Lower Wat Ing, Norland
House dated 1664.
Early owners included
John Mitchell
The Waterhouse family
In the 18th century, it was owned by Mary Morton, later Mrs
Richard Hopwood.
She passed it to her niece Anne Greame and her nephew Henry
Greame, and it was handed down the Greame family
In 1841,
In 1851, Henry Horatio Greame sold the estate to Joseph Priestley
Edwards, who passed it to his younger son, Lea Priestley Edwards
In 1875, he sold the estate to James Dyson of Abbotsroyd,
The estate then passed to his son, Charles Jessop Dyson, and his
nephew William Dyson
To settle a family dispute, the estate was sold at auction and was
bought by John Maude
In 1899, his daughter bought the estate from her mother's executors.
In 1920, she sold it to the Marsden Brothers, Sowerby Bridge
In 1945, they sold it to George Edwin Gregory.
Gregory rented the property to the Buggy's, an Irish
family who subsequently emigrated to Tasmania.
Then, Gregory sold it to the Sutherland family
The various owners sold parts of the estate to the Manchester &
Leeds Railway Company, and others parts were taken over by the
Upper Wat Ing
This & associated entries use material contributed by Pauline Martin
Malcolm Bull
Revised 18:36 / 22nd January 2025 / 4322
Page Ref: MML185