Local Theatres
In the 16th century, companies of strolling players performed in inn
yards and at private venues, despite fears of public disorder and
disapproval from the Puritanical clergy.
In the 18th century, there were several theatres in local public
houses such as the Talbot, and Old Cock Yard.
Albert Theatre & Opera House, Brighouse
Alexandra Hall, Halifax
Brighouse Theatre Productions
Calder Valley Youth Theatre
The Canterbury, Halifax
Cinema de Luxe, Halifax
Court Players
Empire Theatre, Todmorden
Gaiety Theatre, Halifax
Grand Theatre & Opera House, Halifax
Halifax Repertory Theatre Club
Halifax Theatre
Hebden Bridge Little Theatre
Hippodrome Theatre, Todmorden
Mitre Theatre, Halifax
New Music Hall, Halifax
New Theatre at the Talbot, Woolshops
New Theatre in White Lion Yard, Halifax
Northern Broadsides
Palace Theatre, Halifax
Pavilion Theatre, Todmorden
The Playhouse, Halifax
Saint Matthew's Theatre Society
Templeton's Varieties
Theatre Royal, Halifax
TheatrePlay Drama Academy
Todmorden Operatic & Dramatic Society
Viaduct Theatre, Halifax
Victoria Theatre, Halifax
Viscount Theatre
Wild's Theatre, Halifax
Wilde's Theatre, Brighouse
Malcolm Bull
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