Piece Hall Sing
Some images of Piece Hall Sing
- Photo #1:
A plan of the location of the scholars from the various Sunday Schools for the Piece Hall Sing on Whit Tuesday 1856
- Photo #2:
An illustration from the Illustrated London News of the Sunday School Jubilee Sing held at the Piece Hall [1866]
- Photo #3:
The Piece Hall Sing [1890]
- Photo #4:
The Piece Hall Sing [1890].
A plan of the location of the scholars from the various Sunday
Schools for the Piece Hall Sing on Whit Tuesday 1856
An illustration from the Illustrated London News of the
Sunday School Jubilee Sing held at the Piece Hall [1866]
This image [DG278.JPG] was kindly submitted by David Greaves
The Piece Hall Sing [1890]
This image [DG724.JPG] was kindly submitted by David Greaves
The Piece Hall Sing [1890].
Steve Blacksmith suggests that the photographer added the
background view of Beacon Hill and Bank Top which may have
been hidden by smoke and fog in the original image
This image [DG1781.JPG] was kindly submitted by David Greaves
Malcolm Bull
Revised 15:04 / 12th May 2021 / 4484
Page Ref: PH1074