The Brewers' Cellar, Halifax
Some images of Brewers' Cellar, Halifax
- Photo #1:
The Brewers' Cellar, Halifax
- Photo #2:
The relief carving of a malt shovel which was taken from the Malt Shovel and built into the wall of the Brewers' Cellar
The Brewers' Cellar, Halifax
This image [GY585.JPG] was kindly submitted by Graham Yarker
The relief carving of a malt shovel which was taken from the Malt
Shovel and built into the wall of the Brewers'
This image [GY542.JPG] was kindly submitted by Graham Yarker
Malcolm Bull
Revised 11:51 / 17th October 2024 / 3021
Page Ref: PH2532