Large families

Several people are recorded as having unusually large numbers of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren

This Foldout lists the names of 417 people with families of more than 10 children

FatherNumber of Children
Aaron Howe11
Abraham Patchett11
Abraham Fielden11
Abraham Fielden11
Abraham Firth11
Alfred Hartley11
Anthony Wade11
Arthur William Oldfield11
Benjamin Brearley11
Benjamin Edwards11
Benjamin Hallewell11
Bernard Hartley11
Champion Jack Dupree11
Charles Henry Porter Worsnop11
Charles Jones Ormerod11
Charles Wray11
Charles Greenwood11
Charles Thornton11
Charles Field11
Crowther Standeven11
David Whiteley11
David Wardle11
Duke Aspinall11
Edward Lord11
Edwin Halliday11
Enoch Aspinall11
Enoch Robinson11
Frederick Fawthrop11
Frederick Hainsworth11
Frederick Ogden11
George Houldsworth11
George Smithies11
George Thornhill11
George Gaukroger11
George Brearley11
George Thornton11
George Lumb11
George Holroyd11
George Cheetham11
George Hodgson11
George Fairburn11
Henry Lees Edwards11
Henry Riley11
Henry Wood11
Hudson Perry11
Isaac Hepworth11
Jabez Bunting Farrar11
James Holroyd11
James Moss11
James Hartley11
James Crossley11
James Scholfield11
James Highley11
James Sykes11
James Stott11
James Spencer11
James Pullan11
James Bintcliffe11
James Thornton11
James Henry Allinson11
James Newsome11
Jeremiah Heyworth11
Jeremiah Baxter11
Joe Hardy11
Joel Edwards11
John Edward Hamer11
John Singleton Longbottom11
John Waterhouse11
John Royds11
John Fielden11
John Holt11
John Aked11
John Gledhill11
John Knowles11
John Crossley11
John Bates11
John Fielden11
John Rayner11
John Gelder11
John Priestley11
John Roper11
John Taylor11
John Haigh11
John Birkhead11
John Habergham11
John James Rayner11
John Lawrence11
John Aspinall11
John Newsome Priestley11
John Baylis11
John Aspinall11
John Midgley11
John Nichol11
John William Kiddle11
John Marshall11
John Robertshaw11
Jonah Broomhead11
Jonas Wilkinson11
Jonas Sowden11
Jonathan Utley11
Jonathan Hellowell11
Joseph Priestley11
Joseph Moss11
Joseph Netherwood11
Joseph Milner11
Joseph Foster11
Joseph William Tidswell11
Joseph Clark11
Joshua Fielden11
Joshua Bottomley11
Joshua Shaw11
Jubal Riley11
Luke Crossley11
Luke Staveley11
Marsland Slater11
Martin Holt11
Miles Calvert11
Miles Fox11
Moses Bottomley11
Nicholas Liddle11
Patrick Dorsey11
Peter Wadsworth11
Philip Crowther11
Ralph Seddon Harrison11
Rev David Hartley11
Rev John Smith11
Rev Thomas Crowther11
Richard Barstow11
Richard Tattersall11
Richard Holroyd11
Richard Baldwin11
Richard Murgatroyd11
Richard Wadsworth11
Richard Fleming11
Richard Thomas11
Right Rev Thomas Carr11
Robert William Lund11
Robert Berry11
Robert Barker11
Robert Swan11
Robert Fielden11
Samuel William Batty11
Samuel Schorfield11
Samuel Baume11
Samuel Smith11
Samuel Kershaw11
Samuel Priestley11
Seth Elsworth11
Sidney Kitchen11
Sir Evan Spicer11
Sir Henry William Ripley11
Sir Titus Salt11
Squire Murgatroyd11
Squire Kitchen11
Thomas Rodgers11
Thomas Wolrich Stansfeld11
Thomas Holdsworth11
Thomas Horton11
Thomas Titterington11
Thomas Highley11
Thomas Bates11
Thomas Whiteley11
Thomas Bancroft11
Thomas Hirst11
Thomas William Allen11
Thomas Aspinall11
Thomas Sharp Asquith11
Thomas Henry Jenkins11
Thomas Cookson11
Thomas Scratcherd11
Thomas Lee11
Thomas Whiteley11
Thomas Priestley11
Timothy Hoyle11
William Haggis11
William Brodley11
William Thomas11
William Shepherd11
William Hartley11
William Laycock11
William Hoult11
William Calvert11
William Leach11
William Boocock11
William Green11
William Aspinall11
William Wood11
William Abercrombie11
William Henry Thornton11
William Shepley11
William Wilkinson11
William Aspinall11
William Jackson11
William Henry Greenwood11
William Jackson11
William Crothers11
William Henry Murgatroyd11
William Milligan11
William Whiteley11
Willy Booth11
Zacharia Astin11
Zachariah Jackson11
Abraham Firth12
Albert Cracroft Fookes12
Albert Hinchliffe12
Alfred Simpson12
Benjamin Edwards12
Benjamin Ingle12
Benjamin Sykes12
Captain Langdale Sunderland12
Charles Peel12
Charles Greenwood12
Dr Richard Richardson12
Dr John Prescott12
Eli Fieldhouse12
Elisha Saltonstall12
Emanuel Mallinson12
Ezra Greaves12
George Bradwith Corney12
George Dyson12
George Nelson Emmet12
George Taylor12
George Kitson12
George Wray12
George Bray12
George Henry Booth12
Harry Denton12
Henry Lord12
Herbert Hadley12
Isaac Atkinson12
Isaac Lee12
James Ryder Butler12
James Murgatroyd12
James Hartley12
James Walsh12
James Sugden12
James Scholfield12
James Wade12
Jeremiah Sutcliffe12
Joe William Smith12
John Burrow12
John Henry Murgatroyd12
John Samuel Jowett12
John Caygill12
John Rawson12
John Priestley12
John Catherall12
John Crossley12
John Lane McCrea12
John Ratcliffe12
John Farrar12
John Blackburn12
John Akroyd12
John Dugdale12
John Normanton12
John Green12
John Stansfield12
John Aspinall12
John Avison12
John Holroyd12
John Henry Dixon12
John Presswood12
Jonathan Knowles12
Joseph Frobisher12
Joseph Drake12
Joseph Howe12
Joseph Smith12
Joshua Howarth12
Matthew Mitchell12
Matthew Mitchell Wormald12
Nathan Hoyle12
Owen Thristan12
Ralph Webster12
Rev Thomas Dickenson12
Rev Christopher Atkinson12
Richard Sutcliffe12
Robert Barker12
Samuel Howarth12
Samuel Asquith12
Samuel Weightman12
Samuel Oldfield12
Stott Gibson12
Thomas Allott12
Thomas Pollit12
Thomas Shaw12
Thomas Shaw12
Tommy Baldwin12
Walter Smith12
Westrop Feather12
William Eland12
William Freeman12
William Howarth12
William Huntriss12
William Speak12
William Darby12
William Bottomley12
William Parker12
William Dyer12
Wright Bentley12
Abraham Grandage13
Abraham Law13
Abraham Dawson13
Currer Fothergill Busfeild13
Dan Holt13
David Stansfeld13
David Aaron13
Dr Thomas Crowther13
Dr James Lister13
Elijah Saltonstall13
George Bentley13
George Hoyle13
George Hill13
Henry Schorfield13
James Clay13
James Cardwell13
John Williams Gardom13
John Firth13
John Scholfield13
John Blackburn13
John Midgley13
John Thornton13
John Firth13
John Highley13
John Shackleton13
John Briggs13
John Sutcliffe13
John Smith13
Joseph Hartley13
Joseph Crossley13
Joseph Pickles13
Joseph Riley Gledhill13
Joshua Fielden13
Matthew Sheard13
Milford Garforth13
Oliver Hollas13
Rev Arthur Hall13
Rev John Penfold13
Richard Beverley13
Robert Feather13
Robert Edwards13
Rowland Norcliffe13
Samuel Broadbent Pinchin13
Samuel Law13
Samuel Wadsworth13
Sir John Armytage13
Thomas Mitchell13
Thomas Sutcliffe13
Thomas Crossley13
Thomas Wadsworth13
Thomas Whiteley13
Thomas Cartlidge13
Timothy Bentley13
Valentine Smithies13
William Hopkinson Barrett13
William Crossley13
William Scholfield13
William Morton13
William Northend13
William Birtwhistle13
Aaron Webster14
Abraham Greenwood14
Andrew Heaton14
Charles Whiteley14
Charles Greenwood14
Charles Crossley14
Eli Dyson14
George Priestley14
George Lumb14
George Bull14
James Greenwood14
Jeremiah Carter14
Jesse Horsfall14
John Edwards14
John Halliday14
John Bearder14
John Thomas Crabtree14
John Chappell14
John Oates14
Jonathan Norcliffe14
Joseph Riley Gledhill14
Rev Anderson John McCausland14
Rev Samuel Lowell14
Rev Joseph Charnock14
Richard Cockcroft14
Samuel Law14
Samuel Dawson14
William Murgatroyd14
William Foster14
William Samuel Jones14
William Whiteley14
Arthur Thorp15
Daniel Bottomley15
David Hollinrake15
James Brook15
John Hartley15
John Savile15
Oscar Henry Balmforth15
Sam Priestley15
Samuel Fielden15
Thomas Milne15
Thomas Aspinall15
William Stocks15
Abraham Lumb16
Albert Wood Aspinall16
Dan Asquith16
Elisha W. Stott16
John Shackleton16
John Mallinson16
Joseph Mallinson16
George Edwards17
James Bottomley17
Joseph Wolfenden17
Seth Fawthrop17
Joseph Sutcliffe Sugden18
Ephraim Howe19
Knight Spencer19
James Hollows22

© Malcolm Bull 2025
Revised 14:13 / 21st March 2025 / 63682

Page Ref: MML1232

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