Firth Fountain, Bailiff Bridge
Some images of Firth Fountain, Bailiff Bridge
- Photo #1:
Firth Fountain, Bailiff Bridge
- Photo #2:
Firth Fountain, Bailiff Bridge
- Photo #3:
A photograph showing the Punch Bowl, Bailiff Bridge and the Firth Fountain
Firth Fountain, Bailiff Bridge
This image [DV7.JPG] was kindly submitted by Dave van de Gevel
Firth Fountain, Bailiff Bridge
This image [DG758.JPG] was kindly submitted by David Greaves
A photograph showing the Punch Bowl, Bailiff Bridge and the Firth
[Taken about 1908]
This image [DG2116.JPG] was kindly submitted by David Greaves
Malcolm Bull
Revised 15:13 / 15th May 2021 / 3509
Page Ref: PH1077