291-G636

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Grimshaw.

Unattached BMDs for Grimshaw

Marriage 1811


GrindrodRef 291-496
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Grindrod.

Unattached BMDs for Grindrod

Marriage 1894


GroomRef 291-1161
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Groom.

Unattached BMDs for Groom

Marriages 1890, 1907, 1916


GrummettRef 291-1162
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Grummett.

GrundyRef 291-1163
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Grundy.

Unattached BMDs for Grundy

Death 1899


GudgeonRef 291-1164
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gudgeon.

GuestRef 291-525
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Guest.

Unattached BMDs for Guest

Marriage 1903


GuthrieRef 291-1165
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Guthrie.

GybsonRef 291-1166
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Gybson.


HaberghamRef 291-H9990

HackRef 291-1168
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hack.

HackettRef 291-1169
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hackett.

HackingRef 291-1170
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hacking.

HadleyRef 291-1171
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hadley.

HadwenRef 291-148

HaggasRef 291-1172
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Haggas.

HaggertyRef 291-1173
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Haggerty.

HaggisRef 291-1174
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Haggis.

HagueRef 291-1175
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hague.

HaighRef 291-H2059

HaileyRef 291-1176
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hailey.

HailstoneRef 291-1177
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hailstone.

HainsworthRef 291-218

HakingRef 291-1178
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Haking.

HaldesworthRef 291-1179
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Haldesworth.

HaldeworthRef 291-555
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Haldeworth.

HaleyRef 291-H2185

HalifaxRef 291-H2125
The surname originates in the district.

George Redmonds writes that Henry de Halifax is recorded at Sowerby in 1274

Thomas Waterhouse dropped the name Waterhouse and was known as Thomas Hallifax

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Halifax.

HallRef 291-H2180

HallasRef 291-570
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hallas.

HallawellRef 291-1180
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hallawell.

Unattached BMDs for Hallawell

Marriage 1914


HallerRef 291-1181
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Haller.

HallettRef 291-1182
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hallett.

HallewellRef 291-H2184
A variant of the surname Helliwell

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hallewell.

Unattached BMDs for Hallewell

Death 1835


HallidayRef 291-H228

HalliwellRef 291-H2183
A variant of the surname Helliwell

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Halliwell.

Unattached BMDs for Halliwell

Death 1872


HallosRef 291-1183
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hallos.

Unattached BMDs for Hallos

Marriage 1899


HallowellRef 291-H2182
A variant of the surname Helliwell

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hallowell.

Unattached BMDs for Hallowell

Marriage 1899


HallsworthRef 291-H2181
A variant of the surname Holdsworth

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hallsworth.

HalmshawRef 291-1184
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Halmshaw.

HalsteadRef 291-H2179

HalsworthRef 291-H2178
A variant of the surname Holdsworth

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Halsworth.

HamerRef 291-23

HamertonRef 291-241
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hamerton.

Unattached BMDs for Hamerton

Marriage 1825


HamiltonRef 291-520
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hamilton.

HammRef 291-1185
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hamm.

HammertonRef 291-565
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hammerton.

HammondRef 291-425
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hammond.

Unattached BMDs for Hammond

Marriage 1907


HamnettRef 291-1186
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hamnett.

HampsonRef 291-1187
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hampson.

HandRef 291-1188
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hand.

HandleyRef 291-1189
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Handley.

HanleyRef 291-1190
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hanley.

Unattached BMDs for Hanley

Marriage 1891


HannamRef 291-1191
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hannam.

HansonRef 291-H2177

HarcourtRef 291-1192
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Harcourt.

HardacreRef 291-450
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hardacre.

HardakerRef 291-393
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hardaker.

HardcastleRef 291-H2066
The surname may originate in Hardcastle Crags, meaning either impregnable stronghold or herdsman's home

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hardcastle.

Unattached BMDs for Hardcastle

Marriage 1907


HardgraveRef 291-H2175
A variant of the surname Hargreaves

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hardgrave.

HardgravesRef 291-H2176
A variant of the surname Hargreaves

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hardgraves.

HardieRef 291-1193
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hardie.

HardingRef 291-440
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Harding.

Unattached BMDs for Harding

Marriage 1899


HardistyRef 291-1194
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hardisty.

HardmanRef 291-H2174

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hardman.

HardwickRef 291-1195
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hardwick.

Unattached BMDs for Hardwick

Marriage 1898


HardyRef 291-H2173

HareRef 291-1196
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hare.

HarewoodRef 291-1197
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Harewood.

HargerRef 291-1198
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Harger.

HargraveRef 291-H2171
A variant of the surname Hargreaves

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hargrave.

HargravesRef 291-H2172
A variant of the surname Hargreaves

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hargraves.

Unattached BMDs for Hargraves

Death 1834


HargreaveRef 291-H2169
A variant of the surname Hargreaves

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hargreave.

HargreavesRef 291-H2170

HarkerRef 291-1199
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Harker.

Unattached BMDs for Harker

Marriage 1896


HarknessRef 291-1200
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Harkness.

HarleyRef 291-1201
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Harley.

HarmanRef 291-1202
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Harman.

HarperRef 291-H2168

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Harper.

Unattached BMDs for Harper

Marriages 1874, 1912, 1944


HarringtonRef 291-1203
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Harrington.

HarrisRef 291-173

HarrisonRef 291-H2167

HarropRef 291-1204
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Harrop.

Unattached BMDs for Harrop

Marriage 1907


HartRef 291-627
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hart.

HartleyRef 291-H2057

HartnettRef 291-1205
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hartnett.

HarveyRef 291-377
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Harvey.

HarwoodRef 291-62

HaslamRef 291-1206
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Haslam.

HaslemRef 291-1207
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Haslem.

HatchRef 291-1208
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hatch.

HattonRef 291-352
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hatton.

Unattached BMDs for Hatton

Marriage 1900


HauworthRef 291-1209
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hauworth.

HawkinsRef 291-1210
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hawkins.

Unattached BMDs for Hawkins

Marriages 1896, 1904


HawkyardRef 291-279
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hawkyard.

HaworthRef 291-H2166

HaxbyRef 291-1211
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Haxby.

HayRef 291-300
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hay.

Unattached BMDs for Hay

Marriage 1835


HaydenRef 291-1212
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hayden.

HayesRef 291-505
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hayes.

Unattached BMDs for Hayes

Marriages 1891, 1906


HayleyRef 291-1213
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hayley.

HayneRef 291-1214
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hayne.

HaywoodRef 291-1215
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Haywood.

Unattached BMDs for Haywood

Marriage 1902


HayworthRef 291-H2165
A variant of the surname Haworth

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hayworth.

HazeltineRef 291-1216
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hazeltine.

HazleriggRef 291-1217
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hazlerigg.

HeadRef 291-1218
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Head.

Unattached BMDs for Head

Marriage 1809


HealRef 291-1219
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Heal.

HealdRef 291-1220
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Heald.

HealeyRef 291-396
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Healey.

Unattached BMDs for Healey

Marriage 1907


HeapRef 291-H2164

HeapsRef 291-1221
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Heaps.

HeathRef 291-1222
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Heath.

Unattached BMDs for Heath

Marriage 1877


HeatonRef 291-63

HebbleRef 291-H2162
A variant of the surname Hebblethwaite.

George Redmonds writes that John Hebell is recorded in Halifax in 1514.

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hebble.

HebblethwaiteRef 291-H2069

HebblewhiteRef 291-H2163
A variant of the surname Hebblethwaite

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hebblewhite.

HebdenRef 291-H2116

HebdinRef 291-H2732
A variant of the surname Hebden

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hebdin.

HebdonRef 291-H2082
A variant of the surname Hebden

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hebdon.

HedleyRef 291-1223
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hedley.

HeginbottomRef 291-405
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Heginbottom.

HellawellRef 291-H2161
A variant of the surname Helliwell

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hellawell.

Unattached BMDs for Hellawell

Marriage 1907


HellewellRef 291-H2160
A variant of the surname Helliwell

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hellewell.

Unattached BMDs for Hellewell

Deaths 1805, 1899, 1900, 1907


HelliwellRef 291-H2076

HellowellRef 291-H2159

HelmRef 291-406
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Helm.

Unattached BMDs for Helm

Marriage 1809


HelmeRef 291-1224
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Helme.

HemblysRef 291-1225
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hemblys.

HemingwayRef 291-H2075

HempenstallRef 291-H2122
A variant of the surname Heptonstall

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hempenstall.

HemsleyRef 291-1226
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hemsley.

HemstockRef 291-1227
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hemstock.

HenchcliffRef 291-H2094
A variant of the surname Hinchliffe

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Henchcliff.

HendersonRef 291-H972

HenleyRef 291-1228
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Henley.

HenryRef 291-1229
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Henry.

HensbyRef 291-1230
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hensby.

HensonRef 291-1231
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Henson.

Unattached BMDs for Henson

Marriage 1810


HepdenRef 291-H2081
A variant of the surname Hebden

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hepden.

HeppenstallRef 291-H2158
A variant of the surname Heptonstall

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Heppenstall.

HeppinstallRef 291-H2121
A variant of the surname Heptonstall

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Heppinstall.

HepplewhiteRef 291-H2067
A variant of the surname Hebblethwaite

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hepplewhite.

HeptinstallRef 291-H2120
A variant of the surname Heptonstall

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Heptinstall.

HeptonRef 291-H2080
A variant of the surname Hebden

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hepton.

HeptonstallRef 291-H2124
Other forms of the surname include Hempenstall, Heppenstall, Heppinstall and Heptinstall.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

John de Heptonstall is recorded in 1296.

Obviously, the name comes from Heptonstall

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Heptonstall.

HepworthRef 291-24

HeronRef 291-582
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Heron.

Unattached BMDs for Heron

Marriage 1886


HerringRef 291-1232
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Herring.

HerveyRef 291-1233
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hervey.

HeseltineRef 291-H2157

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Heseltine.

HeskethRef 291-1234
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hesketh.

HeslopRef 291-1235
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Heslop.

HesseldenRef 291-H2156

HetonRef 291-1236
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Heton.

HewittRef 291-548
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hewitt.

HewsonRef 291-1237
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hewson.

HeyRef 291-H2058

HeyhirstRef 291-65
Another form of the surname is Heyhurst

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

HeyhurstRef 291-1238
A variant of the surname Heyhirst.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Heyhurst.

HeysRef 291-1239
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Heys.

HeywoodRef 291-287
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Heywood.

Unattached BMDs for Heywood

Marriages 1900, 1906, 1907


HeyworthRef 291-207

HibbertRef 291-1240
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hibbert.

HicksRef 291-1241
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hicks.

HigginsRef 291-H2155

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Higgins.

HigginsonRef 291-1242
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Higginson.

HighamRef 291-613
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Higham.

HighleyRef 291-H2074

HigsonRef 291-1243
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Higson.

Hiley}Ref 291-H2154
A variant of the surname Highley

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hiley.

Unattached BMDs for Hiley

Marriages 1895, 1899; Death 1907


HillRef 291-25

HillmanRef 291-1244
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hillman.

HiltonRef 291-442
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hilton.

Unattached BMDs for Hilton

Marriages 1893, 1910


HinchcliffeRef 291-H2093

HinchliffRef 291-H2092
A variant of the surname Hinchliffe

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hinchliff.

HinchliffeRef 291-H2060

HinchsliffRef 291-H2091
A variant of the surname Hinchliffe

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hinchsliff.

HincklieffRef 291-1245
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hincklieff.

HindRef 291-310
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hind.

Unattached BMDs for Hind

Marriage 1898


HindleRef 291-1246
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hindle.

HinesRef 291-1247
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hines.

Unattached BMDs for Hines

Marriage 1919


HipponRef 291-H2153

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hippon.

HippronRef 291-H2152

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hippron.

HirdRef 291-1248
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hird.

Unattached BMDs for Hird

Marriage 1912


HirstRef 291-H2151

HirstwoodRef 291-1249
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hirstwood.

HiscoeRef 291-1250
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hiscoe.

HitchenRef 291-H2150

HitchensRef 291-80
A variant of the surname Hitchen

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

HitchinRef 291-242

HitchingsRef 291-81
A variant of the surname Hitchen

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

Hitchins,Ref 291-82
A variant of the surname Hitchen

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

Hitchon,Ref 291-79
A variant of the surname Hitchen

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

HoareRef 291-1251
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hoare.

Unattached BMDs for Hoare

Marriage 1906


HoatsonRef 291-315
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hoatson.

HobbsRef 291-1252
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hobbs.

Unattached BMDs for Hobbs

Marriage 1907


HobsonRef 291-H973
A patronymic surname meaning son of Hob, like Rob and Dob, a familiar form of Robert

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hobson.

Unattached BMDs for Hobson

Marriage 1889


HodgkinsonRef 291-1253
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hodgkinson.

HodgsonRef 291-H2149

HoeyRef 291-1254
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hoey.

Unattached BMDs for Hoey

Marriage 1900


HoganRef 291-1255
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hogan.

HogarthRef 291-1256
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hogarth.

HoggRef 291-1257
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hogg.

HoggartRef 291-1258
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hoggart.

HoggeRef 291-1259
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hogge.

HoileRef 291-H2099
An old form of the surname Hoyle

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hoile.

HolcroftRef 291-1260
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Holcroft.

HoldenRef 291-H2148

HolderRef 291-H2147
A local form of the surname Holdsworth

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Holder.

Unattached BMDs for Holder

Marriage 1923


HoldingRef 291-H2146

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Holding.

HoldroydRef 291-H2061
A variant of the surname Holroyd

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Holdroyd.

Unattached BMDs for Holdroyd

Marriage 1725


HoldsworthRef 291-H2077

HoleRef 291-H2098
An old form of the surname Hoyle

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hole.

HolgateRef 291-H2073

HollandRef 291-26

HollasRef 291-27

HollidayRef 291-1261
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Holliday.

HollindrakRef 291-H2119
A variant of the surname Hollingrake

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hollindrak.

HollindrakeRef 291-H2145
A variant of the surname Hollingrake

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hollindrake.

HollingdrakeRef 291-H2144
A variant of the surname Hollingrake

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hollingdrake.

Unattached BMDs for Hollingdrake

Marriages 1889, 1911


HollingrakeRef 291-H2072
Other forms of the surname include Hollindrak, Hollindrake, Hollingdrake and Hollinrake.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

Adam del Holirakes is recorded in 1275.

Uses the elements holling and rake and means a valley with holly

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hollingrake.

Unattached BMDs for Hollingrake

Marriage 1857


HollingsworthRef 291-1262
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hollingsworth.

Unattached BMDs for Hollingsworth

Marriage 1914


HollingworthRef 291-H2143

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hollingworth.

HollinrakeRef 291-H2142

HollisRef 291-1263
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hollis.

HollosRef 291-3
A variant of the surname Hollas. There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hollos.

HollowellRef 291-H2141
A variant of the surname Helliwell

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hollowell.

HollowsRef 291-478

HolmeRef 291-1264
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Holme.

HolmesRef 291-H2140

HolroydRef 291-H2071

HolroydeRef 291-H4075

HolsteadRef 291-1265
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Holstead.

HoltRef 291-H2139

HomerRef 291-1266
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Homer.

HomfrayRef 291-1267
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Homfray.

HooleRef 291-1268
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hoole.

HoosonRef 291-1269
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hooson.

Unattached BMDs for Hooson

Marriages 1835, 1874, 1878, 1901; Death 1907


HopeRef 291-519
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hope.

Unattached BMDs for Hope

Marriages 1834, 1920


HopkinsRef 291-584
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hopkins.

Unattached BMDs for Hopkins

Marriage 1905


HopkinsonRef 291-H2138

HoppeyRef 291-H2137

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hoppey.

HopwoodRef 291-473
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hopwood.

Unattached BMDs for Hopwood

Marriage 1810


HornRef 291-1270
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Horn.

Unattached BMDs for Horn

Marriages 1865, 1885


HornbyRef 291-1271
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hornby.

HorneRef 291-1272
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Horne.

Unattached BMDs for Horne

Death 1900


HornerRef 291-28

HornsbyRef 291-1273
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hornsby.

HornseyRef 291-1274
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hornsey.

Horrocks-TaylorRef 291-H112
The surname is a branch of the Taylor family descended from Moses Horrocks Taylor.

A member of the Horrocks family living in Rochdale had a large number of daughters but no sons. In order that the surname should survive he insisted that the girls should retain the name Horrocks after their marriage.

The hyphenated form emerged in the 1950s-1960s

Entries for people with the surname Horrocks Taylor.

This & associated entries use material contributed by Louise Jennings

HorsefallRef 291-H2136
A variant of the surname Horsfall

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Horsefall.

Unattached BMDs for Horsefall

Marriage 1805


HorsefieldRef 291-H2135
A variant of the surname Horsfall

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Horsefield.

HorsfallRef 291-H2070

HorsfieldRef 291-H2065

HorsfordRef 291-H2134

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Horsford.

HorsleyRef 291-H2133

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Horsley.

HorsmanRef 291-1275
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Horsman.

Unattached BMDs for Horsman

Death 1900


HortonRef 291-H2132

HoughRef 291-1276
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hough.

Unattached BMDs for Hough

Marriage 1888


HoughtonRef 291-1277
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Houghton.

Unattached BMDs for Houghton

Marriages 1907, 1921


HouldenRef 291-H2131

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Houlden.

Unattached BMDs for Houlden

Marriage 1879


HouldsworthRef 291-H2130
A variant of the surname Holdsworth

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Houldsworth.

Unattached BMDs for Houldsworth

Marriages 1861, 1908


HoultRef 291-H2129
A variant of the surname Holt

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hoult.

HousemanRef 291-629
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Houseman.

HovendenRef 291-H2128

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hovenden.

HoveyRef 291-1278
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hovey.

HowardRef 291-510
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Howard.

Unattached BMDs for Howard

Marriage 1899


HowarthRef 291-H2127

HoweRef 291-628

HowellRef 291-321
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Howell.

HowgateRef 291-H2062
A variant of the surname Holgate

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Howgate.

HowlgateRef 291-H2123
A variant of the surname Holgate

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Howlgate.

HowlroydRef 291-H2063
A variant of the surname Holroyd

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Howlroyd.

HoworthRef 291-H4060

HowroydRef 291-H2064
A variant of the surname Holroyd.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

See Howroyd Farm, Dulesgate, Howroyd Hall, Barkisland and Howroyd

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Howroyd.

HoyelRef 291-H2097
An old form of the surname Hoyle

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hoyel.

HoylandRef 291-1279
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hoyland.

Unattached BMDs for Hoyland

Marriage 1808


HoyleRef 291-H2068

HoylesRef 291-H2095
A variant of the surname Hoyle

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hoyles.

HoylleRef 291-H2096
An old form of the surname Hoyle

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hoylle.

HubbardRef 291-1280
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hubbard.

Unattached BMDs for Hubbard

Marriage 1907


HudsonRef 291-H2126

HughesRef 291-160

HuishRef 291-1281
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Huish.

HulmeRef 291-338
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hulme.

HumphreysRef 291-1282
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Humphreys.

HunsworthRef 291-412
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hunsworth.

HuntRef 291-343
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hunt.

Unattached BMDs for Hunt

Marriage 1896


HunterRef 291-1283
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hunter.

Unattached BMDs for Hunter

Marriage 1907


HuntrissRef 291-293
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Huntriss.

HÜPplerRef 291-1167
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname HÜPpler.

HurstRef 291-1284
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hurst.

HutchinsRef 291-1285
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hutchins.

HutchinsonRef 291-64

HuttonRef 291-289

HydeRef 291-1286
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hyde.

Unattached BMDs for Hyde

Marriage 1911


HyslopRef 291-1287
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Hyslop.


I'AnsonRef 291-1288
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname I'Anson.

IbbersonRef 291-497
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ibberson.

IbbetsonRef 291-624
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ibbetson.

IbbotsonRef 291-413
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ibbotson.

Unattached BMDs for Ibbotson

Marriage 1920; Death 1907


IllingsworthRef 291-I156
A variant of the surname Illingworth

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Illingsworth.

IllingworthRef 291-I3333

InchcliffeRef 291-I126
A variant of the surname Hinchliffe

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Inchcliffe.

InchliffeRef 291-I98
A variant of the surname Hinchliffe

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Inchliffe.

InghamRef 291-I148

IngleRef 291-1289
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ingle.

InglisRef 291-1290
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Inglis.

IngramRef 291-531
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ingram.

InmanRef 291-I143

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Inman.

Unattached BMDs for Inman

Marriage 1805


IredaleRef 291-174

IrelandRef 291-I141

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ireland.

IrvinRef 291-1291
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Irvin.

Unattached BMDs for Irvin

Marriage 1897


IrvineRef 291-1292
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Irvine.

IrvingRef 291-498
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Irving.

Unattached BMDs for Irving

Marriages 1852, 1900, 1907


IslesRef 291-403
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Isles.

IsmayRef 291-1293
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ismay.

IvesRef 291-1294
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ives.

IvesonRef 291-1295
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Iveson.


JackmanRef 291-J163
Another form of the surname is Jakeman

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Jackman.

Unattached BMDs for Jackman

Marriages 1907, 1913


JacksonRef 291-J149

JacobRef 291-1296
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Jacob.

JacobsRef 291-1297
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Jacobs.

JaggerRef 291-J110

JakemanRef 291-J83
A variant of the surname Jackman

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Jakeman.

JamesRef 291-379
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname James.

JamiesonRef 291-1298
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Jamieson.

JardineRef 291-1299
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Jardine.

JarryRef 291-1300
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Jarry.

JarvisRef 291-1301
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Jarvis.

Unattached BMDs for Jarvis

Marriage 1913


JastrzębskiRef 291-1302
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Jastrzębski.

JebsonRef 291-1303
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Jebson.

JefferyRef 291-1304
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Jeffery.

JeffreyRef 291-1305
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Jeffrey.

JeffreysRef 291-626
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Jeffreys.

JenkinsRef 291-1306
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Jenkins.

Unattached BMDs for Jenkins

Marriages 1907, 1926


JenkinsonRef 291-416

JenningsRef 291-29

JepsonRef 291-J76
A patronymic surname meaning son of Jep or Geb, a form of Geoffrey.

George Redmonds writes that John Jepson is recorded at Rishworth in 1402, Adam Jepson is recorded at Rishworth in 1430, Richard Gepson is recorded at Rastrick in 1492, John Jepson is recorded at Southowram in 1492 and Thomas Jepson is recorded in Halifax in 1672.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Jepson.

Unattached BMDs for Jepson

Marriage 1871


JessopRef 291-243
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Jessop.

Unattached BMDs for Jessop

Marriages 1899, 1907; Deaths 1835, 1900, 1907


JevonsRef 291-1307
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Jevons.

JewsonRef 291-1308
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Jewson.

JobRef 291-1309
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Job.

JohnRef 291-1310
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname John.

Unattached BMDs for John

Marriage 1907


JohnsonRef 291-119

JohnstonRef 291-469
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Johnston.

JohnstoneRef 291-1311
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Johnstone.

JonesRef 291-30

JordanRef 291-1312
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Jordan.

JordonRef 291-1313
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Jordon.

JowettRef 291-31

JoyRef 291-1314
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Joy.

Unattached BMDs for Joy

Marriage 1907


JubbRef 291-623
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Jubb.

Unattached BMDs for Jubb

Marriages 1810, 1862


JudsonRef 291-449

JusticeRef 291-1315
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Justice.


Kay}Ref 291-K591
The surname is probably derived from roots meaning left-handed, clumsy, or (Old Norse a jackdaw

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kay.

Unattached BMDs for Kay

Marriage 1872


KayeRef 291-66

KearneyRef 291-1316
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kearney.

KeatingRef 291-1317
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Keating.

KeeganRef 291-1318
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Keegan.

KeighleyRef 291-389
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Keighley.

Unattached BMDs for Keighley

Marriages 1889, 1900


KeithRef 291-1319
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Keith.

Unattached BMDs for Keith

Marriage 1855


KellettRef 291-441
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kellett.

KellyRef 291-187
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kelly.

Unattached BMDs for Kelly

Marriage 1913; Death 1811


KelseyRef 291-1320
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kelsey.

KempRef 291-1321
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kemp.

KendallRef 291-K94

KennedyRef 291-585
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kennedy.

Unattached BMDs for Kennedy

Marriage 1872


KennyRef 291-524
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kenny.

KentRef 291-K89

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kent.

KenworthyRef 291-381
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kenworthy.

Unattached BMDs for Kenworthy

Marriages 1871, 1872; Death 1855


KenyonRef 291-559
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kenyon.

KerrRef 291-K590
The surname comes from the Gaelic word cèarr meaning left-handed.

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kerr.

Unattached BMDs for Kerr

Marriage 1931


KerrodRef 291-474
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kerrod.

KershawRef 291-K7777

KettleRef 291-1322
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kettle.

Unattached BMDs for Kettle

Marriage 1875


KettleyRef 291-1323
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kettley.

KiddRef 291-1324
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kidd.

Unattached BMDs for Kidd

Marriage 1898


KiddleRef 291-1325
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kiddle.

KilkennyRef 291-1326
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kilkenny.

KingRef 291-K81

KingeRef 291-1327
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kinge.

KingsburyRef 291-1328
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kingsbury.

KingsfordRef 291-1329
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kingsford.

KinseyRef 291-1330
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kinsey.

KippaxRef 291-1331
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kippax.

KirbyRef 291-499
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kirby.

Unattached BMDs for Kirby

Marriage 1899; Deaths 1899, 1907


KirkRef 291-575
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kirk.

Unattached BMDs for Kirk

Marriage 1861; Death 1900


KirkbrideRef 291-1332
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kirkbride.

KirkbrightRef 291-1333
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kirkbright.

KitchenRef 291-67

KitchenmanRef 291-1334
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kitchenman.

KitchingmanRef 291-1335
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kitchingman.

KitleyRef 291-1336
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kitley.

KitsonRef 291-K98

KnaptonRef 291-1337
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Knapton.

Unattached BMDs for Knapton

Marriages 1907, 1922


KnightRef 291-149

KnottRef 291-1338
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Knott.

KnowlesRef 291-68

KnoxRef 291-1339
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Knox.

KyteRef 291-1340
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Kyte.


LaceyRef 291-L984
Another form of the surname is Lacey.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lacey.

See Lacy family of Cromwellbottom and Lacy family of Todmorden

LacyRef 291-L953

LakeRef 291-1341
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lake.

LakeyRef 291-1342
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lakey.

LambRef 291-431
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lamb.

LambertRef 291-244
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lambert.

Unattached BMDs for Lambert

Marriages 1913, 1941; Death 1883


LancasterRef 291-265
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lancaster.

Unattached BMDs for Lancaster

Marriage 1810


LandRef 291-1343
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Land.

LandaleRef 291-1344
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Landale.

LaneRef 291-1345
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lane.

Unattached BMDs for Lane

Death 1865


LangdaleRef 291-579
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Langdale.

LangfieldRef 291-L952

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Langfield.

LangfordRef 291-1346
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Langford.

LanghornRef 291-1347
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Langhorn.

LangleyRef 291-280
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Langley.

Unattached BMDs for Langley

Marriage 1904


LarkinRef 291-1348
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Larkin.

LasseyRef 291-588

LathamRef 291-1349
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Latham.

LawRef 291-L788

LawerRef 291-1350
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lawer.

Unattached BMDs for Lawer

Marriages 1920, 1921


LawlorRef 291-1351
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lawlor.

LawrenceRef 291-266
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lawrence.

Unattached BMDs for Lawrence

Marriage 1928


LawsonRef 291-L950

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lawson.

Unattached BMDs for Lawson

Marriages 1805, 1810, 1858, 1894, 1911


See Patronymic Surnames

LawtonRef 291-245
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lawton.

Unattached BMDs for Lawton

Marriage 1900


LaxtonRef 291-1352
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Laxton.

LaycockRef 291-L948

LayfieldRef 291-1353
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Layfield.

Unattached BMDs for Layfield

Death 1899


LaytonRef 291-1354
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Layton.

LazenbyRef 291-1355
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lazenby.

LeaRef 291-1356
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lea.

LeachRef 291-L945

LeacockRef 291-L943
Other forms of the surname include Leacock and Lowcock

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Leacock.

LeahRef 291-L941

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Leah.

LearoydRef 291-L814
The surname is recorded in 1324. The name is probably derived from ley and royd

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Learoyd.

LearyRef 291-1357
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Leary.

LeatherRef 291-1358
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Leather.

Unattached BMDs for Leather

Death 1907


LeaverRef 291-1359
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Leaver.

LedgardRef 291-305
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ledgard.

LeeRef 291-L934

LeechRef 291-L939
A variant of the surname Leach

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Leech.

LeekRef 291-1360
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Leek.

LeemingRef 291-357
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Leeming.

Unattached BMDs for Leeming

Marriages 1854, 1861


LeesRef 291-132

LeggettRef 291-1361
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Leggett.

LeighRef 291-311
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Leigh.

LeightonRef 291-1362
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Leighton.

LemmRef 291-1363
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lemm.

LeonardRef 291-1364
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Leonard.

LeppingtonRef 291-1365
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Leppington.

LettenRef 291-1366
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Letten.

LeverRef 291-1367
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lever.

LewinRef 291-296
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lewin.

LewisRef 291-133

LewthwaiteRef 291-1368
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lewthwaite.

Unattached BMDs for Lewthwaite

Marriage 1923


LeylandRef 291-459
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Leyland.

LiddleRef 291-1369
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Liddle.

LightfootRef 291-1370
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lightfoot.

LightingRef 291-1371
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lighting.

LightollerRef 291-L1363
A variant of the surname Lightowler

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lightoller.

LightollersRef 291-L1364
A variant of the surname Lightowler

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lightollers.

LightoulersRef 291-L821
A variant of the surname Lightowler

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lightoulers.

LightowlerRef 291-L784

LightowlersRef 291-L931
A variant of the surname Lightowler

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lightowlers.

LightowllerRef 291-L1365
A variant of the surname Lightowler

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lightowller.

LightridgeRef 291-L915

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lightridge.

LileyRef 291-1372
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Liley.

LilleyRef 291-1373
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lilley.

LimbRef 291-1374
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Limb.

LindleyRef 291-1375
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lindley.

Unattached BMDs for Lindley

Death 1807


LindsayRef 291-1376
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lindsay.

LinfootRef 291-1377
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Linfoot.

LingardRef 291-326
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lingard.

Unattached BMDs for Lingard

Marriage 1888


LinseyRef 291-1378
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Linsey.

LintonRef 291-1379
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Linton.

Unattached BMDs for Linton

Death 1907


LipscombRef 291-1380
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lipscomb.

ListerRef 291-L778

LittleRef 291-427
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Little.

LittlefieldRef 291-1381
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Littlefield.

LittlewoodRef 291-1382
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Littlewood.

Unattached BMDs for Littlewood

Death 1907


LivermoreRef 291-1383
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Livermore.

LiversedgeRef 291-1384
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Liversedge.

LivesayRef 291-1385
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Livesay.

LiveseyRef 291-1386
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Livesey.

LivingstoneRef 291-1387
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Livingstone.

LizoursRef 291-1388
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lizours.

LloydRef 291-501
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lloyd.

LochheadRef 291-1389
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lochhead.

Unattached BMDs for Lochhead

Marriage 1810


LockwoodRef 291-L912

Lodge}Ref 291-571
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lodge.

Unattached BMDs for Lodge

Marriages 1892, 1917; Death 1907


LofthouseRef 291-1390
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lofthouse.

LoganRef 291-1391
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Logan.

Lomas}Ref 291-422

LomaxRef 291-1392
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lomax.

LongRef 291-1393
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Long.

Unattached BMDs for Long

Marriage 1906


LongbothamRef 291-L897
A variant of the surname Longbottom

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Longbotham.

Unattached BMDs for Longbotham

Marriage 1810


LongbottomRef 291-L789

LongstaffRef 291-1394
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Longstaff.

LongthorpeRef 291-1395
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Longthorpe.

LonsdaleRef 291-1396
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lonsdale.

LordRef 291-32

LovellRef 291-1397
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lovell.

LowcockRef 291-L893
A variant of the surname Laycock

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lowcock.

LoweRef 291-529
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lowe.

Unattached BMDs for Lowe

Marriage 1937


LucaRef 291-408
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Luca.

LucasRef 291-388
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lucas.

Unattached BMDs for Lucas

Marriage 1861


LucyRef 291-L890

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lucy.

LudgateRef 291-1398
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ludgate.

LukeRef 291-1399
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Luke.

LumRef 291-246
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lum.

Unattached BMDs for Lum

Marriage 1910


LumbRef 291-L1080

LumbyRef 291-1400
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lumby.

LundRef 291-1401
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lund.

LundyRef 291-1402
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lundy.

LunnRef 291-1403
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lunn.

LuptonRef 291-612
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lupton.

Unattached BMDs for Lupton

Marriage 1916


LutyRef 291-345
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Luty.

LynchRef 291-1404
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lynch.

Unattached BMDs for Lynch

Marriage 1914


LyonRef 291-1405
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lyon.

LyonsRef 291-1406
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Lyons.

Unattached BMDs for Lyons

Marriage 1914



MacaulayRef 291-507
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Macaulay.

MacdonaldRef 291-1407
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Macdonald.

Unattached BMDs for Macdonald

Marriage 1920


MacgregorRef 291-1408
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Macgregor.

MachenRef 291-1409
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Machen.

MacilwaineRef 291-1410
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Macilwaine.

MackRef 291-1411
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mack.

MackayRef 291-1412
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mackay.

MackenzieRef 291-1413
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mackenzie.

Unattached BMDs for Mackenzie

Marriage 1941


MackieRef 291-1414
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mackie.

Unattached BMDs for Mackie

Marriage 1903


MackintoshRef 291-552
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mackintosh.

MackleyRef 291-1415
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mackley.

MackrellRef 291-630
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mackrell.

Unattached BMDs for Mackrell

Marriages 1878, 1886; Death 1907


MackrillRef 291-1416
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mackrill.

MacleanRef 291-1417
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Maclean.

MaddenRef 291-1418
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Madden.

Unattached BMDs for Madden

Death 1899


MaddocksRef 291-1419
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Maddocks.

MadeleyRef 291-1420
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Madeley.

MadenRef 291-1421
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Maden.

MageeRef 291-1422
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Magee.

MageenRef 291-1423
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mageen.

MagsonRef 291-M1716

MaherRef 291-1424
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Maher.

MahonRef 291-1425
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mahon.

MaineRef 291-1426
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Maine.

MakinRef 291-1427
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Makin.

Unattached BMDs for Makin

Marriage 1835


MalkinRef 291-1428
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Malkin.

MallalieuRef 291-247
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mallalieu.

MallinsonRef 291-M722

MallisonRef 291-1429
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mallison.

MallyonRef 291-1430
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mallyon.

MangerRef 291-1431
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Manger.

MangnallRef 291-M719
A variant of the surname Mangold

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mangnall.

MangnellRef 291-M779
A variant of the surname Mangold which is found in East Lancashire.

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mangnell.

MangoldRef 291-M736
Other forms of the surname include Mangnall, Mangnell, Mankland, Manknall, Manknell and Manks.

A topographical surname derived from Mankinholes

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mangold.

ManklandRef 291-M959
A variant of the surname Mangold

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mankland.

ManknallRef 291-M733
A variant of the surname Mangold

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Manknall.

ManknellRef 291-M1825
A variant of the surname Mangold which is found in East Lancashire.

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Manknell.

ManksRef 291-M958

ManleyRef 291-1432
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Manley.

ManlyRef 291-1433
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Manly.

MannRef 291-78

ManningRef 291-1434
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Manning.

MansleyRef 291-1435
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mansley.

Unattached BMDs for Mansley

Marriages 1858, 1861, 1896; Death 1899


MantleRef 291-1436
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mantle.

MarchRef 291-1437
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname March.

MarchantRef 291-161

MarchettiRef 291-1438
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Marchetti.

MargerisonRef 291-1439
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Margerison.

Unattached BMDs for Margerison

Marriage 1907


MarkhamRef 291-1440
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Markham.

MarksRef 291-1441
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Marks.

MarlandRef 291-302
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Marland.

MarsdenRef 291-M957

MarshRef 291-69

MarshallRef 291-M956

MarslandRef 291-1442
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Marsland, as discussed in the Marsland Sidetrack.

Unattached BMDs for Marsland

Marriages 1840, 1861, 1865


MarstonRef 291-M955
A variant of the surname Marsden

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Marston.

MartinRef 291-70

MaslenRef 291-1443
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Maslen.

MasonRef 291-208

MassamRef 291-1444
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Massam.

MasserRef 291-1445
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Masser.

Unattached BMDs for Masser

Death 1907


MatherRef 291-1446
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mather.

Unattached BMDs for Mather

Marriage 1807


MatthewsRef 291-342
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Matthews.

Unattached BMDs for Matthews

Death 1907


MatthiasRef 291-1447
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Matthias.

MattockRef 291-1448
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mattock.

MaudRef 291-M953
A variant of the surname Maude

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Maud.

MaudeRef 291-M954

MaudsleyRef 291-1449
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Maudsley.

MauriceRef 291-1450
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Maurice.

MawdRef 291-1451
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mawd.

Unattached BMDs for Mawd

Death 1551


MawdeRef 291-M780
A variant of the surname Maude

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mawde.

MawsonRef 291-1452
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mawson.

MayRef 291-1453
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname May.

MaysRef 291-1454
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mays.

McAllisterRef 291-1455
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mcallister.

McAndrewRef 291-1456
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mcandrew.

McArthurRef 291-1457
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mcarthur.

McCandlishRef 291-1475
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname McCandlish.

McCauleyRef 291-1458
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mccauley.

McClellandRef 291-1459
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mcclelland.

McConnochieRef 291-1460
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mcconnochie.

McCormickRef 291-1461
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mccormick.

Unattached BMDs for Mccormick

Marriage 1919


McCreaRef 291-460
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mccrea.

McCullochRef 291-1462
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mcculloch.

McDonaldRef 291-1463
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mcdonald.

Unattached BMDs for Mcdonald

Marriage 1873

Unattached burials at Lister Lane Cemetery: Plot 2371


McGovernRef 291-1464
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mcgovern.

McGrathRef 291-1465
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mcgrath.

McGuinnessRef 291-1466
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mcguinness.

McHughRef 291-1467
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mchugh.

McKayRef 291-356
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mckay.

McKelvinRef 291-1468
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mckelvin.

McKennaRef 291-1469
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mckenna.

Unattached BMDs for Mckenna

Marriage 1874; Death 1906


McLachlanRef 291-1470
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mclachlan.

Unattached BMDs for Mclachlan

Marriage 1894


McLeanRef 291-1471
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mclean.

McMasterRef 291-1472
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mcmaster.

McNeaRef 291-1473
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mcnea.

McWilliamsRef 291-1474
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mcwilliams.

MeadowcroftRef 291-466
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Meadowcroft.

Unattached BMDs for Meadowcroft

Marriage 1899


MedleyRef 291-M951
Another form of the surname is Methley

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Medley.

Unattached BMDs for Medley

Marriage 1933

Unattached burials at Lister Lane Cemetery: Plot 3550


MegsonRef 291-1476
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Megson.

Unattached BMDs for Megson

Marriage 1920


MeldrumRef 291-1477
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Meldrum.

MellinRef 291-471
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mellin.

Unattached BMDs for Mellin

Death 1805


MellingRef 291-1478
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Melling.

Unattached BMDs for Melling

Marriage 1906; Death 1805


MellorRef 291-33

MentonRef 291-1479
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Menton.

MercerRef 291-540
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mercer.

Unattached BMDs for Mercer

Death 1861


MeredithRef 291-1480
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Meredith.

Unattached BMDs for Meredith

Marriage 1925


MerifieldRef 291-1481
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Merifield.

MerrettRef 291-1482
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Merrett.

MerryRef 291-1483
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Merry.

MetcalfRef 291-1484
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Metcalf.

Unattached BMDs for Metcalf

Marriage 1907


MetcalfeRef 291-91

MethleyRef 291-M914
A variant of the surname Medley

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Methley.

MichellRef 291-1485
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Michell.

MicklethwaiteRef 291-1486
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Micklethwaite.

MiddletonRef 291-617
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Middleton.

Unattached BMDs for Middleton

Marriages 1592, 1835, 1940; Death 1907


MidgeleyRef 291-M912
A variant of the surname Midgley

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Midgeley.

MidgleyRef 291-M7000

MidwoodRef 291-1487
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Midwood.

MilesRef 291-593
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Miles.

MillarRef 291-1488
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Millar.

MillerRef 291-150

MillettRef 291-1489
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Millett.

MilliganRef 291-295
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Milligan.

MillingtonRef 291-1490
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Millington.

Unattached BMDs for Millington

Marriage 1920


MillsRef 291-209
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mills.

Unattached BMDs for Mills

Marriage 1809; Death 1899


MillsonRef 291-1491
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Millson.

MilneRef 291-351
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Milne.

MilnerRef 291-M908

MilnesRef 291-M906

MiltonRef 291-1492
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Milton.

MinettRef 291-1493
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Minett.

MinnettRef 291-1494
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Minnett.

Unattached BMDs for Minnett

Marriage 1912


MitchelRef 291-1495
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mitchel.

MitchellRef 291-M904

MittonRef 291-M903

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mitton.

Unattached BMDs for Mitton

Marriage 1877


MixendenRef 291-1496
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mixenden.

MolesworthRef 291-1497
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Molesworth.

MollettRef 291-1498
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mollett.

MoncrieffRef 291-1499
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Moncrieff.

MonumentRef 291-1500
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Monument.

MoodyRef 291-1501
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Moody.

Unattached BMDs for Moody

Marriages 1903, 1910, 1915


MoodycliffeRef 291-1502
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Moodycliffe.

MooneyRef 291-1503
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mooney.

Unattached BMDs for Mooney

Marriage 1919


MoorRef 291-1504
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Moor.

MooreRef 291-M896

MooresRef 291-1505
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Moores.

Unattached BMDs for Moores

Baptism 1877; Marriage 1943; Death 1907


MoorhouseRef 291-576
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Moorhouse.

Unattached BMDs for Moorhouse

Death 1899


MoranRef 291-382
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Moran.

Unattached BMDs for Moran

Marriages 1855, 1915


MorbyRef 291-1506
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Morby.

Unattached BMDs for Morby

Marriage 1913


MoreRef 291-1507
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname More.

MorganRef 291-503
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Morgan.

MorgetroydRef 291-M895
A variant of the surname Murgatroyd

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Morgetroyd.

MorleyRef 291-248
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Morley.

Unattached BMDs for Morley

Marriage 1892; Deaths 1900, 1907


MoroneyRef 291-1508
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Moroney.

MorrellRef 291-1509
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Morrell.

MorrisRef 291-134

MorrisonRef 291-550
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Morrison.

MortimerRef 291-115

MortonRef 291-34

MoseleyRef 291-1510
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Moseley.

MosesRef 291-606
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Moses.

MoseyRef 291-1511
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mosey.

MosleyRef 291-1512
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mosley.

Unattached BMDs for Mosley

Death 1906


MossRef 291-73

MossmanRef 291-1513
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mossman.

MostRef 291-1514
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Most.

MottramRef 291-1515
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mottram.

MoulsonRef 291-M889

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Moulson.

MowatRef 291-1516
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mowat.

MoxonRef 291-1517
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Moxon.

MuffRef 291-1518
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Muff.

Unattached BMDs for Muff

Marriage 1942


MuirRef 291-591
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Muir.

MulroyRef 291-1519
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mulroy.

MundayRef 291-1520
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Munday.

MundyRef 291-1521
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Mundy.

MurgatroydRef 291-M683

MurgitroydRef 291-M888
A variant of the surname Murgatroyd

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Murgitroyd.

MurieRef 291-1522
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Murie.

MurphyRef 291-558
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Murphy.

Unattached BMDs for Murphy

Marriages 1909, 1910


MurrayRef 291-1523
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Murray.

Unattached BMDs for Murray

Marriages 1895, 1912


MurrellRef 291-1524
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Murrell.

MurtyRef 291-1525
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Murty.

MusgraveRef 291-1526
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Musgrave.

MussonRef 291-1527
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Musson.

MyersRef 291-M872

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Myers.

Unattached BMDs for Myers

Marriage 1805



NalsonRef 291-1528
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Nalson.

NashRef 291-1529
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Nash.

Unattached BMDs for Nash

Marriages 1904, 1906


NaveyRef 291-1530
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Navey.

NaylorRef 291-N455

NeatbyRef 291-1531
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Neatby.

NeedhamRef 291-220
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Needham.

Unattached BMDs for Needham

Marriages 1907, 1931


NeilRef 291-1532
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Neil.

Unattached BMDs for Neil

Marriage 1918


NelsonRef 291-249

NesbittRef 291-1533
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Nesbitt.

NetherwoodRef 291-1534
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Netherwood.

Unattached BMDs for Netherwood

Death 1907


NettleshipRef 291-366
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Nettleship.

NettletonRef 291-210
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Nettleton.

Unattached BMDs for Nettleton

Death 1907


NewallRef 291-1535
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Newall.

NewbyRef 291-1536
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Newby.

Unattached BMDs for Newby

Death 1805


NewcombRef 291-1537
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Newcomb.

NewellRef 291-135

NewmanRef 291-1538
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Newman.

NewnesRef 291-1539
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Newnes.

NewportRef 291-1540
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Newport.

NewsomeRef 291-177
There are over 20 entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Newsome. This count does not include other forms of the surname.

Unattached BMDs for Newsome

Baptism 1835; Marriage 1900; Death 1907


NewsteadRef 291-1541
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Newstead.

NewtonRef 291-488
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Newton.

Unattached BMDs for Newton

Marriages 1884, 1914; Death 1907


NicholRef 291-359
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Nichol.

Unattached BMDs for Nichol

Marriage 1892


NicholasRef 291-1542
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Nicholas.

NichollRef 291-N453

NichollsRef 291-N454
A variant of the surname Nicholl

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Nicholls.

Unattached BMDs for Nicholls

Death 1810


NicholsRef 291-N444
A variant of the surname Nicholl

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Nichols.

NicholsonRef 291-35

NightingaleRef 291-1543
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Nightingale.

NixonRef 291-1544
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Nixon.

Unattached BMDs for Nixon

Marriage 1939

Unattached burials at Lister Lane Cemetery: Plot 3380


NobleRef 291-36

NorcliffeRef 291-N6565

NorfolkRef 291-1545
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Norfolk.

NormanRef 291-N451

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Norman.

NormantonRef 291-N452

NormingtonRef 291-N450

NormintonRef 291-N449
A variant of the surname Normanton

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Norminton.

NorrisRef 291-37

NorrishRef 291-1546
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Norrish.

NortcliffeRef 291-N439
A variant of the surname Norcliffe

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Nortcliffe.

Unattached BMDs for Nortcliffe

Death 1898


NorthRef 291-609
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname North.

NorthcliffeRef 291-N438
A variant of the surname Norcliffe

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Northcliffe.

NorthenRef 291-N448
A variant of the surname Northend

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Northen.

NorthendRef 291-N437

NorthendeRef 291-N443
A variant of the surname Northend

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Northende.

NorthernRef 291-1547
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Northern.

NorthinRef 291-N446
A variant of the surname Northend

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Northin.

NorthingRef 291-N447
A variant of the surname Northend

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Northing.

NorthropRef 291-1548
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Northrop.

Unattached BMDs for Northrop

Marriage 1903


NortonRef 291-1549
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Norton.

Unattached BMDs for Norton

Marriage 1915


NowellRef 291-490
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Nowell.

Unattached BMDs for Nowell

Death 1810


NugentRef 291-564
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Nugent.

NunnRef 291-1550
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Nunn.

NusseyRef 291-1551
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Nussey.

NuttallRef 291-250

NutterRef 291-251
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Nutter.

Unattached BMDs for Nutter

Marriages 1812, 1822


NuttingRef 291-1552
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Nutting.

NuttonRef 291-452

NybergRef 291-1553
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Nyberg.


OadeRef 291-500
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Oade.

Unattached BMDs for Oade

Marriage 1923


OakesRef 291-513
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Oakes.

OakleyRef 291-523
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Oakley.

OatesRef 291-O303

O'BoyleRef 291-1554
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname O'Boyle.

O'BrienRef 291-1555
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname O'Brien.

O'ConnorRef 291-1556
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname O'Connor.

Unattached BMDs for O'Connor

Marriages 1866, 1920


OddieRef 291-1559
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Oddie.

OddyRef 291-189
There are over 20 entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Oddy. This count does not include other forms of the surname.

Unattached BMDs for Oddy

Marriages 1875, 1879, 1881, 1906, 1923


OdellRef 291-1560
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Odell.

O'DonoghueRef 291-1557
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname O'Donoghue.

OgdenRef 291-O318

OgilvyRef 291-1561
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ogilvy.

OldfieldRef 291-O304

OldhamRef 291-1562
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Oldham.

OldroydRef 291-O307
Some forms of the surname may be a corruption of Holroyd.

Adam de Olderode is recorded in 1316

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Oldroyd.

Unattached BMDs for Oldroyd

Death 1899


OliverRef 291-538
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Oliver.

Unattached BMDs for Oliver

Marriages 1873, 1914


O'NeillRef 291-1558
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname O'Neill.

OrangeRef 291-1563
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Orange.

OrmerodRef 291-O308

OrmeroydRef 291-O317
A variant of the surname Ormerod

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ormeroyd.

OrmroydRef 291-O316
A variant of the surname Ormerod

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ormroyd.

OrrRef 291-1564
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Orr.

OsbornRef 291-614
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Osborn.

OsborneRef 291-1565
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Osborne.

OstlerRef 291-1566
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ostler.

OtesRef 291-O302
An old form of the surname Oates.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

The name comes from the Norman given name Ote or Odo

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Otes.

OuthwaiteRef 291-1567
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Outhwaite.

Unattached BMDs for Outhwaite

Death 1897


OutramRef 291-447
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Outram.

OvendenRef 291-O305

Robert de Ovenden is recorded at Hipperholme in 1275

May be derived from the locality Ovenden and also from a sources in Kent.

It may also be a variant of the Lancashire surname Wolfenden.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ovenden.

OwenRef 291-602
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Owen.

Unattached BMDs for Owen

Marriage 1907


OwramRef 291-O306
George Redmond suggests that the surname Owram comes from the East Riding, rather than from the local place names Southowram and Northowram.

Richard de Houerum is recorded at Hipperholme in 1275

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Owram.

OxenhopeRef 291-O315

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Oxenhope.

OxleyRef 291-1568
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Oxley.

Unattached BMDs for Oxley

Marriage 1907


OxtobyRef 291-1569
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Oxtoby.


PackwoodRef 291-1570
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Packwood.

PadgettRef 291-P464
Other forms of the surname include Paget and Patchett.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

John Pachet is recorded at Sowerby in 1350.

Originated in the Sowerby area. The name is common in the Midgley, Warley and Sowerby districts.

The name may be derived from a Middle English word for easter, or it may be a diminutive of the word page

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Padgett.

PagetRef 291-P1151
A variant of the surname Padgett

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Paget.

PainterRef 291-1571
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Painter.

PaleyRef 291-621
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Paley.

PalfreemanRef 291-1572
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Palfreeman.

PalfreymanRef 291-1573
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Palfreyman.

PalmerRef 291-516
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Palmer.

PankhurstRef 291-1574
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pankhurst.

PapeRef 291-1575
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pape.

ParkRef 291-P454

ParkerRef 291-P456

ParkinRef 291-314
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Parkin.

Unattached BMDs for Parkin

Marriages 1885, 1915, 1928


ParkinsonRef 291-38

ParrRef 291-1576
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Parr.

Unattached BMDs for Parr

Marriage 1915


ParrattRef 291-1577
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Parratt.

ParrishRef 291-1578
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Parrish.

Unattached BMDs for Parrish

Death 1907


ParrottRef 291-1579
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Parrott.

Unattached BMDs for Parrott

Marriage 1876


ParryRef 291-285
A Welsh patronymic surname. There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Parry.

PaskinRef 291-1580
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Paskin.

PatchettRef 291-P136

PatefieldRef 291-1581
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Patefield.

PatersonRef 291-1582
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Paterson.

PatonRef 291-1583
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Paton.

PatrickRef 291-1584
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Patrick.

PattersonRef 291-373
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Patterson.

PattisonRef 291-1585
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pattison.

PawsonRef 291-1586
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pawson.

Unattached BMDs for Pawson

Marriage 1932


PaxtonRef 291-1587
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Paxton.

PayneRef 291-1588
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Payne.

PeacockRef 291-1589
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Peacock.

Unattached BMDs for Peacock

Marriage 1917


PeakeRef 291-1590
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Peake.

PearceRef 291-1591
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pearce.

PearsallRef 291-1592
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pearsall.

PearsonRef 291-P453

PeaseRef 291-1593
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pease.

Unattached BMDs for Pease

Death 1835


PeckRef 291-1594
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Peck.

PeckettRef 291-1595
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Peckett.

PedleyRef 291-1596
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pedley.

Unattached BMDs for Pedley

Death 1899


PeelRef 291-P452

PekRef 291-1597
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pek.

PellingtonRef 291-P451
Another form of the surname is Pennington

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pellington.

Unattached BMDs for Pellington

Death 1899


PellsRef 291-1598
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pells.

PembertonRef 291-1599
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pemberton.

PendleburyRef 291-1600
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pendlebury.

Unattached BMDs for Pendlebury

Marriage 1907


PendletonRef 291-1601
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pendleton.

Unattached BMDs for Pendleton

Marriage 1907


PenneyRef 291-1602
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Penney.

Unattached BMDs for Penney

Marriage 1912


PenningtonRef 291-P428
A variant of the surname Pellington

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pennington.

Unattached BMDs for Pennington

Death 1899


PennyRef 291-1603
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Penny.

PenroseRef 291-1604
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Penrose.

PerkinRef 291-1605
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Perkin.

Unattached BMDs for Perkin

Marriage 1817


PerkingtonRef 291-1606
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Perkington.

PerkinsRef 291-1607
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Perkins.

PerryRef 291-547
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Perry.

PetchRef 291-1608
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Petch.

PetrieRef 291-1609
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Petrie.

PettyRef 291-1610
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Petty.

Unattached BMDs for Petty

Marriage 1917


PettytRef 291-1611
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pettyt.

PhillipRef 291-1612
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Phillip.

PhillipsRef 291-P422
A patronymic surname meaning son of Philip or Phillip.

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Phillips.

Unattached BMDs for Phillips

Deaths 1835, 1878


PickardRef 291-288
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pickard.

Unattached BMDs for Pickard

Baptism 1855


PickeringRef 291-514
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pickering.

Unattached BMDs for Pickering

Marriage 1810; Death 1899


PickersgillRef 291-370
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pickersgill.

PickfordRef 291-1613
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pickford.

PicklesRef 291-P94

PickupRef 291-1614
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pickup.

PiercyRef 291-1615
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Piercy.

PiersonRef 291-1616
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pierson.

PighillRef 291-P130
An old form of the surname Pickles

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pighill.

PighillsRef 291-P357
A variant of the surname Pickles

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pighills.

PikeRef 291-1617
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pike.

PilkingtonRef 291-454

PillingRef 291-P416

PilterRef 291-1618
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pilter.

PinderRef 291-P6767

PitchforthRef 291-P413

PittRef 291-1619
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pitt.

PittsRef 291-1620
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pitts.

PlaceRef 291-1621
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Place.

PlattRef 291-277
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Platt.

Unattached BMDs for Platt

Marriage 1858; Death 1900


PlattsRef 291-P411
The local form of the surname is derived from The Platts, Sowerby.

George Redmonds writes that the name was adopted by the Gaukroger family, who lived at The Platts, Sowerby, firstly as an alias, and then as a surname.

See John Gaukroger, Richard Gaukroger and John Platts

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Platts.

PlewsRef 291-1622
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Plews.

PogsonRef 291-1623
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pogson.

Unattached BMDs for Pogson

Marriage 1897


PohlmannRef 291-560
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pohlmann.

PollardRef 291-P406

PollitRef 291-355
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pollit.

PollittRef 291-1624
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pollitt.

PoolRef 291-1625
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pool.

Unattached BMDs for Pool

Death 1801


PooleRef 291-1626
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Poole.

Unattached BMDs for Poole

Marriage 1916


PoppleRef 291-1627
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Popple.

PopplewellRef 291-1628
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Popplewell.

PorrittRef 291-1629
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Porritt.

PorterRef 291-253

PortmanRef 291-316
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Portman.

PortwayRef 291-1630
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Portway.

PotterRef 291-586
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Potter.

PottertonRef 291-1631
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Potterton.

Unattached BMDs for Potterton

Marriage 1904


PottsRef 291-1632
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Potts.

PowellRef 291-423
A Welsh patronymic surname. There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Powell.

Unattached BMDs for Powell

Marriage 1907


PowerRef 291-318
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Power.

PrattRef 291-312
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pratt.

Unattached BMDs for Pratt

Marriage 1883


PrescotRef 291-1633
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Prescot.

PrescottRef 291-178

PresswoodRef 291-1634
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Presswood.

PrestonRef 291-533
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Preston.

PriceRef 291-511
A Welsh patronymic surname. There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Price.

Unattached BMDs for Price

Marriages 1907, 1931


PridieRef 291-1635
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pridie.

PriestleyRef 291-P107

PrinceRef 291-1636
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Prince.

PriorRef 291-1637
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Prior.

PritchardRef 291-1638
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pritchard.

Unattached BMDs for Pritchard

Marriage 1914


PritchettRef 291-1639
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pritchett.

ProcterRef 291-562
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Procter.

Unattached BMDs for Procter

Marriages 1863, 1907


ProctorRef 291-1640
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Proctor.

ProtheroeRef 291-1641
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Protheroe.

PrynnRef 291-1642
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Prynn.

PughRef 291-1643
A Welsh patronymic surname. There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pugh.

PullanRef 291-1644
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pullan.

PullmanRef 291-1645
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pullman.

PulmanRef 291-386
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pulman.

Unattached BMDs for Pulman

Marriage 1876

Unattached burials at Lister Lane Cemetery: Plot 1656


PybusRef 291-1646
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pybus.

PygillRef 291-P151
An old form of the surname Pickles

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pygill.

PygillsRef 291-P312
A variant of the surname Pickles

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Pygills.


QuarmbyRef 291-308
The surname originated in Quarmby.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Quarmby.

Unattached BMDs for Quarmby

Death 1900


QuestRef 291-1647
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Quest.

QuinnRef 291-476
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Quinn.

Unattached BMDs for Quinn

Marriage 1866



RabyRef 291-340
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Raby.

Unattached BMDs for Raby

Marriage 1906


RadcliffeRef 291-R1016

RadclyffeRef 291-1648
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Radclyffe.

RaineRef 291-1649
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Raine.

RainfordRef 291-R1015
Other forms of the surname include Rainforth and Rainsforth

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rainford.

RainforthRef 291-R1014
A variant of the surname Rainford

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rainforth.

RainsforthRef 291-R1013
A variant of the surname Rainford

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rainsforth.

RaistrickRef 291-R1012
A variant of the surname Rastrick

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Raistrick.

Unattached BMDs for Raistrick

Death 1907


RalphRef 291-1650
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ralph.

Unattached BMDs for Ralph

Marriage 1835


RamsbothamRef 291-1651
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ramsbotham.

RamsbottomRef 291-R818
The surname is derived from rams and bottom, meaning valley of the wild garlic.

See Ramsden

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ramsbottom.

RamsdenRef 291-R826

RamsdinRef 291-R1011
A variant of the surname Ramsden

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ramsdin.

RangeleyRef 291-R1010
A variant of the surname Rawnsley

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rangeley.

RansleyRef 291-R1009
A variant of the surname Rawnsley

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ransley.

Unattached BMDs for Ransley

Death 1899


RastrickRef 291-R1008
Another form of the surname is Raistrick.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout The name was originally de Rastrick, but around 1688, members of the family moved to Northumberland and dropped the de element – see John Rastrick.

The branch which remained in the district took the surname Hanson from John Hanson.

George Redmonds writes that Roger de Rastric is recorded in 1251, Hugh de Rastric is recorded at Fixby in 1255, John Rastrik is recorded at Pudsey in 1475 and Thomas Rastrick is recorded at Rawdon in 1675.

The surname originated in Rastrick.

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rastrick.

Unattached BMDs for Rastrick

Death 1907


RatcliffeRef 291-R1007

RathmellRef 291-1652
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rathmell.

RatlidgeRef 291-1653
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ratlidge.

RavenRef 291-1654
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Raven.

RawdonRef 291-336
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rawdon.

RawlingsRef 291-1655
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rawlings.

Unattached BMDs for Rawlings

Marriage 1871


RawlinsonRef 291-1656
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rawlinson.

Unattached BMDs for Rawlinson

Marriage 1834


RawnsleyRef 291-R897

RawsonRef 291-R918

RaynerRef 291-R1006

RaynorRef 291-R1005

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Raynor.

ReadRef 291-1657
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Read.

ReaderRef 291-1658
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Reader.

ReadingRef 291-1659
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Reading.

ReadyhoughRef 291-R1004
A variant of the surname Ridehalgh

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Readyhough.

Unattached BMDs for Readyhough

Baptism 1842


ReddihoughRef 291-R1003
A variant of the surname Ridehalgh

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Reddihough.

RedfearnRef 291-1660
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Redfearn.

RedheadRef 291-1661
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Redhead.

RedickRef 291-1662
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Redick.

RedmanRef 291-R1002

ReedRef 291-1663
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Reed.

ReesRef 291-616
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rees.

Unattached BMDs for Rees

Marriage 1806


ReeveRef 291-1664
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Reeve.

ReevesRef 291-1665
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Reeves.

ReidRef 291-294
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Reid.

Unattached BMDs for Reid

Marriages 1861, 1881, 1904


RenshawRef 291-1666
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Renshaw.

ReynoldsRef 291-1667
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Reynolds.

Unattached BMDs for Reynolds

Marriage 1811


RheederRef 291-1668
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rheeder.

RhodesRef 291-R1001

RichardsRef 291-371
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Richards.

RichardsonRef 291-39

RichmondRef 291-1669
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Richmond.

Unattached BMDs for Richmond

Marriage 1943


RichworthRef 291-R1000
A rare form of the surname Rishworth

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Richworth.

RiddealRef 291-R999
A variant of the surname Rideal

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Riddeal.

RiddellRef 291-R998
A variant of the surname Rideal

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Riddell.

RiddioughRef 291-R1362
A variant of the surname Ridehalgh.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Riddiough.

RiddleRef 291-R997
A variant of the surname Rideal

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Riddle.

RidealRef 291-R996
Other forms of the surname include Riddeal, Riddell and Riddle

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

The name may also be connected to the surname Ridehalgh

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rideal.

Unattached BMDs for Rideal

Marriages 1807, 1932


RidehalghRef 291-R995
Other forms of the surname include Readyhough, Reddihough and Riddiough.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

The name originates in Lancashire.

The name uses the Old English elements hreod [a reed] and halh, the whole meaning reedy hollow.

The name can be pronounced Ride-Halsh or Reddy-hoff.

See Greenhalgh.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ridehalgh.

The name may be connected to the surname Rideal

RiderRef 291-543
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rider.

RidgeRef 291-1670
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ridge.

RidgwayRef 291-1671
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ridgway.

RidingRef 291-R993
Another form of the surname is Ridings

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Riding.

Unattached BMDs for Riding

Marriages 1909, 1932


RidingsRef 291-R994
A variant of the surname Riding

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ridings.

RidleyRef 291-1672
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ridley.

RigbyRef 291-600
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rigby.

Unattached BMDs for Rigby

Marriage 1901


RiggRef 291-R992

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rigg.

Unattached BMDs for Rigg

Death 1832


RiggeRef 291-286
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rigge.

RileyRef 291-R991

RipleyRef 291-485
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ripley.

Unattached BMDs for Ripley

Baptism 1856


RishforthRef 291-R990
A variant of the surname Rishworth

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rishforth.

RishworthRef 291-R5555
Other forms of the surname include Richworth, Rishforth, Rushfirth, Rushforth and Rushworth.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

Elias de Rissewrth is recorded around 1200, Henry de Rissheworthe is recorded at , 1286 in 1275 and Robert de Risheword is recorded in 1324

The surname originated in Rishworth.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rishworth.

RitchieRef 291-1673
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ritchie.

RoachRef 291-1674
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Roach.

RobertsRef 291-40

RobertshawRef 291-R887

RobertshayRef 291-R915
A variant of the surname Robertshaw

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Robertshay.

RobertsonRef 291-1675
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Robertson.

RobeyRef 291-1676
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Robey.

RobinsRef 291-1677
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Robins.

RobinshawRef 291-R989
A variant of the surname Robertshaw

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Robinshaw.

RobinsonRef 291-R988

RobshawRef 291-R987
A variant of the surname Robertshaw

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Robshaw.

RobsonRef 291-395
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Robson.

Unattached BMDs for Robson

Marriages 1808, 1908


RochfordRef 291-1678
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rochford.

RodeRef 291-1679
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rode.

RodesRef 291-1680
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rodes.

RodgersRef 291-R986
A patronymic surname meaning son of Roger.

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rodgers.

Unattached BMDs for Rodgers

Marriages 1853, 1894


RoeRef 291-1681
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Roe.

Unattached BMDs for Roe

Death 1805


RoebuckRef 291-448
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Roebuck.

Unattached BMDs for Roebuck

Marriage 1808


RoganRef 291-1682
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rogan.

RogersRef 291-269
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rogers.

Unattached BMDs for Rogers

Marriage 1915; Deaths 1900, 1907


RogersonRef 291-1683
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rogerson.

RohrerRef 291-1684
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rohrer.

RokebyRef 291-1685
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rokeby.

RokisRef 291-1686
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rokis.

RookeRef 291-R984
Other forms of the surname include Rooke, Rookes and Rooks

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rooke.

RookesRef 291-R985
A variant of the surname Rooke.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

Jordan de Rookes is recorded in 1187, Jordan de Rokis in 1275, Richard de Rokes in 1313, John del Rokes in 1362 and John de Rokes in 1502.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rookes.

See Rookes Hall, Norwood Green

RooksRef 291-R983
A variant of the surname Rooke

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rooks.

RootRef 291-1687
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Root.

RoperRef 291-R982

RoseRef 291-1688
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rose.

RossRef 291-527
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ross.

Unattached BMDs for Ross

Marriage 1800


RossendaleRef 291-1689
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rossendale.

RotheraRef 291-R840
A variant of the surname Rothery.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

Joseph Rothera is recorded at Northowram in 1756

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rothera.

Unattached BMDs for Rothera

Marriage 1877


RotheryRef 291-R5980

RothwellRef 291-190

RouseRef 291-453
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rouse.

Unattached BMDs for Rouse

Marriages 1865, 1872


RowanRef 291-1690
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rowan.

RowbottomRef 291-1691
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rowbottom.

Unattached BMDs for Rowbottom

Marriage 1807


RoweRef 291-1692
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rowe.

Unattached BMDs for Rowe

Marriage 1931


RowlandsRef 291-1693
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rowlands.

RowleyRef 291-1694
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rowley.

RoyalsRef 291-1695
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Royals.

RoydRef 291-R919

See Royd

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Royd.

RoydeRef 291-1696
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Royde.

RoydsRef 291-R844

RoystonRef 291-465
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Royston.

RuddRef 291-1697
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rudd.

RuddyRef 291-1698
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ruddy.

RudmanRef 291-1699
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rudman.

RukinRef 291-291
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rukin.

Unattached BMDs for Rukin

Death 1907


RumneyRef 291-1700
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rumney.

Unattached BMDs for Rumney

Baptism 1856


RushfirthRef 291-R981
A variant of the surname Rishworth

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rushfirth.

RushforthRef 291-R980
A variant of the surname Rishworth

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rushforth.

Unattached BMDs for Rushforth

Death 1810; Death 1937


RushtonRef 291-R841

RushworthRef 291-R883

RussellRef 291-270
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Russell.

RutherfordRef 291-1701
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rutherford.

RutkowskiRef 291-1702
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Rutkowski.

RyallRef 291-1703
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ryall.

RyanRef 291-1704
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ryan.

RyderRef 291-1705
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ryder.

Unattached BMDs for Ryder

Death 1899


RyleyRef 291-R979
A variant of the surname Riley

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ryley.


SackettRef 291-1706
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sackett.

SadlerRef 291-1707
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sadler.

SagarRef 291-349
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sagar.

Unattached BMDs for Sagar

Marriage 1925


SagerRef 291-404
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sager.

SaltRef 291-1708
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Salt.

SaltanstallRef 291-S591
A variant of the surname Saltonstall

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Saltanstall.

Unattached BMDs for Saltanstall

Baptisms 1811, 1861


SalterRef 291-S1968
Another form of the surname is Salton

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Salter.

SaltinstallRef 291-S599
A variant of the surname Saltonstall

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Saltinstall.

SaltmarsheRef 291-1709
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Saltmarshe.

SaltonRef 291-S1967
A variant of the surname Salter

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Salton.

SaltonstallRef 291-S1780

SamplesRef 291-1710
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Samples.

SandallRef 291-1711
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sandall.

SandbachRef 291-1712
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sandbach.

SandersRef 291-1713
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sanders.

Unattached BMDs for Sanders

Marriage 1887


SandersonRef 291-363
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sanderson.

Unattached BMDs for Sanderson

Marriages 1896, 1943


SandfordRef 291-1714
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sandford.

Unattached BMDs for Sandford

Marriages 1907, 1915


SattenstallRef 291-S1966
A variant of the surname Saltonstall

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sattenstall.

SaundersRef 291-1715
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Saunders.

Unattached BMDs for Saunders

Marriage 1907


SavageRef 291-1716
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Savage.

SavileRef 291-S1919

SavillRef 291-S1890
An old form of the surname Savile

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Savill.

SavilleRef 291-S1965
A variant of the surname Savile

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Saville.

Unattached BMDs for Saville

Marriages 1895, 1927; Deaths 1835, 1907

Unattached burials at Lister Lane Cemetery: Plot 2466


SavyleRef 291-S1889
An old form of the surname Savile

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Savyle.

SawdonRef 291-1717
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sawdon.

SawoodRef 291-S1964
A variant of the surname Sowood

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sawood.

Unattached BMDs for Sawood

Marriage 1856


SawyerRef 291-S1793
An occupational surname.

Originally, someone who saws wood

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sawyer.

SayvellRef 291-S1888
An old form of the surname Savile

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sayvell.

SayvileRef 291-S1887
An old form of the surname Savile

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sayvile.

SayvillRef 291-1718
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sayvill.

SayvyllRef 291-S1886
An old form of the surname Savile

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sayvyll.

SaywoodRef 291-S1963
A variant of the surname Sowood

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Saywood.

ScarboroughRef 291-254

ScargillRef 291-1719
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Scargill.

Unattached BMDs for Scargill

Death 1907


ScatcherdRef 291-1720
Entries for people with the surname Scatcherd.

SchofieldRef 291-S1753

ScholcoteRef 291-S1962

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Scholcote.

ScholefieldRef 291-S1961

ScholesRef 291-1721
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Scholes.

Unattached BMDs for Scholes

Marriages 1799, 1870


ScholeyRef 291-1722
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Scholey.

ScholfieldRef 291-S1970

SchorfieldRef 291-S1782
A variant of the surname Schofield

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Schorfield.

SchroederRef 291-1723
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Schroeder.

ScotfordRef 291-1724
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Scotford.

ScottRef 291-41

ScowbyRef 291-1725
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Scowby.

ScratcherdRef 291-1726
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Scratcherd.

SealRef 291-1727
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Seal.

SeatonRef 291-1728
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Seaton.

SeckerRef 291-1729
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Secker.

SedgewickRef 291-1730
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sedgewick.

SedgwickRef 291-1731
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sedgwick.

Unattached BMDs for Sedgwick

Marriages 1853, 1907


SeedRef 291-255

SellersRef 291-341
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sellers.

Unattached BMDs for Sellers

Marriage 1811


SeniorRef 291-415

ServantRef 291-1732
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Servant.

SettleRef 291-607
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Settle.

Unattached BMDs for Settle

Marriage 1861


SewellRef 291-1733
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sewell.

SeyvillRef 291-S1885
An old form of the surname Savile

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Seyvill.

SeyvilleRef 291-S1883
An old form of the surname Savile

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Seyville.

SeyvyllRef 291-S1882
An old form of the surname Savile

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Seyvyll.

ShackletonRef 291-S5555

ShakeltonstallRef 291-1734
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Shakeltonstall.

SharmanRef 291-1735
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sharman.

SharpRef 291-S1959

SharpeRef 291-S1960

SharrockRef 291-1736
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sharrock.

ShawRef 291-S1958

SheardRef 291-S1957

SheehanRef 291-1737
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sheehan.

SheeranRef 291-1738
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sheeran.

Unattached BMDs for Sheeran

Death 1907


SheffieldRef 291-1739
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sheffield.

SheldrakeRef 291-1740
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sheldrake.

ShelfRef 291-S1969

Richard de Schelff is recorded in 1272

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Shelf.

ShephardRef 291-1741
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Shephard.

ShepherdRef 291-42

ShepleyRef 291-S1956
Another form of the surname is Shipley

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Shepley.

Unattached BMDs for Shepley

Marriages 1899, 1900; Death 1900


SheppardRef 291-1742
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sheppard.

ShevileRef 291-S1840
An old form of the surname Savile

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Shevile.

ShibdenRef 291-S1955
The surname originated in Shibden.

George Redmonds writes that William de Schypeden is recorded at Sowerby in 1274, William Schipden alias Schippingdale is recorded in 1431 and Thomas Shipden is recorded at Leeds in 1752.

Other local members of the family include William de Schepden and John de Schipeden who changed his name to Drake

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Shibden.

ShieldsRef 291-1743
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Shields.

Unattached BMDs for Shields

Marriage 1873


ShillitoRef 291-611
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Shillito.

ShindlerRef 291-1744
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Shindler.

ShipleyRef 291-S1954
A variant of the surname Shepley

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Shipley.

ShipmanRef 291-1745
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Shipman.

ShoesmithRef 291-S1953

ShooterRef 291-353
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Shooter.

Unattached BMDs for Shooter

Marriage 1919


ShoreRef 291-S1952

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Shore.

ShortRef 291-1746
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Short.

Unattached BMDs for Short

Marriage 1907


ShreeveRef 291-1747
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Shreeve.

ShucksmithRef 291-S1811
An old form of the surname Shoesmith

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Shucksmith.

ShuttRef 291-1748
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Shutt.

ShuttleworthRef 291-417
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Shuttleworth.

Unattached BMDs for Shuttleworth

Marriage 1907


SiddallRef 291-S1763

SiddleRef 291-S1951
A variant of the surname Siddall

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Siddle.

Unattached BMDs for Siddle

Marriage 1915


SilmanRef 291-1749
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Silman.

SimcockRef 291-1750
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Simcock.

SimkinRef 291-1751
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Simkin.

SimmonsRef 291-1752
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Simmons.

SimmsRef 291-1753
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Simms.

Unattached BMDs for Simms

Marriage 1915


SimonRef 291-1754
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Simon.

SimpsonRef 291-43

SingletonRef 291-435
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Singleton.

SixsmithRef 291-S1810
An old form of the surname Shoesmith

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sixsmith.

SkeltonRef 291-S1950

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are over 20 entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Skelton, as discussed in the Skelton Sidetrack. This count does not include other forms of the surname.

Unattached BMDs for Skelton

Marriages 1871, 1876; Death 1698


SkinnerRef 291-1755
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Skinner.

Unattached BMDs for Skinner

Marriage 1944


SkuesRef 291-1756
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Skues.

SladdenRef 291-S1949
A variant of the surname Sladdin

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sladden.

SladdinRef 291-S1948

SladenRef 291-S1947
A variant of the surname Sladdin

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sladen.

SlaterRef 291-S1946

SlingerRef 291-1757
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Slinger.

Unattached BMDs for Slinger

Marriage 1856


SloanRef 291-1758
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sloan.

SmallwoodRef 291-1759
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Smallwood.

SmeetonRef 291-1760
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Smeeton.

SmeltRef 291-1761
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Smelt.

SmethirstRef 291-72
A variant of the surname Smithirst There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Smethirst.

SmethurstRef 291-1762
A variant of the surname Smithirst

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Smethurst.

SmithRef 291-S1944

SmithiesRef 291-S1945

SmithirstRef 291-71
Other forms of the surname include Smethirst, Smethurst and Smithurst

The surname comprises the elements smith and hirst

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Smithirst.

SmithsonRef 291-418
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Smithson.

SmithurstRef 291-74
A variant of the surname Smithirst There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Smithurst.

SmythRef 291-518
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Smyth.

SnowdenRef 291-432
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Snowden.

Unattached BMDs for Snowden

Marriage 1891

Unattached burials at Lister Lane Cemetery: Plot 3643


SomervilleRef 291-1763
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Somerville.

SonleyRef 291-1764
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sonley.

SoothillRef 291-S1943

SorbyRef 291-S1942
A variant of the surname Sowerby

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sorby.

SorsbyRef 291-S1941
A variant of the surname Sowerby

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sorsby.

SothillRef 291-1765
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sothill.

SottenstallRef 291-S2281
A variant of the surname Saltonstall

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sottenstall.

SouthernRef 291-1766
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Southern.

SouthwellRef 291-139

SowdenRef 291-152

SowerbyRef 291-S1917
Other forms of the surname include Sorby, Sorsby and Sowersby.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

Robert de Soureby is recorded at Sowerby in 1274, Janyn de Sowrby is recorded in Halifax in 1402, and John Sowerby is recorded in 1558.

Branches of the surname originated locally in Sowerby and in other places in Britain named Sowerby

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sowerby.

SowersbyRef 291-S1940
A variant of the surname Sowerby

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sowersby.

SowoodRef 291-S1779
Other forms of the surname include Sawood and Saywood.

Recorded in 1277.

May be derived from Sowood

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sowood.

SparksRef 291-1767
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sparks.

Unattached BMDs for Sparks

Marriages 1873, 1915


SpeakRef 291-S1938

SpeakeRef 291-S1939
A variant of the surname Speak

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Speake.

SpeightRef 291-S1765

SpenceRef 291-464
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Spence.

SpencerRef 291-S1937

SpicerRef 291-1768
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Spicer.

SpiersRef 291-1769
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Spiers.

Unattached BMDs for Spiers

Marriage 1900


SpinkRef 291-380
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Spink.

Unattached BMDs for Spink

Marriage 1907


SquireRef 291-577
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Squire.

Unattached BMDs for Squire

Marriage 1907; Death 1907


SquiresRef 291-1770
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Squires.

Unattached BMDs for Squires

Marriage 1907


StaceyRef 291-1771
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stacey.

StackRef 291-1772
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stack.

StaffordRef 291-306
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stafford.

Unattached BMDs for Stafford

Death 1899


StaincliffeRef 291-S1759
Another form of the surname is Stancliffe.

May be derived from stone and cliff,

George Redmonds writes that the name appears to derive from a site – (possibly) Stanclif Skoute – in Northowram / Shibden. John de Stanclif is recorded at Rastrick in 1274 and John de Stanclyff is recorded at Rastrick in 1284.

The name later spread to Barkisland and Kirkheaton.

See Stainclifscout, Shibden and The Stancliffe family of Shibden

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Staincliffe.

StainesRef 291-1773
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Staines.

StainsbyRef 291-1774
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stainsby.

StakeRef 291-1775
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stake.

Unattached BMDs for Stake

Marriage 1907; Death 1907


StancefieldRef 291-S1812
A variant of the surname Stansfield.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout John Stancefeld is recorded in 1437

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stancefield.

StancliffeRef 291-S1936

StandenRef 291-S1935
A variant of the surname Standeven

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Standen.

StandevenRef 291-S1934

StandfieldRef 291-S1820
A variant of the surname Stansfield

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Standfield.

StandhavenRef 291-S1933
A variant of the surname Standeven

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Standhaven.

StandingRef 291-1776
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Standing.

StanleyRef 291-1777
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stanley.

Unattached BMDs for Stanley

Marriages 1800, 1900


StansfeildRef 291-S1816
A variant of the surname Stansfield

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stansfeild.

All people with the surname Stansfeld or Stansfield who trace their ancestors back to Calderdale, originate from the one family, and the first member of this family to have the surname was John de Stansfeld.

This family's original surname was Stansfeld and this spelling seemed to predominate until around 1550, then the name changed from Stansfeld through Stansfeild to finally settle as Stansfield. This change also occurred to other surnames ending in ...feld.

In the 17th century, to differentiate themselves from the rest, the Sowerby branch of the family decided to revert to the original Stansfeld, and their descendants retain that spelling to the present day.

StansfeildeRef 291-S1918
A variant of the surname Stansfield

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stansfeilde.

StansfeldRef 291-S1815

StansfieldRef 291-S1910

StarkeyRef 291-339
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Starkey.

Unattached BMDs for Starkey

Marriages 1862, 1896, 1907


StarkieRef 291-361
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Starkie.

StaveleyRef 291-1778
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Staveley.

StayntonRef 291-1779
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Staynton.

SteadRef 291-44

SteelRef 291-1780
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Steel.

Unattached BMDs for Steel

Marriages 1874, 1898, 1905


SteeleRef 291-457
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Steele.

Unattached BMDs for Steele

Marriage 1913; Death 1899


StellRef 291-1781
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stell.

StenhouseRef 291-1782
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stenhouse.

StephensRef 291-1783
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stephens.

Unattached BMDs for Stephens

Marriage 1861


StephensonRef 291-45

SterneRef 291-1784
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sterne.

StevensRef 291-317
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stevens.

StevensonRef 291-273
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stevenson.

StewartRef 291-1785
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stewart.

Unattached BMDs for Stewart

Marriage 1872

Unattached burials at Lister Lane Cemetery: Plot 3550


StirkRef 291-354
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stirk.

Unattached BMDs for Stirk

Baptism 1826; Marriage 1907


StockRef 291-1786
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stock.

StockdaleRef 291-1787
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stockdale.

StocksRef 291-S1756

StocktonRef 291-1788
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stockton.

Unattached BMDs for Stockton

Marriage 1918


StockwellRef 291-1789
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stockwell.

Unattached BMDs for Stockwell

Marriage 1869; Death 1805


StoddartRef 291-1790
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stoddart.

StokerRef 291-1791
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stoker.

StoneRef 291-1792
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stone.

Unattached BMDs for Stone

Marriage 1899


StoneyRef 291-1793
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stoney.

StoodleyRef 291-S1932

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stoodley.

StopfordRef 291-1794
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stopford.

StorerRef 291-1795
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Storer.

Unattached BMDs for Storer

Marriage 1906; Death 1906


StoreyRef 291-481
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Storey.

Unattached BMDs for Storey

Marriage 1914


StorkRef 291-1796
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stork.

StottRef 291-S1931

StowellRef 291-1797
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stowell.

StricklandRef 291-1798
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Strickland.

StringerRef 291-1799
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stringer.

StrongRef 291-1800
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Strong.

StuartRef 291-304
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stuart.

StubbsRef 291-1801
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stubbs.

StudleyRef 291-S1930

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Studley.

SturdyRef 291-1802
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sturdy.

StuttardRef 291-1803
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Stuttard.

StyanRef 291-1804
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Styan.

StyringRef 291-1805
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Styring.

SucksmithRef 291-S1929
An old form of the surname Shoesmith

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sucksmith.

Unattached BMDs for Sucksmith

Marriage 1864


See Sucksmith (occupation)

SugdenRef 291-S1928
The surname is from Old English sug [a marsh] and den [a valley].

George Redmonds writes that the name may have originated in the Haworth and/or Bingley districts, and that Hugh de Sugden is recorded at Bradford in 1354, Robert de Sugden is recorded at Haworth in 1379 and John Sugden is recorded at Ovenden in 1552

There are over 70 entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sugden, as discussed in the Sugden Sidetrack. This count does not include other forms of the surname.

Unattached BMDs for Sugden

Marriages 1808, 1853, 1881, 1888, 1899, 1912, 1918; Deaths 1899, 1900, 1907


SullivanRef 291-1806
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sullivan.

SummerscalesRef 291-569
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Summerscales.

Unattached BMDs for Summerscales

Marriage 1912


SummerskillRef 291-1807
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Summerskill.

SunderlandRef 291-S1758

SutcliffRef 291-S1927
A variant of the surname Sutcliffe

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sutcliff.

Unattached BMDs for Sutcliff

Deaths 1805, 1810


SutcliffeRef 291-S3870

SuterRef 291-451
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Suter.

SutherlandRef 291-1808
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sutherland.

SuthersRef 291-163
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Suthers.

Unattached BMDs for Suthers

Marriage 1878


SutliffRef 291-S1925
A variant of the surname Sutcliffe

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sutliff.

SutliffeRef 291-S1926
A variant of the surname Sutcliffe

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sutliffe.

SuttcliffeRef 291-S1924
A variant of the surname Sutcliffe

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Suttcliffe.

SuttleRef 291-S1922
A variant of the surname Soothill

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Suttle.

Unattached BMDs for Suttle

Death 1907


SuttleyRef 291-S1923
A variant of the surname Sutcliffe

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Suttley.

SuttonRef 291-1809
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sutton.

SuttonstallRef 291-S1921
A variant of the surname Saltonstall

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Suttonstall.

SwainRef 291-1810
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Swain.

Unattached BMDs for Swain

Marriages 1803, 1865

Unattached burials at Lister Lane Cemetery: Plot 4282


SwaineRef 291-256

SwaleRef 291-327
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Swale.

SwallowRef 291-180
There are 24 entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Swallow, as discussed in the Swallow Sidetrack. This count does not include other forms of the surname.

Unattached BMDs for Swallow

Marriages 1897, 1907, 1927; Death 1899


SwanRef 291-1811
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Swan.

Unattached BMDs for Swan

Marriage 1712


SwiftRef 291-S1920

SwireRef 291-541
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Swire.

Unattached BMDs for Swire

Marriages 1811, 1812, 1854


SwithenbankRef 291-1812
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Swithenbank.

SykesRef 291-S1754

SymonsRef 291-1813
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Symons.

SympsonRef 291-509
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Sympson.


TailorRef 291-1814
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tailor.

TalbotRef 291-1815
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Talbot.

TalvaceRef 291-1816
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Talvace.

TalvasRef 291-1817
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Talvas.

TamblinRef 291-1818
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tamblin.

TamplinRef 291-1819
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tamplin.

TankardRef 291-419
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tankard.

TannerRef 291-1820
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tanner.

TanseyRef 291-1821
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tansey.

TaskerRef 291-T716

TateRef 291-129

TathamRef 291-463

TattersallRef 291-T715

TattersdillRef 291-T714
A variant of the surname Tattersall

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tattersdill.

TattersfieldRef 291-T713
May be a variant of the surname Tattersall

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

Entries for people with the surname Tattersfield.

This & associated entries use material contributed by John Tattersfield

TattershallRef 291-T833
A variant of the surname Tattersall

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tattershall.

TattersleyRef 291-T712
A variant of the surname Tattersall

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tattersley.

TattersonRef 291-T711
A variant of the surname Tattersall

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tatterson.

TaylorRef 291-46

TealRef 291-319
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Teal.

Unattached BMDs for Teal

Marriages 1865, 1912, 1942; Death 1899

Unattached burials at Lister Lane Cemetery: Plot 3106


TeasdaleRef 291-1822
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Teasdale.

TemperleyRef 291-1823
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Temperley.

TempestRef 291-598
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tempest.

Unattached BMDs for Tempest

Marriage 1866

Unattached burials at Lister Lane Cemetery: Plot 164


TempletonRef 291-1824
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Templeton.

Unattached BMDs for Templeton

Marriages 1900, 1908


TennantRef 291-1825
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tennant.

TerryRef 291-1826
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Terry.

TetlawRef 291-T710
A variant of the surname Tetley

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tetlaw.

Unattached BMDs for Tetlaw

Marriages 1868, 1937


TetleyRef 291-T709
Other forms of the surname include Tetlaw and Tetlow

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tetley.

TetlowRef 291-T708
A variant of the surname Tetley

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tetlow.

Unattached BMDs for Tetlow

Death 1716


ThackerayRef 291-1827
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Thackeray.

ThackrahRef 291-1828
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Thackrah.

ThomasRef 291-T707

ThomisRef 291-T706
A variant of the surname Thomas

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Thomis.

ThompsonRef 291-T705

ThomsonRef 291-608
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Thomson.

Unattached BMDs for Thomson

Marriage 1805; Death 1900


ThorburnRef 291-1829
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Thorburn.

Unattached BMDs for Thorburn

Marriage 1866


ThornberRef 291-1830
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Thornber.

ThorneRef 291-1831
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Thorne.

ThornhillRef 291-T704

ThorntonRef 291-47

ThorpRef 291-153
There are over 20 entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Thorp. This count does not include other forms of the surname.

Unattached BMDs for Thorp:

Baptism 1819; Marriages 1846, 1858, 1864, 1877, 1888, 1906, 1928; Deaths 1899, 1907

ThorpeRef 291-T703

ThosebyRef 291-512
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Thoseby.

Unattached BMDs for Thoseby

Marriage 1864


ThotilRef 291-1832
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Thotil.

ThreaplandRef 291-409
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Threapland.

ThrelkeldRef 291-1833
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Threlkeld.

ThristanRef 291-1834
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Thristan.

ThropRef 291-1835
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Throp.

ThwaiteRef 291-181

ThwaitesRef 291-1836
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Thwaites.

TidswellRef 291-110

TiffanyRef 291-619
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tiffany.

Unattached BMDs for Tiffany

Marriages 1902, 1907, 1940; Deaths 1835, 1907


TillotsonRef 291-T677

TilsonRef 291-T702
A variant of the surname Tillotson

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tilson.

TindallRef 291-1837
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tindall.

TingleRef 291-T700
Another form of the surname is Tingley

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tingle.

TingleyRef 291-T701
A variant of the surname Tingle

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tingley.

TipladyRef 291-1838
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tiplady.

TitteringtonRef 291-T1295

ToaseRef 291-1839
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Toase.

ToddRef 291-1840
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Todd.

Unattached BMDs for Todd

Marriages 1883, 1906; Death 1899


TollethRef 291-1841
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tolleth.

TolleyRef 291-1842
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tolley.

TolsonRef 291-283
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tolson.

TomlinsonRef 291-1843
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tomlinson.

Unattached BMDs for Tomlinson

Marriage 1915


TommisRef 291-T699
A variant of the surname Thomas

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tommis.

TongRef 291-1844
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tong.

Unattached BMDs for Tong

Marriage 1907


TongeRef 291-542
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tonge.

Unattached BMDs for Tonge

Marriage 1856


TongueRef 291-1845
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tongue.

ToothillRef 291-T5858
Other forms of the surname include Tootill, Totehyll and Tuthill.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout Adam de Totehyll was an early member of the Toothill family of Rastrick.

The surname is derived from Toothill and similar hills.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Toothill.

Unattached BMDs for Toothill

Marriages 1895, 1915


See Toothill

TootillRef 291-T698
A variant of the surname Toothill

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tootill.

TophamRef 291-472
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Topham.

TordoffRef 291-T1258
The surname is derived from the Norse Thjodulf, based on the elements Thor and wolf

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tordoff.

Unattached BMDs for Tordoff

Marriage 1946; Death 1899


TotehyllRef 291-T977
A variant of the surname Toothill

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Totehyll.

TotilRef 291-1846
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Totil.

ToutRef 291-1847
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tout.

TownRef 291-T697

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Town.

Unattached BMDs for Town

Marriages 1864, 1888, 1896, 1902, 1908


TowneRef 291-563
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Towne.

Townend}Ref 291-T678
The surname was originally given to someone who lived at the edge or outskirts of the town.

John Attetonehende is recorded at Sowerby in 1286, and Edward Townend is recorded at Stainland in 1672

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Townend.

Unattached BMDs for Townend

Marriage 1897


TownleyRef 291-1848
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Townley.

TownsendRef 291-141

TraczewskiRef 291-1849
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Traczewski.

TraffordRef 291-1850
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Trafford.

TraversRef 291-1851
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Travers.

TravisRef 291-257
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Travis.

Unattached BMDs for Travis

Death 1855


TraynorRef 291-1852
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Traynor.

TregellasRef 291-1853
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tregellas.

TrewarthaRef 291-1854
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Trewartha.

TriggRef 291-1855
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Trigg.

TrollopeRef 291-1856
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Trollope.

TuckerRef 291-T680
An occupational surname meaning someone involved in walking or fulling cloth. This is more common in the south-west of England.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tucker.

See Fuller and Walker

TuleyRef 291-282
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tuley.

TurnerRef 291-T696

TurneyRef 291-522
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Turney.

Unattached BMDs for Turney

Marriage 1934


TurtonRef 291-1857
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Turton.

TuthillRef 291-T695
A variant of the surname Toothill

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tuthill.

TweedRef 291-401
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tweed.

Unattached BMDs for Tweed

Marriage 1835


TweedaleRef 291-1858
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tweedale.

TyasRef 291-1859
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tyas.

TyeRef 291-1860
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tye.

Unattached BMDs for Tye

Marriage 1912


TyersRef 291-1861
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tyers.

TynanRef 291-1862
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tynan.

TyndallRef 291-1863
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tyndall.

TysonRef 291-1864
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Tyson.

Unattached BMDs for Tyson

Marriage 1914



UtlayRef 291-U131
An old form of the surname Uttley.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

Recorded in 1242.

John O' Utlay moved from Utlay, near Keighley, to the Heptonstall area in the 14th century

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Utlay.

UtleyRef 291-U19
A variant of the surname Uttley

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

Recorded in 1242.

John O' Utlay moved from Utlay, near Keighley, to the Heptonstall area in the 14th century.

The form with double-T appeared around 1800

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Utley.

UttleyRef 291-U17


ValentineRef 291-1865
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Valentine.

VarleyRef 291-V44

VarlowRef 291-V35
A variant of the surname Varley.

Laurence Verlow is recorded at Elland in 1628

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Varlow.

VaseyRef 291-1866
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Vasey.

VavasourRef 291-1867
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Vavasour.

VealRef 291-1868
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Veal.

VeeversRef 291-1869
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Veevers.

VenablesRef 291-1870
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Venables.

VereRef 291-1871
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Vere.

VerityRef 291-1872
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Verity.

Unattached BMDs for Verity

Marriage 1893


VicarsRef 291-1873
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Vicars.

VickermanRef 291-583
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Vickerman.

Unattached BMDs for Vickerman

Marriages 1889, 1907; Death 1907


VickersRef 291-V31

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Vickers.

Unattached BMDs for Vickers

Marriage 1904


VineyRef 291-1874
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Viney.

VowlesRef 291-1875
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Vowles.


WaddRef 291-1876
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wadd.

WaddingtonRef 291-W1341

WaddoupRef 291-W1328
A variant of the surname Widdop

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Waddoup.

WaddoupsRef 291-W1329
A variant of the surname Widdop

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Waddoups.

WaddupRef 291-W1326
A variant of the surname Widdop

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Waddup.

WadeRef 291-W1320

WadsworthRef 291-W2000
The surname is recorded in 1274, and Thomas de Waddisworth is recorded at Midgley in 1314.

The name originated in Wadsworth.

There are over 100 entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wadsworth, as discussed in the Wadsworth Sidetrack. This count does not include other forms of the surname.

Unattached BMDs for Wadsworth

Marriages 1840, 1867, 1876, 1879, 1891, 1899, 1900, 1907, 1908, 1911, 1913, 1915, 1927; Death 1900

Unattached burials at Lister Lane Cemetery: Plot 2485


WagerRef 291-1877
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wager.

WainhouseRef 291-W1302

WainwrightRef 291-438

WaiteRef 291-324
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Waite.

Unattached BMDs for Waite

Marriage 1897


WaitesRef 291-1878
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Waites.

Unattached BMDs for Waites

Marriage 1805


WakefieldRef 291-443
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wakefield.

WaldronRef 291-1879
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Waldron.

WalkdenRef 291-1880
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Walkden.

WalkerRef 291-W983

WallRef 291-1881
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wall.

WallaceRef 291-1882
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wallace.

WallerRef 291-323
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Waller.

Unattached BMDs for Waller

Marriages 1800, 1805


WallisRef 291-1883
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wallis.

WalmsleyRef 291-368
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Walmsley.

Unattached BMDs for Walmsley

Marriage 1861


WalshRef 291-W1280

WalshawRef 291-W1294

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Walshaw.

Unattached BMDs for Walshaw

Marriage 1907


WalterRef 291-1884
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Walter.

WaltersRef 291-1885
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Walters.

Unattached BMDs for Walters

Marriage 1907


WalthamRef 291-1886
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Waltham.

WaltonRef 291-W1279

WarburtonRef 291-1887
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Warburton.

WardRef 291-48

WardleRef 291-W1278

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wardle.

Unattached BMDs for Wardle

Death 1866


WardleyRef 291-1888
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wardley.

WareRef 291-1889
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Ware.

WarenneRef 291-358
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Warenne.

WaringRef 291-385
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Waring.

WarkRef 291-1890
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wark.

WarnefordRef 291-599
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Warneford.

WarnerRef 291-1891
The surname is a contraction of warrener, someone who looks after the lord's warren There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Warner.

WarrenRef 291-535
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Warren.

WarringtonRef 291-322
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Warrington.

Unattached BMDs for Warrington

Marriages 1892, 1907, 1916; Death 1899


WashingtonRef 291-320
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Washington.

Unattached BMDs for Washington

Marriage 1899


WaterhouseRef 291-W1276

WatermanRef 291-1892
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Waterman.

Unattached BMDs for Waterman

Marriage 1916


WaterworthRef 291-1893
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Waterworth.

WatkinRef 291-1894
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Watkin.

WatkinsRef 291-1895
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Watkins.

Unattached BMDs for Watkins

Marriages 1907, 1914; Death 1900


WatkinsonRef 291-49

WatmanRef 291-W1275
A variant of the surname Watmough

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Watman.

WatmoreRef 291-W1274
A variant of the surname Watmough

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Watmore.

WatmoughRef 291-W1253
Other forms of the surname include Watman, Watmore, Wattmaughe, Wattmoughe and Whatmore

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

George Redmonds writes that William Watman/Watmore/Wattmoughe is recorded in Halifax in 1541 -1557, and Henry Watman/Watmaughe is recorded in Halifax in 1549 -1555

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Watmough.

WatneyRef 291-1896
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Watney.

WatsonRef 291-W1249

WattersonRef 291-1897
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Watterson.

WattmaugheRef 291-W2236
A variant of the surname Watmough

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wattmaughe.

WattmougheRef 291-W2235
A variant of the surname Watmough

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wattmoughe.

WattsRef 291-1898
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Watts.

WaughRef 291-1899
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Waugh.

WavellRef 291-1900
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wavell.

WaymanRef 291-551
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wayman.

WeatherheadRef 291-1901
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Weatherhead.

WeatherillRef 291-1902
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Weatherill.

WeaverRef 291-W977

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

The abbreviation webr may be encountered and probably refers to weaver or webster.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Weaver.

See Webster

WebbRef 291-W563
An occupational surname meaning a weaver, usually male.

In the south-east of England, the surname Webber is also recorded.

The female form is Webster

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Webb.

WebberRef 291-77
An occupational surname meaning a weaver.

It is recorded in the south-east of England. The surname Webb is also recorded.

The female form is Webster.

The abbreviation webr may be encountered and probably refers to weaver or webster. There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Webber.

Unattached BMDs for Webber

Marriage 1852


WebsterRef 291-W660

WeedopRef 291-W1244
A variant of the surname Widdop

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Weedop.

WeightmanRef 291-1903
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Weightman.

WelchRef 291-1904
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Welch.

WellockRef 291-1905
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wellock.

WellsRef 291-580
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wells.

Unattached BMDs for Wells

Marriages 1895, 1899; Deaths 1899, 1915


WelshRef 291-1906
The name is derived from the element welsh There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Welsh.

Unattached BMDs for Welsh

Death 1899


WentworthRef 291-1907
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wentworth.

Unattached BMDs for Wentworth

Marriage 1907


WesleyRef 291-1908
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wesley.

WestRef 291-439

WestermanRef 291-344
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Westerman.

WestmacottRef 291-1909
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Westmacott.

WestonRef 291-1910
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Weston.

Unattached BMDs for Weston

Marriage 1939


WestwoodRef 291-275
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Westwood.

Unattached BMDs for Westwood

Deaths 1888, 1906


WetherherdRef 291-1912
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wetherherd.

WhalleyRef 291-622
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Whalley.

Unattached BMDs for Whalley

Marriages 1906, 1910, 1919; Death 1901


WhartonRef 291-1913
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wharton.

Unattached BMDs for Wharton

Marriages 1862, 1904

Unattached burials at Lister Lane Cemetery: Plot 4177


WhatmoreRef 291-W2237
A variant of the surname Watmough

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Whatmore.

WhatmoughRef 291-1914
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Whatmough.

Unattached BMDs for Whatmough

Marriage 1914


WheatcroftRef 291-1915
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wheatcroft.

WheatleyRef 291-350
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wheatley.

Unattached BMDs for Wheatley

Death 1900


WheelhouseRef 291-365
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wheelhouse.

Unattached BMDs for Wheelhouse

Marriage 1831; Death 1903


WheelwrightRef 291-W1240

WhetherherdRef 291-1916
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Whetherherd.

WhewallRef 291-1917
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Whewall.

WhippRef 291-1918
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Whipp.

Unattached BMDs for Whipp

Marriage 1889


WhitakerRef 291-W1238

WhitbreadRef 291-1919
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Whitbread.

Unattached BMDs for Whitbread

Marriages 1879, 1913, 1919


WhiteRef 291-75

WhiteheadRef 291-W1236

WhiteleyRef 291-W1211

WhitelyRef 291-W2827
A variant of the surname Whiteley

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname .

WhitesideRef 291-1920
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Whiteside.

WhitewoodRef 291-1921
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Whitewood.

WhiteworthRef 291-W1204

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Whiteworth.

WhitfieldRef 291-1922
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Whitfield.

WhithamRef 291-367

WhitleyRef 291-W1203

WhittakerRef 291-W1196
A variant of the surname Whitaker

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Whittaker.

Unattached BMDs for Whittaker

Marriages 1882, 1899, 1904, 1913


WhittelRef 291-W1195
A variant of the surname Whittell

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Whittel.

WhittellRef 291-W580
Other forms of the surname include Whittel, Whittle and Whitwell.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

Recorded in 1296.

May be derived from Whitwell, meaning white and well

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Whittell.

Unattached BMDs for Whittell

Marriage 1894


WhittleRef 291-W1157
A variant of the surname Whittell

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Whittle.

WhittonRef 291-1923
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Whitton.

WhitwamRef 291-1924
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Whitwam.

Unattached BMDs for Whitwam

Marriage 1907


WhitwellRef 291-W1142
A variant of the surname Whittell

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Whitwell.

WhitworthRef 291-50

WickhamRef 291-1925
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wickham.

WiddopRef 291-W582

WiddupRef 291-W1141
A variant of the surname Widdop

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Widdup.

Unattached BMDs for Widdup

Marriages 1883, 1893


WilberRef 291-W1116

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wilber.

WilbyRef 291-W1114

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wilby.

Unattached BMDs for Wilby

Death 1899


WilcockRef 291-51

WilcoxRef 291-1926
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wilcox.

WildRef 291-W1105

WildbloodRef 291-1927
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wildblood.

WildeRef 291-W1111

WildingRef 291-1928
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wilding.

WilkinsonRef 291-W1086

WilksRef 291-1929
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wilks.

WillansRef 291-407
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Willans.

WilleyRef 291-1930
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Willey.

WilliamsRef 291-104

WilliamsonRef 291-489
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Williamson.

WillisRef 291-1931
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Willis.

Unattached BMDs for Willis

Marriage 1862


WillsRef 291-1932
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wills.

WillsonRef 291-1933
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Willson.

WilmanRef 291-1934
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wilman.

WilsonRef 291-W1085

WiltonRef 291-W1081

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wilton.

WimpennyRef 291-1935
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wimpenny.

WinardRef 291-1936
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Winard.

WindleRef 291-1937
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Windle.

WindrossRef 291-1938
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Windross.

WindsorRef 291-1939
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Windsor.

WindybankRef 291-W1052

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Windybank.

WinearlsRef 291-1940
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Winearls.

WinnRef 291-1941
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Winn.

WinterRef 291-486
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Winter.

WinterbottomRef 291-601
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Winterbottom.

Unattached BMDs for Winterbottom

Marriage 1917


WinterburnRef 291-1942
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Winterburn.

WoffendenRef 291-W1046
A variant of the surname Wolfenden

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Woffenden.

WoffindinRef 291-W1018
A variant of the surname Wolfenden

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are currently no entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Woffindin.

WoganRef 291-1943
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wogan.

WolfendenRef 291-W1016

WolrichRef 291-W2101
A variant of the surname Woolrich

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wolrich.

WolseyRef 291-1944
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wolsey.

WolstenholmeRef 291-W556
Other forms of the surname include Wolstenhulme, Worsman and Worsnop.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

George Redmonds writes that Henry de Wolstoneholme is recorded at Rochdale in 1379.

The surname originates in the Wolstenholme district of Rochdale

There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wolstenholme.

WolstenhulmeRef 291-W717
A variant of the surname Wolstenholme

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wolstenhulme.

WomackRef 291-1945
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Womack.

WomersleyRef 291-W554

WoodRef 291-W995

WoodallRef 291-1946
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Woodall.

WoodcockRef 291-462
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Woodcock.

Unattached BMDs for Woodcock

Marriage 1915


WoodheadRef 291-W2450

WoodhouseRef 291-W560
The surname originated at Woodhouse, Rastrick.

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Woodhouse.

Unattached BMDs for Woodhouse

Marriage 1911; Death 1899


See Wood

WoodruffRef 291-1947
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Woodruff.

WoodwardRef 291-1948
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Woodward.

Unattached BMDs for Woodward

Marriage 1876


WoolerRef 291-444
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wooler.

Unattached BMDs for Wooler

Marriage 1810


WoolrichRef 291-W2100
Other forms of the surname include Wolrich, Woolrow and Woolrych.

The Wolrich line goes back to King Ethelred and King Alfred the Great

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Woolrich.

WoolrowRef 291-W2102
A variant of the surname Woolrich

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Woolrow.

WoolrychRef 291-W2103
A variant of the surname Woolrich

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Woolrych.

WordsworthRef 291-1949
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wordsworth.

WorkmanRef 291-1950
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Workman.

WormaldRef 291-W579

WormallRef 291-W994
A variant of the surname Wormald

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wormall.

WormleightonRef 291-1951
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wormleighton.

WormwellRef 291-W991
A variant of the surname Wormald

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wormwell.

WorrallRef 291-1952
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Worrall.

WorsickRef 291-1953
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Worsick.

WorsleyRef 291-1954
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Worsley.

WorsmanRef 291-W555
A variant of the surname Wolstenholme.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

This is found in Halifax and Bradford

There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Worsman.

WorsnopRef 291-W559
A variant of the surname Wolstenholme.

Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout

This is found in Halifax and Bradford

There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Worsnop.

WorstenholmeRef 291-1955
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Worstenholme.

WorthingtonRef 291-1956
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Worthington.

WrayRef 291-332
There are the entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wray.

Unattached BMDs for Wray

Marriage 1938


WressellRef 291-1957
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wressell.

WrigglesworthRef 291-1958
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wrigglesworth.

WrightRef 291-52

WrigleyRef 291-164

WyldRef 291-1959
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wyld.

WyldeRef 291-1960
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wylde.

Unattached BMDs for Wylde

Marriage 1808


WynnRef 291-1961
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Wynn.


YatesRef 291-581
There are several entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Yates.

Unattached BMDs for Yates

Marriages 1871, 1896, 1900, 1913, 1917

Unattached burials at Lister Lane Cemetery: Plot 2471


YeadonRef 291-1962
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Yeadon.

YewdallRef 291-1963
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Yewdall.

YoudRef 291-1964
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Youd.

YoungRef 291-193
There are over 20 entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Young. This count does not include other forms of the surname.

Unattached BMDs for Young

Marriage 1921; Death 1907


YoungerRef 291-1965
There are a few entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Younger.

© Malcolm Bull 2024
Revised 15:51 / 20th October 2024 / 1033030

Page Ref: MME369

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