Horton ...

The entries for people & families with the surname Horton are gathered together in this SideTrack.

This Page does not include people with other forms of the surname.

There are many people with this surname, and it is possible that there are duplicate entries for an individual. If you discover any such duplicates, please email me and I shall correct them.

Horton, MrRef 292-2988
A groom and gardener of Cleckheaton.

On 26th May 1864, he had gone with his horse and cart to fetch stone from a quarry at Hipperholme. The gates of the railway crossing at Hipperholme Station were open and he was on the line when he saw a train approaching. He managed to get off the line, but the train caught the back of the cart and threw Horton on his back. He suffered spinal injuries and some paralysis.

In August 1865, at Leeds Assizes, he was awarded £1200 damages from the Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Company

Horton, CharlotteRef 292-2586
Born in Chadderton, Lancashire.

She was the only daughter of Rev Sir Thomas Horton [1758-1831] third baronet, of Hound Hill, near Pontefract. Her mother was a granddaughter of the 11th Earl of Derby.

Charlotte married Colonel George Pollard

This & associated entries use material contributed by John Elverson & David Glover

Horton, ElizabethRef 292-892
Youngest daughter of
William Horton

Horton, ElkanahRef 292-289
Of Thornton Hall.

Son of Joshua Horton.

He was a barrister at Gray's Inn, London.

In 1722, he made Lower Langley Farm, Norland, Birch Farm, Sowerby, and Lane Ends Farm, Norland over to the Rev Nicholas Jackson, the curate at Sowerby, and his successors.

His will [1728] provided 6 almshouses in Sowerby Town for 3 poor men and 3 poor women of Sowerby aged over 60, and endowed them for all time.

He inherited Stansfield Hall, Todmorden.

In 1679, his father Joshua left Elkanah property in Thornton, Allerton, Addingham, Hillhouse, Heslegreave, Slack in Barkisland, and Stavery in Sowerby.

He went to live in Thornton.

In 1696, he sold Stansfield Hall to William Sutcliffe.

He died without issue.

He was buried at St Peter's Church, Sowerby [28th January 1729]

This & associated entries use material contributed by Anne Kirker

Horton, Dr G. W.Ref 292-1703
Physician and surgeon at Greetland [1905]

Horton, Rev George HerbertRef 292-1253
He was rector at Kent and curate at Wigan before becoming Curate at
St Jude's Church, Halifax [1916]

Horton, George HerbertRef 292-1533
Son of
Joshua Thomas Horton.

He was buried at Frinstead, Kent.

He is remembered on the family grave at Christ Church, Barkisland

Horton, JosephRef 292-1170
Son of
William Horton.

In 1599, he married Mary Schuyler.

Child: Barnabas [1600-1680] who emigrated to America and died in New York.

He and his wife were born in Leicestershire and lived there

Horton, JoshuaRef 292-3033
In 1675, he bought
Stansfield Hall, Todmorden from John Pilling.

He married Martha Binns.


  1. Elkanah
  2. Joshua
  3. Thomas

Horton, JoshuaRef 292-558
[1572?1679] JP.

Of Sowerby.

Second son of William Horton.

He married Martha Binns.


  1. Joshua [1657-1708] of Chadderton who married Mary  [16??-1708] (both buried at Oldham) 
  2. Elkanah
  3. son

He is mentioned in the Catalogue of Portraits of Old Halifax Worthies which appears in Horsfall Turner's Halifax Books & Authors.

In his will, he left son Elkanah property in Thornton, Allerton, Addingham, Hillhouse, Heslegreave, Slack in Barkisland, and Stavery in Sowerby

See Broadstones, Halifax / Thomas Gledhill / Sir Watts Horton / Henry Root

This & associated entries use material contributed by Anne Kirker

Horton, JoshuaRef 292-822
Son of
Joshua Horton.

He built Sowerby Hall.

In 16??, he married Isobel.

He was one of the electorate of 59 people when Jeremy Bentley was elected first MP for Halifax in 1654. In 1655, he bought High Sunderland from Langdale Sunderland.

In 1673, he bought Stannery End and Thymeley bent from Samuel Gregson and the Gregson family.

In 1675, he bought Stansfield Hall, Todmorden.

In 16??, he bought property called Chadderton near Oldham.

He was a friend of Rev Oliver Heywood.

He built a meeting house Quarry Hill, Sowerby.

He was buried at St Peter's Church, Sowerby

Horton, JoshuaRef 292-14
JP for Yorkshire, DL.

Son of Governor Thomas Horton.

He lived at Howroyd Hall, Barkisland.

In 1754, he introduced Hare coursing to Halifax.

He married (1) Ann.

Child: 1. Richard Henry.

He married (2) Mary Bethiah.

Child: 2. Thomas.

He is mentioned in the Catalogue of Portraits of Old Halifax Worthies which appears in Horsfall Turner's Halifax Books & Authors.

See Havercake

Horton, Rev Joshua ThomasRef 292-2613
JP for Yorkshire and Lancashire.

Son of Thomas Horton.

He became Vicar of Ormskirk.

He is mentioned in the Catalogue of Portraits of Old Halifax Worthies which appears in Horsfall Turner's Halifax Books & Authors.

He was buried at Ormskirk.

See Horton Vs Thompson

Horton, Joshua ThomasRef 292-1530

Of Howroyde.

Born 10th May 1836.

He was Captain in the 2nd West York Yeomanry Cavalry.

On 18th November 1857, he married Elizabeth Blackie Roberton [1839-1902].

Elizabeth was the daughter of John Roberton of Edenmouth, Scotland


  1. Harriet [1858-1889]
  2. Joshua Thomas
  3. Mary Elizabeth Jane [1863-1870]
  4. John [1865-1870]
  5. William Theodore
  6. George Herbert

He died in Halifax [Q4 1895] (aged 59).

He is mentioned in the List of Local Wills: 1895

Members of the family were buried at Christ Church, Barkisland.

See Buzzer & Whistle Nuisance [1873] and Mary Kirkham

This & associated entries use material contributed by Roger Beasley, Derrick Habergham & Alan Longbottom

Horton, Rev Joshua ThomasRef 292-900
Of Barkisland

Horton, Joshua ThomasRef 292-1531
Son of
Joshua Thomas Horton.

Born 12th June 1860.

In 1901, he was living with his brother William Theodore.

In 1917, he was one of the principal landowners in Barkisland

Horton, JudithRef 292-643
Daughter of
William Horton of Coley Hall. She was the second wife of Thomas Ramsden

Horton, Rear Admiral Joshua SydneyRef 292-1632
Brother of
Thomas Horton of Howroyde near Halifax. He died at Boulogne-sur-Mer

Horton, RichardRef 292-1332
Howroyd Hall.

Son of William Horton.

He never married.

He was buried at Elland Parish Church

Horton, Richard HenryRef 292-1704
Youngest son of
Joshua Horton. He was a Major of the 84th Foot Regiment. He died whilst on duty with his regiment in Ireland

This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom

Horton, SarahRef 292-126
Daughter of
William Horton.

In 1636, she married John Gledhill.

She and John rebuilt Barkisland Hall

Her will [1657] mentioned several local people and places:

SARAH GLEDHILL late of Birkisland, co. Yorke & now of London, spinster. (Dat. 13 Oct. 1657). Uncle Joshua Horton. Mr Bococke his wife - Mrs Oakes my cousin - Elizth Horton & Martha Preston my servt - Legacy to school & schoolmaster of Birkisland - Grandmother Mrs Elizth Horton - Uncle Mr Thos. Horton - Cous. Eliz. Horton - Richd Hoyle & his son Nathan Hoyle of Lighthasles - Cos. Edwd Hanson of Woodhouse - Cous. Jas. Gledhill of London 7 his wife & chn - The sister of sd James Gledhill - Judith Haslam of Rochdale - Thos Deane - Michl Deane - Henry Green's wife - Susan Horton & her son Nathan & Sarah her dau - John Wormall & his sist Grace & sist. Martha - Nathan Hoyles wife of Milnebanck - Mr Kenyon minister of Ripponden - Jas Butterfield, Thos Thompson, Margt. Mather & Prudence Hayle my servants - Nathan Sherrock - Henry Elliston my father's apprentice - Mr Bococke, his wife & three daus - Mr John Tillatson - Elizth wife of Mr Jas. Oakes - Elizth Brooke - Robt Pickles - Uncle Josua Horton of Sowerby esq & Aunt Eliz. Horton of Holride exors. Sarah Gledhill - Wits:- Geo. Bowcock, James Oakes, Josua Tillatson, Martha Preston.

(Pr. 30 Apr. 1658) 


This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom

Horton, ThomasRef 292-398
Youngest son of
William Horton. He owned property and land at Howroyd Hall and Cromwellbottom.

He married Francis Throppe.

See Broadstones, Halifax

Horton, Dr ThomasRef 292-2828

Of London.

Son of Joshua Horton.

He died without issue

Horton, ThomasRef 292-1173
He left a part of
Hill Top Farm, Barkisland to the Minister of Ripponden on condition that the Minister preach an annual sermon on St Thomas's Day

Horton, Dr ThomasRef 292-1083
In 1693,
Mrs Pilling released her rights to Stansfield Hall to Horton

Horton, ThomasRef 292-1333
Son of
William Horton.

Of Barkisland Hall.

On 27th January 1672/3, he married Everilde.

Everilde was the daughter of John Thornhill


  1. Thomas [1673] who died in infancy
  2. William [1675] who died in infancy
  3. Everilda [1676-1683]
  4. John [1677] who died in infancy
  5. William [1678-1680]
  6. Susanna [1683-1730] who married Richard Beaumont from Whitley Hall
  7. Frances [1684] who died in infancy
  8. Gledhill [1686] who died in infancy
  9. Ann [1687-1750]
  10. Thomas [b 1689]
  11. Elizabeth [b 1693] who married Richard Bold

There is a monument to the daughters () in St Mary's Church, Mirfield

Horton, ThomasRef 292-536
He lived at
Howroyd Hall, Barkisland. In 1802, he was appointed JP.

Brother of Rear Admiral Joshua Sydney Horton

Horton, ThomasRef 292-1307

Of Howroyd Hall.

Son of Mary Bethiah and Joshua Horton.

He was instrumental in raising the Halifax Militia and was a Colonel of the troop. The original colours of the Militia were presented to the regiment on 10th January 1804 by Lady Mary Horton, and now hang in Howroyd Hall.

He married Mary Gordon.

Child: Joshua Thomas

He is mentioned in the Catalogue of Portraits of Old Halifax Worthies which appears in Horsfall Turner's Halifax Books & Authors.

He was buried at Elland Parish Church.

See The Halifax Declaration [1817]

Horton, Sir WattsRef 292-223
Of Chadderton, near Oldham.

A descendant of Joshua Horton.

He was a local landowner with property around what is now the railway station at the bottom of Horton Street, and land around Broadstones, Halifax and the Corn Market.

He led an extravagant life and sold much his Halifax property to support his house at Chadderton. This included land for the construction of the New Market and the Theatre Royal In 1793, he sold the Angel Inn, Halifax to the innkeeper, William Walker

Horton, WilliamRef 292-1467
Of Great and Little Horton, Bradford.

Son of Robert Horton [1530-1570] of Leicestershire.

He was an early member of the local branch of the Horton family.

In 1571, he married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Hanson.


  1. Joshua
  2. Margaret [b 1574]
  3. William
  4. Joseph
  5. Thomas
  6. Sarah
  7. Elizabeth

They lived at Howroyd Hall, Barkisland.

See Coley Hall

Horton, WilliamRef 292-224

Son of William Horton.

Born in Leicestershire.

He owned other property in the area, including Firth House, Barkisland.

He built Howroyd Hall around 1642.

On 11th October 1636, he married Elizabeth Gledhill from Barkisland Hall.

The wedding was on the same day that his sister, Sarah, married Elizabeth's brother, John


  1. Judith
  2. Thomas

His wife was daughter of Thomas Gledhill of Barkisland Hall – and the two estates eventually came into the one family

Horton, WilliamRef 292-1330
Howroyd Hall.

He married Mary Musgrave.

Mary youngest was the daughter of Sir Richard Musgrave of Cumberland


  1. William
  2. Richard

He was buried at Elland Parish Church

Horton, WilliamRef 292-1331
Of Coley.

Son of William Horton.

He was buried at Elland Parish Church

Horton, William TheodoreRef 292-1532
Son of
Joshua Thomas Horton.

Born in Barkisland [7th August 1874].

He was living on own means [1901] / a commercial traveller (lubricating oils) [1911].

He married [1887-19??].

May Kathleen was born in Waterford, Ireland


  1. Joshua William [b 1910]

They lived at

Living with him [in 1901] was his brother Joshua Thomas.

William Theodore died in Hawarden, North Wales [Q4 1911] (aged 36) 


The Horton family of BarkislandRef 292-2109
The family may have originated in the Horton area of Bradford where they held the Manor of Horton.

William Horton was an early member of the local branch of the family.

See: Barkisland Hall / Cromwellbottom Hall / Holden House / Howroyd Hall / Wynteredge Hall

The Horton family of ColeyRef 292-2600

The Horton family of SowerbyRef 292-2901


Horton surnameRef 292-1

The Surname is discussed in the book Halifax & District Surnames by George Redmonds.

There are 34 entries on the Calderdale Companion for people with the surname Horton, as discussed in this SideTrack. This count does not include other forms of the surname.

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