John Arthur Hardaker Memorabilia
Some images connected to John Arthur Hardaker
- Photo #1:
A trade advertisement
- Photo #2:
The waterfalls on Jumble Hole Clough .
A trade advertisement
for John Arthur Hardaker's services as
picture frame maker, mount cutter & artists' colourman [22nd July
This image [RB26.JPG] is taken from Todmorden Advertiser & Hebden Bridge Newsletter
The waterfalls on Jumble Hole Clough.
Taken by John Arthur Hardaker, Rochdale Road, Todmorden
[Taken in 1905]
This image [DG1588.JPG] was kindly submitted by David Greaves
Malcolm Bull
Revised 11:51 / 17th October 2024 / 3232
Page Ref: PH2265