World's Fair Exhibition [1900]
An exhibition – known as the Halifax Trades Exhibition and World's
Fair – was held in Summer 1900 at Thrum Hall,
This was opened under the auspices of the Halifax Cricket & Football
It was reported that
the objects of the affair were
(1) to erect a new covered stand on the football ground;
(2) to erect a new house for the groundsman;
(3) to build a new telegraph office;
(4) to carry out other necessary improvements to the grounds;
(5) to pay off an existing debt of £600;
(6) to reduce the mortgage of £4,000 on the club's estate
An advertisement of the time tells us
Monday 23rd July to Saturday 11th August 1900
At the Halifax Cricket & Football Club's grounds at Thrum Hall which
is over a quarter of a mile in circumference and has an area of about
4 acres.
On Sunday, 22nd July, a First Class Band will give two Sacred
Concerts, one in the afternoon and the other in the evening.
THREEPENCE will be charged for Admission to the grounds.
These were performed on the first 6 days by:
First day, 23rd July 1900: at 2 pm. Councillor George Tyson, President
of the Halifax Cricket & Football Club and Chairman Jo. Shoesmith,
Esq, JP
Second day, 24th July 1900: T. H. Morris, Esq, JP. and Chairman
Clement Holdsworth, Esq, JP
Third day, 25th July 1900: H. H. Waller, Esq, of Brighouse (First
President of the Northern Rugby Union) and Chairman J. T. Riley, Esq,
Fourth day, 26th July, 1900: The Worshipful Mayor of
Halifax Ald. W. Brear and Chairman Ald. J. T. Simpson
Fifth day, 27th July, 1900: Alfred Arnold, Esq, MP and Chairman
T. R. Sanders, Esq
Sixth day, 28th July, 1900: Alfred Billson, Esq, MP and Chairman
Ald. G. H. Smith
Most of the Exhibition was on the site of the Halifax Cricket
field – what is now Asda supermarket and car park.
There was a central display of flowers with numerous trade stands
arranged in a circle around the cricket field.
Various bands performed
On 23rd July and during the week:
The Band of Her Majesty's Royal Horse Guards – the Blues – by kind
permission of Colonel Lord Binning, conducted by Lieutenant Charles
Godfrey RA Mus BM
On 30th July and during the week:
The Band of Her Majesty's Coldstream Guards – by kind permission of
Colonel Hon W. H. L. Corry, conducted by Mr John M. Rogan,
On 6th August and during the week:
The Band of The First Hallamshire, York & Lancaster Regiment – by
kind permission of Colonel Hughes VD and Officers, under the
direction of Mr Samuel Suckley Jnr, Bandmaster
The King Cross Prize Band played for dancing every evening on the
Football Field and also during Mr Pain's Great Pyrotechnic
This was a show entitled
Great Eruption of Mount Vesuvius
Destruction of Pompeii & Herculaneum AD 79
Produced by James Pain, Jnr
There was a lake in the grounds on which the Spectacle was performed.
Other entertainments included
First week: 23rd July to 28th July
Ergotti & King Luis – The Finest and most Daring Risley Act in
Three Missouris – The Original Flying Scotchmen, in their
Screamingly Funny and Marvellously Clever Acrobatic Show
Permane's Troupe of Educated Bears – In their Unique and
Sensational Performance
Minting – The Famous Spiral Ascensionist, and greatest Single
Wheel Bicyclist in the World.
Minting ascends a Spiral, close on 50 feet high, on a ONE WHEEL Cycle.
This feat must really be seen to be believed, as it actually defies
This particular feat was the talk of London, at the Royal Aquarium,
where it was performed daily for over a period of two years
Second week: 30th July 30th to 4th August
The Great Achmed Ibrahim Troupe of Bedouin Arabs (ten in
number) - Direct from the Palace Theatre, London.
The greatest bounding marvels of the age.
Wonderful Arabian Acrobats, Human Pyramid Builders, real Moorish
Rifle Spinners and Moroccean Gun Tumblers including the only real
Arab Tumblers in existence.
One of the Arabs holds eight people on his shoulders, representing a
weight of half a ton
The Brothers Donaldson & Ardel – In their unequalled
speciality "Scenes at the Zoo".
The Bros Donaldson have earned a world-wide reputation for their
life-like impersonations of "Baboons" and other wild animals.
The scene alone representing the "Zoo" London, with counterfeit
presentments of the respective beasts, being a masterpiece in its line
The Wheelers – Trick & Comedy Bicycle Performance from the
Crystal Palace, London
Alethea – The most graceful contortionist in the Universe
Fred & Lillian – Gymnastic Gyrations
Levardos – Roars of laughter on the Triple Horizontal Bars
Third week: 5th August to 11th August
The Great Achmed Ibrahim Troupe of Bedouin Arabs
Three Gilbars – Two Gentlemen and One Lady.
One of the most sensational Bar Shows ever conceived.
These Artistes enjoyed a prolonged run at the "Oxford" London
Mr Tom Gilleno – Funny and Original Musical Novelty Act
Mademoiselle Onra – Tight Wire Equilibrist.
A graceful performance on the Silver Wire
Other amusements included
Cleopatra – World-renowned Oriental Snake Charmer with the
largest collection of Pythons, Serpents, etc., ever performed with in
this country
De Kock Brothers – Head to Head Balancers and Wonderful
As Staircase Excelsior Performers they have not a rival in the world
Hardy – The American Blondin – the highest Rope Performer that
has ever been over here
Haydon & Urry's Eragraph – as used in several of the large
London Theatres, showing the latest Anglo-Boer War Pictures, the
Northern Union Cup-tie (Halifax v Oldham), the Operatives of Dean
Clough Mills leaving the Mills, etc.,
The Kruger Shooting Range – a prominent feature of which is
the Display of the White Flag
Animated Pictures & Electrical Banjo – from the London
Mutoscope Company
Automatic Machines of almost every description will be placed
in various parts of the grounds
This & associated entries use material contributed by Jeffrey Knowles
Malcolm Bull
Revised 17:44 / 22nd November 2024 / 9080
Page Ref: MMW2120