Economic Stores (Halifax) Limited

The Economic Stores (Halifax) Limited were popular grocers and provision merchants.

They were known as

The Universal Providers [1937]

Established in 1887 in Charles Street, Halifax. They were a privately-owned concern, founded on the co-operative ideals and

Established to supply its members and the public with all goods they may require, at popular prices, and divide the profit accruing therefrom pro rata according to purchase

Their motto was

Forward – We Cannot Stand Still

Founders included

In 1922, a pig owned by the Stores was taken to Halifax Abattoir and slaughtered, and then hung in cold storage. The next morning, it had disappeared, apparently having been stolen. A County Court judge found for the Corporation.

On 7th December 1922, the Stores won an appeal against the Corporation

concerning a missing pig

On 16th March 1923, the newspapers reported

Missing pig appeal case; council loses

In 1924, the advertised 40 businesses in the Halifax, Bradford, Huddersfield districts.

The Head Office – dated 1903 – was at King Street, at its junction with Winding Road. By 1937, they had 71 branches and departments across Yorkshire.

Locally, they had branches at

The company closed in 19??

This & associated entries use material contributed by John Stringer & Bill Wall

© Malcolm Bull 2025
Revised 09:54 / 20th March 2025 / 4412

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