Todmorden ...

Entries beginning Todmorden ... and The Todmorden ... are gathered together in this Sidetrack.

TodmordenRef 27-T48
Town to the west of Halifax and on the western edge of Calderdale.

See Population, Parish statistics and Todmorden & Lancashire

The Todmorden AdvertiserRef 27-T401
First published by Richard Chambers on 5th November 1853. A weekly edition appeared in 1854.

In 1905, it was published by Frederick Lee & Company.

It later became The Todmorden News & Advertiser.

See John Blackburn and Clarence Lee

Todmorden Advertiser & Hebden Bridge NewsletterRef 27-11
18th/19th century publication in the Upper Calder Valley.

Published by Waddington & Sons (Printers) Limited

The Todmorden Advertiser & Hebden Bridge Newsletter [27th April 1934] published a long article about the history of the newspaper and its new printing press

The Todmorden Advertiser and Hebden Bridge Newsletter has been published for over eighty years, with the first edition appearing in November 1853.

Published by Richard Chambers for the first 46 years. He was a printer, bookseller & book-binder at Cheapside. He also sold flutes, violins, violin and violoncello strings, bridge, pegs, hair for bows, resin and clarionette reeds.

The paper was sold to Frederick Lee & Company in 1899 due to Richard Chamber's ill health.

The partnership was dissolved in 1907 and Frederick Lee became the sole proprietor. John Alfred Lee began work as a part-time newsboy for the Advertiser in 1883, aged 21. He later held the position of chief reporter for the Bacup Times for over 16 years. He then returned to work for the Advertiser until he retired in 1931.

Messrs Waddington and Sons Limited took over the paper in 1919


This & associated entries use material contributed by Roger Beasley

Todmorden AlbumRef 27-T327
A website with a collection of photographs of people and places in and around Todmorden.

See Roger Birch

Todmorden Amateur BandRef 27-5
Recorded in September 1862

Todmorden & Cornholme Manufacturing & Company LimitedRef 27-T824
Ran the Vale Bobbin Mill, Cornholme between 1860 and 1894.

In December 1894, a winding-up notice was published and the Vale Bobbin Mill was advertised for sale.

See Cornholme Manufacturing Company

Todmorden & District Canine SocietyRef 27-T964
Recorded on 1st March 1890, when they held their first show – with around 350 entries – at Todmorden Drill Hall and Carr Mill, Todmorden. They also included pigeons in the entries

Todmorden & District Carriage Company LimitedRef 27-T826
Livery stables, carriage and omnibus proprietors and bus, coach and private hire company established by Jonathan Gledhill and registered in March 1875. The company used the horse-buses of John Ormerod.

An advertisement for the business in 1882 announced that they were

... prepared to supply four-in-hand, tandem turnouts, omnibusses, waggonettes, drags, cabs, in first-class style

The first route was a Saturday service to Cornholme. This was followed by a service to the Woodman Inn at Charlestown, and a third to the Waggon & Horses at Walsden.

Their horses were stabled behind the Golden Lion.

In 1888, Mitchell Helliwell was Manager and Jonathan Gledhill was Secretary.

In 1900, their livery stables were at Canal Yard, Todmorden.

In December 1912, the horses and carriages of the Company were sold for £500.

See Edward William Bell Sendall

This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom

Todmorden & District Licensed Victuallers Wine & Beer Sellers AssociationRef 27-T813
Established 1894.

See William Hollinrake and William Singleton

The Todmorden & District NewsRef 27-T403
Newspaper published by Waddington & Bayes In July 1869.

It was originally a 4-page paper, but subsequently increased to 8 pages.

In 1917, it was published in Fridays by Waddington & Sons

Todmorden & District Nursing AssociationRef 27-T809
Recorded in 19121913.

In 1912, Mrs Greenwood gave £1,000 towards the Todmorden District Nursing Scheme

On 14th February 1913, the first annual meeting of the Todmorden & District Nursing Institute was reported

The Todmorden & Hebden Bridge Advertiser & General News-letterRef 27-T285
Aka Todmorden Advertiser & Hebden Bridge Newsletter. Newspaper published in November 1853. It was initially a monthly publication.

From 8th August 1857, it was published weekly on Friday.

In 1917, it was published by Frederick Lee

The Todmorden & Hebden Bridge Historical AlmanackRef 27-T586
The first edition appeared on 1st December 1865.
Containing a record of important local and other events from an early period to the present time

Published annually by Thomas Dawson, W. Barker and John Firth, and Mason & Howorth

See Todmorden & Hebden Bridge Almanacks

Todmorden & Hebden Bridge School BoardRef 27-T306
Aka United District School Board of Todmorden. School Board set up in 1873.

See Cragg Vale Junior & Infant School, Crimsworth Board School and Roomfield Board School

Todmorden & LancashireRef 27-T899

Todmorden & Millwood Industrial & Co-operative Society LimitedRef 27-T816
Recorded in 1905

Todmorden & Walsden constablesRef 27-T1127
The Foldout lists some of the people who have served as Police Officers in Todmorden & Walsden

See Todmorden & Walsden Select Vestry [1838], Todmorden Constables and Walsden Constables

This & associated entries use material contributed by Linda Briggs

Todmorden & Walsden Overseers of the PoorRef 27-T942
The Foldout lists some of the people who have served as Overseer of the Poor for Todmorden & Walsden.

See Mankinholes Riots and Todmorden Board of Guardians

Todmorden & Walsden Select VestryRef 27-6
So called because they met in the church vestry.

This was a forerunner of the Local Boards and Town Councils.

Small townships such as Todmorden & Walsden were governed by a committee of mainly self-appointed local individuals with money and time on their hands. These men were drawn from the freeholders, ratepayers and clergy. They could be described as

the Gentlemen, Clergy and principal inhabitants

They appointed officers from within their own ranks to serve the community

This & associated entries use material contributed by Linda Briggs

Todmorden & Walsden WebsiteRef 27-T142
Linda Briggs and Dorothy Hargreaves have created a comprehensive and accessible website with a vast collection of photographs and articles about Todmorden, Walsden and the western end of the Upper Calder Valley.

The two ladies have contributed much to the Calderdale Companion, and there are links from here to many of the pages on the Todmorden & Walsden Website notably the MIs at

This & associated entries use material contributed by Linda Briggs

Todmorden Angling SocietyRef 27-T1177
See Portsmouth Reservoir, Todmorden

Todmorden Antiquarian SocietyRef 27-T812
Established in 1865

Todmorden Art GroupRef 27-T331
A non-profit making group of local artists. They present exhibitions of work by local artists.

See Platform One Gallery

Todmorden Band of Hope UnionRef 27-T627
Established in 1869.

On 31st July 1897

the finest show of teetotallers ever seen in Todmorden [took part] in the Union's procession [when] between 5,000 and 6,000 persons were present

See Band of Hope, Cornholme & Shore United Band of Hope, Elias Hitchen and William Marshall

Todmorden Board of GuardiansRef 27-T925
The first meeting was held on 28th March 1888 at Todmorden Town Hall

See Mankinholes Riots, Todmorden & Walsden Overseers of the Poor and Todmorden Poor Law Union

This & associated entries use material contributed by Linda Briggs

Todmorden Book ClubRef 27-T171
Established in 1798.

Recorded in 1888 when George Slater was Secretary, T. Schofield was Treasurer, and Jeremiah Slater was Librarian.

See Todmorden Book Club

Todmorden BoroughRef 27-T297
The incorporation of Todmorden was mentioned in 1886 – see George Stone.

The Todmorden charter was presented to Queen Victoria on 13th May 1896. The borough was established on 22nd August 1896.

See Metropolitan Borough of Calderdale, Todmorden Centenary Way and Yorkshire-Lancashire Border

Todmorden Borough CouncilRef 27-T333
The former Todmorden Urban District Council became a Borough in 1896. The first Municipal Elections for the new Borough of Todmorden were held on 2nd November 1896.

See Lionel Fielden Cockcroft, Caleb Hoyle and Todmorden Town Council

Todmorden Borough Football ClubRef 27-T664
Established in 2002. They play at Bellholme

Todmorden Botanical SocietyRef 27-T805
Founded by Abraham Stansfield and John Nowell on 26th May 1852. Stansfield was president, and Nowell was vice-president for the rest of their lives. The Society's meetings, research facilities, and library were held at the White Hart, Todmorden. The Society organised field-trips to destinations as far as Ireland.

See Nowell Memorial

Todmorden Boundary WalkRef 27-T400
A 22-mile walk around the boundary of Todmorden. The walk is held annually and organised by Todmorden Rotary Club and Todmorden Inner Wheel Club

Todmorden Brass Band & Glee ClubRef 27-T1120
Recorded in 1875

Todmorden British RestaurantRef 27-T287
British restaurant opened in 1941

Todmorden Bus StationRef 27-T930
Stansfield Road

Todmorden Cage Bird AssociationRef 27-T1136
Recorded in December 1896, when they held their annual show at the Golden Lion, Todmorden and on 2nd December 1899 when they held their 7th annual show at the same venue

Todmorden CarnivalRef 27-T1078

Todmorden Catholic ClubRef 27-T932
Eagle Street

Todmorden Centenary WayRef 27-T344
A 20-mile signposted circular route for walkers around Todmorden.

Created to celebrate the granting of Borough status to the town

It links with the Calderdale Way, and the Pennine Way

Todmorden Choral SocietyRef 27-T278
Recorded in 1935

Todmorden Church Lads' BrigadeRef 27-T1151
Recorded on 20th November 1909, when they celebrated their 7th anniversary

Todmorden: Churches & ChapelsRef 27-3

Todmorden Churches TogetherRef 27-T418

Todmorden CircuitRef 27-T34
The Methodist circuit was formed in 17??. Heptonstall Chapel became a part of the circuit in 1799

Todmorden Citizens' LeagueRef 27-T498
A group of local Baptists and Nonconformists. In 1904, 46 members were prosecuted for refusing to pay the education rate

Todmorden Coat of ArmsRef 27-T1152
The Todmorden arms show

and the motto

By Industry, we Prosper

Todmorden Colomobophile SocietyRef 27-T1128
Recorded in 1891 in reports of 62 pigeons being entered in the 162-mile race from Bath to Todmorden, and almost all the birds arrived home

The Todmorden CometRef 27-T593
A satirical newspaper published by J. N. Walton in 1840.

Abraham Stansfield was the editor of the paper.

After 13 fortnightly editions, it ceased publication on 30th January 1841

Todmorden Commercial Spinning & Manufacturing CompanyRef 27-T822
Established in 1854 and registered in 1855. They began business at Shade Mill, and then built Alma Mill, Walsden. They later moved into Square Mill, Walsden

Todmorden CommunistsRef 27-T521
On 23rd February 1932, over 600 people – including William Holt, Walter Newell, Edwin Rowan Howell, Fred Sutcliffe, and William George Silman - marched through Todmorden, protesting against mass unemployment and the means test.

The five men were arrested, and went on trial in March 1932.

On 16th March 1932, after a hearing which lasted 26 hours, they were sent for trial at Leeds Assizes.

On 21st April 1932, there were rowdy demonstrations at the start of the trial at Leeds Assizes. 10 men – mostly members of the Unemployed Workers' Movement – were arrested, tried and sentenced the same day. Amongst the group was Edward Kennedy of Halifax.

The trial ended on 6th May 1932, with guilty verdicts against Holt, Newell and Howell

Todmorden Community Brass BandRef 27-T382
The Band Room is on Wellington Road, Todmorden [2010]

Todmorden Conservative & Constitutional AssociationRef 27-T1125
Established in 1870.

In 1884, they moved to Bankfoot, Pavement.

Recorded in 1888, when John Fielden was President.

See Todmorden Conservative Club

Todmorden Conservative ClubRef 27-T792
Established in 1???.

On 7th March 1913, the club bought the former Fielden Temperance Hotel & Coffee Tavern for the purposes of extension. The membership was then 238.

The Todmorden Conservative Club Company was recorded in 1917 at Fielden Square, when Thomas Woodhead was secretary.

See Rev Arthur W. Fox, Lydgate Conservative Club and Todmorden Conservative & Constitutional Association

This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom

Todmorden constablesRef 27-7

See Todmorden & Walsden constables and Walsden constables

Todmorden Co-operative Flour SocietyRef 27-T877
Recorded in 1861 at Gauxholme when Thomas Fielden was bookkeeper. Todmorden Flour Mill Society

Todmorden Co-operative HallRef 27-T502
See The Tichborne Claimant

Todmorden Co-operative InstituteRef 27-T916
Rochdale Road

Todmorden Co-operative SocietyRef 27-T814

Todmorden Co-operative Store, Rochdale RoadRef 27-T1276
A branch of the Todmorden Industrial & Co-operative Society

Todmorden Cottage HospitalRef 27-T1144
Proposed in 1905. It appears to have come to naught

Todmorden Cricket ClubRef 27-T665
Samuel Fielden allowed part of his Centre Vale estate to be used by the club.

Officers at the Club have included

The park is still the club's home ground.

It is claimed that this is the only Yorkshire team to play in the Lancashire league, but the cricket ground is both in Yorkshire and Lancashire, and the historic and true county border runs through the middle of the ground. The border follows the true river course, not the diverted course which was constructed in the 1830s. The cricket ground is to the south of the Calder, but the cricket ground and the school were built after the river was diverted, and the border runs through both. The pavilion of the cricket club is in Lancashire.

Past members of the club include J. B. Briggs, Hampton Neil Dansie, Harold Dawson, Kenneth Fiddling, Peter Greenwood, Johnny Horsfall, Richard Horsfall, Clarence Lee, Peter Lever, François Du Plessis and Derek Shackleton

See In a league of their own

This & associated entries use material contributed by Tim Butterworth & Alan Longbottom

Todmorden-cum-WalsdenRef 27-T23
Township which comprised Todmorden and Walsden.

See Hundersfield

Todmorden Cycling ClubRef 27-T1260
A meeting at Stansfield's Temperance Hotel, Todmorden on Monday, 29th February 1892 decided that the local cyclists' club become the Todmorden Cycling Club.

The club was formerly established in 1893

Recorded in the 1940s

Todmorden (Derdale) Cotton & Commercial CompanyRef 27-T821
Aka Derdale Cotton & Commercial Company. A co-operative manufacturer. Recorded in 1861, when James Stansfield was junior secretary. The Company built Derdale Mill, Todmorden [1862]. The company closed in 1869 at the time of the Cotton Famine

The Todmorden EchoRef 27-T526
The newspaper appeared on Wednesday 16th March 1887. It ceased publication on Wednesday 18th September 1889

Todmorden EdgeRef 27-T545
See Pighill, Walsden and Todmorden Golf Club

Todmorden Edge North, TodmordenRef 27-T537
Parkin Lane. Early 19th century house

Todmorden Edge SouthRef 27-T271
Parkin Lane. House dated 1697.

John Wesley is recorded as first visiting the house on 6th May 1747, and is said to have preached from a window here.

William Grimshaw held the first Methodist Quarterly meeting here on 18th October 1748.

The listed barn is inscribed HMK for Henry and Martha Kailey

Todmorden Esperanto SocietyRef 27-T1147
Formed on 26th May 1908.

See Esperanto

Todmorden FairRef 27-T357
Local fairs were held at Easter – on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

A fair was also held at Michaelmas. This was the back-end fair

Todmorden Farmers' AllianceRef 27-T1138
Recorded on 7th February 1900, when a meeting at the York Hotel, Todmorden decided to wind up the company

Todmorden Female Florists' SocietyRef 27-T806
Established in Blind Lane, Todmorden. Recorded in March 1856, when the members presented Mr Thomas Heyworth of Woodhouse with a gold pencil case and pen-holder
as a token of respect for his valuable services as secretary for more than 20 years

The Rose of Paradise Lodge was a division of the Society

Todmorden Fire BrigadeRef 27-T1126
Recorded in 1888 when Fred Davies was Superintendent and there were 7 fireman.

In 1900, Edward Heywood, from Oldham, was appointed Superintendent of the brigade and driver of the engine at a salary of 30/- per week, with house, coal and gas.

See George Arthur Cooper and Todmorden Fire Station

Todmorden Fire StationRef 27-T790
Rochdale Road. The original fire station was built in the 1890s. It is now converted into houses & Quality Works.

A new fire station was built in 19??.

See Todmorden Fire Brigade

Todmorden Flood Relief FundRef 27-T962
Established on 11th July to help those who suffered in the floods of 9th July 1870. Several local businesses, churches and individuals subscribed to the Fund, and the Committee was made up of several local worthies

Todmorden Floral & Horticultural SocietyRef 27-T804
Their first exhibition was held on 27th August 1859. In 1861, R. Allen was Honorary Secretary.

See Walter Lord

Todmorden Flour Mill SocietyRef 27-T807
Established in 1855 and supported by the Bridge End Co-operative Society. They occupied Gauxholme Corn Mill.

Like other mills at the time, they carried on the illegal practice of adding a small amount of alum to the flour to make it white. After one of their millers was dismissed for some misdemeanour, he reported this practice to the police who raided the mill and confirmed the allegations. The Society never recovered from the stigma and went bankrupt in 1861.

See Isaac Fielden and Todmorden Co-operative Flour Society

Todmorden Football ClubRef 27-T238
Recorded in 1888 when William Ormerod was President, A. Helliwell was Treasurer, and J. W. Fielden was Secretary.

They held meetings at the Golden Lion, Todmorden.

Their match ground was at Longfield and their dressing rooms were in the York Hotel

Todmorden Free Public LibraryRef 27-T554
Aka Todmorden Library. Strand, Rochdale Road, Todmorden. The foundation stones were laid on 22nd August 1896. The library opened on 27th November 1897 by William Ormerod.

Provision was made for 18,000 volumes. Todmorden Industrial & Co-operative Society donated 8,400 which were formerly in their members' library. Many other organisations and individuals contributed books to the collection. When it opened, there were 9,216 books in the lending library, and 2,000 in the reference section.

The library was presented to the town by Todmorden Industrial & Co-operative Society.

In 1909, Fred Lord was Librarian.

In 19??, Todmorden Co-operative Society backed plans to build a new library, reading room, museum, and lecture theatre. This came to naught when the surveyor left and took the plans with him.

See Blackheath barrow and Toadcarr Library, Todmorden

Todmorden Gas CompanyRef 27-T789
From 1830, the Fielden family offered a gas supply from their Waterside Mill works.

The rival Todmorden Gas Company was formed in 1845. Abraham Ormerod was the Chairman. The Todmorden Gas Works were built in 1847 at a cost of £10,000.

On 27th October 1859, it was decided to light the streets of Todmorden with gas.

John Fingland was manager of Todmorden Gas Works [1869]

Todmorden GiantRef 27-T335
See Thomas Fielden

Todmorden Glee & Madrigal SocietyRef 27-12

See John Crowther

Todmorden Golf ClubRef 27-T663
Opened at Todmorden Edge on 4th May 1895 by the Captain, F. W. Horsfall.

In 1906, the club moved to Rive Rocks. The 9-hole course at Rive Rocks was designed by Jesse Horsfall.

The farmhouse there, dated 1764, was converted into the Club House.

Recorded in 1912, when the membership was 118.

Members of the Club have included:

Todmorden Gun ClubRef 27-T1131
See Willie Lord and Thomas H. C Scratcherd

Todmorden HallRef 27-T148
Hall Street. Aka Todmorden Old Hall

Todmorden Handbell RingersRef 27-T1121
Recorded on 18th February 1888, when they performed at Burnley Mechanics' Institute and on 3rd March 1888, at Liverpool and Southport

Todmorden Harmonic SocietyRef 27-T800
On 20th October 1852, Mrs Sunderland performed with the Society.

On 15th November 1869, they amalgamated with the Todmorden Musical Union

Todmorden HarriersRef 27-T1153
Disbanded by 1911.

See Abraham Greenwood Eastwood

Todmorden Health CentreRef 27-T1016
See Abraham Ormerod Clinic, Todmorden

The Todmorden HeraldRef 27-T339
Published by Richard Dewhirst & Sons. Christopher Ramshaw was editor [1905].

It ceased publication on 3rd April 1912.

On 11th June 1912, the sale of the printing plant was advertised

Todmorden History WebsiteRef 27-T253
A website with photographs and articles about Todmorden

Todmorden Horticultural SocietyRef 27-T798
An Annual Dahlia Show is recorded in 1835.

See William Throp

Todmorden Hosiery CompanyRef 27-T818
Halifax Road. Recorded in 1905

Todmorden HoundsRef 27-T258
Disbanded by 1911.

See Abraham Greenwood Eastwood

Todmorden HoundsRef 27-T661
Hunting took place in Todmorden until the end of the 19th century. The dogs were kept in kennels behind the Hare & Hounds

Todmorden Industrial & Co-operative SocietyRef 27-T893
The Society was established in 1846 by a group of local factory workers who protested against the prices of flour and other foods

See J. W. Bentley, John William Halstead, William Jackson, Todmorden Industrial & Co-operative Society Memorial, Todmorden & Millwood Industrial & Co-operative Society Limited, Todmorden Co-operative Flour Society, Todmorden Free Public Library and Todmorden Library

Todmorden Inner Wheel ClubRef 27-T756
See Todmorden Boundary Walk

Todmorden Joint Omnibus CommitteeRef 27-T587
Abbr: TJOC. A joint venture between Todmorden Corporation and the London, Midland & Scottish Railway Company established in 1931 to provide bus and rail transport in Todmorden

Todmorden Joint Stock Mill CompanyRef 27-T823
Established in 1856.

In 1882, there was an extensive legal case in which the company was accused of taking water from the River Burn – near Burnley

to the detriment of local mill owners

Recorded in 1914 & 1921

See Jonathan Gledhill, Joseph Edwards Handley, George Howorth, Edward Lord and Josiah Lord

Todmorden JPsRef 27-8
The Foldout lists some of the Justices of the Peace who are recorded as residing in, and acting for, the Todmorden Petty Sessional Division, comprising the 6 townships of the Todmorden Union

This & associated entries use material contributed by Linda Briggs

Todmorden Labour ExchangeRef 27-T548
Rochdale Road. The Labour exchange opened on 3rd August 1911 at Newell's Buildings

Todmorden Liberal ClubRef 27-T793
Recorded in 1874.

In 1891, they had 283 members.

In December 1896, they acquired the Oddfellows' Hall, Todmorden.

Officers of the Club have included

See Dulesgate Liberal Club, Todmorden and Wilfrid H. Wilson

This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom

Todmorden Liberal CouncilRef 27-T1163
See Joseph Edwards Handley

Todmorden LibraryRef 27-T264
See Cross Lee Library, Todmorden, Harley Wood Library, Todmorden, Toadcarr Library, Todmorden, Todmorden Free Public Library, Todmorden Old Library and Todmorden Subscription Library

Todmorden Literary & Scientific SocietyRef 27-T797
Established when the Todmorden Natural History Society and Toadcarr Library [?] were discontinued.

The Society declined. The Athenæum was formed

Todmorden Local BoardRef 27-T505

Todmorden Lock #19Ref 27-T654

Todmorden Male Voice ChoirRef 27-T329
Recorded on 8th June 1907, when they won Third Prize at Lytham Music Festival.

Members included:

Todmorden MarketRef 27-T115
The first market was a stall – built of a door supported by 2 butter tubs – and opened by the wife of Joan o' th' Cloggers in 18?? at the toll-house, White Hart Fold.

In December 1801, a meeting at the White Hart, Todmorden addressed the questions of establishing a market in the town and of fixing a date on which this should be held. It was decided that the most proper day would be the Thursday in each week and each successive Thursday, and that the first market should be held on Thursday, the 4th day of February next [1802].

The market was held at Eccles's Fold, and later moved to the Royal George, Todmorden.

On 29th December 1879, a New Market House – built at a cost of about £2,900 – was opened by John Fielden.

On 30th September 1905, a fire caused £1,000 damage at the market hall.

See Markets

Todmorden Market Stall-Holders' AssociationRef 27-T1145
Formed on 2nd January 1908, with E. Wood as Secretary

Todmorden Masonic Hall CompanyRef 27-T1155
Built Todmorden Masonic Hall.

See Jonathan Gledhill

Todmorden, Mayors ofRef 27-T429

Todmorden Mechanics' InstituteRef 27-T784
A Mechanics' Institute was established in 1836. The Methodists met here until Bridge Street (Central) Methodist Church, Todmorden was built in 1838.

A second Institute was established in December 1859 at the Sobriety Hall.

The first officers of the Institute included Samuel Fielden [first President], James Green [Vice-president], A. G. Eastwood [Vice-president], William Dewhirst [Vice-president], and Joshua Fielden [Treasurer].

The Wellington Road Baptists held their meetings here.

In the 1860s, the land was acquired to build Todmorden Town Hall. On 2nd March 1860, they moved to The Strand.

The Toadcarr Library, Todmorden merged with the Institute in 18??.

Their festivals were held at the Oddfellows Hall

The Institute was dissolved in 1872. The Todmorden Almanac records that

On 7th May 1863 or 9th June 1873, a sale of the effects of the defunct Todmorden Mechanics' Institute realized £118 9s 6d. The money was offered to Todmorden Local Board, but the Board declined the offer and the money was invested elsewhere. On 27th March 1877, £130 14s 8d, representing the principal and interest, was handed to the chairman of the Local Board

Todmorden: MillsRef 27-1

Todmorden Monthly Cattle FairRef 27-T1130
Recorded on 1st October 1891.

In 1898, it was held on Thursday, 29th September 1898, and appeared to be an annual event.

Recorded on 26th September 1901

Todmorden MoorRef 27-T240
See Amateur Astronomy Centre, Todmorden, Carr & Craggs Moor, Todmorden Moor Coal Mine and Todmorden Moor Colliery Company

Todmorden Moor Colliery CompanyRef 27-T819
They operated at Cloughfoot [1905]

Todmorden Musical SocietyRef 27-T810
They held their first concert on 19th October 1870.

On 1st June 1876, John Fielden was elected President. He paid off the Society's debt of over £61.

Other members and officers of the Society have included

Todmorden Musical UnionRef 27-T336
In 1856, they practised at the Sobriety Hall.

On 15th November 1869, they amalgamated with the Todmorden Harmonic Society

Todmorden Natural History SocietyRef 27-T811
Established in 1828. It closed in 1843. The Todmorden Literary & Scientific Society arose from the ashes

Todmorden New Technical InstituteRef 27-T477
Plans are recorded in 1935

The Todmorden News & AdvertiserRef 27-T616
Originally The Todmorden Advertiser.

It was published by Waddington's Printers & Publishers. Sam Tonkiss was editor 1946-1967.

In 1971, the paper was taken over by Halifax Courier Limited.

One of the remaining local newspapers.

Joint-editors of the Hebden Bridge Times and the Todmorden News have included Kenneth Lord, Roy Greenwood [1976], Jim Dumsday [1980], John Wheatcroft [1984], Pat Swift [1987], and Sheila Tordoff [1995].

See Roy Greenwood and Todmorden Today Website

Todmorden OddfellowsRef 27-T1143

See James Bracewell, Oddfellows' Hall, Todmorden, Todmorden Oddfellows' Friendly Society and Frank Whitehead

Todmorden Oddfellows' Friendly SocietyRef 27-T629
A friendly society. In 1840, they built a new hall, 22 cottages and 2 shops.

See Spring Gardens, Todmorden

Todmorden Old Book ClubRef 27-T794
Recorded in 1868 & 1899. They met at the Golden Lion, Todmorden.

See George Slater

Todmorden Old Brass BandRef 27-T1123
Aka Old Todmorden Band.

Recorded on 25th August 1888, when they won 1st prize at a contest in Nelson.

See Robert Cunliffe and Walter Mitchell

Todmorden Old LibraryRef 27-T366
Aka Todmorden Book Club. A book club founded on 1st January 1798.

The club met

each Monday on or before the full moon

at the Golden Lion Inn.

It ended in 1902 and the books were sold at auction.

See Toadcarr Library, Todmorden and Todmorden Library

Todmorden Old WorkhouseRef 27-T1132
Pex Wood Road.

On 6th February 1898

a portion of the property known as The Old Workhouse fell with a terrible crash and caused considerable alarm to the occupants of the four tenanted houses. No one was injured

Now known as Pex Place.

See Todmorden Union Workhouse

The Todmorden OmnibusRef 27-T500
Aka Todmorden Omnibus or Local Oracle. A newspaper published by J. N. Walton in 1831. It was discontinued after a few months

Todmorden Omnibus CompanyRef 27-T825
The company launched the first motor bus service on 1st January 1907.

In 1931, the company merged with London, Midland & Scottish Railway in 1931.

In 1971, the company merged with bus operators in Halifax. See Todmorden Joint Omnibus Committee

Todmorden, Ontario, CanadaRef 27-T166

Todmorden Operatic & Dramatic SocietyRef 27-T235
See Hippodrome Theatre, Todmorden

Todmorden OrchestraRef 27-T104

Todmorden Orme Billiard League ShieldRef 27-T1156
Recorded in the early 1900s. The Weavers' Institute team were champions in 1911-1912.

See Billiards

Todmorden Parish ChurchRef 27-T261
St Mary's Parish Church was Todmorden Parish Church until 1832 when it was superseded by Christ Church.

Christ Church continued to be the Parish Church until 1992 when St Mary's was re-dedicated

Todmorden Parish Church Provident Friendly SocietyRef 27-13
Recorded in 1916, when John Albert Barker was Secretary

Todmorden, Parish ofRef 27-T896
In 1910, the Parish of Todmorden was within the Lancashire Diocese of Manchester.

In 1994, Cross Stone and Todmorden parishes merged.

See St Paul's Church, Cross Stone and Todmorden Parish Church

Todmorden Permanent Benefit Building SocietyRef 27-T1124
Town Hall, Todmorden. Recorded in 1888 when A. Bowden was Treasurer and Thomas Fielden was Secretary.

In 1891, there were reports that the Society might be wound up

Todmorden Philharmonic SocietyRef 27-T936
Recorded in 1851, when Robert Lord was murdered after attending the Society

Todmorden Photographic SocietyRef 27-T808
Founded in 1906.

See Ralph Marshall

The Todmorden Pocket Railway GuideRef 27-T1134
Published by Thomas Dawson [1897]

Todmorden Police StationRef 27-T791
Burnley Road.

See John Barrett, Black Swan, Todmorden, PC Blackburn, Superintendent R. Brown, Joseph Hodgson, Superintendent Percy Hollis, William Peckitt and Vale Street Police Station, Todmorden

Todmorden PoolRef 27-T720
Centre Vale Park. Opened in 1973. The baths are still in use

Todmorden Poor Law UnionRef 27-T553
Formed on 15th February 1837 when the townships of Erringden, Heptonstall, Langfield, Stansfield, Todmorden, Wadsworth and Walsden were united. There were 18 on the Todmorden Board of Guardians

Because of opposition to the building of a Todmorden Workhouse, in 1844, the Union was given permission to abandon the requirement to provide a workhouse.

In 1911, it extended from Todmorden to Mytholmroyd.

See Mankinholes Riots and Todmorden & Walsden Overseers of the Poor

The Todmorden PostRef 27-T439
Weekly newspaper published about 1855.

In 1860, Samuel Ward Walton was the publisher.

In 1861, Waddington & Bayes bought Walton's business.

In 1911, it was described as a small monthly.

It later became the Todmorden Times.

The last edition was published on 21st December 1881

Todmorden Post OfficeRef 27-T801
The first Post Office in the town was established at the Golden Lion, Todmorden.

In 1821, Edmund Blomley was Postmaster at the Golden Lion.

Subsequent Postmasters have included

In 18??, the Post Office moved to Market Place.

On 23rd August 1883, the Post Office moved from Market Place to Hall Street.

A new Post Office opened on Rochdale Road [1st July 1904].

In 1924, the Post Office was moved to Todmorden Hall.

The Rochdale Road building was then variously occupied by Louie de Vere Green's ladies' hairdressers, the Ceylon Billiard Hall, and the Snow White Laundry.

See Lydgate Post Office, Todmorden

Todmorden Power-Loom Weavers' AssociationRef 27-T155
Recorded on 4th September 1888

Todmorden PrideRef 27-T1169
A volunteer group.

See Fielden Wharf, Todmorden

Todmorden Prosecution SocietyRef 27-T803
Prosecution society established on 20th March 1817.

They held their meetings at the Golden Lion Inn which was their headquarters until they moved to the York Hotel in December 1868. It was recorded in 1885 and in 1888 when S. B. Priestley was Secretary and George Slater was Treasurer

In 1888, they held quarterly meetings at the York Hotel on the first Thursday in January, April, July and October.

See Robert Gibson and Jesse Lord

Todmorden: Pubs & InnsRef 27-2

Todmorden Railway StationRef 27-T721
Rise Lane.

The first railway train passed through Todmorden on 2nd January 1841.

A branch line was opened from Todmorden to Burnley in 1849.

The station opened on 1st March 1866.

A horse-bus carried passengers on to Burnley.

On 6th January 1872, a night-watchman was killed at the station.

In 1881, a large retaining wall was constructed to prevent landslides on the canal side.

On 25th April 1868, a guard was killed at the station.

On 22nd June 1912, 2 trains collided at the station.

On 11th November 1965, the Todmorden to Stansfield Hall section closed.

The Platform One Gallery is at the station.

See Copy Pit Railway Line, Cornholme Railway Station, Eastwood Railway Station, Gauxholme Viaduct, Hall Royd Junction, George Hartley, Portsmouth Railway Station, Queen Hotel, Todmorden, John Ramsbottom, Stansfield Hall Railway Station, Summit Tunnel, Todmorden Station Partnership and Walsden Railway Station

Todmorden RiotsRef 27-T935

Todmorden Rotary ClubRef 27-T757
The Club organises the Todmorden Boundary Walk

Todmorden Rugby League ClubRef 27-T662
The club plays at Centre Vale Park. Neil Cowie played the club. The club discontinued in 2004

Todmorden Rural District CouncilRef 27-9

See Rural District Council, Todmorden Borough Council and Todmorden Urban District Council

This & associated entries use material contributed by Linda Briggs

Todmorden Saint Cecilia ChoirRef 27-T251
Recorded on 9th June 1900, when they won 5th prize at a choral contest in Pateley Bridge. Their conductor was George Walmsley

Todmorden Samaritan SocietyRef 27-T802
Established in March 1854

Todmorden School BoardRef 27-T158
Recorded in 1874.

See James Ashworth and Father Maximilian E. Tillman

Todmorden: SchoolsRef 27-4

Todmorden Scientific AssociationRef 27-T754
Established around 1877. Recorded on 21st November 1891, when they held

a conversazione and microscopical soirée

in Patmos Schoolrooms.

Members of the Association have included Barker Crabtree, Abraham Crossley [first Secretary], Thomas Howorth, Robert Law, Thomas Lee, and T. Stenhouse

Todmorden Service StationRef 27-T1096
Aka Fielden Wharf, Todmorden

Todmorden Shakespearian SocietyRef 27-T252
Recorded on 28th February 1908, when they made their first public performance – a production of As You Like It – in the National School, Burnley Road.

On 6th April 1908, they held their first annual meeting. Rev Edward James Russell as re-elected President

Todmorden Skating Rink CompanyRef 27-T1149
Recorded on 11th May 1909, when they opened a roller-skating rink at Castle Grove Hall, Halifax Road

The Todmorden Advertiser & Hebden Bridge Newsletter [7th May 1909] advertised

Todmorden Skating Rink Company

Castle-Grove Hall, Halifax Road, Todmorden.

This rink will be opened on Tuesday 11th May 1909.

A perfect Maple floor has been laid & best ball-bearing skates supplied.

Admission: including skates 1s


This & associated entries use material contributed by Jeffrey Knowles

Todmorden Social ClubRef 27-T878
Recorded in 1917 at Halifax Road when Luke Dewhurst was secretary

This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom

Todmorden Sports CentreRef 27-T658
Ewood Lane. There is a new swimming pool. Opened in June 2000

Todmorden Sports Centre PoolRef 27-T717
Ewood Lane.

At Todmorden Sports Centre

Todmorden StationRef 27-T541

Todmorden Station PartnershipRef 27-T337
Inaugurated between Northern Rail and the communities of Todmorden (June 2006) and Mytholmroyd (September 2006) 

See Mytholmroyd Station and Todmorden Station

This & associated entries use material contributed by Estelle Brown

Todmorden Steam LaundryRef 27-T786
See Shuttleworth's Steam Laundry

Todmorden Subscription LibraryRef 27-10
Established on 1st January 1798.

The list of subscribers included

  • Henry Atkinson
  • Mr Barber
  • John Barker
  • John Chambers
  • James Fielden
  • John Fielden
  • Samuel Fielden
  • James Greenwood
  • John Greenwood
  • James Hardman
  • Jeremy Hauworth
  • John Helliwell
  • William Helliwell
  • Heyworth Heyworth
  • John Heyworth
  • James Hollinrake
  • James Holt
  • John Holt
  • Richard Holt
  • John Lacy
  • Jeremiah Oliver
  • John Ratcliffe
  • James Stansfield
  • James Suthers
  • Thomas Taylor
  • William Thompson
  • John Veevers
  • Edmund Wrigley

Todmorden Sunday School JubileeRef 27-T167
The first jubilee was held on 14th June 1859

Todmorden Sunday School UnionRef 27-T1140
Recorded in 1900, when they held meetings at Castle Grove United Free Methodist Church, Todmorden.

Recorded on 11th January 1908, when they held their annual conference at Todmorden Unitarian Church and Sunday School. William Walton was appointed President for the year

Todmorden, The Great Wall ofRef 27-T475
A retaining wall built in 1881 to prevent landslides on the canal side at Todmorden Station

The Todmorden TimesRef 27-T596
4-page weekly newspaper which evolved from the Todmorden Post. It began on 14th June 1862. It was partly printed in London

Todmorden TodayRef 27-T622
The website of the Todmorden News

Todmorden Tourist Information CentreRef 27-T343
Burnley Road, Todmorden Opened in 1988 by TV weatherman John Kettley. The centre is run by a Trust

Todmorden Town CouncilRef 27-T523
On 1st April 1974, Todmorden Borough Council became Todmorden Town Council.

The Parish council has 6 wards and 18 seats.

See Mayors of Todmorden and Todmorden & Walsden Select Vestry

This & associated entries use material contributed by David O'Neill

Todmorden Town HallRef 27-T540
Opened on 3rd April 1875

See Todmorden Town Hall Memorials

Todmorden Town Hall CompanyRef 27-T820
Established around 1860, to build a Town Hall for Todmorden. In 1861, Robert Allen was Secretary.

See James Green

Todmorden Toy & Model MuseumRef 27-T931
Rochdale Road

Todmorden Trades' CouncilRef 27-T244
Recorded in February 1900, when the annual meeting – representing 10 local trade – was held. Officers of the Council have included

  • W. H. Aughton [1899]
  • J. Wilkinson [October 1900]

Todmorden Tradesmen's Early Closing AssociationRef 27-T1133
Recorded in February 1897.

See Early closing day and William Makepeace Thackeray

Todmorden Tradesmen's Supply Company LimitedRef 27-T1160
Recorded in 1912 in an advertisement for Alfred Newall.

Recorded in 1921, when they were at 45 Halifax Road, Todmorden

Todmorden Union WorkhouseRef 27-T527
Lee Bottom, Mankinholes. In 1847, the Todmorden Poor Law Union used 3 buildings at Gauxholme, Stansfield and Wadsworth as workhouses.

The Union workhouse opened in 1879 after considerable local opposition – notably John Fielden, an opponent of the Poor Law. Accommodation was originally for 100 people. In 1890, the buildings were extended to accommodate 250.

It was known as Beggarington.

It became Stansfield View Hospital. In 1940, the hospital provided care for the mentally handicapped.

It was demolished in 1996 and the site cleared.

See John Lord and Todmorden Old Workhouse

Todmorden Unitarian Church Burial SocietyRef 27-T1161
Established in 1856 Todmorden Unitarian Church.

In August 1913, it was decided to wind up the Society

Todmorden Unitarian SocietyRef 27-T815
Formed in February 1823. The meeting house opened in 1824

Todmorden United Services ClubRef 27-T795
Recorded in 1920

Todmorden Urban District CouncilRef 27-T160
In 1894, an application for the grant of a Charter of Incorporation was submitted by the people of Todmorden. This was accepted and Todmorden became an Urban District Council, and the first meeting was held on 31st December 1894.

In 1896, the Charter was granted and Todmorden became a Borough.

See Todmorden Borough Council, Todmorden Rural District Council and Urban District Council

This & associated entries use material contributed by Linda Briggs

Todmorden Vale Agricultural SocietyRef 27-T799
They held meetings at the Golden Lion, Todmorden.

On 10th May 1870, they held their first show in a field at Roomfield Lane. The weather was wet and boisterous, but the show was a success.

Recorded in 1888 when John Fielden was President, James Suthers of Victoria Villas was Secretary, and J. Chaffer of Ridge Bank was Treasurer

Todmorden ViaductRef 27-T1256
Built in 1840 by Robert Stephenson to carry the Manchester-Leeds Railway over Burnley Road near the centre of Todmorden

Todmorden, Vicars ofRef 27-T320

Todmorden VolunteersRef 27-14
A group of 9 Todmorden men who, during the South African Wars, joined the 2nd Lancashire Fusiliers in January 1900.

They were:

  • Lance-Corporal W. Chadwick
  • Private Barker Greenwood
  • Sergeant John Mason
  • Private J. W. Mitchell
  • Private J. E. Mottram
  • Private Charles E. Scholfield
  • Private Sam Smith
  • Lance-Corporal Herbert Sunderland
  • Private George Wright

The sailed to South Africa on 16th March 1900.

They returned in 1901.

The Foldout records Private Barker Greenwood's career and gives other details about the Volunteers

This & associated entries use material contributed by Roger Beasley

Todmorden Ward, HalifaxRef 27-T1024
One of the Electoral Wards of Halifax

Todmorden Ward, TodmordenRef 27-T1025
One of the Electoral Wards of Todmorden. Recorded in 1905

Todmorden WaterworksRef 27-T1208
Recorded in 1911

Todmorden Weavers' AssociationRef 27-T917
/ Todmorden Weavers' & Winders' Association / Todmorden & District Weavers' & Winders' Association.

Established in 1880.

The founders included

In 1888, there were upwards to 400 members.

Recorded in 1891.

See Walter Laycock, William John Tout and James Wilkinson

Todmorden Weavers' InstituteRef 27-T634

See Todmorden Orme Billiard League Shield

Todmorden Working Men's ClubRef 27-T796
Halifax Road. 2 villas built about 1841 by – and for – Joseph Firth and William Howarth next to their Albion Mill.

One is now North View, Todmorden.

Recorded in 1912, when the membership was 329.

See Todmorden Working Men's Club War Memorial

Todmorden Working Men's Social ClubRef 27-T879
Halifax Road.

Recorded in 1917 at Halifax Road when Luke Dewhurst was secretary

This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom

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