The entries for people & families with the surname Lightowler are gathered together in this SideTrack.
This Page does not include people with other forms of the surname.
There are many people with this surname, and it is possible that there are duplicate entries for an individual. If you discover any such duplicates, please email me and I shall correct them.
He was a road surveyor [1891].
In [Q2] 1883, he married Elizabeth Jane Crowther [1853-1???] in Halifax.
Joe Willie [b 1885]
They lived at Cross Lane, Shelf [1891].
Living with them [in 1891] were mother Ellen Lightowler [b
1843] and brother-in-law Charles Crowther [b 1848]
This & associated entries use material contributed by Derrick Habergham
Son of Miriam and Henry Charles Lightowler.
He worked with the family business, Lightowler & Company.
He diversified into the manufacture of hassocks.
He was an insurance agent [1958].
In [Q3] 1923, he married Edith Mary Illingworth [1???-1???] in Halifax.
Edith Mary was Mayoress to his mother Miriam
This & associated entries use material contributed by Sian Hunnisett
Born in Northowram.
He was
a stone mason [1871, 1881] /
a mason [1891].
On 23rd April 1871, he married Mary Paley [1850-1???] at Halifax Parish Church.
Her father is not recorded on the marriage record
They lived at
Edward died in 1896 (aged 48)
This & associated entries use material contributed by Roger Beasley
He was
a chapel sexton [1901] /
a chapel caretaker [1911] /
caretaker & sexton at Providence Congregational Church, Stainland
(for 25 years).
In [Q4] 1878, he married Emma Maria Lambert [1858-1931] in Halifax.
They lived at Providence Hill, Stainland [1901, 1911].
George Henry died 16th August 1911 (aged 54).
Emma Maria died 3rd January 1935 (aged 77).
Members of the family were buried at Providence Congregational Church, Stainland [Grave Ref: S3/431]
with daughter-in-law Emma, widow of son Sam
Born 5th September 1871.
Around 1896, he went into the family business with his older brother,
In 1896, he married Miriam Butler.
They lived at Martindale, Swires Road, Halifax [1936, 1950s].
He was Conservative Councillor for Halifax East Ward
Shortly before his death, he was appointed Assistant Director
of National Kitchens.
He died suddenly at his home Martindale, Swires Road, Halifax [11th
February 1918]
This & associated entries use material contributed by Ivan Birch & David Bland
Born in Northowram.
He moved
from Crow Point,
to Cold Harbour, Pule Hill,
then to New Bank, Halifax,
where he started a dyeing and scouring business.
In 1828, he married Jane Denby.
He died on 12th December 1865 [aged 70].
James & Jane were buried at Ambler Thorn United Methodist Chapel
This & associated entries use material contributed by David Bland
In October 1849, he was declared insolvent
He was
a boot maker [1839] /
a cordwainer & shoemaker [1871].
On 10th February 1839, he married (1) Charlotte Atkinson in Halifax.
5 weeks after their marriage, Charlotte died [4th March 1839]
of a rupture of a blood vessel in the head at the Punch Bowl, Boothtown.
At the Inquest, a verdict of
was returned.
On 30th August 1840, he married (2) Harriet Atkinson in Halifax.
The children were born Northowram
The family lived at
Crow Point, Northowram [1871]
This & associated entries use material contributed by Roger Beasley & Glynn Helliwell
He was
a railway porter [1861] /
a butcher [1871, 1881].
He married Bridget [1823-1875].
Child: James [b 1849] who was a butcher [1871].
The family lived at
Living with them [in 1861] were lodgers:
Catherine [b 1805]
Richard Braham [b 1791] (both spectacle hawkers born in
Bridget died 1st October 1875 (aged 52),
and was buried at Lister Lane Cemetery [Plot 1360]
On 23rd November 1812, he married B 1791 at Halifax Parish Church.
John died after 1819
This & associated entries use material contributed by David Bland
He married Hannah Whitehead [1816-18??].
Child: Joseph
He and his brothers,
Joseph and
established the Lightowler Brothers company with a dye works at Hebble Bridge.
They also had carpet manufacturing and dyeing businesses in
Cross Hills
and later at
Eastfield Works, Claremount
Bath Parade.
He was still a dyer and finisher in 1897.
He married Elizabeth Smith.
Child: Joseph
This & associated entries use material contributed by David Bland
He married Mary Jane Woodall [1860-1952] from Selby.
This & associated entries use material contributed by David Bland
On 27th June 1814, he married Hannah Cockroft [1793-1864] at
Halifax Parish Church.
This & associated entries use material contributed by David Bland
He started working as a stone quarryman.
In 1871, he was at the family home at Blaithroyd Lane where he
carried on the family business, running a grocer's shop and beerhouse
at the premises which became the New Road Inn.
On 10th August 1856, he married (1) Mary Haigh [1835-1860] in Halifax
Mary died 3rd July 1860.
On 19th June 1861, he married (2) Emma Hamer [1834-18??].
Joseph died 16th November 1878.
Emma died in Southowram [21st February 1917].
Members of the family were buried at St Anne's Church, Southowram [Grave Ref: R 11].
Lightowler Buildings, Southowram Bank
This & associated entries use material contributed by David Bland, Glynn Helliwell & Jeffrey Knowles
They also had carpet manufacturing and dyeing businesses in
Cross Hills
and later at
Eastfield Works, Claremount
Bath Parade.
He took over business at the Bath Parade works.
Despite a bankruptcy, he was able to establish linoleum
and carpet manufacturer Lightowler & Company Limited.
He occupied Waterside Dye Works, Halifax [1874-1882].
In 1859, he married Elizabeth Platts.
By 1901, Joseph had retired and the business had passed to his
This & associated entries use material contributed by David Bland
They also had carpet manufacturing and dyeing businesses in
Cross Hills
and later at
Eastfield Works, Claremount
Bath Parade.
He took over business at the Bath Parade works.
Despite a bankruptcy, he was able to establish linoleum
and carpet manufacturer Lightowler & Company Limited.
He occupied Waterside Dye Works, Halifax [1874-1882].
In 1859, he married Elizabeth Platts.
By 1901, Joseph had retired and the business had passed to his sons
This & associated entries use material contributed by David Bland
In 1859, he married (1) Sarah Ann Dyson [1831-1878].
He married (2) Unknown.
In 1879, he married (3) Mary [1846-1???]
This & associated entries use material contributed by David Bland
He married Ada Urquhart from Lancashire.
The family moved to Pawtukett, Rhode Island
This & associated entries use material contributed by David Bland
Youngest daughter of James Butler.
She was educated at Trinity House Grammar School, Halifax and Cliff
House, Harrogate.
On 16th January 1924, she was Halifax's first lady Councillor
when she was returned unopposed for Halifax South Ward – see
Jennie Latham.
She was
a member of the Halifax Board of Guardians [1913],
Halifax's first woman JP [1920],
first lady Chairman of the Board of Guardians [1930],
the last Chairman of the Halifax Board of Guardians,
a member of the Watch Committee,
Chairman of the Public Assistance Committee,
a Conservative,
Chairman of the Halifax Women's Conservative Association,
the first Lady
Mayor of Halifax [1934-1935].
In 1929, a clock was installed in the pediment of the main building
at St John's Hospital and named Miriam in her honour.
In 1896, she married Henry Charles Lightowler.
Her daughter-in-law, Edith Mary, was her Mayoress.
On 9th November 1935, she was elected Alderman.
In 1936, Halifax Fire Brigade named their new 100-ft turntable
ladder Miriam in her honour.
She received the OBE in 1938
She lived at Martindale, Halifax [1958].
She died at St John's Hospital [19th June 1958].
Probate records show that she left effects valued at £3,360 8/11d.
Probate was granted to
son Arthur Laurence Lightowler.
Lightowler Road, Halifax,
Miriam clock and
Miriam fire engine
This & associated entries use material contributed by Ivan Birch & David Bland
A possible scenario, yet to be confirmed is that
In June 1855, The Leeds Mercury announced the death
This & associated entries use material contributed by Dave Bland
Born in Halifax.
He was a cloth finisher [1911].
In [Q3] 1913, he married Emma Booth [1888-1947] in Halifax.
Emma died 8th May 1947 (aged 59).
She was buried at Providence Congregational Church, Stainland
with Sam's parents.
In [Q2] 1955, Sam (possibly) married Ethel Priestley in Bradford.
Samuel died in Bradford [Q1 1966] (aged 75)
They also had carpet manufacturing and dyeing businesses in
Cross Hills
and later at
Eastfield Works, Claremount
Bath Parade.
He seems to have quit the business in 1879.
He married Mary Ann Nichol.
This & associated entries use material contributed by David Bland
He married Ann Baistow [1758-1834].
Members of the family were buried at Ambler Thorn United Methodist Chapel
This & associated entries use material contributed by David Bland
He was
a card maker [1823] /
a shop-keeper at Halfpenny Can, Southowram [1845].
On 14th September 1823, he married Ruth Holroyd [1796-1866] in Halifax.
In 1851, he and Ruth lived at Blaithroyd Lane and had a
grocer's shop at the premises which became the New Road Inn
In 1861, after Titus's death, Ruth carried on the
business alone.
Ruth died 15th April 1866 (aged 70)
and was buried at Wesleyan Chapel, Southowram.
with other members of the family.
After her death, their son, Joseph carried
on the business.
Lightowler Buildings, Southowram Bank
This & associated entries use material contributed by David Bland & Jeffrey Knowles
In 1845, he married Ellen Naylor [n 1825] from Southowram.
This & associated entries use material contributed by David Bland
He was
a butcher [1901] /
a butcher in Savile Park, Halifax /
a butcher (retailer, employer) at Bell Hall [1911] /
a member of the Halifax Butchers' Association /
a member of the Halifax Butchers' Sick & Benevolent Club.
In 1908, he married Lucy Ineson in Halifax.
They lived at
During World War I,
he enlisted [May 1917]
and served as a Private
with the Durham Light Infantry,
and was transferred to the
Labour Corps
Area Employment Company.
He went to France [September 1917].
He died of dysentery in No.6 Stationary Hospital, France [16th March 1918] (aged 37).
He was buried at St. Hilaire Cemetery, France [Grave Ref IV A 17].
He is remembered in the Halifax Town Hall Books of Remembrance,
and on the Memorial at Halifax Butchers' Association
This & associated entries use material contributed by Roger BeasleyLightowler, Albert Ref 290-527
Born in Shelf.
Elizabeth Jane was born in Shelf
Lightowler, Arthur Lawrence Ref 290-430
Lightowler, Edward Ref 290-2
Son of James Lightowler.
Mary, of Northowram, was born in Skipton.
Lightowler, George Henry Ref 290-92
Born in Northowram.
Emma Maria came from Wortley, Leeds
Lightowler, Henry Charles Ref 290-428
Son of Joseph Lightowler.
Lightowler, J. Ref 290-1500
In 1867, a published a volume of poetry [100 pages] in Halifax
Lightowler, James Ref 290-848
Son of Titus Lightowler.
Lightowler, James Ref 290-1233
Landlord of the Stock's Arms, Northowram [1845].
Lightowler, James Ref 290-246
Born in Northowram.
Charlotte was the daughter of Isaac Atkinson
Died by the visitation of God
Harriet was the daughter of Isaac Atkinson and sister
of his first wife
Lightowler, James Ref 290-4
Born in Huddersfield.
Bridget was born in Galway, Ireland
Lightowler, John Ref 290-1185
Son of Titus Lightowler.
Lightowler, John Ref 290-8440
Recorded on 19th December 1848, when
he was fined £5 plus costs for a savage attack upon police constable Schofield.
In default of payment, he was committed to the House of Correction
for 2 months
Lightowler, John Ref 290-1188
Son of Joseph Lightowler.
Lightowler, John Ref 290-841
He lived at
Jack Royd, Wheatley.
Lightowler, John Henry Ref 290-1190
Son of Joseph Lightowler.
Lightowler, Joseph Ref 290-1186
Son of Titus Lightowler.
Lightowler, Joseph Ref 290-1219
Son of Titus Lightowler.
Mary born in Halifax
Emma was born in Barkisland [19th September 1834], the
daughter of William Hamer
Lightowler, Joseph Ref 290-423
He and his brothers,
John and
established the Lightowler Brothers company with a dye works at Hebble Bridge.
Lightowler, Joseph Ref 290-587
He and his brothers,
John and
established the Lightowler Brothers company with a dye works at Hebble Bridge.
Lightowler, Joseph Ref 290-1189
Son of John Lightowler.
Lightowler, Joseph Ref 290-843
Son of John Lightowler.
Lightowler, Mrs Miriam Ref 290-53
Lightowler, Nancy Ref 290-1334
Or Ann.
Daughter of Titus Lightowler.
She married (1) Michael Midgley.
In 1844, after Michael's death, she married (2) Henry Greenwood in Halifax.
On Thursday [31st May 1855] at Halifax, aged 66, Mrs Greenwood,
relict of Mr Henry Greenwood maltster of Sowerby Bridge, and mother
to Mr W. Midgley, bookseller of Halifax
Lightowler, Samuel Lambert Ref 290-3
Son of George Henry Lightowler.
Lightowler, Thomas Ref 290-842
He and his brothers,
John and
established the Lightowler Brothers company with a dye works at Hebble Bridge.
Lightowler, Titus Ref 290-847
Farmer and quarryman at Ambler Thorn.
He rented land from Michael Stocks, near to the junction of
Swalesmoor Lane and the Halifax to Bradford Road.
Lightowler, Titus Ref 290-1187
Son of Titus Lightowler.
Lightowler, William Ref 290-1220
Son of Titus Lightowler.
Lightowler, Willie Ref 290-758
Son of Edward Lightowler.
Families |
Surname |
Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout
The name probably originated in Lancashire in an area
called Lightalders (or a Lightowler farm) at the
Littleborough end of Blackstone Edge.
Forms of the surname include
Entries for people with the surname Lightowler
are discussed in this SideTrack.
Other forms of the surname are not included here.
This & associated entries use material contributed by David Bland & Philip Lightowlers
Lightowler surname Ref 290-1
Page Ref: MML982
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