Some Freeman of the Borough

This Foldout lists some of the people who have been awarded the Freedom of the Borough

[Calderdale] Mark Andrew

Norman Eric Barber
James Booth
William Bramwell Booth
John Floyd Bottomley
John Vincent Floyd Bottomley
John Bradley
Sir Dryden Brook

William C. A. Carpenter
Hannah Cockroft
[Calderdale] Peter Sephton Coles
Sir Savile Brinton Crossley

[Calderdale] Roger Harvey
Edwin Rigby Hinchliffe

Robert Jackson
Maurice Jagger

[Calderdale] Thomas Lawler
Gilbert Lawson
Frederick Austin Leach
Charles Henry Lucas

[Calderdale] Christine (Chris) McCafferty

William Ormerod

James Parker

John Radcliffe

George Henry Smith
[Brighouse] William Smith
Sir James Stansfeld
George Frederick Sugden
Richard Edgar Sugden

Robert Thornton

John Whiteley Ward
Richard Dearden Ward
Frank Watkinson
Joseph Whitaker
Wilfrid Whiteley
John Whitley
John Henry Whitley

Others have included

© Malcolm Bull 2025
Revised 09:12 / 24th February 2025 / 5949

Page Ref: MMF465

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